function varargout=pnet_remote(varargin) % PNET_REMOTE - Evaluation of matlab expression in remote host PNET % % Version: First includes in the tcp/udp/ip toolbox 2002-02-13 % (C) 2002 Peter Rydesaeter, GNU Public License % % This function uses PNET for nonblocking remote controll of other matlab % session on this or other hosts. This function implements different client % and server calls in same function. By setting the server matlab session % in server mode with "PNET_REMOTE SERVER ..." its possible to connect to % it from other hosts and matlab sessions with "PNET_REMOTE con EVAL ..." % or exchange data with PUT or GET options. This remote controll package % uses its own (non standard) protocol over a TCP/IP connection. % % Optional parameters are enclosed in [ ] in follwing syntax description. % % SYNTAX: % ======= % % pnet_remote('server',[ port ]) % % Starts to listen on specified port (is by default 5678) for a connection % and starts to serv for EVAL, PUT, GET... commands sent from remotehost. % It listens for a connection, servers it until it closes and then starts % to listens for a new connection to serv. % % pnet_remote(con,'serverat') % % Like the last but it starts to serv on an already estabished connection % until it is closed by the remote host. CON needs to be closed afterwards. % % con=pnet_remote('connect',['host',[ port ] ]) % % Connects and returns a connection handler to a "PNET_REMOTE SERVER" % at specified HOST and PORT. Default value for host is 'localhost' and % for port 5678. A connection an also be established with % PNET('TCPCONNECT',...). % % pnet_remote(con,'close') % % Sends a close command to remote host and closes the connection. % PNET(con,'CLOSE') should also work even if it is not sending the close % command. % % pnet_remote(con,'close') % % Exactly the same as PNET('CLOSEALL') % % pnet_remote(con,'eval','expression') % % Non blocking evaluation of expression on remote host. The expression is % evaluated in callers namespace. The expression is a regular matlab % expression evaualted with EVALIN. This command is NONBLOCKING and % status of the evaluation can be detected with PNET_REMOTE(con,'STATUS') % % stat=pnet_remote(con,'status') % % Returns evaluation status of a remote host/session. The returned value % is a string containing 'busy' 'error' or 'ready' depending on status % of evaluation. during evaluation 'busy' is returned, then 'error' or % 'ready' is returened depending on if EVALIN succeded. % % pnet_remote(con,'PUT','name1',expr1, 'name2',expr2.....) % % Uploads variables to remote hosts evaulation workspace. Its specified % as a list of pairs of 'NAME' and EXPR where 'NAME' is the new name % of the uploaded variable in the remote workspace and EXPR is a local % variabel or expression. % % [var1,var2,...]=pnet_remote(con,'GET','name1','name2'....) % % Gets specified variables from remote workspace. Actually can 'name..' % be any expression that is remote evaluated _but_ this command blocks % until the result of the remotely evaluted expression/variable is % recived. % % pnet_remote(con,'PUTSCRIPT','scriptname1','scriptname2',....) % % Uploads local scripts to the remote host. The scripts are put on the % remote hosts search path in a directory named PNET_PUTSCRIPTS. % 'scriptname...' is the name used at calls. WHICH is used to detect % full path and extention of the script. If the remote hosts platform/OS is % different then the full extention on MEX files must be specified. % % pnet_remote(con,'BREAK') % % Sends a break comand to the script running on the remote host. This break % comand can only be detected if the remote host repeatedly calls % PNET_REMOTE('GET_BREAK') which will cause an error in the remote script. % % pnet_remote('GET_BREAK') % % Used to be repeatedly called in scripts on the remote host. On a recived % BREAK or disconected connection an error will be generated that break % the running script. % % General alternative syntax(es): % % pnet_remote server port % % This is the same as the functional form PNET_REMOTE('SERVER',port) % Numbers like connection handlers and port-numbers can be specified % as strings in most cases. This syntax should generaly work for all % variants of calls. % % con_array=[con1 con2 con3 .....] % pnet_remote(con_array,.........) % % You can specify the conection handler as an array of connections and % same operation will be performed for all connections. % This syntax should generaly work for all variants of calls _IF_ they % do not return anything. % % This file(s) is part of the tcp_udp_ip toolbox (C) Peter Rydesaeter et al. % et al. 1998-2003 for running in MATLAB(R) as scripts and/or plug-ins. % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA % % In addition, as a SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Peter Rydesaeter, SWEDEN, % gives permission to link the code of this program with any library, % and distribute linked combinations of it. You must obey the GNU % General Public License in all respects for all of the code in the % tcp_udp_ip toolbox and any . If you modify any source file