function udp_plotter_demo(lport) % UDP_PLOTTER_DEMO - Opens a figure and starts to listen for UDP packages to plot. % Syntax: % UDP_PLOTTER_DEMO % or % UDP_PLOTTER_DEMO localport % % This script is a demo that listen for a UDP packet (default port 3333) and % uses PLOT to dplay the sequence of doubles in the packet. % % (C) 2002 Peter Rydesaeter % Add default argument if nargin<1, lport=3333; end % Write help message disp ' '; disp 'To send packages to be plotted use e.g.'; disp(sprintf(' Use: udp_send_demo sin(0:0.1:6) ')); disp 'or'; disp(sprintf(' Use: udp_send_demo sin(0:0.1:6) HOSTNAME')); disp ' '; disp 'To send a package to be plotted'; % Open figure window %fg=figure; %clf; axis; drawnow; % Open udpsocket and bind udp port adress to it. udp=pnet('udpsocket',lport); % Use timeout to not block forever, makes it possible to update resized window. KbReleaseWait; try, while ~KbCheck % Wait/Read udp packet to reed buffer len=pnet(udp,'readpacket'); if len>0, % if packet larger then 1 byte then read maximum of 1000 doubles in network byte order data=pnet(udp,'read',1000,'double'); %figure(fg); % .... and plot doubles in axis. %plot(data); disp(data); end drawnow; end end % On break or error close udpconnection and figure window. pnet(udp,'close'); %delete(fg); return;