function rc = PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback(callArgs, msg) % PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback implementes the EyeLink Core Graphics part % of the EyeLink API. This "Core Graphics" part of our API is responsible % for handling the times when the API and Host PC takes control of the eye % tracking procedures. This includes the functionality to stream camera % images during camera/participant setup, displaying targets at locations % on the participant screen during calibration, validation, and drift/check % and correction routines. Complimentary to handling the visual aspect of % these operations contingent on display routines, the functionality % implemented herewith also handles the playback of feedback sounds to % the experimenter and participant for guiding these interactive % procedures. During these modes of operation, this function also % implements the forwarding of kepresses to the Host PC that are registered % on the computer's keyboard which is running this implementation. The % purpose of this is to make sure that bost Host and Display PCs are % operating as identically in these modes of operation. % % % This function is normally called from within the Eyelink() mex file. % Normal user code only calls it once to supply the eyelink defaults struct. % This is handled within the EyelinkInitDefaults.m file, so you generally % should not have to worry about this. However, if you change settings in % the el structure, you may need to call it yourself. % % To define which onscreen window the eye image should be % drawn to, call it with the return value from EyelinkInitDefaults, e.g., % w=Screen('OpenWindow', ...); % el=EyelinkInitDefaults(w); % myEyelinkDispatchCallback(el); % % % To actually receive and display the images, register this function as % eyelink's callback: % % % if Eyelink('Initialize', 'myEyelinkDispatchCallback') ~=0 % error('eyelink failed init') % end % result = Eyelink('StartSetup',1) %put the tracker into a mode capable of sending images % % % then you must hit 'return' on the PTB computer, this key command will be % sent to the tracker host to initiate sending of images. % % % History: % 15. 3.2009 Derived from MemoryBuffer2TextureDemo.m (MK). % 4. 4.2009 Updated to use EyelinkGetKey + fixed eyelinktex persistence % crash (edf). % 11. 4.2009 Cleaned up. Should be ready for 1st release, although still % pretty alpha quality. (MK). % 15. 6.2010 Added some drawing routines to get standard behaviour back. % Enabled use of the callback by default. Clarified in % helptext that user normally should not have to worry % about calling this file. (fwc) % 20. 7.2010 Drawing of instructions, eye-image+title, playing sounds in % seperate functions % % 1. 2.2010 Modified to allow for cross hair and fix bugs. (nj)= % 29.10.2018 Drop 'DrawDots' for calibration target. Some white-space fixes. % 24. 3.2020 Cleaned up the documentation of this function, and added % additiontal handling for two types of stereoscopic % calibrations, ability to reference video files for % animated calibration targets, bug fixes for audio % feedback playback. Apologies to NJ for removing % previous comments where code was previously added, this % was done for easier reading of the code. global eyelinkanimationtarget; %#ok % Cached texture handle and size for eyelink eye image and texture: persistent eyelinktex; persistent dw dh; % Cached window handle for target onscreen window: persistent eyewin; persistent calxy; persistent imgtitle; persistent eyewidth; persistent eyeheight; % Cached(!) eyelink stucture containing keycodes persistent el; persistent ineyeimagemodedisplay; persistent clearScreen; persistent drawInstructions; % Cached constant definitions: persistent GL_RGBA; persistent GL_RGBA8; persistent hostDataFormat; % target & feedback beep waveforms and PsychPortAudio buffers persistent audio_status; persistent audio_devinfo; persistent audio_n_chan; persistent