//META{"name":"JustColumns - quadruple column server listing","description":"Theme made by Quake#1470, updates will come up automatiically if Discord applies changes","author":"Quake#1470","version":"1.0"}*//{} @import url(https://8xs4qxklp8.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/release/gorawgit?giturl=/Qu4k3/JustColumns/master/css/jcqa.css); /* DON'T TOUCH THE LINES ABOVE */ :root { /* Edit this to change your friends icon picture */ --friends-icon: url(https://discordapp.com/assets/89576a4bb71f927eb20e8aef987b499b.svg); /* Edit this to change your friends icon picture position */ --friends-icon-position: 50% 50%; /* Edit this to change your friends icon picture zoom */ --friends-icon-zoom: 80%; /* Edit this to change the color of the bullet over unread servers */ --unread-bullet-color: #f04747; /* default: #8a8e94 */ /* Edit this to change the animation effect of the bullet over unread servers */ --unread-animation: none; /* Available: none, bounce, hue-rotate, pulse, shake; */ /* Edit this to change the animation duration of the bullet over unread servers */ --unread-animation-duration: 2s; } /* ANIMATIONS none - no animation bounce - recommended 2s hue-rotate - recommended between 3s and 6s (depending on your bullet color) pulse - recommended 1s shake - recommended 2s */ /* ADD CODE BELOW TO CUSTOMIZE THE THEME */