package main; use strict; use warnings; eval "use Net::DBus;1" or my $NETDBus = "Net::DBus"; eval "use Net::DBus::Reactor;1" or my $NETDBusReactor = "Net::DBus::Reactor"; eval "use Net::DBus::Callback;1" or my $NETDBusCallback = "Net::DBus::Callback"; use Socket; use MIME::Base64; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; my %SiSi_sets = ( "message" => "", "msg" => "", "_msg" => "", "send" => "", "reconnect:noArg" => "" ); sub SiSi_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = 'SiSi_Define'; $hash->{UndefFn} = 'SiSi_Undef'; $hash->{SetFn} = 'SiSi_Set'; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = 'SiSi_Shutdown'; $hash->{ReadFn} = 'SiSi_Read'; $hash->{AttrFn} = 'SiSi_Attr'; $hash->{NotifyFn} = 'SiSi_Notify'; $hash->{AttrList} = "enable:no,yes " . "timeout " . "service " . "object " . "defaultPeer " . "allowedPeer " . $readingFnAttributes; #$hash->{parseParams} = 1; } my $attrChanged = 0; sub SiSi_Define($$$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; return "Error while loading $NETDBus. Please install $NETDBus" if $NETDBus; return "Error while loading $NETDBusReactor. Please install $NETDBusReactor" if $NETDBusReactor; return "Error while loading $NETDBusCallback. Please install $NETDBusCallback" if $NETDBusCallback; $Net::DBus::VERSION =~ /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/; if(($1*100+$2*10+$3) < 110){ return "Please install Net::DBus in version 1.1.0 or higher. Your version is: $Net::DBus::VERSION" } $hash->{VERSION} = "1.1.1"; $hash->{OBJECT} = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"object","/org/asamk/Signal"); $hash->{SERVICE} = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"service","org.asamk.Signal"); if($init_done && AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"enable","no") eq "yes"){ RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); if(!&SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($hash)){ &SiSi_startMessageDaemon($hash) } InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$hash); } $hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected"; return } sub SiSi_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; if(&SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($hash)){ &SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($hash); } RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); return undef; } sub SiSi_Shutdown($){ my($hash) = @_; if(&SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($hash)){ &SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($hash); } RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); return; } sub SiSi_Set($$$) { my ($hash, $name, $opt, @args) = @_; if($opt eq "reconnect"){ if(AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"enable","no") eq "yes"){ RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); &SiSi_restartMessageDaemon($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$hash); }else{ return "Enable $hash->{NAME} first. Type 'attr $hash->{NAME} enable yes'" } }elsif(($opt eq "message") || ($opt eq "msg") || ($opt eq "_msg") || ($opt eq "send") ){ return "Usage: set $hash->{NAME} send|msg|_msg|message [@ ... @] [@# ... @#] [& ... &] []" if (int(@args) == 0); # Only Attachment ?? return "Enable $hash->{NAME} first. Type 'attr $hash->{NAME} enable yes'" if(!&SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($hash)); my @recipients = (); my @groupIdsEnc = (); my @attachments = (); my $text = ""; while(my $curr_arg = shift @args){ if($curr_arg =~ /^\@([^\#].*)$/){ push(@recipients,$1); }elsif($curr_arg =~ /^\@\#(.*)$/){ push(@groupIdsEnc,$1); }elsif($curr_arg =~ /^\&(.*)$/){ push(@attachments,$1); }else{ unshift(@args,$curr_arg); last; } } return "Not enough arguments. Specify a Recipient, a GroupId or set the defaultPeer attribute" if(((int(@recipients) == 0) && (int(@groupIdsEnc) == 0)) && (!defined AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"defaultPeer",undef))); my @peers = split(/,/,AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"defaultPeer",undef)); if((int(@recipients) == 0) && (int(@groupIdsEnc) == 0)){ while(my $curr_arg = shift @peers){ if($curr_arg =~ /^\+{1}[0-9]+$/){ push(@recipients,$curr_arg); }elsif($curr_arg =~ /^[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\+,\/]{22}==$/){ push(@groupIdsEnc,$curr_arg); } } } return "A Recipient is not valid. Note that you have to specify the country code e.g. +49... for germany" if(join(",",@recipients) !~ /^(\+{1}[0-9]+)*(,\+{1}[0-9]+)*$/); return "Specify either a message text or an attachment" if((int(@attachments) == 0) && (int(@args) == 0)); $text = join(" ", @args); #Substitute \n with the \x1A "substitute" character $text =~ s/\n/\x1A/g; while(my $curr_recipient = shift @recipients){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Send:$curr_recipient\x1F\x1F".join(",",@attachments)."\x1F$text\n"); } while(my $curr_groupIdEnc = shift @groupIdsEnc){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Send:\x1F$curr_groupIdEnc\x1F".join(",",@attachments)."