audio_fs; %persistent audio_ppa_isSlave; persistent beep_waveforms; persistent inDrift; newImage = 0; if 0 == Screen('WindowKind', eyelinktex) eyelinktex = []; % Previous PTB Screen() window has closed, needs to be recreated. end if isempty(eyelinktex) % Define the two OpenGL constants we actually need. No point in % initializing the whole PTB OpenGL mode for just two constants: GL_RGBA = 6408; GL_RGBA8 = 32856; GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121; %#ok GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 = 32821; %#ok GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV = 33639; hostDataFormat = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV; end % Preinit return code to zero: rc = 0; if nargin < 2 msg = []; end if nargin < 1 callArgs = []; end if isempty(callArgs) error('You must provide some valid "callArgs" variable as 1st argument!'); end if ~isnumeric(callArgs) && ~isstruct(callArgs) error('"callArgs" argument must be a EyelinkInitDefaults struct or double vector!'); end % Eyelink el struct provided? if isstruct(callArgs) && isfield(callArgs,'window') % Check if el.window subfield references a valid window: if Screen('WindowKind', callArgs.window) ~= 1 error('argument didn''t contain a valid handle of an open onscreen window! pass in result of EyelinkInitDefaults(previouslyOpenedPTBWindowPtr).'); end % Ok, valid handle. Assign it and return: eyewin = callArgs.window; % Assume rest of el structure is valid: el = callArgs; clearScreen=1; eyelinktex=[]; ineyeimagemodedisplay=0; drawInstructions=1; return; end if ~isempty(el.ppa_pahandle) && isempty(audio_status) audio_status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', el.ppa_pahandle); audio_devinfo = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices', [], audio_status.OutDeviceIndex); audio_n_chan = min(2,audio_devinfo.NrOutputChannels); audio_fs = audio_status.SampleRate; %if PsychPortAudio('SetOpMode', pamaster) > % audio_ppa_isSlave elseif isempty(el.ppa_pahandle) && isempty(audio_fs) audio_status = NaN; audio_devinfo = NaN; audio_n_chan = 1; audio_fs = Snd('DefaultRate'); end if isempty(beep_waveforms) if el.targetbeep beep_waveforms{1} = repmat(MakeBeep(el.cal_target_beep(1), el.cal_target_beep(3), audio_fs) .* el.cal_target_beep(2), audio_n_chan, 1); beep_waveforms{2} = repmat(MakeBeep(el.drift_correction_target_beep(1), el.drift_correction_target_beep(3), audio_fs) .* el.drift_correction_target_beep(2), audio_n_chan, 1); else beep_waveforms{1} = NaN; beep_waveforms{2} = NaN; end if el.feedbackbeep beep_waveforms{3} = repmat(MakeBeep(el.calibration_failed_beep(1), el.calibration_failed_beep(3), audio_fs) .* el.calibration_failed_beep(2), audio_n_chan, 1); beep_waveforms{4} = repmat(MakeBeep(el.calibration_success_beep(1), el.calibration_success_beep(3),audio_fs) .* el.calibration_success_beep(2), audio_n_chan, 1); beep_waveforms{5} = repmat(MakeBeep(el.drift_correction_failed_beep(1), el.drift_correction_failed_beep(3), audio_fs) .* el.drift_correction_failed_beep(2), audio_n_chan, 1); beep_waveforms{6} = repmat(MakeBeep(el.drift_correction_success_beep(1), el.drift_correction_success_beep(3), audio_fs) .* el.drift_correction_success_beep(2), audio_n_chan, 1); else beep_waveforms{3} = NaN; beep_waveforms{4} = NaN; beep_waveforms{5} = NaN; beep_waveforms{6} = NaN; end end % Not an eyelink struct. Either a 4 component vector from Eyelink(), or something wrong: if length(callArgs) ~= 4 error('Invalid "callArgs" received from Eyelink() Not a 4 component double vector as expected!'); end % Extract command code: eyecmd = callArgs(1); if isempty(eyewin) && eyecmd ~= 3 warning('Got called as callback function from Eyelink() but usercode has not set a valid target onscreen window handle yet! Aborted.'); %#ok return; end % (Re)set Flag for new camera image newcamimage = 0; needsupdate = 0; switch eyecmd case 1 % New Camera Image Received if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 1; New Camera Image Received\n'); end newcamimage = 1; needsupdate = 1; case 2 % EyeLink Keyboard Query if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 2; Keyboard Query\n'); end [rc, el] = EyelinkGetKey(el); case 3 % Alert message if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 3; Alert Message\n'); end fprintf('Eyelink Alert: %s.