class InitCommandContext: def __init__(self, connectivity, resource): self.connectivity = connectivity # Connectivity details that can help connect to the APIs """:type : ConnectivityContext""" self.resource = resource # The details of the resource using the driver """:type : ResourceContextDetails""" class ResourceCommandContext: def __init__(self, connectivity, resource, reservation, connectors): self.connectivity = connectivity # Connectivity details that can help connect to the APIs """:type : ConnectivityContext""" self.resource = resource # The details of the resource using the driver """:type : ResourceContextDetails""" self.reservation = reservation # The details of the reservation """:type : ReservationContextDetails""" self.connectors = connectors # The list of visual connectors and routes that are connected to the resource (the resource will be considered as the source end point) """:type : list[Connector]""" class ConnectivityContext: def __init__(self, server_address, cloudshell_api_port, quali_api_port, admin_auth_token, cloudshell_version, cloudshell_api_scheme): self.server_address = server_address # The address of the Quali server """:type : str""" self.cloudshell_api_port = cloudshell_api_port # the port of the TestShell API """:type : str""" self.quali_api_port = quali_api_port # The port of the Quali API """:type : str""" self.admin_auth_token = admin_auth_token # security token """:type : str""" self.cloudshell_version = cloudshell_version """:type : str""" self.cloudshell_api_scheme = cloudshell_api_scheme """:type : str""" class ResourceContextDetails: def __init__(self, id, name, fullname, type, address, model, family, description, attributes, app_context, networks_info, shell_standard, shell_standard_version): = id # The identifier of the resource / service / app - consistent value that can't be changed / renamed by the user """:type : str""" = name # The name of the resource """:type : str""" self.fullname = fullname # The full name of the resource """:type : str""" self.type = type # The type of the resource (Service, App, Resource) """:type : str""" self.address = address # The IP address of the resource """:type : str""" self.model = model # The resource model """:type : str""" = family # The resource family """:type : str""" self.description = description # The resource description """:type : str""" self.attributes = attributes # A dictionary that contains the resource attributes (name, value) """:type : dict[str,str]""" self.app_context = app_context """:type : AppContext""" self.shell_standard = shell_standard """:type : str""" self.shell_standard_version = shell_standard_version """:type : str""" class AppContext: def __init__(self, app_request_json, deployed_app_json): self.app_request_json = app_request_json # app request details: selected deployment path """:type : str""" self.deployed_app_json = deployed_app_json # resource name, family, model, address, attributes names and values, vm details """:type : str""" class InterfaceContextDetails: def __init__(self, interface): self.type = interface.Type """:type : str""" self.fullName = interface.FullName """:type : str""" class Connector: def __init__(self, source, target, target_family, target_model, target_type, target_attributes, direction, alias, attributes, connection_type): self.source = source # The name of the source resource (end point) """:type : str""" = target # The name of the target resource (end point) """:type : str""" self.target_family = target_family # The family of the target resource """:type : str""" self.target_model = target_model # The model of the target resource """:type : str""" self.target_type = target_type # The type of the target resource (Service, App, Resource) """:type : str""" self.target_attributes = target_attributes # A dictionary with the target resource attributes (name, value) """:type : dict[str,str]""" self.direction = direction # The direction of the connection: Uni, Bi """:type : str""" self.alias = alias # The connection alias """:type : str""" self.attributes = attributes # The dictionary that includes the connection attributes (name, value) """:type : dict[str,str]""" self.connection_type = connection_type # The type of the connection: Route, Visual Connector, Physical """:type : str""" class ReservationContextDetails: def __init__(self, environment_name, environment_path, domain, description, owner_user, owner_email, reservation_id): self.reservation_id = reservation_id # The unique identifier of the reservation """:type : str""" self.environment_name = environment_name # The name of the environment """:type : str""" self.environment_path = environment_path # The full path of the environment """:type : str""" self.domain = domain # The reservation domain """:type : str""" self.description = description # The reservation description """:type : str""" self.owner_user = owner_user # the owner of the reservation """:type : str""" self.owner_email = owner_email # the email of the owner of the reservation """:type : str""" class CancellationContext: def __init__(self): self.is_cancelled = False """:type : bool""" class AutoLoadCommandContext: def __init__(self, connectivity, resource): self.connectivity = connectivity # Connectivity details that can help connect to the APIs """:type : ConnectivityContext""" self.resource = resource # The details of the resource using the driver """:type : ResourceContextDetails""" class AutoLoadDetails: def __init__(self, resources, attributes): self.resources = resources # the list of resources (root and sub) that were discovered """:type : list[AutoLoadResource]""" self.attributes = attributes # the list of attributes for the resources """:type : list[AutoLoadAttribute]""" class AutoLoadResource: def __init__(self, model, name, relative_address, unique_identifier=None): self.model = model """:type : str""" = name """:type : str""" self.relative_address = relative_address """:type : str""" self.unique_identifier = unique_identifier """:type : str""" class AutoLoadAttribute: def __init__(self, relative_address, attribute_name, attribute_value): self.relative_address = relative_address """:type : str""" self.attribute_name = attribute_name """:type : str""" self.attribute_value = attribute_value """:type : str""" class ResourceRemoteCommandContext: def __init__(self, connectivity, resource, remote_reservation, remote_endpoints): self.connectivity = connectivity # Connectivity details that can help connect to the APIs """:type : ConnectivityContext""" self.resource = resource # The details of the resource using the driver """:type : ResourceContextDetails""" self.remote_reservation = remote_reservation # The details of the remote reservation """:type : ReservationContextDetails""" self.remote_endpoints = remote_endpoints """:type : list[ResourceContextDetails]"""