{ "name": "AltStore Complete", "identifier": "com.rileytestut.AltStore.Complete", "apiVersion": "v2", "subtitle": "Contains tweaked apps, free streaming, cracked apps, and more.", "description": "Find all the apps Riley Testut and the AltStore Team has ever released all in one AltSource! Regular, Beta, Alpha, this source has it all. This source is an automatically kept up-to-date source, powered by GitHub Actions, the Python altparse library.", "iconURL": "https://quarksources.github.io/assets/ElementQ-Circled.png", "headerURL": "https://quarksources.github.io/assets/altstore-complete.png", "website": "https://quarksources.github.io/", "tintColor": "#018084", "apps": [ { "name": "AltStore", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.AltStore", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "localizedDescription": "AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken devices. \n\nThis version of AltStore allows you to install Delta, an all-in-one emulator for iOS, as well as sideload other .ipa files from the Files app.", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65270980-1eb96f80-dad1-11e9-9367-78ccd25ceb02.png", "tintColor": "018084", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/78942028-acf54300-7a6d-11ea-821c-5bb7a9b3e73a.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/78942222-0fe6da00-7a6e-11ea-9f2a-dda16157583c.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65605577-332cba80-df5e-11e9-9f00-b369ce974f71.PNG" ], "versions": [ { "version": "2.0.2", "date": "2024-11-21T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed runtime crashes with AltStore 2.0.1\n\u2022 Fixed \"Handshake Failed\" error when signing-in\n\nPREVIOUS UPDATE\n\n\u2022 Added dark mode & tinted app icons\n\u2022 Added Home Screen quick actions with support info\n\u2022 Fixed crash when fetching source containing app larger than 2GB\n\u2022 Fixed handling Patreon rate limit errors\n\u2022 Fixed crash updating apps if more than 1 update is available\n\u2022 Fixed crash installing apps if internet connection drops", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_2.ipa", "size": 33093570, "sha256": "e229ef4e29f0a673adc63d070111a4e034363b0fb05778a1484ed0079b4bfc33", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0.1", "date": "2024-11-13T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 Added dark mode & tinted app icons\n\u2022 Added Home Screen quick actions with support info\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed crash when fetching source containing app larger than 2GB\n\u2022 Fixed handling Patreon rate limit errors\n\u2022 Fixed crash updating apps if more than 1 update is available\n\u2022 Fixed crash installing apps if internet connection drops", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_1.ipa", "size": 33044833, "sha256": "ea4fc7f39c3106bf9a183e3f6ed38de6f93cd782bae6c808ef4e46ac28eef594", "minOSVersion": "17.4" }, { "version": "2.0", "date": "2024-09-28T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nSources\n\u2022 Add any 3rd-party source, in addition to existing Recommended Sources!\n\u2022 New dedicated Sources tab to easily manage and browse sources\n\u2022 Separate \"Add Source\" screen to simplify adding sources\n\u2022 Preview sources and browse their apps before adding them to AltStore\n\u2022 View detailed source info as well as any additional links\n\u2022 \"Featured Apps\" section showcases a source's best apps\n\nRedesigned Browse Tab\n\u2022 New \"card\" design for app listings\n\u2022 View most recently updated apps at a glance\n\u2022 Browse apps by source or by 8 new categories\n\u2022 Scroll through featured apps from each source\n\u2022 Change sort order of apps when browsing by source or category\n\u2022 Tap category name to easily switch between categories when browsing\n\nPatreon\n\u2022 Distribute Patreon-exclusive apps to patrons, including free members\n\u2022 Donate to developers' Patreons and download Patreon-exclusive apps all within AltStore\n\u2022 Supports \"custom\" pledge amounts so patrons can donate what they want\n\u2022 Shows required pledge amount for Patreon apps (if provided)\n\nApp Icon\n\u2022 Brand new app icon\n\u2022 Choose alternate app icons in Settings\n\nDetailed App Permissions\n\u2022 View all entitlements and privacy permissions for an app from its store page\n\u2022 Tap any permission to view a detailed description\n\u2022 Automatically verifies permissions are accurate before installing\n\u2022 Asks user to review permissions when installing and updating apps\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Added social media follow buttons to Settings\n\u2022 Handles \u201csearch\u201d and \u201cview