function res=NearestResolution(screenNumber,width,height,hz,pixelSize,outputId) % res=NearestResolution(screenNumber,[width,height,hz,pixelSize]) % res=NearestResolution(screenNumber [,width][,height][,hz][,pixelSize][,outputId]) % res=NearestResolution(screenNumber,desiredRes) % % Finds the available screen resolution most similar (in log cartesian space) to that % requested. Any argument that is [] or NaN will be ignored in assessing similarity. % If you specify pixelSize then the returned res will specify pixelSize. Typically % you'll use the returned "res" to set your screen's resolution: % % SetResolution(screenNumber, res) % % Note: On Linux, if more than one video display output is connected to % a given screenNumber, you must specify the optional 'outputId' parameter % to select the output for which you want a match. % % Also see SetResolution, ResolutionTest, and Screen Resolution and Resolutions. % HISTORY: % 1/28/00 dgp Wrote it. % 9/17/01 dgp Frans Cornelissen,, discovered that iBooks % always report a framerate of NaN. So we ignore framerate when % Screen Resolutions returns NaN Hz. % 4/29/02 dgp Screen Resolutions is only available on Mac. % 6/6/02 dgp Accept res instead of parameter list. % 9/23/07 mk Adapted for Psychtoolbox-3. % 2/28/08 mk Fix parsing, error handling and documentation... % 12/28/12 mk Fix bug reported by St�phane Rainville on GitHub (issue #86). % 04/15/14 mk Allow selection of outputId for which to match. if nargin<2 || nargin>6 error(sprintf('%s\n%s','USAGE: res=NearestResolution(screenNumber,[width,height,hz,pixelSize])',... ' res=NearestResolution(screenNumber [,width][,height][,hz][,pixelSize])',... ' res=NearestResolution(screenNumber,desiredRes)')); %#ok<*SPERR> end if nargin<6 outputId = []; end if nargin<5 pixelSize=[]; end if nargin<4 hz=[]; end if nargin<3 height=[]; end if nargin==2 % 'desiredRes' could be a struct or a vector: if isa(width,'struct') % It is a struct: res=width; if isfield(res,'width') width=res.width; else width=[]; end if isfield(res,'height') height=res.height; else height = []; end if isfield(res,'hz') hz=res.hz; else hz = []; end if isfield(res,'pixelSize') pixelSize=res.pixelSize; else pixelSize = []; end else % It is a vector: res=width; if ~isempty(res) width = res(1); else error('The second argument "desiredRes" is neither a valid struct, nor a valid vector!'); end if length(res)>1 height = res(2); else height = []; end if length(res)>2 hz = res(3); else hz = []; end if length(res)>3 pixelSize = res(4); else pixelSize = []; end end end if ~isscalar(screenNumber) || ~ismember(screenNumber, Screen('Screens')) error(sprintf('Invalid screenNumber %d.',screenNumber)); end % Get a list of available resolutions on output outputId: res=Screen('Resolutions', screenNumber, outputId); wish.width=width; wish.height=height; wish.hz=hz; wish.pixelSize=pixelSize; for i=1:length(res) d(i)=distance(wish,res(i)); %#ok end [x,i]=min(d); %#ok res=res(i); if isempty(wish.pixelSize) || ~isfinite(wish.pixelSize) res.pixelSize = []; end return function d=distance(a,b) % "a" may omit values, for which you "don't care". % "a" has "pixelSize" field, but "b" has "pixelSizes" field. d=0; if ~isempty(a.width) && isfinite(a.width) d=d+log10(a.width/b.width)^2; end if ~isempty(a.height) && isfinite(a.height) d=d+log10(a.height/b.height)^2; end % b.hz may be reported as zero on some operating systems when display is a % flat-panel. We need to ignore the 'hz' wish in that case, as there will % be only one fixed framerate on theses systems anyway (usually 60 hz). if ~isempty(a.hz) && isfinite(a.hz) && ~isempty(b.hz) && isfinite(b.hz) && (b.hz > 0) d=d+log10(a.hz/b.hz)^2; end return