<# .SYNOPSIS Block IP Addresses that connect to a specified port. .DESCRIPTION Creates a job that listens on TCP Ports specified and when a connection is established, it can either simply log or add a local firewall rule to block the host from further connections. Writes blocked/probed IPs to the event log named HoneyPort. .PARAMETER Ports List of Ports to listen in for connections. .PARAMETER WhiteList List of IP Addresses that should not be blocked. .EXAMPLE Example monitoring on different ports PS C:\> .\honeyport.ps1 -Ports 70,79 -Verbose .EXAMPLE Example monitoring on different ports and add whitelist of hosts PS C:\> .\honeyport.ps1 -Ports 4444,22,21,23 -WhiteList, -Verbose .EXAMPLE Example monitoring on one port and blocking on full TCP connect PS C:\> .\honeyport.ps1 -Ports 21 -Block $true .NOTES Authors: John Hoyt, Carlos Perez Original Script Modified By: Greg Foss Stopping HoneyPort; PS C:\> stop-job -name HoneyPort PS C:\> remove-job -name HoneyPort Listing Events; PS C:\> get-eventlog HoneyPort #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("PortNumber")] [int32[]]$Ports, [string[]]$WhiteList, [switch[]]$Block = $false ) function Check-IsAdmin{ (whoami /all | Select-String S-1-16-12288) -ne $null } function Check-HoneyPortEvent { if ((Get-WmiObject win32_NTEventlogfile -filter "filename='HoneyPort'") -ne $null){ "HoneyPort Event-type has already been created!" } else { new-eventlog -LogName HoneyPort -Source BlueKit "HoneyPort Event-type has been created!" } } function Get-SystemIPs { $NonBlockIPs = @() # Select only those interfaces with an IP Addresses and are up Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "IPEnabled=True" | foreach-object { # Get the IPAdresses on the network interfaces foreach ($ipAddress in $_.IPAddress){ $NonBlockIPs += $ipAddress } # Get DNS Server IPAddresses foreach ($DNSsrv in $_.DNSServerSearchOrder) { $NonBlockIPs += $DNSsrv } # Get IPAddressed from WINS and DHCP Servers $NonBlockIPs += $_.WINSPrimaryServer $NonBlockIPs += $_.WINSSecondaryServer $NonBlockIPs += $_.DHCPServer } # Retuns a de-duplicated list $NonBlockIPs | select -Unique } # Add IPAdresses the system depends on to the list. $WhiteList+= Get-SystemIPs Check-HoneyPortEvent if (Check-IsAdmin) { foreach($port in $Ports) { $log = "HoneyPort has started listening for connections on port $port" write-eventlog -logname HoneyPort -source BlueKit -eventID 1001 -entrytype Information -message $log Write "Starting job that will listen for connections on port $port" Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($port, $whitelist, $Block) # Create Objects needed. $endpoint = new-object System.Net.IPEndPoint([system.net.ipaddress]::any, $port) $listener = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener $endpoint # Run Listener while ($True){ $listener.start() $client = $listener.AcceptTcpClient() $IP = $client.Client.RemoteEndPoint $IP = $IP.tostring() $IP = $IP.split(':') $IP = $IP[0] # If the IP is not on the whitelist we block it if ($Block -eq $true) { if ($WhiteList -notcontains $IP){ write "The following host attempted to connect: $IP" #Add firewall rule to block inbound scanner. $firewall = New-Object -ComObject hnetcfg.fwpolicy2 $rule = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.FWRule $rule.Name="Block scanner" $rule.Description = "Blocking IP" $rule.RemoteAddresses = $IP $rule.Action = 0 #$rule.Direction = '1' $rule.Protocol = 6 #$rule.RemotePorts = "*" $rule.Enabled = $True $firewall.Rules.Add($rule) write "Host has been blocked." $logIP = "$IP has been blocked on port $port" write-eventlog -logname HoneyPort -source BlueKit -eventID 1002 -entrytype Information -message $logIP $client.Close() $listener.stop() Write "Connection closed" } } Else { $logIP = "$IP has probed the HoneyPort on port $port" write-eventlog -logname HoneyPort -source BlueKit -eventID 1002 -entrytype Information -message $logIP $client.Close() $listener.stop() Write "Connection closed" } } } -ArgumentList $port,$WhiteList,$Block -Name "HoneyPort" -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Error "Script needs to be run with higher privileges" }