function callStack = AssertMex(varargin) % Handle missing or dysfunctional MEX files on Matlab or Octave. % % AssertMex(targetname) % % AssertMex detects missing mex files. Calling AssertMex from % your help file, e.g. foo.m, asserts the existence of a mex file foo.mex. % If no such mex file exists then AssertMex will exit with an error. % % Assert Mex is useful for detecting the error condition when a .m help % file is mistakenly executed because the correspondig .mex file is % missing. When foo.mex is missing, MATLAB silently executes the help file % foo.m instead. Calling AssertMex within foo.m detects and reports that % error. E.g., in Screen.m you'll find AssertMex('Screen.m') to handle % missing or dysfunctional Screen mex files properly. % _________________________________________________________________________ % % See also: AssertOpenGL, COMPUTER, IsOSX, IsWin % HISTORY: % % mm/dd/yy % % 12/14/03 awi Wrote it % 07/02/04 awi Improved documentation: Added See also, explained % behavior when no arguments are supplied. % Changed name to AssertMex from PsychAssertMex % 10/03/04 awi Modified to accept 'WINDOWS', 'OS9', 'OSX' % 01/08/05 fwc fixed little bug, see comments % 01/11/05 awi Merged fwc fix into master copy. % 01/29/05 dgp Cosmetic. % 03/07/05 fwc Fixed bugs due to which failed Assertmex to accept 'OSX', 'OS9' as valid input. % In line 80/81 badNames was often {''} which is not empty for isempty(). % Also changed || into | in line 90 % 03/08/05 dgp Add support for 'WIN'. % 10/06/05 awi Fixed bug: Changed "okSupNameMatches" to match addition of 'WIN' to % to "okSupNames" % 3/3/06 awi Rewrote help for improved clarity. % 6/13/09 mk Update to handle execution failures and missing files % on Octave-3.2 et al. as well. % 5/28/12 mk Update: 64-Bit OSX and Linux supported, but OSX PowerPC % and Matlab < V7.4 (aka R2007a) no longer supported. % 23-Feb-2019 mk Make more robust in case of wrong path order. % 07-Aug-2019 mk Update for new MSVC 2019 build system on Windows-10 / Win 10 SDK. % 13-Feb-2023 mk Update for PTB % 22-Apr-2023 mk Update for PTB persistent okNames mexExtensions; % Different processing on Octave build. if IsOctave myName = char(varargin{1}); if isempty(strfind(myName, '.m')) %#ok<*STREMP> return; end octFilename = [ myName(1:end-1) 'mex']; fprintf('\nIn place of the expected Octave .mex binary plugin file this placeholder file was executed:\n\n'); fprintf([' ' myName '\n\n']); fprintf('This MEX file seems to be missing or inaccessible on your Octave path or it is dysfunctional:\n\n') fprintf([' ' octFilename '\n\n']); fpath = which(myName(1:end-2)); if isempty(fpath) fprintf('Hmm. I cannot find the file on your Octave path?!?\n\n'); fprintf('One reason could be that your Octave path is wrong or not up to date\n'); fprintf('for the current Psychtoolbox. You may want to run SetupPsychtoolbox to \n'); fprintf('fix possible path problems.\n'); fprintf('Make sure that the path is readable by you as well...\n'); else % Some file with such a function exists on the Octave path: [dum1, dum2, fpathext] = fileparts(fpath); %#ok % Proper extension for the .mex file? if isempty(strfind(fpathext, '.mex')) % Nope, wrong file bound: if IsARM oext = 'ARM'; else oext = ''; end if Is64Bit oext = [oext '64' filesep]; else oext = [oext filesep]; end if IsLinux if ~IsARM % 64-Bit Intel: fprintf('The following directory should be the *first one* on your Octave path:\n %s \n\n', [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychBasic/Octave5LinuxFiles' oext]); else % 32-Bit ARM: fprintf('The following directory should be the *first one* on your Octave path:\n %s \n\n', [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychBasic/Octave3LinuxFiles' oext]); end end if IsOSX fprintf('The following directory should be the *first one* on your Octave path:\n %s \n\n', [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychBasic/Octave8OSXFiles' oext]); end if IsWindows fprintf('The following directory should be the *first one* on your Octave path:\n %s \n\n', [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychBasic\Octave8WindowsFiles' oext]); end else % Correct file with correct extension, still load failure: % Check for supported Octave version: fprintf('Your version of Octave (%s) might be incompatible with Psychtoolbox: We support Octave 5.0.0 or later\n', version); fprintf('on Linux, Octave 7.3 on Windows and Octave 7.3/8.1/8.2/8.3 on macOS.\n'); fprintf('Another reason could be some missing 3rd party dynamic link shared libraries on your system.\n'); fprintf('Another reason could be some binary incompatibility. You would need to recompile Psychtoolbox from source!\n\n'); end end % Our little ad for our troubleshooting services: if exist('PsychPaidSupportAndServices', 'file') PsychPaidSupportAndServices(2); end error('Missing, inaccessible or dysfunctional Psychtoolbox Mex file for this system, or Octave path wrong. Read the help text above carefully!!