function rect=EyelinkDrawCalTarget(el, x, y) % draw simple calibration target % % USAGE: rect=EyelinkDrawCalTarget(el, x, y) % % el: eyelink default values % x,y: position at which it should be drawn % rect: % simple, standard eyelink version % 22-06-06 fwc OSX-ed warning('EyelinkToolbox:LegacyDrawCalTarget',['The function EyelinkDrawCalTarget() is deprecated. Please update your ', ... 'script to use the current method for handling camera setup mode callbacks with PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback.m.']); warning('off', 'EyelinkToolbox:LegacyDrawCalTarget'); [width, height]=Screen('WindowSize', el.window); size=round(el.calibrationtargetsize/100*width); inset=round(el.calibrationtargetwidth/100*width); rect=CenterRectOnPoint([0 0 size size], x, y); Screen( 'FillOval', el.window, el.foregroundcolour, rect ); rect=InsetRect(rect, inset, inset); Screen( 'FillOval', el.window, el.backgroundcolour, rect ); Screen( 'Flip', el.window);