\n', msg); needsupdate = 0; case 4 % Camera Image Caption Text if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 4; Camera Image Caption Text\n'); end if callArgs(2) ~= -1 imgtitle = sprintf('Camera: %s [Threshold = %f]', msg, callArgs(2)); else imgtitle = msg; end needsupdate = 1; case 5 % Draw Cal Target if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 5; Draw Cal Target\n'); end calxy = callArgs(2:3); clearScreen=1; needsupdate = 1; if strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') && ~isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget) if el.calAnimationResetOnTargetMove && Screen('GetMovieTimeIndex', Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex',, 0, el.calAnimationSetIndexIsFrames); end Screen('PlayMovie',, 1, el.calAnimationLoopParam, el.calAnimationAudioVolume); end case 6 % Clear Cal Display if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 6; Clear Cal Display\n'); end clearScreen=1; drawInstructions=1; needsupdate = 1; case 7 % Setup Cal Display if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 7; Setup Cal Display\n'); end if inDrift drawInstructions = 0; else drawInstructions = 1; end clearScreen=1; needsupdate = 1; case 8 % Setup Image Display if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 8; Setup Image Display\n'); end newImage = 1; eyewidth = callArgs(2); eyeheight = callArgs(3); ineyeimagemodedisplay=1; drawInstructions=1; needsupdate = 1; case 9 % Exit Image Display if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 9; Exit Image Display\n'); end clearScreen=1; ineyeimagemodedisplay=0; drawInstructions=1; needsupdate = 1; case 10 % Erase Cal Target if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 10; Erase Cal Target\n'); end calxy = []; if ~isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget) eyelinkanimationtarget.calxy=calxy; end clearScreen=1; needsupdate = 1; if strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') && ~isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget) texkill=Screen('GetMovieImage', eyewin,, el.calAnimationWaitTexClose); Screen('PlayMovie',, 0, el.calAnimationLoopParam); if texkill > 0 Screen('Close', texkill); end end case 11 % Exit Cal Display if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 11; Exit Cal Display\n'); end calxy = []; if ~isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget) eyelinkanimationtarget.calxy=calxy; end if inDrift inDrift = 0; drawInstructions = 0; else drawInstructions = 1; end clearScreen=1; needsupdate=1; if strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') && ~isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget) texkill=Screen('GetMovieImage', eyewin,, el.calAnimationWaitTexClose); Screen('PlayMovie',, 0, el.calAnimationLoopParam); if texkill > 0 Screen('Close', texkill); end end case 12 % New Cal Target Sound if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 12; New Cal Target Sound\n'); end if el.targetbeep && ~strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') EyelinkMakeSound(el, 'cal_target_beep', 1); end case 13 % New Drift Chk/Corr Target Sound if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 13; New Drift Target Sound\n'); end if el.targetbeep && ~strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') EyelinkMakeSound(el, 'drift_correction_target_beep', 2); end case 14 % Cal Done Sound if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 14; Cal Done Sound\n'); end if el.feedbackbeep && ~strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') errc = callArgs(2); if errc > 0 % Failed EyelinkMakeSound(el, 'calibration_failed_beep', 3); else % Success EyelinkMakeSound(el, 