app\u201d deep links\n\nIMPROVED\n\nScreenshots\n\u2022 Supports screenshots of different sizes\n\u2022 Supports both iPhone and iPad specific screenshots\n\u2022 Automatically rounds screenshots taken with Face ID iPhone\n\u2022 Preview screenshots full-screen by tapping them from an app's store page\n\nImage Caching\n\u2022 Increased cache limit to reduce how often AltStore refetches images\n\u2022 Clear image cache with \u201cClear Cache\u2026\u201d option in Settings\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Changed \"WiFi\" spelling to \"Wi-Fi\"\n\u2022 Displays version # for updates in My Apps tab\n\u2022 Replaced AppCenter dependency with TelemetryDeck\n\nFIXED\n\nResigning Apps\n\u2022 Fixed various issues resigning certain apps\n\u2022 Fixed resigning apps with entitlements the original app doesn\u2019t have\n\u2022 Fixed resigning apps without required entitlements\n\u2022 Fixed resigning apps with wildcard `keychain-access-groups` entitlement\n\u2022 Fixed resigning apps with non-English alphanumeric characters in name\n\u2022 Fixed app sometimes freezing when installing/refreshing apps\n\nUser Interface\n\u2022 Fixed Settings tab bar disappearing on iOS 18\n\u2022 Fixed squished banners on App IDs screen\n\u2022 Fixed button titles flashing when scrolling into view\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect corner radius animation for app + source detail screens\n\u2022 Fixed \"More\" button appearing by accident\n\u2022 Fixed not showing \"more updates\" button when there are more than 2 updates\n\u2022 Fixed erroneously showing \u201cUnsupported Updates Available\u201d message\n\u2022 Fixed showing \u201cUpdate\u201d button on app store page when no supported update is available\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect cell height for some News items\n\u2022 Fixed missing blur when pushing an app's store page onto modal navigation controller\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Fixed crash when adding source with the same name as another source\n\u2022 Fixed \u201cCore Data error\u201d if error occurs while parsing source JSON\n\u2022 Fixed redundant app update appearing after failing to backup/restore app\n\u2022 Fixed not showing toast view if error occurs during initial sources fetch\n\u2022 Fixed incorrectly handling various cancelled operations\n\u2022 Fixed error fetching Friend Zone patrons due to unexpected nil name\n\u2022 Fixed incorrectly merging app versions for same app from different sources", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0.ipa", "size": 20833347, "sha256": "6d37efb08b2970a6a9d5da602fc459dfeef209d7b58e0dc85dcfc94905c8b327", "minOSVersion": "15.0" }, { "version": "1.7", "date": "2023-09-18T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\n\"Active Apps\" Widget (iOS 17+)\n\u2022 View remaining days for ALL active apps from Home Screen\n\u2022 Refresh apps directly from home screen by tapping countdown timers\n\nIMPROVED\n\nShortcuts\n\u2022 Converted existing \"Refresh All Apps\" shortcut into App Shortcut\n\u2022 Available by default in \"App Shortcuts\" section of Shortcuts app\n\u2022 Displays accurate progress when refreshing apps via Shortcuts app\n\nWidgets\n\u2022 Updated existing home screen widget to support refreshing apps by tapping countdown (iOS 17+)\n\u2022 Fully compatible with macOS Sonoma\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed AltJIT on iOS 17*\n\u2022 Fixed updating apps with manually removed extensions (e.g. uYou+)\n\u2022 Fixed not refreshing AltStore last when refreshing via Shortcut\n\u2022 Fixed Error Log not displaying all detailed info for certain errors\n\n*Requires AltServer 1.7 (macOS)", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_7.ipa", "size": 5809750, "sha256": "ccd958d9fbdeb9cbbb49eef5be68ddc1894d87326442472e96ffd9fd041cf7c2" }, { "version": "1.6.3", "date": "2023-04-12T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed error fetching Friend Zone patrons due to unexpected nil name\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect cell height for some News items", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_3.ipa", "size": 5625134, "sha256": "542e786f6cce0af5e0fc4c70a8ef5dcd43640f8acc34a9cba163be09e82a7b8c" }, { "version": "1.6.2", "date": "2023-03-22T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "This update fixes the \"no provisioning profile with the requested identifier\u2026\" error when sideloading or refreshing apps.