function SetupPsychtoolbox(tryNonInteractiveSetup) % SetupPsychtoolbox - In-place setup of PTB without network access. % % SetupPsychtoolbox([tryNonInteractiveSetup=0]) % % This script prepares an already downloaded working copy of Psychtoolbox % for use with Matlab or Octave. It sets proper paths and takes care of % special setup operations for various things. % % The optional parameter 'tryNonInteractiveSetup' if provided as 1 (true), will % try a setup without user interaction, not asking users for input in certain % situations, but assuming an answer that keeps the setup progressing. Note that % this is not guaranteed to work in all cases, and may end in data loss, e.g., % overwriting an old and potentially user-modified Psychtoolbox installation. % This non-interactice setup mode is highly experimental, not well tested, not % supported in case of any trouble! % % Installation is a three step procedure: % % 1. Download and unpack a full working copy of PTB into your target % folder. Obviously you need to somehow get a copy, either via conventional % download from a computer with network connection, visit this URL for that % download: % Or from a helpful colleague, or copied from some other machine. % % 2. Change your Matlab/Octave working directory to the Psychtoolbox installation % folder, e.g., 'cd /Applications/Psychtoolbox'. % % 3. Type 'SetupPsychtoolbox' to run this script. % % % If you get stuck, post your question to the forum: % % % % Please specify your full name and the version of your operating system, % MATLAB or Octave and Psychtoolbox. % % History: % % 01/25/07 mk Created. Derived from DownloadPsychtoolbox. Basically a % stripped down version of it. % % 05/31/09 mk Add support for Octave-3. % 06/07/09 mk Apply smallish fix to fix counting, contributed by Chuan Zeng. % 05/27/12 mk Strip backwards compatibility support to pre-R2007a. % Remove PowerPC support. % % 09/14/12 mk Drop support for Octave on MS-Windows. % 09/14/12 mk Drop support for 32-Bit Octave on OSX. % 07/02/13 mk Drop support for 32-Bit Matlab on OSX, and thereby for 32-Bit OSX. % 05/18/14 mk No support for 32-Bit Matlab on Linux and Windows anymore for 3.0.12. % 10/28/15 mk 32-Bit Octave-4 support for MS-Windows reestablished. % 04/01/16 mk 64-Bit Octave-4 support for MS-Windows established. % 06/01/16 mk 32-Bit Octave-4 support for MS-Windows removed. % 01/25/24 mk Cleanup, dead code removal. % 06/12/24 mk Fixup for spaces in install path on macOS for use of xattr, % and skip xattr if installed as .mltbx file via Add-On explorer. % Flush all MEX files: This is needed at least on M$-Windows if Screen et al. are still loaded. clear mex; %#ok if nargin < 1 || isempty(tryNonInteractiveSetup) tryNonInteractiveSetup = 0; end oldpause = pause('query'); if tryNonInteractiveSetup pause('off'); end % Validate supported OS: IsWin = ispc; IsOSX = ismac; IsLinux = isunix && ~ismac; if ~IsWin && ~IsOSX && ~IsLinux fprintf('Sorry, this updater doesn''t support your operating system: %s.\n', computer); fprintf([mfilename ' can only set up the Linux, Windows and macOS versions of the Psychtoolbox-3.\n']); error(['Your operating system is not supported by ' mfilename '.']); end % Locate ourselves: targetdirectory=fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); if ~strcmpi(targetdirectory, pwd) error('You need to change your working directory to the Psychtoolbox folder before running this routine!'); end fprintf('Will setup working copy of the Psychtoolbox folder inside: %s\n',targetdirectory); fprintf('\n'); % Does SAVEPATH work? err=savepath; if err try % If this works then we're likely on Matlab: p=fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','local','pathdef.m'); fprintf(['Sorry, SAVEPATH failed. Probably the pathdef.m file lacks write permission. \n'... 'Please ask a user with administrator privileges to enable \n'... 'write by everyone for the file:\n\n''%s''\n\n'],p); catch %#ok % Probably on Octave: fprintf(['Sorry, SAVEPATH failed. Probably your ~/.octaverc file lacks write permission. \n'... 'Please ask a user with administrator privileges to enable \n'... 'write by everyone for that file.\n\n']); end fprintf(['Once "savepath" works (no error message), run ' mfilename ' again.\n']); fprintf('Alternatively you can choose to continue with installation, but then you will have\n'); fprintf('to resolve this permission issue later and add the path to the Psychtoolbox manually.