function UpdatePsychtoolbox(targetdirectory, targetRevision, tryNonInteractiveSetup) % UpdatePsychtoolbox([targetdirectory][, targetRevision][, tryNonInteractiveSetup=0]) % % THIS UPDATER DOES NO LONGER WORK, AS GITHUB HAS REMOVED THEIR % SUBVERSION FRONTEND, WHICH IT CRITICALLY REQUIRES, FROM THEIR SERVICES % PERMANENTLY AT 8TH JANUARY 2024. % % Due to the lack of financial support for Psychtoolbox by the vast % majority of our non-paying users, we did not and currently do not have % the funding to work on a good alternative solution for this. Therefore % this convenient installation and update method will be unavailable for an % unknown period of time. % % See for a % workable, although way less convenient and advanced, download and % installation method, via zip file download and execution of % SetupPsychtoolbox(). Good luck! % % ========================================================================= % % Update your working copy of the Psychtoolbox with the latest bug fixes, % enhancements, and features from our Git server. % % If you are using a Psychtoolbox provided by NeuroDebian, then this is not % needed. You will be automatically notified of updates to Psychtoolbox by % your operating systems update manager, as soon as they become available. % % The "targetdirectory" argument is optional. If present, it specifies the path % of the Psychtoolbox folder to update. If omitted, UpdatePsychtoolbox will % update the Psychtoolbox folder reported by PsychtoolboxRoot(). Examples: % % UpdatePsychtoolbox % UpdatePsychtoolbox('~/Applications/Psychtoobox') % % The "targetRevision" argument is optional and should be normally omitted. % Normal behaviour is to upgrade your working copy to the latest revision. % If you provide a specific targetRevision, then this script will % *downgrade* your copy of Psychtoolbox to the specified revision. This is % only useful if you experience problems after an update and want to revert % to an earlier known-to-be-good release. Revisions can be specified by a % revision number or by the special flag 'PREV' which should downgrade to % the revision before the most current one. By executing this script % multiple times with the 'PREV' specifier, you could incrementally % downgrade until stuff works for you. % % UpdatePsychtoolbox cannot change the flavor of your Psychtoolbox. To % change the flavor, run DownloadPsychtoolbox again. % % The optional parameter 'tryNonInteractiveSetup' if provided as 1 (true), will % try a setup without user interaction, not asking users for input in certain % situations, but assuming an answer that keeps the setup progressing. Note that % this is not guaranteed to work in all cases, and may end in data loss, e.g., % overwriting an old and potentially user-modified Psychtoolbox installation. % This non-interactice setup mode is highly experimental, not well tested, not % supported in case of any trouble! % % History: % % 11/2/05 mk Created. % 1/13/06 mk Added support for Microsoft Windows. % 3/13/06 dgp Allow explicit targetdirectory argument. % Changed default to use WHICH instead of PWD as % targetdirectory. Update MATLAB path. Expand comments. % 5/08/06 mk Small fixes. Added option to downgrade to a specific revision. % 9/23/06 mk Add clear mex call to flush mex files before updating. % 10/5/06 mk Add detection code for MacOS-X on Intel Macs. % 21/11/06 mk Add improved detection code for Subversion. % 31.3.08 mk Allow spaces in path to targetdirectory (Fix contributed by Tobias Wolf) % 7.5.08 mk Allow to spec 'targetdirectory' as [], so it gets default. % % 10/01/08 mk Add interactive output/query for svn client on the Unices. % This to work-around questions of the client about accepting % security certificates... % 01/05/09 mk Remove && or || to make old Matlab versions happier. % 05/31/09 mk Add support for Octave-3. % 10/05/09 mk Strip trailing fileseperator from targetDirectory, as % suggested by Erik Flister to avoid trouble with new svn % clients. % 05/27/12 mk Strip backwards compatibility support to pre-R2007a. % Remove PowerPC support. % % 09/14/12 mk Drop support for Octave on MS-Windows. % 09/14/12 mk Drop support for 32-Bit Octave on OSX. % 