\n\n\u26a0\ufe0f You must manually install this update by re-installing AltStore with AltServer. You do NOT need to delete AltStore first.", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_2.ipa", "size": 5624498 }, { "version": "1.6.1", "date": "2023-02-20T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 \u201cClear Cache\u201d button removes non-essential data to free up disk space\n\u2022 Sideload more than 3 apps via MacDirtyCow exploit*\u2020\n\u2022 Fixes crash when viewing Sources on iOS 12\n\n*Requires iOS 14.0 - 16.1.2 (excluding 15.7.2). iOS 16.2+ not supported.\n\u2020Visit faq.altstore.io for detailed instructions.\n", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_1.ipa", "size": 5626583 }, { "version": "1.6", "date": "2023-01-30T10:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nLock Screen Widget (iOS 16+)\n\u2022 Counts down days until AltStore expires\n\u2022 Available in 2 different styles: \"icon\" and \"text\"\n\nError Log\n\u2022 View past errors in more detail\n\u2022 Tap an error to copy the error message or error code\n\u2022 Search for error code directly in AltStore FAQ\n\u2022 Access via new \"Techy Things\" section in settings\n\niOS Version Compatibility\n\u2022 Checks iOS compatibility for updates and installs \n\u2022 Asks you to install latest compatible version if not supported\n\u2022 View unsupported updates from My Apps tab\n\nRevamped Error Handling\n\u2022 Completely revamped error handling to make debugging issues as easy as possible\n\u2022 Revised error messages to be more descriptive and provide more suggestions\n\u2022 Includes more information with errors\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Pull-to-refresh to check for updates\n\u2022 Supports new \u201cversions\u201d key in source JSON\n\u2022\u00a0Supports updating apps from app detail page\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed \"more\" button appearing by mistake on app detail pages\n\u2022 Fixed widgets potentially not updating after refreshing apps\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect app name and iOS version in \"Unsupported iOS version\" error message\n\u2022 Fixed refreshing tweaked apps with removed app extensions\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect error toast view color when sign-in fails", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6.ipa", "size": 5614798 }, { "version": "1.5.1", "date": "2022-07-14T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "This update fixes the following issues:\n\n\u2022 Using Apple IDs that contain capital letters\n\u2022 Using Apple IDs with 2FA enabled without any trusted devices\n\u2022 Repeatedly asking some users to sign in every refresh\n\u2022 \"Incorrect Apple ID or password\" error after changing Apple ID email address\n\u2022 \u201cApplication is missing application-identifier\u201d error when sideloading or (de-)activating certain apps\n\u2022 Potential crash when receiving unknown error codes from AltServer", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_5_1.ipa", "size": 5465976 } ], "appPermissions": { "entitlements": [], "privacy": [ { "name": "LocalNetwork", "usageDescription": "AltStore uses the local network to find and communicate with AltServer." } ] }, "appID": "com.rileytestut.AltStore" }, { "name": "AltStore (Beta)", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.AltStore.Beta", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "subtitle": "An alternative App Store for iOS.", "localizedDescription": "AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken devices. \n\nThis beta release of AltStore adds support for 3rd party sources, allowing you to download apps from other developers directly through AltStore.", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65270980-1eb96f80-dad1-11e9-9367-78ccd25ceb02.png", "tintColor": "018084", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/78942028-acf54300-7a6d-11ea-821c-5bb7a9b3e73a.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/78942222-0fe6da00-7a6e-11ea-9f2a-dda16157583c.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65605577-332cba80-df5e-11e9-9f00-b369ce974f71.PNG" ], "versions": [ { "version": "2.0.2b", "date": "2024-11-14T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed runtime crashes with AltStore 2.0.1\n\u2022 Fixed \"Handshake Failed\" error when signing-in\n\nPREVIOUS UPDATE\n\u2022 Added dark mode & tinted app icons\n\u2022 Added Home Screen quick actions with support info\n\u2022 Fixed crash when fetching source containing app larger than 2GB\n\u2022 Fixed handling Patreon rate limit errors\n\u2022 Fixed crash updating apps if more than 1 update is available\n\u2022 Fixed crash installing apps if internet connection drops", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_2_b.ipa", "size": 33093551, "sha256": "ff255eb6009dac0ef8995c5678607d34b2565f4f2ff54558271744e314e8a1e3", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0rc3", "date": "2024-09-28T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "This beta adds back the ability to bypass permission alerts for non-recommended sources.