function result=EyelinkDoDriftCorrect(el, x, y, draw, allowsetup) % USAGE: result=EyelinkDoDriftCorrect(el [, x, y, draw, allowsetup]) % % NOTE: This function is deprecated, unmaintained, and not recommended anymore. % Use EyelinkDoDriftCorrection() for a modern solution instead. % % el: eyelink default values % x,y: position of driftcorrection target % draw: set to 1 to draw driftcorrection target % allowsetup: set to 1 to allow to go in to go to trackersetup % % Note that EyelinkDoDriftCorrect() internally uses Beeper() and Snd() to play % auditory feedback tones if el.targetbeep=1 or el.feedbackbeep=1 and the % el.callback function is set to the default PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback(). % If you want to use PsychPortAudio in a script that also calls EyelinkDoDriftCorrect, % then read "help Snd" for instructions on how to provide proper interoperation % between PsychPortAudio and the feedback sounds created by Eyelink. % % /********* PERFORM DRIFT CORRECTION ON TRACKER *******/ % /* Performs a drift correction, with target at (x,y). */ % /* We are explicitly entering a tracker subfunction, */ % /* so we have to handle link output explicitly. */ % /* When we finish or abort the drift correction on the tracker, */ % /* it won't go to another mode until we tell it to. */ % /* For drift coorection, we can use the */ % /* drift correction result message to tell when it's done, */ % /* and what the result was. */ % /* Here we display the target ourselves (ignore target updates), */ % /* wait for local spacebar or for operator trigger or */ % /* ESC key abort. */ % /* If operator aborts with ESC, we assume there's a setup */ % /* problem and go to the setup menu. */ % /* RETURNS: 0 if OK, 27 if Setup menu was called. */ % % Eyelink Toolbox version % 12-05-01 fwc created first version % 12-05-01 fwc disabled unconditional erasing of screen % 02-06-01 fwc removed use of global el, as suggested by John Palmer. % 18-10-02 fwc made sure missing variables were filled in with defaults % 15-06-10 fwc added code for new callback version warning('EyelinkToolbox:LegacyDoDriftCorrect',['The function EyelinkDoDriftCorrect() is deprecated. Please update ', ... 'your script to use the current method, EyelinkDoDriftCorrection(), for handling camera setup mode callbacks with PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback.m.']); warning('off', 'EyelinkToolbox:LegacyDoDriftCorrect'); result=-1; % initialize if nargin < 1 || ~exist('el', 'var') || isempty(el) error( 'USAGE: result=EyelinkDoDriftCorrect(el [, x, y, draw, allowsetup])' ); end % fill in missing variables if ~exist('x', 'var') || ~exist('y', 'var') || isempty(x) || isempty(y) [x,y]=WindowCenter(el.window); end if ~exist('draw', 'var') || isempty(draw) draw=1; end if ~exist('allowsetup', 'var') || isempty(allowsetup) allowsetup=1; end targetrect=[0 0 0 0]; key=1; while key~= 0 [key, el]=EyelinkGetKey(el); % dump old keys end if draw==1 EyelinkClearCalDisplay(el); % setup_cal_display() targetrect=EyelinkDrawCalTarget(el, x, y); % we are told where it should be. end if el.targetbeep==1 EyelinkCalTargetBeep(el); end status=Eyelink( 'DriftCorrStart', x, y); tickcount=0; result=el.NO_REPLY; while result==el.NO_REPLY % check for result of drift correction result=Eyelink( 'CalResult' ); [key, el]=EyelinkGetKey(el); % getkey() HANDLE LOCAL KEY PRESS if el.mousetriggersdriftcorr==1 % allow mouse to trigger drift correction (fwc trick) [mx,my,button] = GetMouse(el.window); if button==1 if IsInRect(mx,my,targetrect) key=el.SPACE_BAR; % fake a key press when mouse is pressed and on target end end end switch key case el.TERMINATE_KEY, % breakout key code result=el.TERMINATE_KEY; return; case { 0, el.JUNK_KEY } % No key case el.ESC_KEY, % 27 if el.allowlocalcontrol==1 result=el.ESC_KEY; end if Eyelink('IsConnected') ==-1 result=el.ESC_KEY; end case el.SPACE_BAR, % 32: we trigger ourselves if el.allowlocaltrigger==1 Eyelink( 'AcceptTrigger'); end if Eyelink('IsConnected') == el.dummyconnected result=0; end otherwise, % Echo to tracker for remote control if el.allowlocalcontrol==1 Eyelink('SendKeyButton', key, 0, el.KB_PRESS ); end end % switch key end % while cal_result==NO_REPLY if draw==1 EyelinkEraseCalTarget(el, targetrect); % bit superfluous actually EyelinkClearCalDisplay(el); % exit_cal_display() end if result==el.ESC_KEY || result==-1 % Did we abort drift correction? % yes: go to setup menu to fix any problems if el.targetbeep==1 EyelinkCalDoneBeep(el, 0); end if allowsetup==1 EyelinkLegacyDoTrackerSetup(el); else Eyelink( 'SetOfflineMode'); end else % Otherwise, we apply the drift correction if el.targetbeep==1 EyelinkCalDoneBeep(el, 1); end Eyelink('ApplyDriftCorr' ); result=0; end return;