% EyelinkToolbox % % The EyelinkToolbox can be used to ceate eye-movement experiments and % control the SR-Research Eyelink(c) gazetrackers % (http://www.eyelinkinfo.com/) from within Matlab and Octave. % % It is incorporated into the PsychToolbox (http://www.psychtoolbox.org/). % % It provides an interface to the Eyelink Gazetracker. % % It uses a very similar approach as the PsychToolBox and uses the % functions provided by the PsychToolBox for graphics and sound. % % How to start using it: % % The EyelinkToolbox is a collection of m-files and a Mex file. % The EyelinkToolbox core is the mex/dll-file called Eyelink. The % EyelinkToolbox uses the same approach as the SCREEN mex/dll function % provided in the PsychToolBox. Most of the Eyelink functions that are % avaible in C are also available under Matlab. In addition, the % EyelinkToolbox provides a number of wrapper functions to simplify % creating an eye-tracking program. The main functionality of the % EyelinkToolbox is demonstrated in a number of demos. This is probably % where you want to start if you are new to the EyelinkToolbox. % % To use Eyelink, you must also install the SR-Research runtime libraries, % downloadable from the Support Section of their website (see above). % % For a complete list of available functions type "Eyelink" in the % command window. For an explanation of any particular eyelink function % just add a question mark "?" after a command. E.g. for help on the % function 'Initialize', try either of these equivalent forms: % % Eyelink('Initialize?') % Eyelink Initialize? % % Contents of the EyelinkToolbox folder: % % -Contents.m: this file. % % -Changes.m: file that documents changes to the EyelinkToolbox % % -EyelinkBasic % Eyelink mex files and a collection of m-files that provide the % core functionality of the toolbox. % % -EyelinkDemos % EyelinkShortDemos is the best place to start. Contains relatively % simple demos. The SR-Research Demo folder is a slightly more % elaborate example. The folder BRMIC contains the original example % as shown in the EyelinkToolbox article in BRMIC (Cornelissen, % Peters and Palmer 2002). It is obsolete in many ways but left in % the toolbox for historic reasons. % % -EyelinkOneLiners % Handy routines that provide less essential functionality % % We welcome any observations, suggestions that may help us improve this % toolbox. If any particular function you need is still missing, let us know % and we'll try to incorporate it into a next release. In case you decide % to add or modify functions yourself, please send us the modified code. % If you think you've found a bug, please tell us. It will help greatly % if you can supply a minimal-length program that exhibits the bug. % If you're interested in the c-source code of this project, it is part % of the source code of the PsychToolbox (http://www.psychtoolbox.org/). % % ******Citing the use of the Eyelink Toolbox****** % % We would very much appreciate it if you would (also) cite the EyelinkToolbox % paper when you have used the toolbox in your work. You could write something % like: % % We wrote our experiments in Matlab, using the Psychophysics and Eyelink % Toolbox extensions (Kleiner 2007; Brainard, 1997; Pelli, 1997; Cornelissen, % Peters & Palmer, 2002; see http://psychtoolbox.org). % % Kleiner M, Brainard D, Pelli D, 2007, "What's new in Psychtoolbox-3?" % Perception 36 ECVP Abstract Supplement. % % Brainard, D. H. (1997) The Psychophysics Toolbox, Spatial Vision 10:433-436. % Cornelissen, F.W., Peters. E., Palmer, J. (2002). % % The Eyelink Toolbox: Eye tracking with MATLAB and the Psychophysics % Toolbox. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 34, % 613-617. % % Pelli, D. G. (1997) The VideoToolbox software for visual psychophysics: % Transforming numbers into movies, Spatial Vision 10:437-442. % This toolbox is also actively supported and co-developed by SR-Research % (http://www.eyelinkinfo.com), the manufacturer of the Eyelink % gazetrackers. You can contact them about it. However, if your problem % is likely of interest to other users as well, then please post % questions on the PsychToolbox mailinglist, which is also monitored by % SR-Research. % % The EyelinkToolbox and its source code are copyright % Enno Peters, Frans Cornelissen and John Palmer. Additional copyrights % for some contributed functions are SR-Research and the respective % individual developers of those functions. % % (Type "Eyelink" or Eyelink('Version') for authors). The % toolbox is freely useable and redistributable under the terms of the % MIT license. The exact license text is included inside License.txt in % the root folder of any Psychtoolbox-3 installation. % % Disclaimer: we cannot be hold responsible for any damage that may % (appear to) be caused by the use of this toolbox. Use at % your own risk! % % % Frans W. Cornelissen % 22nd July 2010 % email: f.w.cornelissen@med.umcg.nl % % Enno Peters, Frans Cornelissen and John Palmer % Groningen, 27-11-2002 % % See also SR-RESEARCHDEMOS