included, % you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are % not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception % statement from your version. This exception makes it possible to use % pnet.c (.dll) as a plug-in as it is intended and let it be (dynamical) % linked to MATLAB(R) or any compiled stand alone application. persistent con; if isnumeric(varargin{1}), con=double(varargin{1}); varargin=varargin(2:end); if length(con(:))>1, for con_n=con(:)', con_n pnet_remote(con_n,varargin{:}); end return; end elseif ischar(varargin{1}), num=str2num(varargin{1}); if length(num)==1, con=num(1); varargin=varargin(2:end); end end switch upper(varargin{1}), case 'CLOSEALL' pnet closeall; return; case 'CONNECT' rhost=''; rport=5678; con=-1; if length(varargin)>1, rhost=varargin{2}; end if length(varargin)>2, rport=varargin{3}; end while con==-1, con=pnet('tcpconnect',rhost,rport); if con==-1, disp(sprintf('CAN NOT CONNECT TO HOST: %s PORT: %d\nRETRY....',rhost,rport)); pause(1); else disp(sprintf('CONNECTED TO HOST: %s PORT: %d !\n',rhost,rport)); end end varargout{1}=con; return; case 'NEWSERVER' port=5678; if length(varargin)>1, port=varargin{2}; end if ~ischar(port), port=sprintf('%d',port); end system(sprintf('echo "pnet_remote(''server'')" | matlab -nojvm -nosplash &',port)); return; case 'GET_BREAK' global DEFAULT_CON__; if length(DEFAULT_CON__)==0, return; end if strcmp(local_status_str(DEFAULT_CON__),'break') | pnet(DEFAULT_CON__,'status')==0, pnet(DEFAULT_CON__,'printf','\n--error--\n'); error 'Remote break'; end return; case 'STATUS' varargout{1}=local_status_str(con); return; case 'WAITNOTBUSY' while strcmp(local_status_str(con),'busy'), pause(0.01); end return; case 'PUTSCRIPT' M=varargin(2:end); D={'PUTSCRIPT'}; for n=1:length(M), try, f=[];file='';data='';file=which(M{n});f=fopen(file,'r');data=char(fread(f)),fclose(f); end if(length(file)>0 & length(data)>0), D{end+1}=file;D{end+1}=data; end end pnet(con,'printf','\n--remote--\n'); local_status_str(con); % Flush status buffer. Keep last status in readbuffer pnet_putvar(con,D); return; case 'PUT' pnet(con,'printf','\n--remote--\n'); local_status_str(con); % Flush status buffer. Keep last status in readbuffer pnet_putvar(con,varargin); return; case 'GET' pnet(con,'printf','\n--remote--\n'); local_status_str(con); % Flush status buffer. Keep last status in readbuffer pnet_putvar(con,varargin); varargout=pnet_getvar(con); return; case 'EVAL' pnet_remote(con,'WAITNOTBUSY'); pnet(con,'printf','\n--remote--\n'); pnet_putvar(con,varargin); return; case 'CLOSE' pnet(con,'printf','\n--remote--\n'); local_status_str(con); % Flush status buffer. Keep last status in readbuffer pnet_putvar(con,varargin); pnet(con,'close'); return; case 'BREAK' pnet(con,'printf','\n--break--\n'); return; case 'SERVER' port=5678; try, port=varargin{2}; end sock=pnet('tcpsocket',port); if 1, while 1, disp(sprintf('WAIT FOR CONNECTION ON PORT: %d\n',port)); try, con=[]; con=pnet(sock,'tcplisten'); con catch, disp 'Try: "pnet closeall" in all matlab sessions on this server.'; disp ' '; error(lasterr); end try, [rhost,rport]=pnet(con,'gethost'); disp(sprintf('START SERVING NEW CONNECTION FROM IP %d.%d.%d.%d port:%d',rhost,rport)); pnet_remote('SERVERNAMESPACE',con); end pnet(con,'close'); end end pnet(sock,'close'); disp('CLOSING SOCKET'); return; case 'SERVERNAMESPACE' clear; pnet_remote(evalin('caller','con'),'serverat'); return; case 'SERVERAT' while pnet(con,'status'), okflag=1; if 1, %try, str=''; drawnow; while strcmp(str,'--remote--')==0 & pnet(con,'status'), str=pnet(con,'readline',1024); end if pnet(con,'status')==0, break; end C=pnet_getvar(con); pnet(con,'printf','\n--busy--\n'); drawnow; switch upper(C{1}), case 'EVAL' global DEFAULT_CON__; DEFAULT_CON__=con; try disp(['REMOTE EVAL>> ' C{2:min(2:end)}]); evalin('caller',C{2:end},'okflag=0;'); catch okflag=0; end DEFAULT_CON__=[]; case 'PUTSCRIPT' C=C(2:end); try, mkdir('PNET_PUTSCRIPTS'); end try, addpath('PNET_PUTSCRIPTS'); end for n=1:2:length(C), disp(['REMOTE PUTSCRIPT>> ' C{n}]); try, [pa,na,ex]=fileparts(C{n});f=[]; f=fopen(['PNET_PUTSCRIPTS' filesep na ex],'w');fwrite(f,double(C{n+1}),'char'); fclose(f); catch, fclose(f); end end case 'PUT' C=C(2:end); for n=1:2:length(C), disp(['REMOTE PUT>> ' C{n}]); try assignin('caller',C{n:n+1}); catch okflag=0; end end case 'GET' C=C(2:end); R=cell(size(C)); for n=1:length(C), disp(['REMOTE GET>> ' C{n}]); try R{n}=evalin('caller',[C{n} ';']); catch okflag=0; end end pnet_putvar(con,R); case 'CLOSE' return; end %END SWITCH end if okflag, pnet(con,'printf','\n--ready--\n'); else pnet(con,'printf','\n--error--\n'); disp(sprintf('\nERROR: %s\n',lasterr)); end end end return; % Function that returns and leavs last text line in buffer. function stat=local_status_str(con) while 1, % Loop that finds, returns and leaves last text line in buffer. str=pnet(con,'read', 1024,'view','noblock'); if length(find([str,' ']==char(10)))<=1, stat=pnet(con,'readline',1024,'view','noblock'); % The return stat=stat(3:end-2); return; end dump=pnet(con,'readline',1024,'noblock'); % Then remove last line end return;