\n\nPREVIOUS BETA:\n\nNEW\n\u2022 Handles \"search\" and \"view app\" deep links\n\u2022 Supports distributing Patreon-exclusive apps to free members\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed duplicate \u201cNew Update Available\u201d notifications\n\u2022 Fixed Settings tab bar disappearing on iOS 18\n\u2022 Fixed not unlocking benefits due to PatreonAPI change\n\u2022 Fixed not showing alerts when installing app before adding source\n\u2022 Fixed not presenting auth screen when installing app before adding source\n\u2022 Fixed redundant app update appearing after failing to backup/restore app\n\u2022 [iPad] Fixed crash when removing apps from My Apps tab", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_rc3.ipa", "size": 20833467, "sha256": "a5473848a86522192c2bea291e6f449f2321d59aa14866168ae0bd80adf65d85", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0rc2", "date": "2024-09-10T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 Handles \"search\" and \"view app\" deep links\n\u2022 Supports distributing Patreon-exclusive apps to free members\n\nIMPROVED\n\u2022 Removed ability to bypass permission errors for non-recommended sources\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed duplicate \u201cNew Update Available\u201d notifications\n\u2022 Fixed Settings tab bar disappearing on iOS 18\n\u2022 Fixed not unlocking benefits due to PatreonAPI change\n\u2022 Fixed not showing alerts when installing app before adding source\n\u2022 Fixed not presenting auth screen when installing app before adding source\n\u2022 Fixed redundant app update appearing after failing to backup/restore app\n\u2022 [iPad] Fixed crash when removing apps from My Apps tab", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_rc2.ipa", "size": 20830021, "sha256": "39ad883b223fb8c013f798d4cb70db0fa947eac2e84d1adeea5b6b498321044b", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0rc", "date": "2024-02-23T12:37:07-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nApp Icon\n\u2022 Brand new app icon\n\u2022 Choose alternate app icons in Settings\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Added social media follow buttons to Settings\n\nIMPROVED\n\nSources\n\u2022 Supports JSON5 for sources\n\u2022 Throws error when adding marketplace source to non-marketplace AltStore (and vice versa)\n\nPatreon\n\u2022 Supports custom pledge amounts\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Changed \"WiFi\" spelling to \"Wi-Fi\"\n\u2022 Displays version # for updates in My Apps tab\n\u2022 Dismiss full-screen screenshots with swipe gesture\n\u2022 Updated social media URLs for Credits section in Settings\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed various issues when installing apps before adding source\n\u2022 Fixed not updating featured apps installation status on source detail page\n\u2022 Fixed not showing \"more updates\" button when there are more than 2 updates\n\u2022 Fixed missing blur when pushing AppViewController onto modal navigation controller\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect corner radius animation for app + source detail screens\n\u2022 Fixed not showing toast view if error occurs during initial sources fetch", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_rc.ipa", "size": 20901410, "sha256": "85ccc6cead79ac442bd32a72a1319a434535de29d1d712599442e29ee69732e9", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0b7", "date": "2024-01-09T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "This beta fixes an issue preventing some users from downloading or refreshing Patreon-exclusive apps.", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_b7.ipa", "size": 6373515, "sha256": "6ddfc480c2d1dceaf0c5b7214bb0233b7f12c7b4c0ce5601b4a564d6097c88cc", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0b6", "date": "2023-12-13T13:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nRedesigned Browse Tab\n\u2022 View most recently updated apps at a glance\n\u2022 Browse apps by source or by 8 new categories\n\u2022 Scroll through featured apps from each source\n\u2022 Change sort order of apps when browsing by source or category\n\u2022 Tap category name to easily switch between categories when browsing\n\nPatreon Integration\n\u2022 Developers can now distribute Patreon-exclusive apps to their patrons\n\u2022 Donate to developers' Patreons and download Patreon-exclusive apps all within AltStore\n\u2022 Shows required pledge amount for Patreon apps (if