\x1F$text\n"); } }else{ my @cList = keys %SiSi_sets; return "Unknown command $opt, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList); } } sub SiSi_Read($){ my ( $hash ) = @_; my $buffer; my $sysreadReturn; my $curr_message; my @messages; $sysreadReturn = sysread($hash->{FH},$buffer,65536); if($sysreadReturn < 0 || !defined $sysreadReturn){ Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Error while reading data from child."); RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); &SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$hash); return; } @messages = split(/\n/,$buffer); while(@messages){ $curr_message = shift(@messages); if($curr_message =~ /^Received:([0-9]+)\x1F(\+{1}[0-9]+)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(\/.*\/attachments\/[0-9]+|NONE)\x1F(.*)$/){ my $timestamp = $1; my $sender = $2; my $groupId = $3; my $groupName = $4; my $attachment = $5; my $text = $6; my $logText = ""; $logText = $text; $text =~ s/\x1A/\n/g; $timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime($timestamp/1000)); my $allowedPeer = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"allowedPeer",undef); my $senderRegex = quotemeta($sender); my $groupIdRegex = quotemeta($groupId); if(!defined $allowedPeer || $allowedPeer =~ /^.*$senderRegex.*$/ || $allowedPeer =~ /^.*$groupIdRegex.*$/){ readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "prevMsgTimestamp", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgTimestamp", undef)) if defined ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgTimestamp", undef); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "prevMsgText", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgText", undef)) if defined ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgText", undef); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "prevMsgSender", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgSender", undef)) if defined ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgSender", undef); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "prevMsgGroupName", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgGroupName", undef)) if defined ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgGroupName", undef); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "prevMsgGroupId", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgGroupId", undef)) if defined ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgGroupId", undef); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "prevMsgAttachment", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgAttachment", undef)) if defined ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgAttachment", undef); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 0); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "msgTimestamp", $timestamp); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "msgText", $text); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "msgSender", $sender); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "msgGroupName", $groupName); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "msgGroupId", $groupId); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "msgAttachment", $attachment); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); $logText =~ s/\x1A/\x20/g; Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - The message: '$logText' with timestamp: '$timestamp' was received from sender: '$sender' in group: '$groupName ($groupId)' and attachment: '$attachment'"); }else{ Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - UNAUTHORIZED message: '$logText' with timestamp: '$timestamp' was received from sender: '$sender' in group: '$groupName ($groupId)' and attachment: '$attachment'"); } }elsif($curr_message =~ /^Sent:(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)$/){ my $result = $1; my $recipient = $2; my $groupId = $3; my $groupName = $4; my $attachment = $5; my $text = $6; my $errorText = $7; delete $hash->{sentMsgResult} if(defined $hash->{sentMsgResult}); delete $hash->{sentMsgRecipient} if(defined $hash->{sentMsgRecipient}); delete $hash->{sentMsgGroupId} if(defined $hash->{sentMsgGroupId}); delete $hash->{sentMsgGroupName} if(defined $hash->{sentMsgGroupName}); delete $hash->{sentMsgAttachment} if(defined $hash->{sentMsgAttachment}); delete $hash->{sentMsgText} if(defined $hash->{sentMsgText}); delete $hash->{sentMsgError} if(defined $hash->{sentMsgError}); $hash->{sentMsgResult} = $result; $hash->{sentMsgRecipient} = $recipient if($recipient); $hash->{sentMsgGroupId} = $groupId if($groupId); $hash->{sentMsgGroupName} = $groupName if($groupName); $hash->{sentMsgAttachment} = $attachment if($attachment); $hash->{sentMsgText} = $text if($text); $hash->{sentMsgError} = $errorText if($errorText); }elsif($curr_message =~ /^State:(.*)$/){ $hash->{STATE} = "$1"; }elsif($curr_message =~ /^Log:([0-9]{1}),(.