function EyeLink_SimpleVideo(screenNumber) % Simple video demo with EyeLink integration and animated calibration / drift-check/correction targets. % In each trial eye movements are recorded while a video stimulus is presented on the screen. % Each trial ends when the space bar is pressed or the video stops playing. A different drift-check/correction % animated target is used in each of the 2 trials. % % Illustrates how a video file can be added for trial play back in Data Viewer's "Trial Play Back Animation" view. % % Usage: % Eyelink_SimpleVideo(screenNumber) % % screenNumber is an optional parameter which can be used to pass a specific value to PsychImaging('OpenWindow', ...) % If screenNumber is not specified, or if isempty(screenNumber) then the default: % screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens')); % will be used. % Bring the Command Window to the front if it is already open if ~IsOctave; commandwindow; end PsychDefaultSetup(2); % Initialize PsychSound for calibration/validation audio feedback InitializePsychSound(); % Use default screenNumber if none specified if (nargin < 1) screenNumber = []; end try %% STEP 1: INITIALIZE EYELINK CONNECTION; OPEN EDF FILE; GET EYELINK TRACKER VERSION % Initialize EyeLink connection (dummymode = 0) or run in "Dummy Mode" without an EyeLink connection (dummymode = 1); dummymode = 0; EyelinkInit(dummymode); % Initialize EyeLink connection status = Eyelink('IsConnected'); if status < 1 % If EyeLink not connected dummymode = 1; end % Open dialog box for EyeLink Data file name entry. File name up to 8 characters prompt = {'Enter EDF file name (up to 8 characters)'}; dlg_title = 'Create EDF file'; def = {'demo'}; % Create a default edf file name answer = inputdlg(prompt, dlg_title, 1, def); % Prompt for new EDF file name % Print some text in Matlab's Command Window if a file name has not been entered if isempty(answer) fprintf('Session cancelled by user\n') cleanup; % Abort experiment (see cleanup function below) return end edfFile = answer{1}; % Save file name to a variable % Print some text in Matlab's Command Window if file name is longer than 8 characters if length(edfFile) > 8 fprintf('Filename needs to be no more than 8 characters long (letters, numbers and underscores only)\n'); cleanup; % Abort experiment (see cleanup function below) return end % Open an EDF file and name it if Eyelink('IsConnected') == 1 % if we have a live connection to a Host PC failOpen = Eyelink('OpenFile', edfFile); if failOpen ~= 0 % Abort if it fails to open fprintf('Cannot create EDF file %s', edfFile); % Print some text in Matlab's Command Window cleanup; %see cleanup function below return end end % Get EyeLink tracker and software version % returns 0 if not connected % returns 'EYELINK I', 'EYELINK II x.xx', 'EYELINK CL x.xx' where 'x.xx' is the software version ELsoftwareVersion = 0; % Default EyeLink version in dummy mode [ver, versionstring] = Eyelink('GetTrackerVersion'); if dummymode == 0 % If connected to EyeLink % Extract software version number. [~, vnumcell] = regexp(versionstring,'.*?(\d)\.\d*?','Match','Tokens'); % Extract EL version before decimal point ELsoftwareVersion = str2double(vnumcell{1}{1}); % Returns 1 for EyeLink I, 2 for EyeLink II, 3/4 for EyeLink 1K, 5 for EyeLink 1KPlus, 6 for Portable Duo % Print some text in Matlab's Command Window fprintf('Running experiment on %s version %d\n', versionstring, ver ); end % Add a line of text in the EDF file to identify the current experimemt name and session. This is optional. % If your text starts with "RECORDED BY " it will be available in DataViewer's Inspector window by clicking % the EDF session node in the top panel and looking for the "Recorded By:" field in the bottom panel of the Inspector. preambleText = sprintf('RECORDED BY Psychtoolbox demo %s session name: %s', mfilename, edfFile); Eyelink('Command', 'add_file_preamble_text "%s"', preambleText); %% STEP 2: SELECT AVAILABLE SAMPLE/EVENT DATA % See EyeLinkProgrammers Guide manual > Useful EyeLink Commands > File Data Control & Link Data Control % Select which events are saved in the EDF file. Include everything just in case Eyelink('Command', 'file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON,INPUT'); % Select which events are available online for gaze-contingent experiments. Include everything just in case Eyelink('Command', 'link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON,FIXUPDATE,INPUT'); % Select which sample data is saved in EDF file or available online. Include everything just in case if ELsoftwareVersion > 3 % Check tracker version and include 'HTARGET' to save head target sticker data for supported eye trackers Eyelink('Command', 'file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,HREF,RAW,AREA,HTARGET,GAZERES,BUTTON,STATUS,INPUT'); Eyelink('Command', 'link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,HTARGET,STATUS,INPUT'); else Eyelink('Command', 'file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,HREF,RAW,AREA,GAZERES,BUTTON,STATUS,INPUT'); Eyelink('Command', 'link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,INPUT'); end %% STEP 3: OPEN GRAPHICS WINDOW % Open experiment graphics on the specified screen if isempty(screenNumber) screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens')); % Use default screen if none specified end window = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, GrayIndex(screenNumber)); % Open graphics window Screen('Flip', window); % Get max color value for rescaling to RGB for Host PC & Data Viewer integration colorMaxVal = Screen('ColorRange', window); % Return width and height of the graphics window/screen in pixels [width, height] = Screen('WindowSize', window); %% STEP 4: SET CALIBRATION SCREEN COLOURS/SOUNDS; PROVIDE WINDOW SIZE TO EYELINK HOST & DATAVIEWER; SET CALIBRATION PARAMETERS; CALIBRATE % Provide EyeLink with some defaults, which are returned in the structure "el". el = EyelinkInitDefaults(window); % set calibration/validation/drift-check(or drift-correct) background color. % It is important that this background colour is similar to that of the stimuli to prevent large luminance-based % pupil size changes (which can cause a drift in the eye movement data) el.backgroundcolour = repmat(0.45,1,3); % 0.45 == gray matching video stimuli background in normalized color space units % set "Camera Setup" instructions text colour so it is different from background colour el.msgfontcolour = repmat(BlackIndex(screenNumber),1,3); % Set calibration beeps (0 = sound off, 1 = sound on) % Setting beeps to off (0) for video targets el.targetbeep = 0; % sound a beep when a target is presented el.feedbackbeep = 0; % sound a beep after calibration or drift check/correction % Required for macOS Catalina users (/w PTB to disable audio % with animated calibration targets and trial video stimuli to % avoid freezing in video playback spcf1 = 0; % Used both here in el struct for animated target movies, and also below when loading trial-stimulus movies if IsOSX [status, result] = system('sw_vers'); if regexp(result,'ProductVersion\D*10\.15') spcf1 = 2; el.calAnimationOpenSpecialFlags1 = spcf1; % for Screen('OpenMovie', ..., specialFlags1) see end end % N.B. el.calAnimationOpenSpecialFlags1 = 2 may also be required with certain versions of % GStreamer on Ubuntu Linux. In certain cases on Linux (e.g. when PsychPortAudio('GetOpenDeviceCount') > 0), % disabling the audio is required to avoid a crash, or more generally a brief delay oafter the first % frame of the target video is displayed on screen and the eventual continuation of playback % Configure animated calibration target path and properties el.calTargetType = 'video'; calMovieName = (''); el.calAnimationTargetFilename = [pwd '/' calMovieName]; el.calAnimationResetOnTargetMove = true; % false by default, set to true to rewind/replay video from start every time target moves el.calAnimationAudioVolume = 0.4; % default volume is 1.0, but too loud on some systems. Setting volume lower