provided)\n\nReview Permissions Screen\n\u2022 Asks user to review permissions when installing and updating apps\n\u2022 When installing a new app, all entitlements will be shown\n\u2022 When updating an app, only added entitlements will be shown\n\nIMPROVED\n\nNews Tab\n\u2022 Changed image aspect ratio to 3:2\n\u2022 Updated font to use dynamic text styles\n\nImage Caching\n\u2022 Increased cache limit to reduce how often AltStore refetches images\n\u2022 Clear image cache with \u201cClear Cache\u2026\u201d option in Settings\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed app sometimes freezing when installing/refreshing apps\n\u2022 Fixed accidentally saving \"Operation Cancelled\" errors to Error Log\n\u2022 Fixed squished banners on App IDs screen\n\u2022 Fixed resigning apps with non-English alphanumeric characters in name\n\u2022 Fixed various issues resigning certain apps\n\u2022 Fixed button titles flashing when scrolling into view\n\u2022 Fixed not showing build version in Settings for BETA builds", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_b6.ipa", "size": 6326489, "sha256": "657dd750f88823085e76c0e7ed2f440c04d6ac4b6e72e3bfa59a9a460a5dab4c", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0b5", "date": "2023-10-23T13:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nSources Tab\n\u2022 \"Sources\" screen is now a dedicated tab\n\u2022 Completely redesigned to accent source icons & tint colors\n\u2022 Dedicated \"Add Source\" screen simplifies adding sources\n\nScreenshots\n\u2022 Supports screenshots of different sizes\n\u2022 Supports both iPhone and iPad specific screenshots\n\u2022 Automatically rounds screenshots taken with Face ID iPhone's\n\u2022 Preview screenshots full-screen by tapping them from an app's store page\n\nIMPROVED\n\nBrowse Tab\n\u2022 Updated app listings to use new \"card\" design\n\u2022 Swipe through all screenshots directly from Browse tab\n\nSources\n\u2022 Simplified `appPermissions` JSON format\n\u2022 Deprecates `identifier` key\n\nLogging\n\u2022 Switched to OSLog.framework for important tasks\n\u2022 Export detailed logs via Error Log from Settings tab\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Limits relative dates to \"Today\" and \"Yesterday\"\n\u2022 Uses uniform height for all News Items on source's detail page\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Adjusts illegible Source tint colors to make them readable\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect background color for Sources screens in dark mode\n\u2022 Fixed crash if prefetching screenshots finishes after screen has been dismissed", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_b5.ipa", "size": 6094604, "sha256": "2932afe112572847a89626fc403994dc8c3ae327c5d4ff7cf6ce9084414175f9", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0b4", "date": "2023-09-15T13:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Updates Home Screen widget names & descriptions\n\u2022 Fixed returning empty dialog from Refresh Apps shortcut\n\nPREVIOUS BETA\n\n\"Active Apps\" Widget (iOS 17+)\n\u2022 View remaining days for ALL active apps from Home Screen\n\u2022 Refresh apps directly from home screen by tapping countdown timers\n\nShortcuts\n\u2022 Converted existing \"Refresh All Apps\" shortcut into App Shortcut\n\u2022 Available by default in \"App Shortcuts\" section of Shortcuts app\n\u2022 Displays accurate progress when refreshing apps via Shortcuts app\n\nWidgets\n\u2022 Updated existing home screen widget to support refreshing apps by tapping countdown (iOS 17+)\n\nBug Fixes\n\u2022 Fixed AltJIT on iOS 17*\n\n*Requires AltServer 1.7rc (macOS) from latest Patreon post", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_b4.ipa", "size": 5950900, "sha256": "5f2546be957509532675f4827185d8ec071eaf3a6a5785dc01efcc1e0c88890d", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0b3", "date": "2023-09-11T12:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\n\"Active Apps\" Widget (iOS 17+)\n\u2022 View remaining days for ALL active apps from Home Screen\n\u2022 Refresh apps directly from home screen by tapping countdown timers\n\nIMPROVED\n\nShortcuts\n\u2022 Converted existing \"Refresh All Apps\" shortcut into App Shortcut\n\u2022 Available by default in \"App Shortcuts\" section of Shortcuts app\n\u2022 Displays accurate progress when refreshing apps via Shortcuts app\n\nWidgets\n\u2022 Updated existing home screen widget to support refreshing apps by tapping countdown (iOS 17+)\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed AltJIT on iOS 17*\n\u2022 Fixed not refreshing AltStore last when refreshing via Shortcut\n\u2022 Fixed Error Log not displaying all detailed info