% Psychtoolbox:PsychJava % % Psychtoolbox functions or helper routines that are either implemented in % Java or make use of Matlabs built-in Java classes. % % Currently this contains the Java-based support routines for keyboard % queries via ListenChar, CharAvail, GetChar and FlushEvents. % % help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter. % % % AddPsychJavaPath - Add PsychtoolboxJava to the MATLAB's Java path. % GetCharJava - Java underpinnings of GetChar. Use GetChar instead. % PsychJavaSwingCleanup - Clean up some internal Java stuff. % PsychJavaTrouble - Help and trouble-shooter for problems with PsychJava. % JavaTimeToGetSecs - Convert Java System.currentTimeMillis() to GetSecs. % psychusejava - Drop in replacement for usejava on unsupported platforms. %