to 0.4 (minimum is 0.0) % You must call this function to apply the changes made to the el structure above EyelinkUpdateDefaults(el); % Set display coordinates for EyeLink data by entering left, top, right and bottom coordinates in screen pixels Eyelink('Command','screen_pixel_coords = %ld %ld %ld %ld', 0, 0, width-1, height-1); % Write DISPLAY_COORDS message to EDF file: sets display coordinates in DataViewer % See DataViewer manual section: Protocol for EyeLink Data to Viewer Integration > Pre-trial Message Commands Eyelink('Message', 'DISPLAY_COORDS %ld %ld %ld %ld', 0, 0, width-1, height-1); % Set number of calibration/validation dots and spread: horizontal-only(H) or horizontal-vertical(HV) as H3, HV3, HV5, HV9 or HV13 Eyelink('Command', 'calibration_type = HV5'); % horizontal-vertical 5-points % Allow a supported EyeLink Host PC button box to accept calibration or drift-check/correction targets via button 5 Eyelink('Command', 'button_function 5 "accept_target_fixation"'); % Hide mouse cursor HideCursor(window); % Suppress keypress output to command window. ListenChar(-1); % Clear Host PC display from any previus drawing Eyelink('Command', 'clear_screen 0'); % Put EyeLink Host PC in Camera Setup mode for participant setup/calibration EyelinkDoTrackerSetup(el); %% STEP 5: TRIAL LOOP. driftVidList = {'' ''};% Provide drift-check video file list for 2 trials vidList = {'' ''};% Provide trial video file list for 2 trials spaceBar = KbName('space');% Identify keyboard key code for space bar to end each trial later on for i = 1:length(vidList) % Change animated calibration target path for drift-check/correction calMovieName = char(driftVidList(i)); el.calAnimationTargetFilename = [pwd '/' calMovieName]; % You must call this function to apply the changes made to the el structure above EyelinkUpdateDefaults(el); % STEP 5.0 DRIFT-CHECK/CORRECTION % Perform a drift check/correction. % Optionally provide x y target location, otherwise target is presented on screen centre EyelinkDoDriftCorrection(el, round(width/2), round(height/2)); % STEP 5.1: START TRIAL; SHOW TRIAL INFO ON HOST PC; SHOW BACKDROP IMAGE AND/OR DRAW FEEDBACK GRAPHICS ON HOST PC % Open movie file: movieName = char(vidList(i)); moviePath = [ pwd '/' movieName ]; [movie, ~, ~, Movx, Movy] = Screen('OpenMovie', window, moviePath, [], [], spcf1); % spcf1 required to disable audio on macOS Catalina and avoid playback freezing issues % Write TRIALID message to EDF file: marks the start of a trial for DataViewer % See DataViewer manual section: Protocol for EyeLink Data to Viewer Integration > Defining the Start and End of a Trial Eyelink('Message', 'TRIALID %d', i); % Write !V CLEAR message to EDF file: creates blank backdrop for DataViewer % See DataViewer manual section: Protocol for EyeLink Data to Viewer Integration > Simple Drawing Eyelink('Message', '!V CLEAR %d %d %d', round(el.backgroundcolour(1)/colorMaxVal*255), round(el.backgroundcolour(2)/colorMaxVal*255), round(el.backgroundcolour(3)/colorMaxVal*255)); % Supply the trial number as a line of text on Host PC screen Eyelink('Command', 'record_status_message "TRIAL %d %s"', i, movieName); % Draw graphics on the EyeLink Host PC display. See COMMANDS.INI in the Host PC's exe folder for a list of commands Eyelink('SetOfflineMode'); % Put tracker in idle/offline mode before drawing Host PC graphics and before recording Eyelink('Command', 'clear_screen 0'); % Clear Host PC display from any previus drawing % Optional: draw feedback box and lines on Host PC interface % See section 25.7 'Drawing Commands' in the EyeLink Programmers Guide manual Eyelink('Command', 'draw_box %d %d %d %d 15', round(width/2-Movx/2), round(height/2-Movy/2), round(width/2+Movx/2), round(height/2+Movy/2)); Eyelink('Command', 'draw_box %d %d %d %d 15', round(width/2-80), round(height/2-70), round(width/2+80), round(height/2+90)); Eyelink('Command', 'draw_line %d %d %d %d 15', round(width/2-Movx/2), round(height/2)+40, round(width/2+Movx/2), round(height/2)+40); %STEP 