for certain errors\n\n*Requires AltServer 1.7b1 (macOS) from latest Patreon post", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_b3.ipa", "size": 5951325, "sha256": "e9bb9b126f7acb1c18f22c28f1970b308e5850cf23bf1bb01da7933a97e7d17d", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0b2", "date": "2023-05-31T15:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nApp Permissions\n\u2022 View all entitlements and privacy permissions on an app's store page\n\u2022 Tap a permission to view description\n\u2022 Shows error alert if downloaded app's permissions don't match source*\n\nSources\n\u2022 SHA-256 hashes for app downloads\n\u2022 Supports updating apps by build version\n\u2022 Supports remotely blocking sources\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed updating apps with manually removed extensions (e.g. uYou+)\n\u2022 Fixed showing \"Update\" button on store page when no update is available\n\u2022 Fixed \"More\" button appearing unnecessarily in Error Log\n\u2022 Fixed various memory leaks\n\u2022 Fixed incorrectly showing \"Unsupported Updates Available\"\n\n*While AltStore 2.0 is in beta, you can choose to ignore this alert.", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_b2.ipa", "size": 5963157, "sha256": "8cd9d2a68f20e03b0501d2def9fabdbe2113e113a305a6824535e47b6bfd5bcf", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "2.0b1", "date": "2023-04-06T09:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "The first beta of AltStore 2.0 is finally here! \ud83c\udf89\n\nAltStore 2.0 will unlock third-party sources for everyone, allowing anyone to distribute their apps with AltStore.\n\nNEW\n\nSource \"About\" Page\n\u2022 Preview sources before adding them to AltStore\n\u2022 Browse all apps and news for a source\n\u2022 \"About\" section includes detailed information and additional links\n\u2022 \"Featured Apps\" showcases a source's best apps\n\u2022 Customizable with updated source JSON format\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed error fetching Friend Zone patrons due to unexpected nil name\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect cell height for some News items\n\u2022 Fixed incorrectly merging app versions for same app from different sources", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/2_0_b1.ipa", "size": 5793338, "sha256": "beadfbd5102f100e7198e1b6ab6b38a063a6614e37b229432a596339d7ecaa75", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6.2b", "date": "2023-03-21T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "This beta fixes the \"no provisioning profile with the requested identifier\u2026\" error when sideloading or refreshing apps.\n\n\u26a0\ufe0f You must manually install this update by downloading the latest AltServer beta from Patreon and using it to re-install AltStore. You do not need to delete AltStore first.", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_2_b.ipa", "size": 5624104, "minOSVersion": "12.2" }, { "version": "1.6.1b2", "date": "2023-02-17T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "This beta fixes Windows Defender blocking AltStore from updating.\n\nPREVIOUS BETA:\n\u2022 Sideload more than 3 apps via MacDirtyCow exploit*\n\u2022 \u201cClear Cache\u201d button removes non-essential data to free up disk space\n\u2022 Fixes crash when viewing Sources on iOS 12\n\n*Requires iOS 14.0 - 15.7.1 or 16.0 - 16.1.2. See Patreon post for instructions.", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_1_b2.ipa", "size": 5626076, "minOSVersion": "12.2" }, { "version": "1.6.1b", "date": "2023-02-09T11:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Sideload more than 3 apps via MacDirtyCow exploit*\n\u2022 \u201cClear Cache\u201d button removes non-essential data to free up disk space\n\u2022 Fixes crash when viewing Sources on iOS 12\n\n*Requires iOS 14.0 - 15.7.1 or 16.0 - 16.1.2. See Patreon post for instructions.", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_1_b.ipa", "size": 5627282, "minOSVersion": "12.2" }, { "version": "1.6rc3", "date": "2023-01-23T11:30:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "**This update is solely to test that updating works as expected from the current beta, and otherwise is identical to 1.6 RC 2**\n\nPREVIOUS UPDATES\n\u2022 Fixed outdated AltStore updates appearing in My Apps tab\n\u2022 Moved Error Log from \"Debug\" settings to \"Techy Things\"\n\u2022 Improved misc. error messages\n\u2022 Fixed repeated \"AltServer could not be found\" notifications\n\u2022 Fixed missing metadata for errors received from AltServer\n\u2022 Fixed decoding nested error metadata values", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_rc3.ipa", "size": 