#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Bind install and cofiguration script for Bedrock Connect # Usage: sudo scripts/install-bind.sh [BCIP] [NSIP] # BCIP Optional IP of the bedrock connect server (Default: # NSIP Optional IP of the name server (Default: same as the bedrock connect server) # # Should support Ubuntu 18+, Cent OS 7+, Arch, and Debian # Tested on: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Cent OS 7 and Cent OS 8 # # # Configuration # BCIP=${1:-} NSIP=${2:-$BCIP} # # Functions # function add_domain() { local domain=$1 shift # Warn if exists if [[ -n "$(cat $NAMED_ZONES | grep $domain)" ]]; then echo "Warning: Domain $domain already exists, skipping..." return fi # Create zone file echo "@ IN SOA $domain. admin.$domain. ( 2014030801 ; serial 1D ; refresh 1H ; retry 1W ; expire 3H ) ; minimum @ 300 NS ns.$domain. ns 300 IN A $NSIP" > $NAMED_DBS/db.$domain while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do echo "$1 300 IN A $BCIP" >> $NAMED_DBS/db.$domain shift done # Add zone config to named echo "zone \"$domain\" IN { type master; file \"db.$domain\"; allow-query { any; }; }; " >> $NAMED_ZONES } # # Main # if [[ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]]; then echo "Error: This script need to be ran as root (or using sudo)." exit 1 fi # Check OS if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then source /etc/os-release if [[ "$ID" == "ubuntu" || "$ID_LIKE" == "ubuntu" ]]; then PKG_MGR=apt PKG_MGR_SYNTAX="install" PKGS="bind9 dnsutils" NAMED_OPTIONS="/etc/bind/named.conf.options" NAMED_ZONES="/etc/bind/named.conf.local" NAMED_DBS="/var/cache/bind" SERVICE_NAME="bind9" elif [[ "$ID" == "centos" ]]; then PKG_MGR=yum PKG_MGR_SYNTAX="install" PKGS="bind bind-utils" NAMED_OPTIONS="/etc/named.conf" NAMED_ZONES="/etc/named.conf" NAMED_DBS="/var/named" SERVICE_NAME="named" elif [[ "$ID" == "arch" ]]; then PKG_MGR=pacman PKG_MGR_SYNTAX="-S" PKGS="bind" NAMED_OPTIONS="/etc/named.conf" NAMED_ZONES="/etc/named.conf" NAMED_DBS="/var/named" SERVICE_NAME="named" elif [[ "$ID" == "debian" || "$ID_LIKE" == "debian" ]]; then PKG_MGR=apt PKG_MGR_SYNTAX="install" PKGS="bind9 dnsutils" NAMED_OPTIONS="/etc/bind/named.conf.options" NAMED_ZONES="/etc/bind/named.conf.local" NAMED_DBS="/var/cache/bind" SERVICE_NAME="named" else echo "Unsupported OS" exit 2 fi else echo "Unsupported OS" exit 2 fi # Install $PKG_MGR $PKG_MGR_SYNTAX -y $PKGS # Configure sed -i '/recursion/d' $NAMED_OPTIONS sed -i '/additional-from-cache/d' $NAMED_OPTIONS sed -i 's/^options {/options {\n\trecursion no;/' $NAMED_OPTIONS add_domain hivebedrock.network @ geo add_domain inpvp.net play add_domain lbsg.net mco add_domain galaxite.net play add_domain enchanted.gg play # Reload config systemctl reload $SERVICE_NAME