'calibration_success_beep', 4); end end case 15 % Drift Chk/Corr Done Sound if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 15; Drift Done Sound\n'); end if el.feedbackbeep && ~strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') errc = callArgs(2); if errc > 0 % Failed EyelinkMakeSound(el, 'drift_correction_failed_beep', 5); else % Success EyelinkMakeSound(el, 'drift_correction_success_beep', 6); end end case 16 % Get Mouse Position if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 16; Get Mouse Position\n'); end [width, height]=Screen('WindowSize', eyewin); [x,y, buttons] = GetMouse(eyewin); HideCursor(eyewin); if find(buttons) rc = [width , height, x , y, dw , dh , 1]; else rc = [width , height, x , y , dw , dh , 0]; end % add by NJ to prevent flashing of text in drift correct case 17 % Non-native callback, from PsychEyelink_setup_cal_display() if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == 17; Flag in drift check/correction mode\n'); end inDrift = 1; case -1 % Non-native callback, from Eyelink('Shutdown') for runtime cleanup if Eyelink('Verbosity') >= 5 fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: eyecmd == -1; Runtime cleanup\n'); end % Using the Snd() path for audio output? if isfield(el, 'ppa_sndhandle') && ~isempty(el.ppa_sndhandle) % Let Snd() fully detach from the sound device: Snd('Close', 1); % Close sound device: PsychPortAudio('Close', el.ppa_sndhandle); el.ppa_sndhandle = []; end % Clear all persistent and local variables, effectively resetting all: clear variables; % Done with cleanup / shutdown: rc = 0; return; otherwise % Unknown Command fprintf('PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback: Unknown eyelink command (%i)\n', eyecmd); return; end % switch if ~needsupdate % Display redraw and update needed? if ~isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget) && ~isempty(calxy) EyelinkDrawCalibrationTarget(eyewin, el, calxy, eyelinkanimationtarget); end return; end if clearScreen==1 % Need to clear and redraw display before new content flipped EyelinkDrawClearScreen(eyewin, el); clearScreen=0; end if newcamimage % New image frame received from EyeLink camera stream % Image has dimensions: 'eyewidth' by 'eyeheight' in pixel units % Each pixel is encoded as a 4 byte RGBA pixel with A=255 always % RGB channels each encode a 1-Byte per channel R, G or B color value. % 'eyeimgptr' is a memory pointer to the buffer inside Eyelink() that % encodes the image. eyeimgptr = callArgs(2); eyewidth = callArgs(3); eyeheight = callArgs(4); % Creates a new or reuses an existing PTB texture for the cam image eyelinktex = Screen('SetOpenGLTextureFromMemPointer', eyewin, eyelinktex, eyeimgptr, eyewidth, eyeheight, 4, 0, [], GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA, hostDataFormat); end if ~isempty(eyelinktex) && ineyeimagemodedisplay==1 % Draw cam image and caption [imgtitle, dw, dh] = EyelinkDrawCameraImage(eyewin, el, eyelinktex, imgtitle, newImage); end if ~isempty(calxy) % Draw Cal Target drawInstructions=0; EyelinkDrawCalibrationTarget(eyewin, el, calxy, eyelinkanimationtarget); if strcmpi(el.calTargetType, 'video') return; end end if drawInstructions == 1 % Draw Instructions EyelinkDrawInstructions(eyewin, el, msg); drawInstructions = 0; end dontsync = 1; dontclear = 0; % set to 0 to hide instructions during camera display Screen('Flip', eyewin, [], dontclear, dontsync); % Show it return; % Start of nested EyelinkDraw* function declarations function EyelinkDrawClearScreen(eyewin, el) % Set drawScreens 0 for mono modes, 1 for stereo modes: drawScreens = double(el.winInfo.StereoMode ~= 0); for it = 0:drawScreens Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', eyewin, it); % select left eye window Screen('FillRect', eyewin, el.backgroundcolour); end end function EyelinkDrawInstructions(eyewin, el,msg) oldFont=Screen(eyewin,'TextFont',el.msgfont); oldFontSize=Screen(eyewin,'TextSize',el.msgfontsize); % Set drawScreens 0 for mono modes, 1 