bl_info = { "name": "SkinParent", "description": "Skin parent (vertex group with full weight) the selected objects to a bone", "author": "Samuel Bernou", "version": (2, 1, 0), "blender": (2, 81, 0), "location": "View3D > Tool Shelf > RIG tool > Skin parent", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "category": "Object" } import bpy C = bpy.context def CreateArmatureModifier(ob, targetRig): ''' Create armature modifier if necessary and place it on top of stack or just after the first miror modifier return a list of bypassed objects ''' #get object from armature data with a loop (only way to get armature's owner) for obArm in if obArm.type == 'ARMATURE' and == targetRig: ArmatureObject = obArm #add armature modifier that points to designated rig: if not 'ARMATURE' in [m.type for m in ob.modifiers]: mod ='Armature', 'ARMATURE') mod.object =[targetRig] #bring Armature modifier to the top of the stack pos = 1 if 'MIRROR' in [m.type for m in ob.modifiers]: #if mirror, determine it's position for mod in ob.modifiers: if mod.type == 'MIRROR': pos += 1 break else: pos += 1 if len(ob.modifiers) > 1: for i in range(len(ob.modifiers) - pos): bpy.ops.object.modifier_move_up(modifier="Armature") else: #armature already exist for m in ob.modifiers: if m.type == 'ARMATURE': m.object =[targetRig] ## maybe check if it targets the same object ? # if m.object == None: # m.object =[targetRig] # elif m.object !=[targetRig]: # return (m.object) def CheckFullWeight(ob, vgName): '''take an object, a valid vertex group name and return True if vertex weight are at 1 else False''' vg = ob.vertex_groups.get(vgName) for i in try: if vg.weight(i.index) != 1.0: return (False) except RuntimeError:#if vertice isn't assigned in this group return (False) return (True) def SimpleVertexGroupToBone(ob, targetRig, targetBone, context): ''' Add a vertex group to the object named afer the given bone assign full weight to this vertex group return a list of bypassed object (due to vertex group already existed) ''' #if the vertex group related to the chosen bone is'nt here, create i and Skin parent (full weight) if not targetBone in [ for i in ob.vertex_groups]: vg = else: #vertex group exist, or weight it (leave it untouched ?) vg = ob.vertex_groups[targetBone] verts = [i.index for i in] vg.add(verts, 1, "ADD") def VertexGroupToBone(ob, targetRig, targetBone, context): ''' Add a vertex group to the object named afer the given bone assign full weight to this vertex group return a list of bypassed object (due to vertex group already existed) ''' #if the vertex group related to the chosen bone is'nt here, create i and Skin parent (full weight) if not targetBone in [ for i in ob.vertex_groups]: vg = else: #vertex group exist, or weight it (leave it untouched ?) vg = ob.vertex_groups[targetBone] verts = [i.index for i in] vg.add(verts, 1, "ADD") #Delete other vertex groups option if context.scene.SP_killVG: if not context.scene.SP_onlyBone:#simply delete other vertex groups for vgroup in ob.vertex_groups: #if != targetBone: if vgroup != vg: if context.scene.SP_keepWeighted: if CheckFullWeight(ob, #if vertex group is full weighted, delete ob.vertex_groups.remove(vgroup) else: ob.vertex_groups.remove(vgroup) # ob.vertex_groups.remove(ob.vertex_groups[]) else:#if onlybone is True then delete other vertex groups associated to bones for bone in[targetRig].bones: if ob.vertex_groups.get( if != targetBone: if context.scene.SP_keepWeighted: if CheckFullWeight(ob, #if vertex group is full weighted, delete ob.vertex_groups.remove(ob.vertex_groups[]) else: ob.vertex_groups.remove(ob.vertex_groups[]) class SKP_OT_convert_parent_to_skin(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "rig.convert_parent_to_skinning" bl_label = "Convert parent to skin" bl_description = "All select object that are directly parented to a bone get an armature modifier instead" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} def execute(self, context): keep_transform = context.scene.SP_keepTransform print('-'*5) for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: if ob.parent: print("ob has parent", targetRig = if ob.parent_type == 'BONE': print("is bone parented to") if ob.parent_bone: targetBone = ob.parent_bone print("ob.parent_bone", ob.parent_bone)#Dbg if keep_transform: #Clear and keep transform (matrix