07/02/13 mk Drop support for 32-Bit Matlab on OSX, and thereby for 32-Bit OSX. % 05/18/14 mk No support for 32-Bit Matlab on Linux and Windows anymore for 3.0.12. % 10/28/15 mk 32-Bit Octave-4 support for MS-Windows reestablished. % 04/01/16 mk 64-Bit Octave-4 support for MS-Windows established. % 06/01/16 mk 32-Bit Octave-4 support for MS-Windows removed. % 06/01/19 mk Give automated hint about updated svn client under Matlab. % 10/31/19 dgp Allows UpdatePsychtoolbox to run without Psychtoolbox in path. % 12/18/19 mk Add "--accept theirs-full" to svn update, so in case of conflicts, % server provided upstream files will just override/overwrite user % modified files. Not super-friendly of us, but may cut down support % overhead. % 10/28/20 mk Add SVN support via Matlabs SVNKit. % 12/16/23 mk Add warning about, and handling of GitHub SVN frontend shutdown at 8th January 2024. addpath(fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),'PsychOneliners')); % Flush all MEX files: This is needed at least on MS-Windows for SVN to % work if Screen et al. are still loaded. clear mex if nargin < 1 targetdirectory = []; end if isempty(targetdirectory) targetdirectory = PsychtoolboxRoot; end % Strip trailing fileseperator, if any: if targetdirectory(end) == filesep targetdirectory = targetdirectory(1:end-1); end if nargin < 2 || isempty(targetRevision) targetRevision = ''; else fprintf('Target revision: %s \n', targetRevision); end if nargin < 3 || isempty(tryNonInteractiveSetup) tryNonInteractiveSetup = 0; end % It's the end of the world as we know it... fprintf('This Updater does no longer work, as GitHub has removed their Subversion frontend,\n'); fprintf('which we critically require, from their services permanently at 8th January 2024.\n\n'); fprintf('Due to the lack of financial support for Psychtoolbox by the vast majority of our non-paying users,\n'); fprintf('we did not and currently do not have the funding to work on a good alternative solution for this.\n'); fprintf('Therefore this convenient installation and update method will be unavailable for an unknown period\n'); fprintf('of time.\n\n'); fprintf('See for a workable, although way less\n'); fprintf('convenient and advanced, download and installation method, via zip file download and execution\n'); fprintf('of SetupPsychtoolbox(). Good luck!\n\n\n'); error('Updater aborted due to currently unsupported update method.'); % After date check, leave here commented out as it may be useful in the future... %if datenum(date) > datenum('8-Jan-2024') %#ok<*DATE,*DATNM> %end oldpause = pause('query'); if tryNonInteractiveSetup pause('off'); end fprintf('UpdatePsychtoolbox(''%s'') \n', targetdirectory); fprintf('\n'); % Do notify user about potential trouble with path names with blanks in them: if any(isspace(targetdirectory)) fprintf('The targetdirectory spec contains white-space. This should work, but has not been tested extensively.\n'); end % Check if this is 32-Bit Octave-4 on Windows, which we don't support at all: if isempty(strfind(computer, 'x86_64')) && ~isempty(strfind(computer, 'mingw32')) fprintf('Psychtoolbox 3.0.13 and later do no longer work with 32-Bit GNU/Octave-4 on MS-Windows.\n'); fprintf('You need to use 64-Bit Octave-5.2.0 if you want to use Psychtoolbox with Octave on Windows.\n'); fprintf('DownloadPsychtoolbox() with flavor ''Psychtoolbox-3.0.12'', does support 32-Bit Octave-4 on Windows.\n'); error('Tried to setup on 32-Bit Octave, which is no longer supported on Windows.'); end % Check if this is 32-Bit Matlab on Windows or Linux, which we don't support anymore: if (strcmp(computer, 'PCWIN') || strcmp(computer, 'GLNX86')) fprintf('Psychtoolbox 3.0.12 and later do no longer work with 32-Bit versions of Matlab.\n'); fprintf('You need to upgrade to a supported 64-Bit version of Octave or Matlab. 32-Bit Octave is still\n'); fprintf('supported on GNU/Linux by NeuroDebian or Linux distribution repositories.\n'); fprintf('If you must use a legacy 32-Bit Matlab environment, you can call this function\n'); fprintf('DownloadPsychtoolbox() with flavor ''Psychtoolbox-3.0.11'', which does support 32-Bit Matlab on Linux and Windows.