+)$/){ Log3($hash->{NAME},$1,$2); }elsif($curr_message =~ /^$/){ next; }else{ Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - An unexpected error occured: $curr_message. Please inform the module owner. Closing connection to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}."); RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); &SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 30,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$hash); } } } sub SiSi_Attr(@) { my ($cmd,$name,$attr_name,$attr_value) = @_; if($cmd eq "set") { if($attr_name eq "enable") { if($attr_value =~ /^yes$/) { my $hash = $defs{$name}; if($init_done){ if(!&SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($hash)){ RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); &SiSi_startMessageDaemon($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$hash); } } }elsif($attr_value =~ /^no$/){ my $hash = $defs{$name}; &SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($hash); RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); }else{ return "Invalid argument $attr_value to $attr_name. Must be yes or no."; } }elsif($attr_name eq "timeout") { if($attr_value =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && ($attr_value >= 60 && $attr_value <= 500)) { my $hash = $defs{$name}; if((AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"enable","no")) eq "yes" && ($hash->{STATE} eq "Connected")){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Attr:Timeout,$attr_value"); } }else{ return "Invalid argument $attr_value to $attr_name. Must be nummeric and between 60 and 500" } }elsif($attr_name eq "defaultPeer") { if($attr_value =~ /^(\+{1}[0-9]+|[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\+,\/]{22}==){1}(,(\+{1}[0-9]+|[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\+,\/]{22}==))*$/){ return undef; }else{ return "Invalid argument $attr_value to $attr_name. Must be one or more valid recipient(s) or groupId(s)" } }elsif($attr_name eq "allowedPeer") { if($attr_value =~ /^(\+{1}[0-9]+|[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\+,\/]{22}==){1}(,(\+{1}[0-9]+|[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\+,\/]{22}==))*$/){ return undef; }else{ return "Invalid argument $attr_value to $attr_name. Must be one or more valid recipient(s) or groupId(s)" } } }elsif($cmd eq "del"){ if($attr_name eq "enable"){ my $hash = $defs{$name}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); &SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($hash); }elsif($attr_name eq "timeout"){ my $hash = $defs{$name}; if(AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"enable","no") eq "yes"){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Attr:Timeout,60"); } } } return undef } sub SiSi_Notify($$){ my ($own_hash, $dev_hash) = @_; if(IsDisabled($own_hash->{NAME})){ return "" } my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash, 1); if($dev_hash->{NAME} eq "global" && grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$events}) && AttrVal($own_hash->{NAME},"enable","no") eq "yes"){ RemoveInternalTimer($own_hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); if(!&SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($own_hash)){ &SiSi_startMessageDaemon($own_hash); } InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$own_hash); } return } sub SiSi_startMessageDaemon($){ my ($hash) = @_; my $child_pid; my $childsEnd; my $parentsEnd; if(socketpair($childsEnd, $parentsEnd, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC)){ $child_pid = fhemFork(); if(!defined $child_pid){ Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Can't fork ! Maybe no memory left?"); return 0; } }else{ Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Can't establish a socket pair!"); return 0; } if (!$child_pid){ #Here lives the child process my $child_hash = $hash; $0 = $child_hash->{NAME} . "_tx"; $child_hash->{DBUS}->{RECEIVED}->{MESSAGE} = sub { my ($timestamp,$sender,$groupId,$text,$attachment) = @_; my $groupIdEnc = "NONE"; my $groupName = "NONE"; print("Log:4,$child_hash->{TYPE} $child_hash->{NAME} - A new message was received on DBus-signal 'MessageReceived'.\n"); #Encode GroupId in Base64 if(@$groupId > 0){ $groupIdEnc = encode_base64((join '', map chr, @$groupId),""); $groupName = $child_hash->{DBUS}->{OBJECT}->getGroupName($groupId); } $attachment->[0] = "NONE" unless $attachment->[0]; #Substitute \n with the \x1A "substitute" character $text =~ s/\n/\x1A/g; #Send the received data to the parent print("Received:$timestamp\x1F$sender\x1F$groupIdEnc\x1F$groupName\x1F$attachment->[0]\x1F$text\n"); }; close $parentsEnd; close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR; $child_hash->{FD} = $childsEnd->fileno(); $child_hash->{FH} = $childsEnd; open(STDIN,"<&$child_hash->{FD}") or die; open(STDOUT,">&$child_hash->{FD}") or die; open(STDERR,">", "/dev/null") or die; STDOUT->autoflush(1); #Connect to the DBUS Instance &SiSi_connectToDBus($child_hash); &SiSi_connectToDBusService($child_hash); &SiSi_connectToDBusObject($child_hash); exit &SiSi_childMain($child_hash); sub SiSi_childMain($){ my ($hash) = @_; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:4,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Trying to listen to DBus-signal 'MessageReceived'.