from cloudshell.api.cloudshell_api import CloudShellAPISession from import ResourceDriverInterface from import InitCommandContext, ResourceCommandContext class CommonDriverRecipesDriver (ResourceDriverInterface): def cleanup(self): """ Destroy the driver session, this function is called everytime a driver instance is destroyed This is a good place to close any open sessions, finish writing to log files """ pass def __init__(self): """ ctor must be without arguments, it is created with reflection at run time """ pass def initialize(self, context): """ Initialize the driver session, this function is called everytime a new instance of the driver is created This is a good place to load and cache the driver configuration, initiate sessions etc. :param InitCommandContext context: the context the command runs on """ pass def decrypt_password(self, context): """ A simple example function :param ResourceCommandContext context: the context the command runs on """ session = CloudShellAPISession(host=context.connectivity.server_address, token_id=context.connectivity.admin_auth_token, domain=context.reservation.domain) password = session.DecryptPassword(context.resource.attributes['Password']).Value def update_resource_status(self, context): """ A simple example function :param ResourceCommandContext context: the context the command runs on """ session = CloudShellAPISession(host=context.connectivity.server_address, token_id=context.connectivity.admin_auth_token, domain=context.reservation.domain) session.SetResourceLiveStatus(, "Offline" ) for i in range(0,10): session.SetResourceLiveStatus(, "Progress {status}".format(status=str(i*10))) session.SetResourceLiveStatus(, "Online" ) def update_resource_status_to_console(self, context): """ A simple example function :param ResourceCommandContext context: the context the command runs on """ session = CloudShellAPISession(host=context.connectivity.server_address, token_id=context.connectivity.admin_auth_token, domain=context.reservation.domain) session.WriteMessageToReservationOutput(context.reservation.reservation_id, "Starting operation") for i in range(0, 10): session.WriteMessageToReservationOutput(context.reservation.reservation_id, "Progress as {status}%".format(status=str(i * 10))) session.WriteMessageToReservationOutput(context.reservation.reservation_id, "Done - service online")