function err=DaqReset(OldDaqIndex) % err=DaqReset(DeviceIndex) % Assuming that something's wrong with the USB-1208FS or our communication % with it, we re-enumerate in order to re-establish communication. Then we % send the reset command to ask the USB-1208FS to reset itself. Then we % re-enumerate again to re-establish communication once more. % % To avoid problems caused by CLEAR PsychHID, we recommend that (if you're using % a 1208FS), instead of calling DaqReset, you unplug and reinsert the USB cable % of your USB-1208FS and quit and restart MATLAB. In Denis' experience that % combination always restores normal communication. If you are using a 1608FS, % keep reading... % % This function calls "clear PsychHID" twice, and yet I still frequently found % that I needed to run that command again in order for communication to be % properly established again. With a USB-1608FS, Matlab 2007b, and Leopard, I % found that I didn't have the problems Denis seemed to have. But what I did % have was a problem with PsychHID not finding all of the interfaces when % devices were enumerated. Running this function (followed by an additional % "clear PsychHID" command) worked for me, so my recommendation for that case is % the opposite of Denis'. I never needed to re-start Matlab or unplug the % device to get my problems solved. So I recommend you just run this command, % then run "clear PsychHID", then try "daq=DaqFind" or "daqs=DaqDeviceIndex" % (the latter if you have more than one A/D converter built by Measurement % Computing. -- mpr % % On Snow Leopard. Matlab R2010a, I found I could re-establish communication % with an unresponsive 1208FS with the calls above (that is, calling DaqReset % followed by "clear PsychHID") -- sdv % % See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest, DaqFind, % DaqDeviceIndex. % 4/15/05 dgp Wrote it. % 1/9/08 mpr tweaked it for use with 1608FS % 6/30/2010 sdv fixed error if any USB devices were shorter than 10 characters fprintf('Resetting USB-1x08FS.\n'); clear PsychHID; % flush current enumeration (list of devices) clear PsychHIDDAQS; devices=PsychHIDDAQS; % enumerate again daq=[]; for k=1:length(devices) if length(devices(k).product)>=10 if all(devices(k).product([4:5 7:10]) == '-108FS') if isempty(daq) daq=k; elseif ~streq(devices(k).serialNumber,devices(daq(end)).serialNumber) daq(end+1)=k; end %isempty end %all devices end %length end if isempty(daq) error('Sorry, couldn''t find a USB-1x08FS.'); end if ~any(ismember(OldDaqIndex,daq)) NewDaqIndex=daq(1); else NewDaqIndex=OldDaqIndex; end % Reset. Ask the USB-1208FS to reset its USB interface. % CAUTION: Immediately after RESET, all commands fail, returning error % messages saying the command is unsupported (0xE00002C7) or the device is % not responding (0xE00002ED) or not attached (0xE00002D9). To restore % communication we must flush the current enumeration and re-enumerate the % HID-compliant devices. % fprintf('Reset. Ask the USB-1208FS to reset its USB interface.\n'); err=Reset(NewDaqIndex); % fprintf('(Reestablishing communication: Flushing current enumeration. '); clear PsychHID; % flush current enumeration (list of devices) clear PsychHIDDAQS; % fprintf('Re-enumerating. ... '); devices=PsychHIDDAQS; % enumerate again % Not sure what the point of this next bit is since we don't do anything with % the information we acquire, but it seems harmless enough so I leave it in. -- % mpr daq=[]; for k=1:length(devices) if length(devices(k).product)>=10, if all(devices(k).product([4:5 7:10]) == '-108FS') if isempty(daq) daq=k; elseif ~streq(devices(k).serialNumber,devices(daq(end)).serialNumber) daq(end+1)=k; end end end end % fprintf('Done.)\n'); return function err=Reset(DaqIndex) % err=Reset(DeviceIndex) % USB-1208FS: Ask device to reset its USB interface. err=PsychHID('SetReport',DaqIndex,2,65,uint8(65)); % Reset if err.n fprintf('Reset SetReport error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end return