\n"); $hash->{DBUS}->{OBJECT}->connect_to_signal('MessageReceived', $hash->{DBUS}->{RECEIVED}->{MESSAGE}); syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Listening to DBus-signal 'MessageReceived' on service $hash->{SERVICE}.\n"); #Not implemented in v0.5.6. But the functionality is in the master branch :) #$signal_cli->connect_to_signal('ReceiptReceived', \&recp_received); #Setting up an event Loop $hash->{DBUS}->{REACTOR} = Net::DBus::Reactor->main(); $hash->{DBUS}->{REACTOR}->add_read($hash->{FD},Net::DBus::Callback->new(method => \&SiSi_childRead, args => [$hash])); #$event_loop->add_timeout(20000, Net::DBus::Callback->new(method => \&SiSi_SignalDaemonWatchdog, args => [$child_hash])); #Let the parent know that the child is connected syswrite($hash->{FH},"State:Connected\n"); #Start the event loop $hash->{DBUS}->{REACTOR}->run(); } sub SiSi_connectToDBus($){ my ($hash) = @_; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Trying to connect to DBus\' System Bus.\n"); $hash->{DBUS}->{BUS} = Net::DBus->system; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:4,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Connected to DBus\' System Bus.\n"); syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:5,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Setting DBus Timeout to " . AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"timeout",60) . "s.\n"); $hash->{DBUS}->{BUS}->timeout(AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"timeout",60) * 1000); } sub SiSi_connectToDBusService($){ my ($hash) = @_; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:4,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Trying to connect to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}.\n"); eval{ $hash->{DBUS}->{SERVICE} = $hash->{DBUS}->{BUS}->get_service($hash->{SERVICE}); 1 } or do{ if($@ =~ /^org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Error\.TimedOut:.*: t(.+)$/){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Failed to connect to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}: T$1.\n"); }elsif($@ =~ /^org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Error\.NoReply: (.+)\. .*$/){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Failed to connect to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}: $1.\n"); }else{ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Failed to connect to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}: $@\n"); } die; }; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:4,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Connected to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}.\n"); } sub SiSi_connectToDBusObject($){ my ($hash) = @_; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:4,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Trying to connect to DBus Object $hash->{OBJECT}.\n"); $hash->{DBUS}->{OBJECT} = $hash->{DBUS}->{SERVICE}->get_object($hash->{OBJECT}); syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:4,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Connected to DBus Object $hash->{OBJECT}.\n"); } sub SiSi_childRead(){ my ($hash) = @_; my $buffer; my @messages; my $curr_message; my $sysreadReturn; $sysreadReturn = sysread($hash->{FH}, $buffer, 65536 ); if($sysreadReturn < 0 || !defined $sysreadReturn){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Error while reading data from parent.\n"); return; } @messages = split(/\n/,$buffer); while(@messages){ $curr_message = shift(@messages); if($curr_message =~ /^Send:(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)\x1F(.*)$/){ my @attachment = (); my @recipients = ""; my $text = ""; my $logText = ""; my $GroupIdEnc = ""; my @groupId = ""; my $groupName = ""; @recipients = split(/,/,$1) if(defined $1); $GroupIdEnc = $2 if(defined $2); @attachment = split(/,/,$3) if(defined $3); if(defined $4){ $text = $4; $logText = $4; $text =~ s/\x1A/\n/g; $logText =~ s/\x1A/\x20/g; } if(!$GroupIdEnc){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Trying to send message to DBus method 'sendMessage' on service $hash->{SERVICE}\n"); eval{ $hash->{DBUS}->{OBJECT}->sendMessage($text,\@attachment,\@recipients); 1 } or do{ my $errorText = ""; if($@ =~ /^org\.asamk\.signal\.AttachmentInvalidException:.*: (.+)$/){ $errorText = $1; }elsif($@ =~ /^org\.freedesktop\.dbus\.exceptions\.DBusExecutionException: (.+)$/){ $errorText = $1 . " - Maybe wrong Number?" }else{ $errorText = $@; } syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Failed to send message: $errorText\n"); syswrite($hash->{FH},"Sent:FAILED\x1F".join(",",@recipients)."