\n'); end % Initialize the persistent variables. if isempty(okNames) okNames = { 'PCWIN', 'PCWIN64', 'SOL2', 'HPUX', 'HP700', 'ALPHA', 'IBM_RS', 'SGI', 'GLNX86', 'MAC', 'MAC2', 'MACI', 'i486-pc-linux-gnu', 'MACI64', 'GLNXA64', 'MACA64'}; mexExtensions = {'mexw32', 'mexw64', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', 'mexglx', 'mexmac', 'mex', 'mexmaci', 'mex', 'mexmaci64', 'mexa64', 'mexmaca64'}; end inputNames = []; % Check to see if there should be a mex file for our platform. if isempty(inputNames) || ismember(computer, inputNames) % Element 1 will always be AssertMex. Element 2 will be the calling % function unless it is invoked from the commnand line. callStack = dbstack; if length(callStack) > 1 callerName = callStack(2).name; else error('AssertMex was invoked from the command line.'); end % Generate error strings extensionNameIndex=find(streq(computer,okNames)); extensionName=mexExtensions{extensionNameIndex}; %#ok mExtensionIndices=strfind('.m',callerName); if ~isempty(mExtensionIndices) termExtension=mExtensionIndices(end); mexFilenameHead=callerName(1:termExtension-1); else mexFilenameHead = callerName; end mexFilename=[mexFilenameHead '.' extensionName]; fprintf('\nIn place of the expected mex file this placeholder file was executed:\n\n'); fprintf([' ' callerName '\n\n']); fprintf('This mex file seems to be missing or inaccessible on your Matlab path or it is dysfunctional:\n\n') fprintf([' ' mexFilename '\n\n']); if isempty(which(mexFilename)) if strcmp(computer, 'MAC') % Mac PowerPC: fprintf('Matlab running on MacOSX on a PowerPC based Apple Macintosh computer is no longer supported.\n'); fprintf('You would need to get a version 3.0.9 or earlier Psychtoolbox for this to work on your computer.\n'); fprintf('Or upgrade your computer to run a modern version of GNU/Linux and use the Psychtoolbox for Linux on PowerPC.\n\n'); elseif (IsWin && exist('mexext') && strcmp(mexext, 'dll')) %#ok % Windows with Matlab pre-R2007a: fprintf('Matlab versions older than V7.4 aka R2007a running on MS-Windows are no longer supported by this release.\n'); fprintf('Install GNU/Octave or a more modern Matlab version instead. Or downgrade to Psychtoolbox version 3.0.9 or earlier.\n\n'); else fprintf('Hmm. I cannot find the file on your Matlab path?!?\n\n'); fprintf('One reason could be that your Matlab path is wrong or not up to date\n'); fprintf('for the current Psychtoolbox. You may want to run SetupPsychtoolbox to \n'); fprintf('fix possible path problems.\n\n'); end else if IsWin fprintf('It is important that the folder which contains the Screen mex file is located *before*\n'); fprintf('the PsychBasic folder on your Matlab path.\n'); fprintf('On Matlab V7.4 (R2007a) or later versions, the folder\n'); fprintf('%sPsychBasic\\MatlabWindowsFilesR2007a\\ must be before the folder\n%sPsychBasic\\ \n\n', PsychtoolboxRoot, PsychtoolboxRoot); fprintf('type path to display the current path and check for this condition.\nIf the order is wrong, '); fprintf('simply cd into your Psychtoolbox root folder\n%s and then run SetupPsychtoolbox again.\n', PsychtoolboxRoot); fprintf('That is the simplest way of fixing such path problems - Or to get more diagnostic output.\n\n'); end if ~isequal(which(mexFilename), which(callerName)) fprintf('Seems %s.m is in the Matlab path before/above %s instead of after/below it!\n', callerName, mexFilename); fprintf('This will cause the mex file to be ignored, leading to this error.\n'); fprintf('Please run SetupPsychtoolbox again, to rectify this problem, or use Matlabs pathtool\n'); fprintf('to shuffle things into the right order. This folder:\n\n'); fprintf('%s\n', fileparts(which(mexFilename))); fprintf('\nneeds to go above/before this folder:\n\n'); fprintf('%s\n\n\n', fileparts(which([callerName '.m']))); else fprintf('Another reason could be insufficient access permissions or \n'); fprintf('some missing 3rd party libraries on your system.\n\n'); end if IsWin fprintf('On Microsoft Windows with supported Matlab versions (>= V7.4) it could also be that\n'); fprintf('the required Visual C++ 2015-2019 runtime libraries are missing on your system.\n'); fprintf('The Psychtoolbox/PsychContributed/ subfolder contains installer files for them, which\n'); fprintf('you can execute after quitting Matlab. The name of the file is:\n'); if IsWin(1) fprintf('vcredist_x64_2015-2019.exe and maybe also vcredist_x64_2010.exe.\n'); else fprintf('unknown - no longer ships with this version of Psychtoolbox.\n'); end end end % Our little ad for our troubleshooting services: if exist('PsychPaidSupportAndServices', 'file') PsychPaidSupportAndServices(2); end error('Missing or dysfunctional Psychtoolbox Mex file for this operating system. Read the help text above carefully!!'); end