function [result, ivx]=iViewX(cstr, ivx, params) % USAGE: [result, ivx]=iViewX(cstr, ivx [, params]) % % iViewX requires as input: % 1. a command string % 2. a structure with iViewX default values. % cstr: command to execute % ivx: structure holding default information % params: optional parameters to pass on with the command % % returns: % result: any result produced by the command % ivx: structure with default information (that may have been modified) % History % 011204 fwc added additional commands based on manual % 020105 fwc added sendcalibrationpoints result=-1; if ~exist('cstr', 'var') || isempty(cstr) % txt=[ mfilename ' requires a command string as input.']; % error(txt); help iViewX return end switch lower(cstr) case {'help', '?'}, help iViewX return end if ~exist('ivx', 'var') || isempty(ivx) txt=[ mfilename ' requires a structure with iViewX default values as input.']; error(txt); end if ~exist('params', 'var') || isempty(params) params=[]; end switch lower(cstr) case 'command', % --> check that input is a text string % send string as command result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, params); % case 'initialize', % [result, ivx]=iViewXComm('open', ivx); % connecting case 'openconnection', [result, ivx]=iViewXComm('open', ivx); case 'closeconnection', [result, ivx]=iViewXComm('close', ivx); case 'checkconnection', [result, ivx]=iViewXComm('check', ivx); case 'receivedata', % check port for commands or gaze data from iView [result, ivx]=iViewXComm('receive', ivx); case 'datafile', % saves current data buffer content to a datafile. Data is saved in % binary format. Use the IDF Converter to convert to ASCII format. % If the given filename already exists, the existing % file will not be overwritten and the command is not executed. % params should contain a datafile result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_SAV ' params]); % calibration case 'calibrate', [result, ivx]=iViewXCalibrate(ivx); case {'cancelcalibration', 'break'}, result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_BRK'); case 'defaultcalibrationpoints', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_DEF'); % restores default calibration positions case 'sendcalibrationpoints', % we could check for the presence of the ivx.absCalPos array for i=1:ivx.nCalPoints message=['ET_PNT ' num2str(i) ' ' num2str(ivx.absCalPos(i,1)) ' ' num2str(ivx.absCalPos(i,2))]; % message result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, message); end case 'setpoint', % params should contain three digits, % point number, x and y locations result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_PNT ' num2str(params(1)) ' ' num2str(params(2)) ' ' num2str(params(3))]); case 'setcalibration', % send calibration type % check params contains a single valid digit result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_CAL ' num2str(params)]); % case 'getcalibrationpoints', % [result, ivx]=iViewXGetCalibrationPoints(ivx); case {'setscreensize', 'setcalibrationarea'}, % send screen size if ~isempty(ivx.window) [ivx.screenHSize, ivx.screenVSize]=WindowSize(ivx.window); end message=['ET_CSZ ' num2str(ivx.screenHSize) ' ' num2str(ivx.screenVSize) ]; % check params contains a single valid digit result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, message); case 'accept', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_ACC'); case 'setchecklevel', % params should contain a single digit, the new level % runs from 0 (weak) to 3 (strong) result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_LEV ' num2str(params)]); case 'driftcorrection', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_RCL'); % this must require more, probably a routine similar to calibration % % params can hold position for drift correction % [result, ivx]=iViewXDriftCorrection(ivx, params); case 'validation', fprintf('%s: Sorry, command ''%s'' not implemented yet.\n', mfilename, command ); % recording case 'startrecording', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_REC'); case 'pauserecording', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_PSE'); case 'continuerecording', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_CNT'); case 'stoprecording', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_STP'); case 'clearbuffer', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_CLR'); case 'incrementsetnumber', % params should contain a single digit, the new set number result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_INC ' num2str(params)]); % streaming case 'datastreamingon', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_STR'); % we could/should include ability to specify subsampling case 'datastreamingoff', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_EST'); case 'setdataformat', % set data format for streaming output result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_FRM ' params ]); % drawing case 'erasescreen', iViewXEraseScreen(ivx); case 'drawcalibrationpoint', % check params should contain two valid ints % that are within the screen bounds iViewXDrawCalibrationPoint(ivx, params); % miscellaneous case 'sendconfiguration', result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, 'ET_CFG'); % not very useful in this manner, as we need to read it out of % course % message case 'message', % --> check that input is single text string result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_REM ' params ]); case 'auxdata', % --> check that input is single text string result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_AUX ' params ]); case 'loadbitmap', % --> check that input is a file location on iviewx result=iViewXComm('send', ivx, ['ET_BMP ' params ]); otherwise, fprintf('%s: unknown command ''%s''\n', mfilename, command ); end %--------------------------- % function result=iViewXSend(ivx, sendstr) % % switch ivx.connection % case 1, % ethernet % % % open udp connection, and send command string % % if this is too time consuming, we should open a port and keep it open % % for the time of the experiment % % code stolen from udp_send_demo.m % result=-1; % udp=pnet('udpsocket',ivx.socket); % if udp~=-1, % try, % Failsafe % pnet(udp,'udpconnect',,ivx.port); % % [ip,port]=pnet(udp,'gethost') % % stat=pnet(udp,'status') % pnet(udp,'write',[sendstr char(10)]); % Write to write buffer % pnet(udp,'writepacket',,ivx.port); % Send buffer as UDP packet % % catch, % pnet('closeall'); % disp(lasterr) % end % % [ip,port]=pnet(udp,'gethost') % % stat=pnet(udp,'status') % pnet(udp,'close'); % result=1; % end % % case 2, % % assume we use serial communication % error([mfilename ': serial communication not implemented yet']); % % % otherwise, % error([mfilename ': unknown connection type']); % end % % ET_ACC accepts calibration point % ET_BRK cancels calibration % ET_CAL starts calibration % ET_CHG indicates calibration point change % ET_CSZ sets size of calibration area % ET_DEF resets calibration points to default positions % ET_FIN indicates end of calibration % ET_LEV sets check level for calibration % ET_PNT sets position of calibration point % ET_RCL starts drift correction