\x1F$GroupIdEnc\x1F$groupName\x1F".join(",",@attachment)."\x1F$text\x1F$errorText\n"); next; }; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - The message: '$logText' with attachment\(s\): '".join(",",@attachment)."' was sent to recipient\(s\): '".join(",",@recipients)."'\n"); }else{ my @chars = split //, decode_base64($GroupIdEnc); @groupId = map ord, @chars; syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Trying to send group message to DBus method 'sendGroupMessage' on service $hash->{SERVICE}\n"); eval{ $hash->{DBUS}->{OBJECT}->sendGroupMessage($text,\@attachment,\@groupId); 1 } or do{ my $errorText = ""; if($@ =~ /^org\.asamk\.signal\.AttachmentInvalidException:.*: (.+)$/){ $errorText = $1; }elsif($@ =~ /^org.asamk.signal.GroupNotFoundException: (.+)$/){ $errorText = $1; }else{ $errorText = $@; } syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Failed to send group message: $errorText.\n"); syswrite($hash->{FH},"Sent:FAILED\x1F".join(",",@recipients)."\x1F$GroupIdEnc\x1F$groupName\x1F".join(",",@attachment)."\x1F$text\x1F$errorText\n"); next; }; $groupName = $hash->{DBUS}->{OBJECT}->getGroupName(\@groupId); syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - The message: '$logText' with attachment\(s\): '".join(",",@attachment)."' was sent to group: '$GroupIdEnc'\n"); } syswrite($hash->{FH},"Sent:SUCCESS\x1F".join(",",@recipients)."\x1F$GroupIdEnc\x1F$groupName\x1F".join(",",@attachment)."\x1F$logText\x1F\n"); }elsif($curr_message =~ /^Attr:Timeout,([0-9]+)$/){ syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:5,$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Setting DBus Timeout to " . $1 . "s.\n"); $hash->{DBUS}->{BUS}->timeout($1 * 1000); }else{ next; } } } sub SiSi_SignalDaemonWatchdog() { my ($hash) = @_; #my $processID = `ps -eo uname,comm,pid | awk '/^signal-\+ java/{print \$3}'`; #if($processID =~ /^[0-9]+/){ #syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,ALIVE $processID\n"); #}else{ # syswrite($hash->{FH},"Log:3,DEAD $processID\n"); #} } } close $childsEnd; $hash->{PID} = $child_pid; $hash->{FD} = $parentsEnd->fileno(); $hash->{FH} = $parentsEnd; $selectlist{$hash->{NAME}} = $hash; return 1; } sub SiSi_restartMessageDaemon($){ my ($hash) = @_; Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Reconnect to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}."); &SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($hash); if(&SiSi_startMessageDaemon($hash)){ }else{ Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Reconnection to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE} failed."); } } sub SiSi_stopMessageDaemon($){ my ($hash) = @_; Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Closing connection to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE}."); if(defined $selectlist{$hash->{NAME}} || defined $hash->{FD} || defined $hash->{FH} || defined $hash->{PID}){ if(defined $hash->{FH}){ close($hash->{FH}); } if(defined $selectlist{$hash->{NAME}}){ delete($selectlist{$hash->{NAME}}); } delete($hash->{FD}); delete($hash->{FH}); if(defined $hash->{PID}){ Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Trying to kill PID '$hash->{PID}'."); if(kill(9,$hash->{PID})){ Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - PID '$hash->{PID}' killed."); }else{ Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Killing PID '$hash->{PID}' failed. Maybe the process crashed due to an error?."); } delete($hash->{PID}); } $hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected"; Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Connection to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE} closed."); }else{ Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Connection to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE} is already closed."); } return; } sub SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($){ my ($hash) = @_; if(!defined $hash->{PID}){ Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Connection to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE} not established."); return 0; } if(!waitpid($hash->{PID},WNOHANG)){ return 1; }else{ Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME} - Connection to DBus service $hash->{SERVICE} lost."); return 0; } } sub SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog($){ my ($hash) = @_; if(&SiSi_MessageDaemonRunning($hash) && !$attrChanged){ InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 30,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$hash); }else{ if($attrChanged){ $attrChanged = 0; } RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog"); &SiSi_restartMessageDaemon($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 30,"SiSi_MessageDaemonWatchdog",$hash); } } 1; =pod =begin html


    [Si]gnal [Si]cherer Messenger is an encrypted communications application for Android and iOS. Not only the mobile applications, also the Server is free and open source.

