function gray=GrayIndex(w,r) % color=GrayIndex(windowPtrOrScreenNumber,[reflectance]) % Returns the CLUT index to produce the specified gray, on a scale of % 0 (black) to 1 (white) at the current screen depth, assuming a % standard color lookup table for that depth. E.g. % gray=GrayIndex(w,0.3); % Screen(w,'FillRect',gray); % % See BlackIndex, WhiteIndex. % % No compensation is made for the screen's gamma function. This is % just a handy way of picking a few grays for simple text and graphics. % This isn't appropriate for images that need correction for the screen % gamma. % % When the screen is in 1 to 8 bit mode, the Macintosh OS always makes the % first clut element white and the last black. In 16 or 32 bit mode the % clut goes from black to white. These CLUT conventions can be overridden % by Screen 'SetClut', which makes a direct call to the video driver, % bypassing the Mac OS, allowing you to impose any CLUT whatsoever. % HISTORY % % mm/dd/yy % % 10/3/99 dgp Wrote it. if nargin<1 || nargin>2 error('Usage: color=GrayIndex(windowPtrOrScreenNumber,[reflectance])'); end if nargin<2 r=0.5; end gray=(1-r)*BlackIndex(w)+r*WhiteIndex(w);