\n'); error('Tried to setup on 32-Bit Matlab, which is no longer supported.'); end % Check if this is 32-Bit Octave or 32-Bit Matlab on OSX, which we don't support anymore: if (~isempty(strfind(computer, 'apple-darwin')) || strcmp(computer,'MACI')) && isempty(strfind(computer, '64')) fprintf('Psychtoolbox 3.0.11 and later do no longer work with 32-Bit versions of Octave or Matlab on OSX.\n'); fprintf('You need to upgrade to a 64-Bit version of Octave or Matlab on OSX, which is fully supported.\n'); fprintf('You can also use the alternate download function DownloadLegacyPsychtoolbox() to download\n'); fprintf('an old legacy copy of Psychtoolbox-3.0.9, which did support 32-Bit Octave 3.2 on OSX, or use\n'); fprintf('DownloadPsychtoolbox() with flavor ''Psychtoolbox-3.0.10'', which does support 32-Bit Matlab on OSX.\n'); error('Tried to setup on 32-Bit Octave or 32-Bit Matlab, which are no longer supported on OSX.'); end % Check if this is Octave-3 on Windows, which we don't support at all: if strcmp(computer, 'i686-pc-mingw32') fprintf('Psychtoolbox 3.0.10 and later do no longer work with GNU/Octave-3 on MS-Windows.\n'); fprintf('You need to use 64-Bit Octave-5 if you want to use Psychtoolbox with Octave on Windows.\n'); fprintf('You can also use the alternate download function DownloadLegacyPsychtoolbox() to download\n'); fprintf('an old legacy copy of Psychtoolbox-3.0.9 which did support 32-Bit Octave 3.2 on Windows.\n'); error('Tried to setup on Octave, which is no longer supported on MS-Windows.'); end if strcmp(computer,'MAC') fprintf('This version of Psychtoolbox is no longer supported under MacOSX on the Apple PowerPC hardware platform.\n'); error('Apple MacOSX on Apple PowerPC computers is no longer supported by this Psychtoolbox version.'); end % Check OS IsWin = ~isempty(strfind(computer, 'PCWIN')) || ~isempty(strfind(computer, '-w64-mingw32')); IsOSX = ~isempty(strfind(computer, 'MAC')) || ~isempty(strfind(computer, 'apple-darwin')); IsLinux = strcmp(computer,'GLNX86') || strcmp(computer,'GLNXA64') || ~isempty(strfind(computer, 'linux-gnu')); IsOctave = isempty (ver('matlab')); if ~IsWin && ~IsOSX && ~IsLinux fprintf('Sorry, this updater doesn''t support your operating system: %s.\n', computer); fprintf([mfilename ' can only install Psychtoolbox-3.\n']); error(['Your operating system is not supported by ' mfilename '.']); end % Save old Psychtoolbox path: oldPath = RemoveSVNPaths(genpath(targetdirectory)); % get current path and only remove those folders that are currently on % path, to prevent some unnecessary warnings: oldPath = PathListIsMember(oldPath, path); % Matlab R2014b (Version 8.4) or later? if ~IsOctave && ~verLessThan('matlab', '8.4') % R2014b and later contain a Java SVN implementation, so lets use % that to spare the user from having to install a separate svn % command line client: % Get svn_client object from Matlab's Java implementation: svn_client_manager = org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNClientManager.newInstance; svn_client = svn_client_manager.getUpdateClient; % Build revision to checkout: if isempty(targetRevision) targetRevision = 'HEAD'; end revision = org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision.parse(targetRevision); if revision == org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision.UNDEFINED error('Invalid ''targetRevision'' parameter ''%s'' specified. Not a valid revision spec!', targetRevision); end % Do the SVN working copy update: fprintf('Updating via Matlabs integrated SVNKit: This can take multiple minutes.\nThere may be no output to this window to indicate progress until the update is complete.\nPlease be patient ...\n'); revactual = svn_client.doUpdate(, revision, org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth.INFINITY, true, true); fprintf('Update to SVN revision %i succeeded!\n\n', revactual); else % Fallback path for Octave or older Matlab versions - svn command line client: if ~isempty(targetRevision) targetRevision = [' -r ' targetRevision ' ']; end % Retrieve path to Subversion executable: svnpath = GetSubversionPath; fprintf('About to update your working copy of the OpenGL-based Psychtoolbox-3.