function varargout = PsychPhotodiode(cmd, handle, varargin) % PsychPhotodiode - Measure visual stimulus onset via photo-diodes and PsychPortAudio. % % Record a signal from a photo-diode connected to the audio input of a % soundcard via PsychPortAudio, and timestamp the signal to compute a % stimulus onset timestamp from the light flash picked up by the % photo-diode. % % Iow. we abuse the sound card as a mini-oszillograph with automatic timestamping. % % Subfunctions and their meaning: % ------------------------------- % % pdiode = PsychPhotodiode('Open' [deviceIndex][, sampleRate][, lrMode]); % - Open audio device 'deviceIndex' for recording. Audio sampling will be % performed at the given optional 'sampleRate' with the given number of % audio input channels. 'lrMode' (0 = Mono: Sum of left and right channel, % 1 = Only left channel, 2 = Only right channel, 3 = Average of channels). % % % PsychPhotodiode('Close', pdiode); % - Close audio device. % % % startTime = PsychPhotodiode('Start', pdiode [, maxDurationSecs=3]); % - Start audio capture immediately (ie., with minimum possible delay on % your system), return a 'startTime' timestamp of when capture actually started % or will start. % % The option 'maxDurationSecs' allows to define an upper limit onto the duration % of the capture operation. The operation will stop automatically after the % given number of seconds. By default, the capture will run for 3 seconds. % % % [onsetTimeSecs, audiodata, rawaudiodata] = PsychPhotodiode('WaitSignal', pdiode [, maxWaitTime=maxDurationSecs][, blocking=1]); % - Wait for stimulus onset, as picked up from a running capture operation. % Only call this function after a capture operation has been started via % PsychPhotodiode('Start'), or it will error out. % % The optional 'maxWaitTime' asks the driver to wait at most 'maxWaitTime' % seconds for stimulus onset. By default it will wait up to as many seconds % as set in the PsychPhotodiode('Start'). % % If stimulus onset has not happened yet and 'maxWaitTime' has not been % exceeded either, then the optional 'blocking' flag will define behaviour: % If set to 1 (or omitted), the driver will wait until stimulus onset or % timeout. If set to 0, the driver will return with empty [] return arguments % so you can retry later with another call to PsychPhotodiode('WaitSignal'). % % On return from 'WaitSignal', data capture / waiting for a signal will % stop, unless 'blocking' was set to zero for polling and nothing was % picked up yet. % % 'onsetTimeSecs' is the system (=GetSecs) time when a certain signal % strength (as set by PsychPhotodiode('TriggerLevel') or more likely by % PsychPhotodiode('CalibrateTriggerLevel')) was first exceeded since the % last call to PsychPhotodiode('Start'), ie. most likely due to onset of the % visual stimulus and corresponding light flash picked up by the photo-diode % and sent as a voltage spike to the soundcard input. % % 'audiodata' is the preprocessed row-vector of audiodata, used for % actual timestamping. % % 'rawaudiodata' is the vector or matrix of captured audiodata. 1 row for mono % recording, or a 2-row matrix (one row for each audio channel) in stereo % recording modes. Each value is an audio signal sample in range [-1 ; 1]. % % % oldLevel = PsychPhotodiode('TriggerLevel', pdiode [, newLevel]); % - Return old and optionally set new trigger threshold level for the % timestamping of onset of signals in PsychPhotodiode('GetResponse'). % % 'oldLevel' is the current/old level. 'newLevel' is the optional new % level. Level can be between 0 and 1, with a default level of 0.1 for 10% % of max signal intensity as trigger level. % % % newLevel = PsychPhotodiode('CalibrateTriggerLevel', pdiode [, window][, triggerMult]); % - Auto-Calibrate trigger threshold level for signal onset timestamping. % % Returns the found triggerLevel in 'newLevel'. % % If the optional 'window' onscreen window handle is omitted, then: % % This captures signal for 3 seconds, assuming the photo-diode(s) point to an % idle screen with black/background color. From that an optimal trigger level % is computed and assigned, which is 'triggerMult' times higher than the brightest % sample in the recorded "darkness" block and then use that triggerlevel as if % PsychPhotodiode('TriggerLevel') had been called with that auto-selected level. % 'triggerMult' defaults to 20 if omitted. % % If the optional 'window' onscreen window handle is provided, then: % % First the window is turned completely black, 3 seconds of "darkness" are % captured and maximum signal at black is computed. Then the window is % turned fully bright white, 3 seconds of "lightness" are captured and % maximum white signal is computed. Then the window goes dark again, and % the optimal triggerLevel is computed as weighted average of dark max % signal and white max signal, with 'triggerMult' defining the weighting % between 0.0 and 1.0. 