function varargout = PR705read(varargin) % PR705read - Read data from the PR-705. % % Syntax: % serialData = PR705read([block=0] [, nbytes]) % % Description: % This is a convenience wrapper to read data from the PR-705 device. Aside % from not requiring an explicit port handle, this function is identical to % IOPort's Read (see IOPort Read? for more details). % % Output: % serialData (1xN char). % % 11/29/12 zlb Wrote it based on the PR670Toolbox. global g_serialPort if isempty(g_serialPort) error('Meter has not been initialized.'); end if nargin > 2 || nargout > 3 error('Invalid input/output arguments. Please refer to ''help PR750read''.\n'); end [varargout{1:nargout}] = IOPort('Read', g_serialPort, varargin{:}); if ~isempty(varargout{1}) && (~nargin || varargin{1} == 0) % If data exists keep reading off the port until there's nothing left. while true WaitSecs(0.05); [tmpData varargout{2:nargout}] = IOPort('Read', g_serialPort); if isempty(tmpData), break; end varargout{1} = [varargout{1} tmpData]; end end varargout{1} = char(varargout{1});