import pymol from pymol import cmd def toGroup(groupName, sel, prefix="", delOrig=True): """ DESCRIPTION toGroup will take a multistate object and extract it to a group with N objects all in state #1. It essentially performs the following: split_states myObj, prefix=somePrefix group newGroup, somePrefix* delete myObj PARAMETERS: groupName (string) The name of the group to create sel (string) The name of the selection/object from which to make the group prefix (string) The prefix of the names of each of split states. For example, if your prefix is ''obj'' and is in states 1 through 100 then the states will be labeled obj1, obj2, obj3, ..., obj100. delOrig (string/boolean) If true then delete the original selection, otherwise not. RETURN Nothing, it makes a new group. """ if prefix == "": prefix = sel + "_grouped" cmd.split_states(sel, prefix=prefix), prefix + "*") if delOrig: cmd.delete(sel) cmd.extend("toGroup", toGroup)