    This module makes use of signal-clis DBus interface. Make sure signal-cli ist installed and configured properly on your FHEM host system. Look at this, this and that to get further help.


      define <name> SiSi

      • message|msg|_msg|send [@<Recipient1> ... @<RecipientN>] [@#<GroupId1> ... @#<GroupIdN>] [&<Attachment1> ... &<AttachmentN>] [<Text>]
        Sends a message to recipient(s) or group(s). Optional with attachment(s) and/or a text. Recipient(s) have to be given with country code e.g. +49 for germany. Valid GroupId(s) must end with two equal signs (==), because every GroupId is a Base64 encoded 128-Bit value. If neither a recipient nor a group was given, the value in the attribute defaultPeer will be used.

        Example: set <name> msg @+491234567 Exampletext
        This command will send a message to the recipient @+491234567 with a text Exampletext

        Example: set <name> send @+491234567 @#abcdefgh12345== &/PATH/TO/FILE Exampletext
        This command will send a message to the recipient +491234567 and the group abcdefgh12345== with an attachment FILE and the text Exampletext.
      • reconnect
        Initiates a reconnect to the siganl-clis DBus service.

      • defaultPeer
        If neither a recipient nor a group was given with the send commands, the recipient(s) and/or groupId(s) given with this attribute will be used.
      • allowedPeer
        Comma separated list of recipient(s) and/or groupId(s), allowed to update the msg.* readings and trigger new events when receiving a new message. If the attribute is not defined, everyone is able to trigger new events!!
      • enable [yes|no]
        Set this attribute to yes, to initiate a connection to signal-clis DBus service
      • timeout [60s-500s]
        On slower systems, it is possible that the DBus Service will throw reply errors, when sending large attachments. Increase this value, to fix this problem.

      • msgText
        Text of the last received message.
      • msgSender
        Sender of the last received message.
      • msgGroupId
        128-Bit base64 encoded group identifier of the last received message. If a message was not sent within a group, this reading will have the value NONE.
      • msgGroupName
        Group name of the last received message. If a message was not sent within a group, this reading will have the value NONE.
      • msgTimestamp
        Timestamp of the last received message.
      • msgAttachment
        Attachment of the last received message. This reading will hold the path, where the received attachment was saved. If a message was not sent with an attachment, this reading will have the value NONE.

      • prevMsgText
        Text of the previous received message.
      • prevMsgSender
        Sender of the previous received message.
      • prevMsgGroupId
        128-Bit base64 encoded group identifier of the previous received message. If a message was not sent within a group, this reading will have the value NONE.
      • prevMsgGroupName
        Group name of the previous received message. If a message was not sent within a group, this reading will have the value NONE.
      • prevMsgTimestamp
        Timestamp of the previous received message.
      • prevMsgAttachment
        Attachment of the previous received message. This reading will hold the path, where the received attachment was saved. If a message was not sent with an attachment, this reading will have the value NONE.

      • NOTE: All prev... readings are not triggering events!
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