5614292, "minOSVersion": "12.2" }, { "version": "1.6rc2", "date": "2023-01-18T11:30:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed outdated AltStore updates appearing in My Apps tab\n\nPREVIOUS RC\n\u2022 Moved Error Log from \"Debug\" settings to \"Techy Things\"\n\u2022 Improved misc. error messages\n\u2022 Fixed repeated \"AltServer could not be found\" notifications\n\u2022 Fixed missing metadata for errors received from AltServer\n\u2022 Fixed decoding nested error metadata values", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_rc2.ipa", "size": 5614213, "minOSVersion": "12.2" }, { "version": "1.6rc", "date": "2022-12-21T11:30:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Moved Error Log from \"Debug\" settings to \"Techy Things\"\n\u2022 Improved misc. error messages\n\u2022 Fixed repeated \"AltServer could not be found\" notifications\n\u2022 Fixed missing metadata for errors received from AltServer\n\u2022 Fixed decoding nested error metadata values", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_rc.ipa", "size": 5606669, "minOSVersion": "12.2" }, { "version": "1.6b4", "date": "2022-11-30T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Checks iOS compatibility for updates and installs \n\u2022 Asks user to install latest compatible version if not supported\n\u2022 View unsupported updates from My Apps tab\n\u2022 Pull-to-refresh to check for updates", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_b4.ipa", "size": 5608964 }, { "version": "1.6b3", "date": "2022-11-08T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 Completely revamped error handling to make debugging issues as easy as possible\n\u2022 Revised error messages to be more descriptive and provide more suggestions\n\u2022 \u201cView More Details\u201d button in Error Log to view detailed error information\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect Error Log appearance in Dark Mode\n\u2022\u00a0Fixed widgets sometimes not updating\n\nPREVIOUS VERSIONS\n\nLock Screen Widget (iOS 16+)\n\u2022 Counts down days until AltStore expires\n\u2022 Comes in 2 different styles: \u201cicon\u201d and \u201ctext\u201d\n\nError Log\n\u2022 View past errors in more detail\n\u2022 Tap an error to copy the error message or error code\n\u2022 Search for error code directly in AltStore FAQ", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_b3.ipa", "size": 5531843 }, { "version": "1.6b2", "date": "2022-09-21T13:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed \u201cerror migrating persistent store\u201d issue on launch\n\nPREVIOUS VERSION\n\nLock Screen Widget (iOS 16+)\n\u2022 Counts down days until AltStore expires\n\u2022 Comes in 2 different styles: \u201cicon\u201d and \u201ctext\u201d\n\nError Log\n\u2022 View past errors in more detail\n\u2022 Tap an error to copy the error message or error code\n\u2022 Search for error code directly in AltStore FAQ", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_b2.ipa", "size": 5465933 }, { "version": "1.6b1", "date": "2022-09-16T08:00:00-07:00", "localizedDescription": "Lock Screen Widget (iOS 16+)\n\u2022 Counts down days until AltStore expires\n\u2022 Comes in 2 different styles: \u201cicon\u201d and \u201ctext\u201d\n\nError Log\n\u2022 View past errors in more detail\n\u2022 Tap an error to copy the error message or error code\n\u2022 Search for error code directly in AltStore FAQ\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed \u201cmore\u201d button not appearing in app detail page", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/altstore/1_6_b1.ipa", "size": 5465476 } ], "appPermissions": { "entitlements": [], "privacy": [ { "name": "LocalNetwork", "usageDescription": "AltStore uses the local network to find and communicate with AltServer." } ] }, "beta": false, "appID": "com.rileytestut.AltStore.Beta" }, { "name": "Delta", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.Delta", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "subtitle": "Classic games in your pocket.", "localizedDescription": "Delta is an all-in-one emulator for iOS. Delta builds upon the strengths of its predecessor, GBA4iOS, while expanding to include support for more game systems such as NES, SNES, and N64.\n\nFEATURES\n\nSupported Game Systems\n\u2022 Nintendo Entertainment System\n\u2022 Super Nintendo Entertainment System\n\u2022 Nintendo 64\n\u2022 Game Boy (Color)\n\u2022 Game Boy Advance\n\u2022 Nintendo DS\n\u2022 And plenty more to come!\n\nController Support\n\u2022 Supports PS4, PS5, Xbox One S, Xbox Series X, and MFi game controllers.\n\u2022 Supports bluetooth (and wired) keyboards, as well as the Apple Smart Keyboard.\n\u2022 Completely customize button mappings on a per-system, per-controller basis.