branches: qin2dim: release_url: objects_url: circle_seg: appears_only_once_2309_yolov8s-seg.onnx clip_candidates: the largest animal in real life: - parrot - ladybug - crab - bee - frog - bat - butterfly - dragonfly - giraffe - duck - cookie - turtle - dog - cat - tiger water vehicle: - water vehicle - flying vehicle - land vehicle nested_categories: plant: - nested_plant2311.onnx - plant2319.onnx please click on the turtle's head: - head_of_the_animal_turtle_2309_yolov8s.onnx please click on the meerkat's head: - head_of_the_meerkat_2311_yolov8n.onnx please click on the jaguar's head: - head_of_the_jaguar_mask_2309_yolov8n.onnx please click in the center of a spiral pattern: - spiral_pattern_2309_yolov8n.onnx images that appear warmer in comparison to other: - nested_warmer_cactus2309.onnx - nested_warmer_conference_room2309.onnx electronic device: - electronic_device2316.onnx - nested_electronic_device_mouse2309.onnx - nested_electronic_device_circuit_board2309.onnx machine that flies: - machine_that_flies2309.onnx - nested_machine_that_flies_helicopter2309.onnx the smallest animal species: - nested_smallest_owl2309.onnx 'please click on the most similar object to the following reference shape:': - most_similar_object_hexagon_2309_yolov8n-seg.onnx please click in the center of an observation wheel: - observation_wheel_2309_yolov8n.onnx furniture: - nested_furniture_chair2309.onnx images of one type that appear warmer in comparison to other: - nested_warmer_cactus2309.onnx - nested_warmer_conference_room2309.onnx - nested_warmer_bedroom2309.onnx - nested_warmer_beach2309.onnx images of one type that appear colder in comparison to other: - nested_colder_snowman2309.onnx - nested_colder_living_room2309.onnx - nested_colder_bedroom2309.onnx - nested_colder_house2309.onnx please click on the bell: - bell_2309_yolov8n.onnx please click on the bee: - bee_2309_yolov8n.onnx please click on the smallest animal: - nested_smallest_turtle2309.onnx please click on the largest animal: - nested_largest_horse2309.onnx - nested_largest_rabbit2310.onnx - nested_largest_hedgehog2309.onnx - nested_largest_raccoon2309.onnx - nested_largest_elephant2309.onnx - nested_largest_turtle2309.onnx - nested_largest_dog2309.onnx - nested_largest_tiger2309.onnx - nested_largest_squirrel2309.onnx the largest animal: - nested_largest_dog2310.onnx - nested_largest_fox2310.onnx - nested_largest_panda2310.onnx - nested_largest_bird2310.onnx - nested_largest_penguin2309.onnx - nested_largest_capybara2309.onnx the smallest animal: - nested_smallest_starfish2309.onnx - nested_smallest_horse2311.onnx - nested_smallest_zebra2309.onnx - nested_smallest_turtle2310.onnx - nested_smallest_bird2312.onnx the largest animal in real world: - nested_largest_raccoon2310.onnx the largest animal in real life: - nested_largest_lion2309.onnx - nested_largest_elephant22309.onnx - nested_largest_female_lion2309.onnx the smallest animal in real life: - nested_smallest_lion2309.onnx - nested_smallest_horse2312.onnx - nested_smallest_cat2309.onnx - nested_smallest_hummingbird2309.onnx ashes_of_war: bee_2309_yolov8n.onnx: - bee bell_2309_yolov8n.onnx: - bell observation_wheel_2309_yolov8n.onnx: - observation-wheel most_similar_object_hexagon_2309_yolov8n-seg.onnx: - hexagon head_of_the_animal_2310_yolov8s.onnx: - animal-head head_of_the_animal_bear_2309_yolov8n.onnx: - bear-head head_of_the_jaguar_mask_2309_yolov8n.onnx: - animal-head