#!/bin/bash -xe # The script will achieve the following: # 1. Install required packages. # 2. Apply iSCSi and multipath best practice configuration. # 3. Connect to CBS and create a host. # 4. provision the storage # 5. Create iSCSi initiator and discover the connected volume # 6. Mount the volume ####################### ## Enter you Environment Variables ####################### # Enter IP address or FQDN of Cloud Block Store CBS_MNGMT_IP= #CBS_MNGMT_IP= # Enter the path where to mount the volume DATA_VOLUME_PATH=/data # Enter the Host Group Name HOSTGROUP=ASG-HGROUP # Option #1# Enter the size of the volume VOLSIZE=1000G # Option #2# Connect the existed shared volume to the host #VOLNAME=ASG-SHARED-VOLUME # Update and install required packages sudo yum update -y sudo yum -y install iscsi-initiator-utils sudo yum -y install lsscsi sudo yum -y install device-mapper-multipath sudo yum -y install jq ####################### ## Mutlipath and iscsi best practices configuration ####################### sudo service iscsid start sudo sed -i 's/^\(node\.session\.nr_sessions\s*=\s*\).*$/\132/' /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf sudo cat << EOF > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-pure-storage.rules # Recommended settings for Pure Storage FlashArray.cat # Use noop scheduler for high-performance solid-state storage ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd*[!0-9]", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="PURE", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="noop" # Reduce CPU overhead due to entropy collection ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd*[!0-9]", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="PURE", ATTR{queue/add_random}="0" # Spread CPU load by redirecting completions to originating CPU ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd*[!0-9]", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="PURE", ATTR{queue/rq_affinity}="2" # Set the HBA timeout to 60 secondsi ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{model}=="FlashArray ", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 60 > /sys/$DEVPATH/device/timeout'" EOF sudo mpathconf --enable --with_multipathd y sudo sed -e 's/^#*/#/g' -i /etc/multipath.conf sudo cat << EOF >> /etc/multipath.conf defaults { polling_interval 10 user_friendly_names yes find_multipaths yes } devices { device { vendor "PURE" path_selector "queue-length 0" path_grouping_policy group_by_prio path_checker tur fast_io_fail_tmo 10 no_path_retry queue hardware_handler "1 alua" prio alua failback immediate } } EOF sudo service multipathd restart ####################### ## CBS Operations ####################### # Generate api_token CBS_API_TOKEN=$(curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k -d '{"username": "pureuser","password": "pureuser"}' 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/1.19/auth/apitoken' | jq --raw-output .api_token) #Exchange with x_auth_token X_AUTH_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X POST 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/login' -H 'api-token: '$CBS_API_TOKEN'' -i | grep x-auth-token | awk '{ print $2}') # Get iscsi interface ip address ISCSI_CBS_C0=$(curl -k -X GET 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/network-interfaces/' -H 'x-auth-token: '$X_AUTH_TOKEN'' \ | jq --raw-output '[.items[] | select(.services[] | contains("iscsi")).eth.address] | first') # Create a hostgroup curl -X POST 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/host-groups' -H 'x-auth-token: '$X_AUTH_TOKEN'' -k -d '{"names": "$HOSTGROUP"}' # Get the Instance ID export INITNAME=$(curl -s # Get IQN export IQN=$(grep InitiatorName /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi | awk -F= '{ print $2 }') # Create a host curl -X POST 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/hosts' -H 'x-auth-token: '$X_AUTH_TOKEN'' -k -d '{"names": "$INITNAME", "iqns": ["$IQN"]}' # Add host to hostgroup curl -X POST 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/host-groups/hosts?group_names='$HOSTGROUP'&member_names='$INITNAME'' -H 'x-auth-token: '$X_AUTH_TOKEN'' -k ## Option 1 ## # Create a volume curl -k -X POST 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/volumes?names='$INITNAME'&provisioned='$VOLSIZE'' -H 'x-auth-token: '$X_AUTH_TOKEN'' sleep 10 # Conenct the volume to the host curl -k -X POST 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/connections?host_names='$INITNAME'&volume_names='$INITNAME'' -H 'x-auth-token: '$X_AUTH_TOKEN'' ## Option 2 ## # Connect the existed shared volume to the host #curl -k -X POST 'https://'$CBS_MNGMT_IP'/api/2.11/connections?host_names='$INITNAME'&volume_names='$VOLNAME'' -H 'x-auth-token: '$X_AUTH_TOKEN'' ####################### ## Initialize and mount the volume ####################### # iscsi initiator configuratione sudo iscsiadm -m iface -I iscsi0 -o new sudo iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p $ISCSI_CBS_C0:3260 sudo iscsiadm -m node --login sudo iscsiadm -m node -o update -n node.startup -v automatic sleep 10 # Create filesystem and mount Volume sudo mkdir $DATA_VOLUME_PATH disk=`sudo multipath -ll|awk '{print $1;exit}'` sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/$disk sleep 10 sudo mount /dev/mapper/$disk $DATA_VOLUME_PATH