'triggerMult' defaults to the reasonable value 0.5 % if omitted. % % % PsychPhotodiode('Stop', pdiode); % - Stop capture as soon as possible. % % % History: % 08-Dec-2019 mk Written. persistent pdiodes; if nargin < 1 || isempty(cmd) error('Required Subcommand missing or empty!'); end if (nargin < 2 || isempty(handle)) && ~strcmpi(cmd, 'Open') error('Required photo-diode device handle missing!'); end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Open') % Get deviceIndex: if nargin > 1 && ~isempty(handle) pdiode.deviceIndex = handle; else if IsWin % WASAPI only: devs = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices', 13); elseif IsLinux % ALSA only: devs = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices', 8); else % CoreAudio only: devs = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices', 5); end % Find optimal default device for this: hostname = Screen('Computer'); hostname = hostname.machineName; pdiode.deviceIndex = []; % First look for Mario's preferred devices: for i = 1:length(devs) % Must have at least one input channel: if devs(i).NrInputChannels == 0 continue; end % On Linux, must be a hardware device, not some virtual device: if ~IsLinux || ~isempty(strfind(devs(i).DeviceName, 'hw:')) if isempty(strfind(devs(i).DeviceName, 'C-Media USB Audio Device')) % Mario's MBP 2017 "groovy" is a special case: As of Linux 5.4 % we don't have audio capture support for the builtin HDA codec, % despite it enumerating with 2 inputs: continue end pdiode.deviceIndex = devs(i).DeviceIndex; break; end end % None of the preferred devices found? if isempty(pdiode.deviceIndex) for i = 1:length(devs) % Must have at least one input channel: if devs(i).NrInputChannels == 0 continue; end % On Linux, must be a hardware device, not some virtual device: if ~IsLinux || ~isempty(strfind(devs(i).DeviceName, 'hw:')) if IsLinux && strcmp(hostname, 'groovy') && ~isempty(strfind(devs(i).DeviceName, 'HDA Intel')) % Mario's MBP 2017 "groovy" is a special case: As of Linux 5.4 % we don't have audio capture support for the builtin HDA codec, % despite it enumerating with 2 inputs: continue end pdiode.deviceIndex = devs(i).DeviceIndex; break; end end end end % Query device properties: dev = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices', [], pdiode.deviceIndex); % Assign new optional sampleRate: if length(varargin) >= 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) pdiode.samplerate = varargin{1}; else pdiode.samplerate = dev.DefaultSampleRate; end % Assign new optional lrMode: if length(varargin) >= 2 && ~isempty(varargin{2}) pdiode.lrMode = varargin{2}; else pdiode.lrMode = 0; end % Default triggerLevel: pdiode.triggerLevel = 0.1; % Open capture device pdiode.deviceIndex for capture only [2], with requested % high-timing precisions and very low latency [3], at given samplerate and nr. % of input channels: = PsychPortAudio('Open', pdiode.deviceIndex, 2, 3, pdiode.samplerate, dev.NrInputChannels); pdiode.channels = dev.NrInputChannels; pdiodes{end+1} = pdiode; varargout{1} = length(pdiodes); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Close') pdiode = pdiodes{handle}; PsychPortAudio('Close',; pdiodes{handle} = []; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Start') pdiode = pdiodes{handle}; if length(varargin) >= 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) maxDurationSecs = varargin{1}; else maxDurationSecs = 3; end % Drain buffer: PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',; % Preallocate an internal audio recording buffer with a capacity of 10 seconds: PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',, maxDurationSecs + 0.001); if nargout > 0 % Return GetSecs mapped time as well: varargout{1} = PsychPortAudio('Start',, 1, [], 1); else varargout{1} = PsychPortAudio('Start',, 1, [], 0); end pdiode.maxDurationSecs = maxDurationSecs; pdiodes{handle} = pdiode; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Stop') pdiode = pdiodes{handle}; PsychPortAudio('Stop',; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'TriggerLevel') pdiode = pdiodes{handle}; varargout{1} = pdiode.triggerLevel; if length(varargin) >= 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) pdiode.triggerLevel = varargin{1}; end pdiodes{handle} = pdiode; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'CalibrateTriggerLevel') pdiode = pdiodes{handle}; % Get onscreen window handle for presenting the calibration stimulus sequence: if length(varargin) >= 