function result=EyelinkDoTrackerSetup(el, sendkey) % USAGE: result=EyelinkDoTrackerSetup(el [, sendkey]) % % el: Eyelink default values % % sendkey: set to go directly into a particular mode % sendkey is optional and ignored if el.callback is defined for % callback based tracker setup. % % 'v', start validation % 'c', start calibration % 'd', start driftcorrection % 13, or el.ENTER_KEY, show 'eye' setup image % % Note that EyelinkDoTrackerSetup() internally may use Snd() to play % auditory feedback tones if el.targetbeep=1 or el.feedbackbeep=1 and the % el.callback function is set to the default PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback(). % % If you want to use PsychPortAudio in a script that also calls EyelinkDoTrackerSetup, % then read "help Snd" for instructions on how to provide proper interoperation % between PsychPortAudio and the feedback sounds created by Eyelink. The demos % referenced under "help SR-ResearchDemos" show an even better approach than the % one described in "help Snd". % % % 02-06-01 fwc removed use of global el, as suggest by John Palmer. % el is now passed as a variable, we also initialize Tracker state bit % and Eyelink key values in 'initeyelinkdefaults.m' % 15-10-02 fwc added sendkey variable that allows to go directly into a particular mode % 22-06-06 fwc OSX-ed % 15-06-10 fwc added code for new callback version global eyelinkanimationtarget if nargin < 1 error( 'USAGE: result=EyelinkDoTrackerSetup(el [,sendkey])' ); end % if we have a callback set, we call it. if ~isempty(el.callback) if isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget) eyelinkanimationtarget = initmoviestruct(); end global inDoTrackerSetup; if isempty(inDoTrackerSetup) inDoTrackerSetup = true; end global inDoDriftCorrection; if isempty(inDoDriftCorrection) inDoDriftCorrection = false; end if strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') && ~eyelinkanimationtarget.init eyelinkanimationtarget = loadanimationmovie(el, eyelinkanimationtarget); end result = Eyelink( 'StartSetup', 1 ); if strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') && ~inDoDriftCorrection && eyelinkanimationtarget.init eyelinkanimationtarget = cleanupmovie(el, eyelinkanimationtarget); end inDoTrackerSetup = false; return; else % else we continue with the old version if nargin < 2 sendkey = []; end result=EyelinkLegacyDoTrackerSetup(el, sendkey); return end function eyelinkanimationtarget = initmoviestruct() eyelinkanimationtarget.init = false; = []; eyelinkanimationtarget.movieduration = []; eyelinkanimationtarget.fps = []; eyelinkanimationtarget.imgw = []; eyelinkanimationtarget.imgh = []; eyelinkanimationtarget.calxy = []; end function eyelinkanimationtarget = loadanimationmovie(el, eyelinkanimationtarget) [movie, movieduration, fps, imgw, imgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', el.window, el.calAnimationTargetFilename, el.calAnimationOpenAsync, el.calAnimationOpenPreloadSecs, el.calAnimationOpenSpecialFlags1); eyelinkanimationtarget.init = true; = movie; eyelinkanimationtarget.movieduration = movieduration; eyelinkanimationtarget.fps = fps; eyelinkanimationtarget.imgw = imgw; eyelinkanimationtarget.imgh = imgh; end function eyelinkanimationtarget = cleanupmovie(el, eyelinkanimationtarget) texkill = Screen('GetMovieImage', el.window,, el.calAnimationWaitTexClose); Screen('PlayMovie',, 0, el.calAnimationLoopParam); if texkill > 0 Screen('Close', texkill); end Screen('CloseMovie',; eyelinkanimationtarget = initmoviestruct(); end end