\n\n'); if ~tryNonInteractiveSetup answer=input('Do you want to continue the installation despite the failure of SAVEPATH (yes or no)? ','s'); else answer='no'; end if ~strcmpi(answer,'yes') && ~strcmpi(answer,'y') fprintf('\n\n'); error('SAVEPATH failed. Please get an administrator to allow everyone to write pathdef.m.'); end end % Handle Windows ambiguity of \ symbol being the fileseparator and a parameter marker: if IsWin searchpattern = [filesep filesep 'Psychtoolbox[' filesep pathsep ']']; searchpattern2 = [filesep filesep 'Psychtoolbox']; else searchpattern = [filesep 'Psychtoolbox[' filesep pathsep ']']; searchpattern2 = [filesep 'Psychtoolbox']; end % Remove "Psychtoolbox" from path: while any(regexp(path, searchpattern)) fprintf('Your old Psychtoolbox appears in the MATLAB/OCTAVE path:\n'); paths=regexp(path,['[^' pathsep ']+'],'match'); fprintf('Your old Psychtoolbox appears %d times in the MATLAB/OCTAVE path.\n',length(paths)); if tryNonInteractiveSetup answer = 'no'; else answer=input('Before you decide to delete the paths, do you want to see them (yes or no)? ','s'); end if ~strcmpi(answer,'yes') && ~strcmpi(answer,'y') fprintf('You didn''t say "yes", so I''m taking it as no.\n'); else for p=paths s=char(p); if any(regexp(s,searchpattern2)) fprintf('%s\n',s); end end end if tryNonInteractiveSetup answer = 'yes'; else answer=input('Shall I delete all those instances from the MATLAB/OCTAVE path (yes or no)? ','s'); end if ~strcmpi(answer,'yes') && ~strcmpi(answer,'y') fprintf('You didn''t say yes, so I cannot proceed.\n'); fprintf('Please use the MATLAB "File:Set Path" command or its Octave equivalent to remove all instances of "Psychtoolbox" from the path.\n'); error('Please remove Psychtoolbox from MATLAB/OCTAVE path.'); end for p=paths s=char(p); if any(regexp(s,searchpattern2)) % fprintf('rmpath(''%s'')\n',s); if strcmpi(s, pwd) % Octave 6.4+: rmpath can not remove current working directory from path, so switch it: cd('..'); end rmpath(s); end end savepath; fprintf('Success.\n\n'); end % Add Psychtoolbox to MATLAB/OCTAVE path fprintf('Now adding the new Psychtoolbox folder (and all its subfolders) to your MATLAB/OCTAVE path.\n'); p=targetdirectory; pp=genpath(p); addpath(pp); err=savepath; if err fprintf('SAVEPATH failed. Psychtoolbox is now already installed and configured for use on your Computer,\n'); fprintf('but i could not save the updated Matlab/Octave path, probably due to insufficient permissions.\n'); fprintf('You will either need to fix this manually via use of the path-browser (Menu: File -> Set Path),\n'); fprintf('or by manual invocation of the savepath command (See help savepath). The third option is, of course,\n'); fprintf('to add the path to the Psychtoolbox folder and all of its subfolders whenever you restart Matlab.\n\n\n'); else fprintf('Success.\n\n'); end % macOS and not a Matlab add-on? Add-on toolboxes don't need quarantine removal. if IsOSX && isempty(strfind(targetdirectory, 'MATLAB Add-Ons')) %#ok % Apples trainwreck needs special treatment. If Psychtoolbox has been % downloaded via a webbrowser as a zip file or tgz file and then % extracted, then all binary executable files like .dylib's and % mex files will have the attribute set to % prevent them from working in any meaningfully user fixable way - % Thanks Apple! Use the xattr command to remove the quarantine flag. fprintf('Trying to fixup Apple macOS broken security workflow by removing the quarantine flag from our mex files...\n\n'); % Escape all spaces in the path p with a backslash, so shell utilities % like xattr can work and don't choke on pathes with blanks: p = strrep(p, ' ', '\ '); if IsOctave % Fix the Octave mex files: if IsARM [rc, msg] = system(['xattr -d ' p filesep 'PsychBasic/Octave8OSXFilesARM64/*.mex 2>&1']); else [rc, msg] = system(['xattr -d ' p filesep 'PsychBasic/Octave8OSXFiles64/*.mex 2>&1']); end else % Fix the Matlab mex files: [rc, msg] = system(['xattr -d ' p filesep 'PsychBasic/*.' mexext]); end % Fix the DrawText plugin and other plugins: if rc == 0 || ~isempty(strfind(msg, 'xattr:')) %#ok if IsOctave [rc, msg] = system(['xattr -d ' p filesep 'PsychBasic/PsychPlugins/*.dylib 2>&1']); else [rc, msg] = system(['xattr -d ' p filesep 'PsychBasic/PsychPlugins/*.dylib']); end end % Worked? if rc ~= 0 if isempty(strfind(msg, 'xattr:')) %#ok fprintf('FAILED! Psychtoolbox will likely not work correctly!\n'); PsychPaidSupportAndServices(2); warning(['Removing the quarantine flag from our mex files to workaround macOS brokeness failed! Error was: ' msg]); end end end if exist('PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine.m', 'file') % Notify the post-install routine of the "pseudo-update" It will % determine the proper flavor by itself. PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine(1); end pause(oldpause); % Puuh, we are done :) return