from __future__ import print_function from pymol import cmd def findSurfaceAtoms(selection="all",cutoff=2.5): """ Adapted from Jason Vertrees DESCRIPTION Finds those atoms on the surface of a protein that have at least 'cutoff' exposed A**2 surface area. USAGE findSurfaceAtoms [ selection, [ cutoff ]] SEE ALSO findSurfaceResidues """ cutoff = float(cutoff) tmpObj = cmd.get_unused_name("_tmp") cmd.create(tmpObj, "(" + selection + ") and polymer", zoom=0) cmd.set("dot_solvent", 1, tmpObj) cmd.get_area(selection=tmpObj, load_b=1) # threshold on what one considers an "exposed" atom (in A**2): cmd.remove(tmpObj + " and b < " + str(cutoff)) selName = cmd.get_unused_name("exposed_atm_"), "(" + selection + ") in " + tmpObj) cmd.delete(tmpObj) return selName def _findSurfaceChargeImpl(selection, pH, folded, cutoff): def get_exposed_residues(selection,cutoff): cutoff = float(cutoff) selName = findSurfaceAtoms(selection, cutoff) tempExposed = set() cmd.iterate(selName, "tempExposed.add((model,segi,chain,resv,resi,oneletter))", space=locals()) cmd.delete(selName) tempExposed=sorted(tempExposed) #list of exposed residues exposed=[] for res in tempExposed: exposed.append(res[-1] + res[-2]) return exposed if folded: exposed = get_exposed_residues(selection,cutoff) else: exposed = get_exposed_residues(selection,0) pH=float(pH) #gets all charged amino acids on the surface exposedAtms="" K=0 R=0 D=0 H=0 E=0 for r in exposed: amino=r[0] if amino not in "KRDHE": continue elif amino=='K': K+=1 elif amino=='R': R+=1 elif amino=='D': D+=1 elif amino=="H": H+=1 elif amino=='E': E+=1 exposedAtms+=amino chargedAA=amino kCharge= 1 / (1 + 10 ** (pH - 10.54)) rCharge= 1 / (1 + 10 ** (pH - 12.48)) dCharge= -(1 / (1 + 10 ** (4.07 - pH))) eCharge= -(1 / (1 + 10 ** (3.90 - pH))) hCharge= 1 / (1 + 10 ** (pH - 6.04)) charge=kCharge*K+rCharge*R+hCharge*H+dCharge*D+eCharge*E chargetx = "%+.2f" % (charge) if folded: print ("Exposed charged residues: " +str(exposedAtms)) print ("The expected surface charge of " + selection +" at pH " + str(pH) +" is: " +chargetx) else: print ("Charged residues: "+str(exposedAtms)) print ("The expected charge of denatured " + selection +" at pH " +str(pH) +" is: " +chargetx) return (selection, chargetx) def findSurfaceCharge(selection="", pH=7.0, folded=True, cutoff=2.5): """ DESCRIPTION Calculates a surface charge at entered pH. Also allows for the charge of an unfolded protein to be calculated. USAGE findSurfaceCharge [pH, [folded, [selection ,[cutoff]]]] ARGUMENTS pH = The pH value to estimate a surface charge at folded = Whether the protein is folded (True) or denatured (False) selection = string: object or selection in which to find exposed residues {default: empty string - all objects} cutoff = float: cutoff of what is exposed or not {default: 2.5 Ang**2} RETURNS A printout of the estimated surface charge at a given pH """ if not selection: for obj in cmd.get_names(): _findSurfaceChargeImpl(obj, pH, folded, cutoff) else: _findSurfaceChargeImpl(selection, pH, folded, cutoff) cmd.extend("findSurfaceAtoms", findSurfaceAtoms) cmd.extend("findSurfaceCharge", findSurfaceCharge)