5.2: START RECORDING % Put tracker in idle/offline mode before recording. Eyelink('SetOfflineMode') is recommended % however if Eyelink('Command', 'set_idle_mode') is used allow 50ms before recording as shown in the commented code: % Eyelink('Command', 'set_idle_mode');% Put tracker in idle/offline mode before recording % WaitSecs(0.05); % Allow some time for transition Eyelink('SetOfflineMode');% Put tracker in idle/offline mode before recording Eyelink('StartRecording'); % Start tracker recording WaitSecs(0.1); % Allow some time to record a few samples before presenting first stimulus % STEP 5.3: PRESENT VIDEO; CREATE DATAVIEWER BACKDROP AND INTEREST AREA; STOP RECORDING timeOut = 'yes'; % Variable set to a default value. Changes to 'no' if key pressed to end video early % Start playback engine: Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 1); frameNum = 0; % Wait until user releases keys on keyboard: KbReleaseWait; % Playback loop: Runs until end of movie or keypress: while 1 % Check that eye tracker is still recording. Otherwise close and transfer copy of EDF file to Display PC error = Eyelink('CheckRecording'); if(error ~= 0) fprintf('EyeLink Recording stopped!\n'); % Transfer a copy of the EDF file to Display PC Eyelink('SetOfflineMode');% Put tracker in idle/offline mode Eyelink('CloseFile'); % Close EDF file on Host PC Eyelink('Command', 'clear_screen 0'); % Clear trial image on Host PC at the end of the experiment WaitSecs(0.1); % Allow some time for screen drawing % Transfer a copy of the EDF file to Display PC transferFile; % See transferFile function below cleanup; % Abort experiment (see cleanup function below) return end % Wait for next movie frame, retrieve texture handle to it tex = Screen('GetMovieImage', window, movie); if tex<=0 % Valid texture returned? A negative value means end of movie reached break; end % Draw the new texture immediately to screen: Screen('DrawTexture', window, tex); % Update display: Screen('Flip', window); frameNum = frameNum + 1; if frameNum == 1 % Write message to EDF file to mark the start time of stimulus presentation. Eyelink('Message', 'STIM_ONSET'); % Write !V IAREA message to EDF file: creates interest areas in DataViewer % See DataViewer manual section: Protocol for EyeLink Data to Viewer Integration > Interest Area Commands Eyelink('Message', '!V IAREA RECTANGLE %d %d %d %d %d %s', 1, round(width/2-80), round(height/2-70), round(width/2+80), round(height/2+90), 'BOX_IA'); vidStart = GetSecs; % Start a timer end % Write message to EDF file to mark the time of each video frame Eyelink('Message', 'Frame to be displayed %d', frameNum); % Write a !V VFRAME message to the data file specifying the frame number, location and file name so DataViewer can play back the video Eyelink('Message', '%d !V VFRAME %d %d %d %s', 0, frameNum, round(width/2-Movx/2), round(height/2-Movy/2), movieName); % End trial if space bar is pressed [~, kbSecs, keyCode] = KbCheck; if keyCode(spaceBar) % Write message to EDF file to mark the space bar press time Eyelink('Message', 'KEY_PRESSED'); timeOut = 'no'; % Release texture: Screen('Close', tex); break; end Screen('Close', tex); % Release texture if no key is pressed end % End while loop Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 0); % Stop playback Screen('CloseMovie', movie); % Close movie % Draw blank screen at end of trial Screen('FillRect', window, el.backgroundcolour); [~, vidEnd] = Screen('Flip', window); % Present blank screen % Write message to EDF file to mark time when blank screen is presented Eyelink('Message', 'BLANK_SCREEN'); % Calculate video duration if strcmp(timeOut, 'yes') % If no key pressed during video vidDur = round((vidEnd-vidStart)*1000); % Duration of video until BLANK_SCREEN else % If key pressed during video vidDur = round((kbSecs-vidStart)*1000); % Duration of video until key is pressed end % Write !V CLEAR message to EDF file: creates blank backdrop for DataViewer % See DataViewer manual section: Protocol for EyeLink