function black=BlackIndex(windowPtrOrScreenNumber) % color=BlackIndex(windowPtrOrScreenNumber) % Returns the CLUT index to produce black at the current screen depth, % assuming a standard color lookup table for that depth. E.g. % black=BlackIndex(w); % Screen(w,'FillRect',black); % % See WhiteIndex. % % When the screen is 1 to 8 bit mode, the Macintosh OS always makes the % first clut element white and the last black. In 16 or 32 bit mode the % clut goes from black to white. These CLUT conventions can be overridden % by Screen 'SetClut', which makes a direct call to the video driver, % bypassing the Mac OS, allowing you to impose any CLUT whatsoever. % 3/10/98 dgp Wrote it. % 3/30/98 dgp Consider only one channel, even for 16 and 32 bit modes. % 3/8/2000 emw Added platform conditional % 3/8/2000 dgp Fixed platform conditional % 3/30/2004 awi Added OS X case. For now OS X only supports true-color mode, so % BlackIndex behavior on OS X will have to change when we add % more depth modes. % 1/29/05 dgp Cosmetic. % 3/01/08 mk Changed to a simple return value of zero - anything else % doesnt' make sense with PTB-3. if nargin~=1 error('Usage: color=BlackIndex(windowPtrOrScreenNumber)'); end black=0; return;