% DatapixxToolbox % Version 0.9, Aug 2009 % % The DatapixxToolbox is a set of MATLAB/Octave functions interfacing to % the DATAPixx hardware toolbox from VPixx Technologies. % % See http://www.vpixx.com/datasheets/ds_datapixx.pdf for more info. % % DATAPixx features: % % * Data acquisition and graphics system for the vision sciences % * Receives DVI input from laptop or PC % * Transmits dual synchronized VGA outputs with 16-bit video DACs % * 16 channels of 16-bit analog inputs simultaneously sampled at up to % 200 kHz per channel. % * 4 channels of 16-bit analog outputs simultaneously updated at up to % 1 MHz per channel. % * Stereo audio inputs/outputs, sampled at up to 96 kHz. % * 24 TTL inputs with timetagged transitions. % * 24 TTL outputs % * All digital/analog/audio output transitions can be initiated % with microsecond-precision to video refresh % * All digital/analog/audio input acquisition can be correlated % with microsecond-precision to video refresh % % The DatapixxToolbox implements basic functionality in a single Mex file, % and includes a set of demo M-Files in the DatapixxDemos folder. % % For a complete list of available functions type "Datapixx" in the matlab % command window. % % For an explanation of any particular Datapixx sub-function just add a % question mark after a command, eg: Datapixx SetDacSchedule? % % LINUX: If you want to use these functions without the need to run % Matlab or Octave as root user (i.e., without need for root login or the % sudo command), please copy the file ... % Psychtoolbox/PsychHardware/DatapixxToolbox/60-vpixx-permissions.rules % ... into the folder /etc/udev/rules.d/ on your system. This one time copy will % require administrator privileges, but after that, any user should be able % to use the Datapixx devices or other VPixx devices without special permissions. % % Peter April % email: papril@vpixx.com % % Copyright (c) 2009, VPixx Technologies. %