Data to Viewer Integration > Simple Drawing Eyelink('Message', '!V CLEAR %d %d %d', round(el.backgroundcolour(1)/colorMaxVal*255), round(el.backgroundcolour(2)/colorMaxVal*255), round(el.backgroundcolour(3)/colorMaxVal*255)); % Stop recording eye movements at the end of each trial WaitSecs(0.1); % Add 100 msec of data to catch final events before stopping Eyelink('StopRecording'); % Stop tracker recording % STEP 5.4: CREATE VARIABLES FOR DATAVIEWER; END TRIAL % Write !V TRIAL_VAR messages to EDF file: creates trial variables in DataViewer % See DataViewer manual section: Protocol for EyeLink Data to Viewer Integration > Trial Message Commands Eyelink('Message', '!V TRIAL_VAR iteration %d', i); % Trial iteration Eyelink('Message', '!V TRIAL_VAR video_file %s', movieName); % Video name Eyelink('Message', '!V TRIAL_VAR video_duration %d', vidDur); % Video duration until key press or end of video Eyelink('Message', '!V TRIAL_VAR timeout %s', timeOut); % Key pressed to end trial early? 'yes' or 'no' % Write TRIAL_RESULT message to EDF file: marks the end of a trial for DataViewer % See DataViewer manual section: Protocol for EyeLink Data to Viewer Integration > Defining the Start and End of a Trial Eyelink('Message', 'TRIAL_RESULT 0'); WaitSecs(0.01); % Allow some time before ending the trial end % End trial loop %% STEP 6: CLOSE EDF FILE. TRANSFER EDF COPY TO DISPLAY PC. CLOSE EYELINK CONNECTION. FINISH UP % Put tracker in idle/offline mode before closing file. Eyelink('SetOfflineMode') is recommended. % However if Eyelink('Command', 'set_idle_mode') is used, allow 50ms before closing the file as shown in the commented code: % Eyelink('Command', 'set_idle_mode');% Put tracker in idle/offline mode % WaitSecs(0.05); % Allow some time for transition Eyelink('SetOfflineMode'); % Put tracker in idle/offline mode Eyelink('Command', 'clear_screen 0'); % Clear Host PC backdrop graphics at the end of the experiment WaitSecs(0.5); % Allow some time before closing and transferring file Eyelink('CloseFile'); % Close EDF file on Host PC % Transfer a copy of the EDF file to Display PC transferFile; % See transferFile function below catch % If syntax error is detected cleanup; % Print error message and line number in Matlab's Command Window psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end % Cleanup function used throughout the script above function cleanup sca; % PTB's wrapper for Screen('CloseAll') & related cleanup, e.g. ShowCursor Eyelink('Shutdown'); % Close EyeLink connection ListenChar(0); % Restore keyboard output to Matlab if ~IsOctave; commandwindow; end % Bring Command Window to front end % Function for transferring copy of EDF file to the experiment folder on Display PC. % Allows for optional destination path which is different from experiment folder function transferFile try if dummymode ==0 % If connected to EyeLink % Show 'Receiving data file...' text until file transfer is complete Screen('FillRect', window, el.backgroundcolour); % Prepare background on backbuffer Screen('DrawText', window, 'Receiving data file...', 5, height-35, 0); % Prepare text Screen('Flip', window); % Present text fprintf('Receiving data file ''%s.edf''\n', edfFile); % Print some text in Matlab's Command Window % Transfer EDF file to Host PC % [status =] Eyelink('ReceiveFile',['src'], ['dest'], ['dest_is_path']) status = Eyelink('ReceiveFile'); % Check if EDF file has been transferred successfully and print file size in Matlab's Command Window if status > 0 fprintf('EDF file size: %.1f KB\n', status/1024); % Divide file size by 1024 to convert bytes to KB end % Print transferred EDF file path in Matlab's Command Window fprintf('Data file ''%s.edf'' can be found in ''%s''\n', edfFile, pwd); else fprintf('No EDF file saved in Dummy mode\n'); end cleanup; catch % Catch a file-transfer error and print some text in Matlab's Command Window fprintf('Problem receiving data file ''%s''\n', edfFile); cleanup; psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end end end