''' (c) 2011-2012 Thomas Holder, MPI for Developmental Biology ''' from __future__ import print_function __author__ = 'Thomas Holder' __version__ = '1.1' __license__ = 'BSD-2-Clause' from pymol import cmd, CmdException def save_pdb_without_ter(filename, selection, **kwargs): ''' DESCRIPTION Save PDB file without TER records. External applications like TMalign and DynDom stop reading PDB files at TER records, which might be undesired in case of missing loops. ''' v = cmd.get_setting_boolean('pdb_use_ter_records') if v: cmd.set('pdb_use_ter_records', 0) cmd.save(filename, selection, **kwargs) if v: cmd.set('pdb_use_ter_records') def alignwithanymethod(mobile, target, methods='align super cealign tmalign', async_=1, quiet=1, **kwargs): ''' DESCRIPTION Align copies of mobile to target with several alignment methods ARGUMENTS mobile = string: atom selection target = string: atom selection methods = string: space separated list of PyMOL commands which take arguments "mobile" and "target" (in any order) {default: align super cealign tmalign} ''' import threading import time methods = methods.split() async_, quiet = int(kwargs.pop('async', async_)), int(quiet) mobile_obj = cmd.get_object_list('first (' + mobile + ')')[0] def myalign(method): newmobile = cmd.get_unused_name(mobile_obj + '_' + method) cmd.create(newmobile, mobile_obj) start = time.time() cmd.do('%s mobile=%s in %s, target=%s' % (method, newmobile, mobile, target)) if not quiet: print('Finished: %s (%.2f sec)' % (method, time.time() - start)) for method in methods: if async_: t = threading.Thread(target=myalign, args=(method,)) t.setDaemon(1) t.start() else: myalign(method) def tmalign(mobile, target, args='', exe='TMalign', ter=0, transform=1, object=None, quiet=0): ''' DESCRIPTION TMalign wrapper Reference: Y. Zhang and J. Skolnick, Nucl. Acids Res. 2005 33, 2302-9 http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/TM-align/ USAGE tmalign mobile, target [, args [, exe ]] ARGUMENTS mobile, target = string: atom selections args = string: Extra arguments like -d0 5 -L 100 exe = string: Path to TMalign executable {default: TMalign} ter = 0/1: If ter=0, then ignore chain breaks because TMalign will stop at first TER record {default: 0} SEE ALSO tmscore, mmalign ''' import subprocess import tempfile import os import re ter, quiet = int(ter), int(quiet) mobile_filename = tempfile.mktemp('.pdb', 'mobile') target_filename = tempfile.mktemp('.pdb', 'target') matrix_filename = tempfile.mktemp('.txt', 'matrix') mobile_ca_sele = '(%s) and (not hetatm) and name CA and alt +A' % (mobile) target_ca_sele = '(%s) and (not hetatm) and name CA and alt +A' % (target) if ter: save = cmd.save else: save = save_pdb_without_ter save(mobile_filename, mobile_ca_sele) save(target_filename, target_ca_sele) exe = cmd.exp_path(exe) args = [exe, mobile_filename, target_filename, '-m', matrix_filename] + args.split() try: process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() except OSError: print('Cannot execute "%s", please provide full path to TMscore or TMalign executable' % (exe)) raise CmdException finally: os.remove(mobile_filename) os.remove(target_filename) # TMalign >= 2012/04/17 if os.path.exists(matrix_filename): lines += open(matrix_filename).readlines() os.remove(matrix_filename) r = None re_score = re.compile(r'TM-score\s*=\s*(\d*\.\d*)') rowcount = 0 matrix = [] line_it = iter(lines) headercheck = False alignment = [] for line in line_it: if 4 >= rowcount > 0: if rowcount >= 2: a = list(map(float, line.split())) matrix.extend(a[2:5]) matrix.append(a[1]) rowcount += 1 elif not headercheck and line.startswith(' * '): a = line.split(None, 2) if len(a) == 3: headercheck = a[1] elif (' rotation matrix') in line.lower(): rowcount = 1 elif line.startswith('(":" denotes'): alignment = [next(line_it).rstrip() for i in range(3)] else: match = re_score.search(line) if match is not None: r = float(match.group(1)) if not quiet: print(line.rstrip()) if not quiet: for i in range(0, len(alignment[0]) - 1, 78): for line in alignment: print(line[i:i + 78]) print('') assert len(matrix) == 3 * 4 matrix.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) if int(transform): cmd.transform_selection('byobject (%s)' % (mobile), matrix, homogenous=1) # alignment object if object is not None: mobile_idx, target_idx = [], [] space = {'mobile_idx': mobile_idx, 'target_idx': target_idx} cmd.iterate(mobile_ca_sele, 'mobile_idx.append("%s`%d" % (model, index))', space=space) cmd.iterate(target_ca_sele, 'target_idx.append("%s`%d" % (model, index))', space=space) for i, aa in enumerate(alignment[0]): if aa == '-': mobile_idx.insert(i, None) for i, aa in enumerate(alignment[2]): if aa == '-': target_idx.insert(i, None) if (len(mobile_idx) == len(target_idx) == len(alignment[2])): cmd.rms_cur( ' '.join(idx for (idx, m) in zip(mobile_idx, alignment[1]) if m in ':.'), ' '.join(idx for (idx, m) in zip(target_idx, alignment[1]) if m in ':.'), cycles=0, matchmaker=4, object=object) else: print('Could not load alignment object') if not quiet and r is not None: print('Found in output TM-score = %.4f' % (r)) return r def tmscore(mobile, target, args='', exe='TMscore', quiet=0, **kwargs): ''' DESCRIPTION TMscore wrapper Reference: Yang Zhang and Jeffrey Skolnick, Proteins 2004 57: 702-710 http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/TM-score/ ARGUMENTS mobile, target = string: atom selections args = string: Extra arguments like -d 5 exe = string: Path to TMscore executable {default: TMscore} ter = 0/1: If ter=0, then ignore chain breaks because TMscore will stop at first TER record {default: 0} SEE ALSO tmalign, mmalign ''' kwargs.pop('_self', None) return tmalign(mobile, target, args, exe, quiet=quiet, **kwargs) def mmalign(mobile, target, args='', exe='MMalign', ter=0, transform=1, quiet=0): ''' DESCRIPTION MMalign wrapper Reference: S. Mukherjee and Y. Zhang, Nucleic Acids Research 2009; 37: e83 http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/MM-align/ SEE ALSO tmalign, tmscore ''' return tmalign(mobile, target, args, exe, ter, transform, quiet=quiet) # pymol commands cmd.extend('alignwithanymethod', alignwithanymethod) cmd.extend('tmalign', tmalign) cmd.extend('tmscore', tmscore) cmd.extend('mmalign', tmalign) # autocompletion cmd.auto_arg[0].update({ 'tmalign': cmd.auto_arg[0]['align'], 'tmscore': cmd.auto_arg[0]['align'], 'mmalign': cmd.auto_arg[0]['align'], }) cmd.auto_arg[1].update({ 'tmalign': cmd.auto_arg[1]['align'], 'tmscore': cmd.auto_arg[1]['align'], 'mmalign': cmd.auto_arg[1]['align'], })