for stereo modes: drawScreens = double(el.winInfo.StereoMode ~= 0); for it = 0:drawScreens Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', eyewin, it); % select left eye window DrawFormattedText(eyewin, el.helptext, 20, 20, el.msgfontcolour, [], [], [], 1); if el.displayCalResults && ~isempty(msg) DrawFormattedText(eyewin, msg, 20, 150, el.msgfontcolour, [], [], [], 1); end end Screen(eyewin,'TextFont',oldFont); Screen(eyewin,'TextSize',oldFontSize); end function [imgtitle, dw, dh] = EyelinkDrawCameraImage(eyewin, el, eyelinktex, imgtitle, newImage) eyerect=Screen('Rect', eyelinktex); % we could cash some of the below values.... wrect=Screen('Rect', eyewin); [width, height]=Screen('WindowSize', eyewin); dw=round(el.eyeimgsize/100*width); dh=round(dw * eyerect(4)/eyerect(3)); drect=[ 0 0 dw dh ]; drect=CenterRect(drect, wrect); tx = drect(1); ty = drect(4) + el.imgtitlefontsize; if ~isempty(imgtitle) otf = Screen('TextFont', eyewin, el.imgtitlefont); ots = Screen('TextSize', eyewin, el.imgtitlefontsize); else imgtitle = ''; end % Set drawScreens 0 for mono modes, 1 for stereo modes: drawScreens = double(el.winInfo.StereoMode ~= 0); for it = 0:drawScreens try Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', eyewin, it); % select current-eye window Screen('DrawTexture', eyewin, eyelinktex, [], drect); Screen('DrawText', eyewin, imgtitle, tx, ty, el.imgtitlecolour); catch fprintf('EyelinkDrawCameraImage:error \n'); disp(psychlasterror); end end if ~isempty(imgtitle) Screen('TextFont', eyewin, otf); Screen('TextSize', eyewin, ots); end end function EyelinkDrawCalibrationTarget(eyewin, el, calxy, eyelinkanimationtarget) [width, height]=Screen('WindowSize', eyewin); % Set drawScreens 0 for mono modes, 1 for stereo modes: drawScreens = double(el.winInfo.StereoMode ~= 0); for it = 0:drawScreens Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', eyewin, it); % select eye window switch el.calTargetType case 'video' if( ~isempty(el.calAnimationTargetFilename) && ~isempty(eyelinkanimationtarget)) rect=CenterRectOnPoint([0 0 eyelinkanimationtarget.imgw eyelinkanimationtarget.imgh], calxy(1), calxy(2)); if it == 0 tex=Screen('GetMovieImage', eyewin,, el.calAnimationWaitTex); end if(tex>0) Screen('DrawTexture', eyewin , tex, [], rect, [], 0); if it == drawScreens Screen('Flip', eyewin); Screen('Close', tex); end end end case 'image' rect=CenterRectOnPoint([0 0 el.calImageInfo.Width el.calImageInfo.Height], calxy(1), calxy(2)); Screen('DrawTexture', eyewin , el.calImageTexture, [], rect, [], 0); otherwise % default to el.calTargetType = 'ellipse' target drawing size=round(el.calibrationtargetsize / 100 * width); inset=round(el.calibrationtargetwidth / 100 * width); % Use FillOval for larger dots: Screen('FillOval', eyewin, el.calibrationtargetcolour, [calxy(1)-size/2 calxy(2)-size/2 calxy(1)+size/2 calxy(2)+size/2], size+2); Screen('FillOval', eyewin, el.backgroundcolour, [calxy(1)-inset/2 calxy(2)-inset/2 calxy(1)+inset/2 calxy(2)+inset/2], inset+2) end end end function EyelinkMakeSound(el, s, i) % set all sounds in one place, sound params defined in % eyelinkInitDefaults if any(strcmp( ... {'cal_target_beep', ... 'drift_correction_target_beep', ... 'calibration_failed_beep', ... 'calibration_success_beep', ... 'drift_correction_failed_beep', ... 'drift_correction_success_beep'},s)) % beep waveform was prepared in advance if isempty(el.ppa_pahandle) Snd('Play', beep_waveforms{i}, audio_fs); else PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', el.ppa_pahandle, beep_waveforms{i}); PsychPortAudio('Start', el.ppa_pahandle); if strcmp('drift_correction_success_beep', s) PsychPortAudio('Stop', el.ppa_pahandle, 1); end end else % some defaults if isempty(el.ppa_pahandle) Snd('Play', MakeBeep(500, 1.5) .* 0.5, audio_fs); else PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', el.ppa_pahandle, repmat(MakeBeep(500, 1.5, audio_fs) .* 0.5, audio_n_chan, 1)); PsychPortAudio('Start', el.ppa_pahandle); end end end end