function [rawspd,errcode] = PR705rawspd(timeout) % PR705rawspd - Takes an spd measurement and returns the results. % % Syntax: % rawspd = PR705rawspd(timeout) % % Input: % timeout (scalar) - Timeout period in seconds. % % Output: % rawspd (1xN char) - The raw character array resulting from a measurement. % This will be an empty string if the timeout period was reached. % errcode (scalar) - The error code reported by the meter (success = 0). % % 12/06/12 zlb Wrote it. global g_serialPort if nargin < 1 || isempty(timeout) timeout = 300; end IOPort('Purge', g_serialPort); PR705write('M5'); WaitSecs(0.5); max_wait_time = GetSecs() + timeout; while GetSecs() < max_wait_time && ~IOPort('BytesAvailable', g_serialPort) WaitSecs(0.5); end rawspd = PR705read(); errcode = sscanf(rawspd, '%d');