reattribution) matrixcopy = ob.matrix_world.copy() ob.parent = None ob.matrix_world = matrixcopy else: ob.parent = None #replace by armature CreateArmatureModifier(ob, targetRig) SimpleVertexGroupToBone(ob, targetRig, targetBone, bpy.context) return {"FINISHED"} class SKP_OT_skin_parent(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "rig.skinparent" bl_label = "Skin to bone" bl_description = "skin parent(fullweight) selected objects to target bones (create armature and assign vertex group)" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} def execute(self, context): mesh_selection = [o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects if o.type == 'MESH'] if mesh_selection: #if context.mode == 'OBJECT': #target armature data not armature object ! targetRig = context.scene.SP_target_armature targetBone = context.scene.SP_targetbone if context.mode == 'POSE': targetRig = #one more 'data' necessary to get armatrue data in pose mode targetBone = elif context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE': targetRig = targetBone = print ('RIG>> ', targetRig) print ('BONE> ', targetBone) if targetRig and targetBone: actob = context.object #backup current active obj for ob in mesh_selection: = ob CreateArmatureModifier(ob, targetRig) VertexGroupToBone(ob, targetRig, targetBone, context) = actob #re-assign active obj else:{'ERROR'}, "target missing") else:{'ERROR'}, "No mesh selected") return {"FINISHED"} class SKP_PT_skin_parent_ui(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_label = "Skin parent" bl_category ="RIG Tools" bpy.types.Scene.SP_target_armature = bpy.props.StringProperty(name = "targetRig", description = "Select Armature (show armature name not object name !)") bpy.types.Scene.SP_targetbone = bpy.props.StringProperty(name = "targetBone", description = "Select Bone to skin parent") bpy.types.Scene.SP_killVG = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = 'killVG', default=False, description = "Delete others existing vertex groups (destructive!)") bpy.types.Scene.SP_onlyBone = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = 'onlyBone', default=False, description = "Delete only vertex groups associated with other bones of this armature") bpy.types.Scene.SP_keepWeighted = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = 'keepWeighted', default=False, description = "delete vertex groups only if they are full weighted") bpy.types.Scene.SP_keepTransform = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = 'Keep transform', default=True, description = "Keep transformation when deleteting the parent (before skinning to armature)") def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ''' ### box to search for the rig and bones manually (maybe let it activable ?) row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop_search(context.scene, "SP_target_armature",, "armatures",text="target rig ") row = layout.row(align = True) if context.scene.SP_target_armature: row.prop_search(context.scene, "SP_targetbone",[context.scene.SP_target_armature], "bones",text="target bones") ''' layout.operator("rig.convert_parent_to_skinning") layout.prop(context.scene, "SP_keepTransform") layout.separator() row = layout.row(align = True) row.operator("rig.skinparent") if context.mode == 'POSE' or context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE': row.enabled = True else: row.enabled = False row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(context.scene, "SP_killVG", text="Kill other vertex groups") if context.scene.SP_killVG: #separator label row = layout.row(align = True) row.label(text = 'Delete filters:') #options row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(context.scene, "SP_onlyBone", text="Only groups related to this armature") row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(context.scene, "SP_keepWeighted", text="Only fully weighted groups") classes = ( SKP_OT_convert_parent_to_skin, SKP_OT_skin_parent, SKP_PT_skin_parent_ui, ) ### --- REGISTER --- register, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(classes) '''#detailed def register(): from bpy.utils import register_class for cls in classes: register_class(cls) def unregister(): from bpy.utils import unregister_class for cls in reversed(classes): unregister_class(cls) ''' if __name__ == "__main__": register()