spiral_pattern_2309_yolov8n.onnx: - spiral-center star_with_a_texture_of_bricks_2309_yolov8s-seg.onnx: - star-bricks head_of_the_meerkat_2311_yolov8n.onnx: - animal-head head_of_the_animal_turtle_2309_yolov8s.onnx: - animal-head can_run_2309_yolov8s.onnx: - can-run appears_only_once_2309_yolov8s-seg.onnx: - the-one-piece can_be_eaten_2312_yolov8s.onnx: - x-eaten notanimal2310_yolov8s.onnx: - not-animal treasurechest2309_yolov8n.onnx: - treasure animalhead_zebra_yolov8s.onnx: - zebra-head animalhead_fox_yolov8s.onnx: - fox-head fantasia_elephant_yolov8s.onnx: - elephant fantasia_cat_yolov8n.onnx: - cat fantasia_shark_yolov8n.onnx: - shark fantasia_starfish_yolov8n.onnx: - starfish animalhead2315_yolov8s.onnx: - rabbit-head animalhead2314_yolov8s.onnx: - goat-head animalhead2312_yolov8s.onnx: - hummingbird-head animalhead2311_yolov8s.onnx: - llama-head animalhead2310_yolov8s.onnx: - koala-head - owl-head animalhead2309_yolov8s.onnx: - cat-head - cow-head - horse-head - panda-head - turtle-head fruit0903_yolov8s.onnx: - orange - pineapple - strawberries animal2309_yolov8s.onnx: - parrot - squirrel animal0831_yolov8s.onnx: - elephant - raccoon animalhead_yolov8s.onnx: - duck-head - parrot-head digit2_yolov8s.onnx: - '2' digit9_yolov8s.onnx: - '9' COCO2020_yolov8m.onnx: - person - bicycle - car - motorcycle - airplane - bus - train - truck - boat - traffic light - fire hydrant - stop sign - parking meter - bench - bird - cat - dog - horse - sheep - cow - elephant - bear - zebra - giraffe - backpack - umbrella - handbag - tie - suitcase - frisbee - skis - snowboard - sports ball - kite - baseball bat - baseball glove - skateboard - surfboard - tennis racket - bottle - wine glass - cup - fork - knife - spoon - bowl - banana - apple - sandwich - orange - broccoli - carrot - hot dog - pizza - donut - cake - chair - couch - potted plant - bed - dining table - toilet - tv - laptop - mouse - remote - keyboard - cell phone - microwave - oven - toaster - sink - refrigerator - book - clock - vase - scissors - teddy bear - hair drier - toothbrush label_alias: dolphin: zh: - 海豚 en: - dolphin diamond_bracelet: zh: - 钻石手链 en: - diamond bracelet camera: zh: - 相机 en: - camera palm_tree: zh: - 棕榈树 en: - palm tree item_of_office_equipment: zh: - 办公设备项目 en: - item of office equipment headphones: zh: - 耳机 en: - headphones musical_instrument: zh: - 乐器 en: - musical instrument violin: zh: - 小提琴 en: - violin guitar: zh: - 吉他 en: - guitar chair_sketch2309: zh: - 椅子 en: - chair flower: zh: - 花 en: - flower sports_stadium2312: zh: - 体育场 en: - sports stadium color_pencil: zh: - 彩色铅笔 en: - color pencil bonsai_tree: zh: - 盆景树 en: - bonsai tree door: zh: - 门 en: - door tractor0903: zh: - 拖拉机 en: - tractor crumpled_paper_ball: zh: - 皱纸球 en: - crumpled paper ball clothing: zh: - 衣服 en: - clothing cat2311: zh: - 猫 en: - cat mountain2309: zh: - 山 en: - mountain motorcycle2309: zh: - 摩托车 en: - motorcycle excavator2309: zh: - 挖掘机 en: - excavator outdoor_gear2310: zh: - 户外装备 en: - outdoor gear vending_machine2309: zh: - 售货机 en: - vending machine cup_of_hot_chocolate2309: zh: - 一杯热巧克力 en: - cup of hot chocolate fox2310: zh: - 狐狸 en: - fox helicopter2310: zh: - 直升机 en: - helicopter motor_vehicle2309: zh: - 机动车 en: - motor vehicle chess_piece2309: zh: - 棋子 en: - chess piece robot2312: zh: - 机器人 en: - robot dog2312: zh: - 狗 en: - dog seaplane: zh: - 水上飞机 en: - seaplane rollercoaster2309: zh: - 过山车 en: - rollercoaster