\n'); updatecommand=[svnpath 'svn update --accept theirs-full ' targetRevision ' ' strcat('"',targetdirectory,'"') ]; fprintf('Will execute the following update command:\n'); fprintf('%s\n', updatecommand); if IsOctave % Octave's system() command (and its dos() and unix() wrappers around system()) % does not print any live output from the checkoutcommand if return of the 'result' % string is requested. We want some live feedback, so users get some feeling of % download progress and don't get confused if the thing is just sitting there for % minutes without giving feedback. Therefore don't request 'result': err = system(updatecommand); result = 'For reasons and troubleshooting, read the output above and all followup messages!'; else % Matlab's system() command can provide live feedback from 'checkoutcommand' % during svn checkout and return the same output in 'result' at the end, so % we can get 'result' for parsing: [err, result] = system(updatecommand, '-echo'); end if err fprintf('Sorry. The update command failed with error code %d:\n', err); fprintf('%s\n', result); if IsOSX && err == 69 fprintf('If the error output suggests running a command, this should be typed into found in Applications/Utilities\n') end if IsOctave fprintf('If the error output above contains the text ''SSL handshake failed: SSL error: tlsv1 alert protocol version''\n'); fprintf('then your svn command line client is too old. Install a more recent Subversion command line client.\n'); else if ~isempty(strfind(result, 'tlsv1 alert protocol version')) fprintf('Seems your svn command line client is too old. Install a more recent Subversion command line client.\n'); end end error('Update failed.'); end fprintf('Success!\n\n'); fprintf('CHANGES:\n'); fprintf('%s\n',result); fprintf('CHANGE -- MEANING\n'); fprintf('U or G -- File was modified/updated.\n'); fprintf('A -- New file was added.\n'); fprintf('D -- File was removed.\n'); fprintf('C -- File is in conflict with local changes!\n'); fprintf('"C" indicates that something went wrong. Please check manually.\n'); fprintf('A conflict happens if you manually modified files in the Psychtoolbox folder in\n'); fprintf('a way that conflicts with the new file from the update and if that conflict can\n'); fprintf('not get automatically resolved.\n'); fprintf('If you cannot resolve such a conflict, the simplest solution is to manually\n'); fprintf('delete the file or subfolder for which a conflict is reported, and then run\n'); fprintf('UpdatePsychtoolbox again. It will download and add the proper missing files.\n'); fprintf('If everything else fails, simply delete the whole Psychtoolbox folder and use\n'); fprintf('DownloadPsychtoolbox again for a full, clean download.\n'); fprintf('\n'); end % Remove old Psychtoolbox paths. Add new Psychtoolbox paths. rmpath(oldPath); addpath(genpath(targetdirectory)); fprintf('Your MATLAB/OCTAVE path has been updated. Now trying to save the new MATLAB/OCTAVE path...\n\n'); err = savepath; if err try % If this works then we're likely on Matlab: p=fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','local','pathdef.m'); fprintf(['Sorry, SAVEPATH failed. Probably the pathdef.m file lacks write permission. \n'... 'Please ask a user with administrator privileges to enable \n'... 'write by everyone for the file:\n\n''%s''\n\n'],p); catch %#ok % Probably on Octave: fprintf(['Sorry, SAVEPATH failed. Probably your ~/.octaverc file lacks write permission. \n'... 'Please ask a user with administrator privileges to enable \n'... 'write by everyone for that file.\n\n']); end fprintf(['Once that''s done, run ' mfilename ' again. For this session, Psychtoolbox\n']); fprintf('will be fully functional, but you will need to save your path settings to make them persistent.\n\n'); end % Does a post-install routine exist? If so, we execute it, now that PTB is basically ready. if exist('PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine.m', 'file') % We pass the information about downloaded flavor and that this is a download (=0) to the % post-install routine... clear PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine; PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine(1); end pause(oldpause); return