function GiveFeedback(correct) % GiveFeedback(correct) % % Give auditory feedback about correctness of respose. One beep for % correct, two beeps for incorrect. Some labs (e.g. dgp) prefer % a short beep for correct, no sound for incorrect. One could % easily add a flag to this routine to allow this behavior. % % 3/5/97 dhb Wrote it % 1/25/00 emw Added platform conditionals % 3/8/2000 dgp Fixed platform conditionals % 4/14/00 dhb Fix call to Snd for windows. % 4/13/02 dgp Eliminate obsolete calls to SndPlay. Just call Snd on both platforms. % It's important to specify the sample rate, because the default is % platform-dependent. % 11/15/03 dhb Wait for sound to complete before returning. Failure to do so % was causing problems when Snd('Close') was called by calling % routine. if correct Snd('Play',sin(1:3:200),8192); else Snd('Play',sin(1:3:200),8192); WaitSecs(0.1); Snd('Play',sin(1:3:200),8192); end Snd('Wait');