goose2309: zh: - 鹅 en: - goose cup_of_iced_tea2309: zh: - 一杯冰茶 en: - cup of iced tea ladder2309: zh: - 梯子 en: - ladder cup_of_orange_juice2309: zh: - 一杯橙汁 en: - cup of orange juice train2309: zh: - 火车 en: - train castle2309: zh: - 城堡 en: - castle industrial_tool_or_machinery2310: zh: - 工业工具或机械 en: - industrial tool or machinery - industrial tool or heavy machinery elephant2309: zh: - 大象 en: - elephant gaming_tool_or_accessory2311: zh: - 游戏工具或配件 en: - gaming tool or accessory road_traffic2309: zh: - 道路交通 en: - road traffic coffee_beans2309: zh: - 咖啡豆 en: - coffee beans cranberry2309: zh: - 蔓越莓 en: - cranberry jacket2309: zh: - 夹克 en: - jacket trousers2309: zh: - 裤子 en: - trousers skyscraper2309: en: - skyscraper shelves2310: en: - shelves something_you_can_write_with2310: en: - something you can write with river2310: zh: - 河 en: - river crane2309: en: - crane crow2309: en: - crow truck2310: zh: - 卡车 en: - truck animal_statue2309: en: - animal statue airplane2310: zh: - 飞机 en: - airplane snowman2311: en: - snowman entertainment_venue2315: zh: - 娱乐场所 en: - entertainment venue pizza2300: en: - pizza something_you_can_eat2314: zh: - 你可以吃的东西 en: - something you can eat plant2319: zh: - 植物 en: - plant trees2309: en: - trees steak2310: en: - steak industrial_scene2311: zh: - 工业场景 en: - industrial scene sushi2310: en: - sushi car_without_a_roof2309: en: - car without a roof gnome2310: en: - gnome fresh_fruit2311: en: - fresh fruit owl2309: en: - owl food_or_beverage_item2312: zh: - 食品或饮料项目 en: - food or beverage item main_course2311: en: - main course boat2310: zh: - 船 en: - boat beverage2311: en: - beverage bird2309: en: - bird drone2309: en: - drone meerkat2309: en: - meerkat indoor_vertical_farm2309: en: - indoor vertical farm smartwatch2309: en: - smartwatch vineyard2309: en: - vineyard hat2310: en: - hat 3d_printer2309: en: - 3d printer vr_headset2310: en: - vr headset pair_of_roller_skates2310: en: - pair of roller skates pair_of_headphones2309: en: - pair of headphones furniture2310: en: - furniture off_road_vehicle2310: en: - off-road vehicle sedan_car2309: en: - sedan car bicycle2309: en: - bicycle natural_landscape2315: zh: - 自然景观 en: - natural landscape red_panda2310: en: - red panda keyboard2310: en: - keyboard microwave2309: en: - microwave industrial_machinery2309: en: - industrial machinery land_animal2309: en: - land animal water_animal2309: en: - water animal clock2309: en: - clock motorized_machine2312: en: - motorized machine electric_components2309: en: - electric components flying_animal2310: en: - flying animal animal2310: en: - animal electric_cables2309: en: - electric cables volcano2311: en: - volcano movie_theater2309: en: - movie theater smartphone2309: en: - smartphone server2310: en: - server business_suit2309: en: - business suit hatchback_car2309: en: - hatchback car panda2309: en: - panda dragon2310: en: - dragon car2309: zh: - 汽车 en: - car forest2309: en: - forest land_vehicle2310: en: - land vehicle city_street2310: en: - city street sheep2309: en: - sheep desert2311: en: - desert pirate_ship2309: en: - pirate ship freight_train2309: en: - freight train datalake: football stadium: positive_labels: - football stadium negative_labels: - mouse - natural landscape - river basketball: positive_labels: - basketball negative_labels: - football stadium - mouse - golf golf: positive_labels: - golf negative_labels: - mouse - football stadium - basketball