from __future__ import print_function from pymol import cmd from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt from PIL import Image def FocalBlur(aperture=2.0, samples=10, ray=0, width=0, height=0): ''' DESCRIPTION Creates fancy figures by introducing a focal blur to the image. The object at the origin will be in focus. AUTHOR Jarl Underhaug University of Bergen jarl_dot_underhaug_at_gmail_dot_com Updates by Jason Vertrees and Thomas Holder USAGE FocalBlur aperture=float, samples=int, ray=0/1, width=int, height=int EXAMPELS FocalBlur aperture=1, samples=100 FocalBlur aperture=2, samples=100, ray=1, width=600, height=400 ''' # Formalize the parameter types ray = (ray in ("True", "true", 1, "1")) aperture, samples = float(aperture), int(samples) width, height = int(width), int(height) # Create a temporary directory tmpdir = mkdtemp() # Get the orientation of the protein and the light light = cmd.get('light')[1:-1] light = [float(s) for s in light.split(',')] view = cmd.get_view() # Rotate the protein and the light in order to create the blur for frame in range(samples): # Angles to rotate protein and light # Populate angles as Fermat's spiral theta = frame * pi * 110.0 / 144.0 radius = 0.5 * aperture * sqrt(frame / float(samples - 1)) x = cos(theta) * radius y = sin(theta) * radius xr = x / 180.0 * pi yr = y / 180.0 * pi # Rotate the protein cmd.turn('x', x) cmd.turn('y', y) # Rotate the light ly = light[1] * cos(xr) - light[2] * sin(xr) lz = light[2] * cos(xr) + light[1] * sin(xr) lx = light[0] * cos(yr) + lz * sin(yr) lz = lz * cos(yr) - lx * sin(yr) cmd.set('light', [lx, ly, lz]) curFile = "%s/frame-%04d.png" % (tmpdir, frame) print("Created frame %i/%i (%0.0f%%)" % (frame + 1, samples, 100 * (frame + 1) / samples)) # Save the image to temporary directory if ray: cmd.ray(width, height) cmd.png(curFile) else: cmd.png(curFile, quiet=1) # Create the average/blured image try: avg = Image.blend(avg,, 1.0 / (frame + 1)) except: avg = # Return the protein and the light to the original orientation cmd.set('light', light) cmd.set_view(view) # Load the blured image'%s/avg.png' % (tmpdir)) cmd.load('%s/avg.png' % (tmpdir)) # Delete the temporary files rmtree(tmpdir) cmd.extend('FocalBlur', FocalBlur)