''' http://pymolwiki.org/index.php/bbPlane Draws a CGO plane across the backbone atoms of neighboring amino acids Author: Jason Vertrees, 06/2010 Modified by Thomas Holder, 2010-2012 Modified by Blaine Bell, 08/2011 (c) 2010 Schrodinger License: MIT ''' from pymol import cmd def bbPlane(selection='(all)', color='gray', transp=0.3, state=-1, name=None, quiet=1): """ DESCRIPTION Draws a plane across the backbone for a selection ARGUMENTS selection = string: protein object or selection {default: (all)} color = string: color name or number {default: white} transp = float: transparency component (0.0--1.0) {default: 0.0} state = integer: object state, 0 for all states {default: 1} NOTES You need to pass in an object or selection with at least two amino acids. The plane spans CA_i, O_i, N-H_(i+1), and CA_(i+1) """ from pymol.cgo import BEGIN, TRIANGLES, COLOR, VERTEX, END from pymol import cgo from chempy import cpv # format input transp = float(transp) state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) if name is None: name = cmd.get_unused_name("backbonePlane") if state < 0: state = cmd.get_state() elif state == 0: for state in range(1, cmd.count_states(selection) + 1): bbPlane(selection, color, transp, state, name, quiet) return AAs = [] coords = dict() # need hydrogens on peptide nitrogen cmd.h_add('(%s) and n. N' % selection) # get the list of residue ids for obj in cmd.get_object_list(selection): sel = obj + " and (" + selection + ")" for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and n. CA", state).atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj, a.segi, a.chain, a.resi) AAs.append(key) coords[key] = [a.coord, None, None] for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and n. O", state).atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj, a.segi, a.chain, a.resi) if key in coords: coords[key][1] = a.coord for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and ((n. N extend 1 and e. H) or (r. PRO and n. CD))", state).atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj, a.segi, a.chain, a.resi) if key in coords: coords[key][2] = a.coord # need at least two amino acids if len(AAs) <= 1: print("ERROR: Please provide at least two amino acids, the alpha-carbon on the 2nd is needed.") return # prepare the cgo obj = [ BEGIN, TRIANGLES, ] for res in range(0, len(AAs) - 1): curIdx, nextIdx = str(AAs[res]), str(AAs[res + 1]) # populate the position array pos = [coords[curIdx][0], coords[curIdx][1], coords[nextIdx][2], coords[nextIdx][0]] # if the data are incomplete for any residues, ignore if None in pos: if not quiet: print(' bbPlane: peptide bond %s -> %s incomplete' % (curIdx, nextIdx)) continue if cpv.distance(pos[0], pos[3]) > 4.0: if not quiet: print(' bbPlane: %s and %s not adjacent' % (curIdx, nextIdx)) continue normal = cpv.normalize(cpv.cross_product( cpv.sub(pos[1], pos[0]), cpv.sub(pos[2], pos[0]))) obj.append(cgo.NORMAL) obj.extend(normal) # need to order vertices to generate correct triangles for plane if cpv.dot_product(cpv.sub(pos[0], pos[1]), cpv.sub(pos[2], pos[3])) < 0: vorder = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0] else: vorder = [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1] # fill in the vertex data for the triangles; for i in vorder: obj.append(VERTEX) obj.extend(pos[i]) # finish the CGO obj.append(END) # update the UI cmd.load_cgo(obj, name, state, zoom=0) cmd.set("cgo_transparency", transp, name) cmd.color(color, name) cmd.extend("bbPlane", bbPlane) # tab-completion of arguments cmd.auto_arg[0]['bbPlane'] = cmd.auto_arg[1]['color'] cmd.auto_arg[1]['bbPlane'] = cmd.auto_arg[0]['color'] # vi:expandtab