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) win = varargin{1}; if Screen('WindowKind', win) ~= 1 error('PsychPhotodiode:CalibrateTriggerLevel:ERROR: Invalid window handle provided. Not an onscreen window!'); end else win = []; end % Get trigger multiplier: if length(varargin) >= 2 && ~isempty(varargin{2}) mult = varargin{2}; else mult = []; end % Preallocate an internal audio recording buffer with a capacity of 3 seconds: PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',, 3.001); if ~isempty(win) % Black calibration: [width, height] = Screen('WindowSize', win); Screen('FillRect', win, 0, [0, 0, width, height - 5]); Screen('Flip', win); WaitSecs(0.1); end % Record the "sound of silence" - or rather "sound of darkness" for 3 seconds: PsychPortAudio('Start',, 1, [], 1); % Get the data, 3 seconds: audiodata = PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',, [], 3.0, 3.0); audiodata = PreProcess(pdiode, audiodata); % Stop capture, drain leftovers: PsychPortAudio('Stop',; PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',; lowLevel = max(abs(audiodata(1, 1:floor(pdiode.samplerate * 3)))); if ~isempty(win) % White calibration: Screen('FillRect', win, WhiteIndex(win), [0, 0, width, height - 5]); Screen('Flip', win); WaitSecs(0.1); % Record the "sound of light" for 3 seconds: PsychPortAudio('Start',, 1, [], 1); % Get the data, 3 seconds: audiodata = PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',, [], 3.0, 3.0); audiodata = PreProcess(pdiode, audiodata); % Stop capture, drain leftovers: PsychPortAudio('Stop',; PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',; highLevel = max(abs(audiodata(1, 1:floor(pdiode.samplerate * 3)))); % Restore something less eye-burning: Screen('FillRect', win, 0, [0, 0, width, height - 5]); Screen('Flip', win); WaitSecs(0.1); % Default mult to 0.5 - the mid-point between black and white signal: if isempty(mult) mult = 0.5; end % Choose triggerLevel as weighted value between low and high level % for black and white screen, weighted by the multiplier: triggerLevel = (mult * highLevel) + ((1 - mult) * lowLevel); else % Manually controlled calibration from outside: % Default mult to 20x, because it suits Mario's test machine. if isempty(mult) mult = 20; end % Just take maximum value multiplied by mult: triggerLevel = lowLevel * mult; end if triggerLevel > 0.9 warning('Psychtoolbox:PsychPhotodiode:CalibrateTriggerLevel', 'Auto-Selected triggerLevel %f exceeds 90% of max possible signal amplitude. Strong noise or something wrong with your setup?!?', triggerLevel); end % Assign value as new triggerLevel: pdiode.triggerLevel = triggerLevel; % Return found triggerLevel: varargout{1} = triggerLevel; pdiodes{handle} = pdiode; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'WaitSignal') pdiode = pdiodes{handle}; % Get triggerLevel for stimulus onset: triggerLevel = pdiode.triggerLevel; if length(varargin) >= 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) numSecs = varargin{1}; else numSecs = pdiode.maxDurationSecs; end if length(varargin) < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) blocking = 1; else blocking = varargin{2}; end % Wait or poll for requested amount of audiodata: while 1 % Retrieve one msec of recorded data: [audiodata, absrecposition, ~, cstarttime] = PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',, [], 0.001); varargout{3} = audiodata; audiodata = PreProcess(pdiode, audiodata); % Compute timestamp in seconds since start of capture of when the % triggerLevel was exceeded the first time: triggerTime = find(abs(audiodata(1,:)) > triggerLevel, 1); triggerTime = cstarttime + (absrecposition + triggerTime) / pdiode.samplerate; % Signal onset detected? Then we are done: if ~isempty(triggerTime) break; end % Nope. Timeout reached for blocking scan? status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus',; if status.RecordedSecs >= numSecs % Requested maximum amount of audio data scanned: Exit loop. break; else % Insufficient amount. If this is a polling request, we % simply return no result: if ~blocking varargout{1} = []; varargout{2} = []; return; end end end % Stop capture, we have what we came for: PsychPortAudio('Stop',; % Drain buffer: PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData',; % Return all data: varargout{1} = triggerTime; varargout{2} = audiodata; pdiodes{handle} = pdiode; return; end error('PsychPhotodiode: Unknown subcommand provided!'); end function audiodata = PreProcess(pdiode, audiodata) if size(audiodata, 1) > 1 switch pdiode.lrMode case 0 audiodata = sum(audiodata); case 1 audiodata = audiodata(1,:); case 2 audiodata = audiodata(2,:); case 3 audiodata = mean(audiodata); end end end