function varargout = BalanceTrials (nTrials, randomize, varargin) % BalanceTrials balances a set of factors given the factor levels. It is % identical to BalanceFactors except that the first argument is the number % of trials desired. It outputs one or more vectors containing factor % values for each trial, balanced and, optionally, randomized. % % [F1, F2, ...] = BalanceTrials(NTRIALS, RND, LVL1, LVL2, ...) % % BalanceTrials must be called with three or more input arguments. The % first argument, NTRIALS, specifies the number of trials desired. The % second argument, RAND, determines whether or not the returned factors % should be shuffled (non-zero values lead to shuffling). % % The remaining input arguments specify the levels for each of a set of % factors. Factor levels can be specified as numeric vectors or cell % arrays (e.g., for category names). The returned factor lists will be the % same class as the corresponding levels. % % WARNING: If NTRIALS is not a multiple of the product of the number of % levels, then the actual number of trials generated will be more than % NTRIALS. To detect this situation, test whether numel(F1) == NTRIALS. % % EXAMPLES: % % [targetPresent, setSize] = BalanceTrials(80, 0, 0:1, [3 6 9 12]); % % [target, setSize, dur] = ... % BalanceTrials(72, 1, [0 1], [4 8 12], [0 100 200]); % % [samediff, mask] = ... % BalanceTrials(20, 1, {'same', 'diff'}, {'pattern', 'meta'}); % % See also: BalanceFactors % Author: David E. Fencsik ( % Last Changed: July 6, 2010 %%% BEGIN ARGUMENT CHECKING %%% if nargin < 3 error('%s must have at least three input arguments', mfilename); end if numel(nTrials) ~= 1 error('First argument to %s must be a single integer', mfilename); end if numel(randomize) ~= 1 error('Second argument to %s must be a single integer', mfilename); end % make sure number of input IVs match number of output IVs nFactors = nargin - 2; if nargout ~= nFactors error('%d input argument(s) does not match %d output arguments', ... nFactors, nargout); end %%% END ARGUMENT CHECKING %%% % count up number of levels in each factor and the minimum number of trials % needed for one observation per cell nLevels = zeros(nFactors, 1); for f = 1:nFactors nLevels(f) = length(varargin{f}); end minTrials = prod(nLevels); % determine the number of replicates N = ceil(nTrials / minTrials); % initialize cell array that will hold balanced variables varargout = cell(1, nFactors); % the following initializes and runs the main loop in the function, which % generates enough repetitions of each factor, ensuring a balanced design, % and randomizes them len1 = minTrials; len2 = 1; [dummy, index] = sort(rand(N * minTrials, 1)); for f = 1:nFactors len1 = len1 / nLevels(f); if size(varargin{f}, 1) ~= 1 % ensure that factor levels are arranged in one row varargin{f} = reshape(varargin{f}, 1, numel(varargin{f})); end % this is the critical line: it ensures there are enough repetitions % of the current factor in the correct order varargout{f} = repmat(reshape(repmat(varargin{f}, len1, len2), ... minTrials, 1), N, 1); if randomize varargout{f} = varargout{f}(index); end len2 = len2 * nLevels(f); end