% EyelinkToolbox. % History and list of changes % % February 2024 % Various improvements and fixes all over the place % Updates to EyelinkBasic % Support for % - Static calibration target images from file % - Animated calibration targets from media file % - Stereomodes supported by Screen() % Updates to EyelinkDemos/SR-ResearchDemos/ % - Deprecated old examples % - Added improved examples: % - GazeContingent/FixWindowBufferedSamples % - GazeContingent/FixWindowFastSamples % - GazeContingent/GCBufferedEvents % - GazeContingent/GCFastSamples % - MRI_BlockRecord % - PursuitTarget % - SimplePicture % - SimpleVideo % % July 2010 % Enabled use of callbacks by default % Revampled demos, made to work with new callback version % General cleanup % % March 2009 % Completed access to raw sample structs % Added support for LOST_DATA_EVENT % Added GetQueuedData % Added experimental camera image capture % % Version 2, October 2006 % Updated Beta version for OpenGL Toolbox % % Version 2, June 2006 % Beta version for OpenGL Toolbox % % Version 1.4.5 xx-xx-2003 % % fixed small error in setting usemaxwait in geteyelinktime % % Version 1.4.4 27-11-2002 % % fixed dummy mode bug in eyelink.dll (was due to an eyelink software incompatability % eyelinkeventexample now works on both mac and pc % new function in eyelinkoneliners: dummymodedlg % is now used in some of the examples to ask to run in dummy mode when no eyelink is connected % % Version 1.4.3 26-11-2002 % % Includes eyelink.dll PC beta version % PC support added to Eyelink Demo experiment % added function dodriftcorrection which implements driftcorrection loop % getkeyforeyelink made PC compatible % getkeyforeyelinktest, slightly adapted % % known bugs: on PC, there's no communication between operator PC and subject PC during image-mode display % eyelinkeventexample does not work on PC % On PC no builtin drift correction and trackersetup functions are implemented % PC version requires modified getchar.dll! % Sounds are not original eyelink sounds..... % % Version 1.4.2 10-11-2002 (local release only) % Version 1.4.1 18-10-2002 (local release only) % % dotrackersetup.m: now allows one to go directly into a particular tracker mode % this option is not fully tested. Just leave out the 'sendkey' parameter and it will work as it used to. % added call to 'getnextdata' in addition to 'getnextdatatype' to conform to the c-routine call % button [,time] = Eyelink('lastbuttonpress') now will properly report time if requested % (previous versions had an erroneous % time parameter on the right hand side) % removed superfluous (non-error) messages from initialization and openfile functions % added event types to initeyelinkdefaults (for use with getnextdata) % tested with PsychToolbox 2.5.2 and pre-release screen 2.5.3 % % New naming scheme for folder and subfolders, a la PsychToolbox % EyelinkToolbox % EyelinkTests % EyelinkSounds % EyelinkBasic % EyelinkDemos % EyelinkOneLiners % % new functions: % time = Eyelink('requesttime') % time = Eyelink('readtime') % % result = Eyelink('buttonstates') % [result = ]Eyelink('flushkeybuttons'[, enablebuttons = 0]) % utility function windowsize % % new tests: % EXGetEyeLinkTime.m % testbutton.m % changes to demos: % eyelinkexample is now identical to the one in the BRMIC paper % adapted eyelinkdemo experiment slightly. % % Software used to produce/test the code. % Mac OS 9.2.2 % C-compiler: CodeWarrior 6.1. % Matlab 5.2.1 % Operator PC: EyeLink 2.04 % PsychToolbox 2.5.2 % % % Version 1.3.0 25-07-02 % limited release % Version 1.2.0 28-06-01 % % Software used to produce/test the code. % Mac OS 9.1. % C-compiler: CodeWarrior 6.1. % Matlab 5.2.1 % Operator PC: EyeLink 2.04 % PsychToolbox 2.44 %% updated on-line documentation % added a few test programs provided by John Palmer % added SimpleStepExperiment by John Palmer to the demo's % Reorganised demo-experiments % % Version 1.1.0 (limited release) 04-06-01 % Functions added to eyelink.mex % type = Eyelink('getnextdatatype') % item = Eyelink('getfloatdata', type) % [status =] Eyelink('receivefile',['filename'], ['dest'], ['dest_is_path']) % [result = ]Eyelink('playbackstart') % [result = ]Eyelink('playbackstop') % [result =] Eyelink('waitfordata', maxwait, samples, events) % [result =] Eyelink('dodriftcorrect',[x = Screenwidth/2], [y = Screenheight/2], [draw = 1], [allow_setup = 1) % % New m-file based function: initeyelinkdefaults % Added testeyelinksounds.m % As suggested by John Palmer, removed use of global parameter % from Toolbox. Updates to all functions to reflect this. % Changes to demo experiment reflect this % Real-time demo now also does something interesting in dummy mode % New, even compacter short demo called eyelinkexample.m % Added some comments and steps to this file % Readme.m in sounds folder explains what to do with sounds % Version 1.0.1 (limited release) 28-05-01 % Almost immediately released after version 1.0 % to remove some bugs. % Version 1.0 (limited release) 25-05-01 % first version distributed to a small number of testers