\n\u2022 Map buttons to special \u201cQuick Save\u201d, \u201cQuick Load,\u201d and \u201cFast Forward\u201d actions.\n\nSave States\n\u2022 Save and load save states for any game from the pause menu.\n\u2022 Lock save states to prevent them from being accidentally overwritten.\n\u2022 Automatically makes backup save states to ensure you never lose your progress.\n\u2022 Support for \u201cQuick Saves,\u201d save states that can be quickly saved/loaded with a single button press (requires external controller).\n\nCheats\n\u2022 Supports various types of cheat codes for each supported system:\n\u2022 NES: Game Genie\n\u2022 SNES: Game Genie, Pro Action Replay\n\u2022 N64: GameShark\n\u2022 GBC: Game Genie, GameShark\n\u2022 GBA: Action Replay, Code Breaker, GameShark\n\u2022 DS: Action Replay\n\nDelta Sync\n\u2022 Sync your games, game saves, save states, cheats, controller skins, and controller mappings between devices.\n\u2022 View version histories of everything you sync and optionally restore them to earlier versions.\n\u2022 Supports both Google Drive and Dropbox.\n\nCustom Controller Skins\n\u2022 Beautiful built-in controller skins for all systems.\n\u2022 Import controller skins made by others, or even make your own to share with the world!\n\nHold Button\n\u2022 Choose buttons for Delta to hold down on your behalf, freeing up your thumbs to press other buttons instead.\n\u2022 Perfect for games that typically require one button be held down constantly (ex: run button in Mario games, or the A button in Mario Kart).\n\nFast Forward\n\u2022 Speed through slower parts of games by running the game much faster than normal.\n\u2022 Easily enable or disable from the pause menu, or optionally with a mapped button on an external controller.\n\n3D/Haptic Touch\n\u2022 Use 3D or Haptic Touch to \u201cpeek\u201d at games, save states, and cheat codes.\n\u2022 App icon shortcuts allow quick access to your most recently played games, or optionally customize the shortcuts to always include certain games.\n\nGame Artwork\n\u2022 Automatically displays appropriate box art for imported games.\n\u2022 Change a game\u2019s artwork to anything you want, or select from the built-in game artwork database.\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Gyroscope support (WarioWare: Twisted! only)\n\u2022 Microphone support (DS only)\n\u2022 Support for delta:// URL scheme to jump directly into a specific game.\n\n**Delta and AltStore LLC are in no way affiliated with Nintendo. The name \"Nintendo\" and all associated game console names are registered trademarks of Nintendo Co., Ltd.**", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/63391976-4d311700-c37a-11e9-91a8-4fb0c454413d.png", "tintColor": "8A28F7", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65600448-f7d9be00-df54-11e9-9e3e-d4c31296da94.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65813009-f2ae8600-e183-11e9-9eb7-704effc11173.png", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65601117-58b5c600-df56-11e9-9c19-9a5ba5da54cf.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65601125-5b182000-df56-11e9-9e7e-261480e893c0.PNG" ], "versions": [ { "version": "1.6.3", "buildVersion": "120", "date": "2024-09-16T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed not unlocking Experimental Features\n\u2022 Fixed misc. visual bugs on iOS 18", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_3.ipa", "size": 87748210, "sha256": "230b5038bb10570da3f3a93acc22e20a16d2ff45874f1e7d80eab348b82a909b", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6.2", "buildVersion": "114", "date": "2024-07-31T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed occasionally dropping DS touch screen inputs\n\u2022 Fixed crash loading certain skins with fallback traits\n\u2022 Fixed crash loading certain iPhone skins on iPad\n\u2022 Fixed app freezing when AirPlaying\n\u2022 Fixed app freezing when rotating device with certain skins", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_2.ipa", "size": 87753113, "sha256": "f877695ca73825137c4e65133d8e044b295031dc93f26c247efd629eda94e4fd", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6.1", "buildVersion": "109", "date": "2024-07-23T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 Supports using iPhone skins on iPad\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed rare crash when loading DS save states\n\u2022 Fixed game controllers not working on visionOS and macOS\n\u2022 Fixed hardware keyboard support on macOS\n\u2022 Fixed menu button not working on external controllers with remapped menu button\n\u2022 Fixed delayed inputs on external controllers with remapped menu button\n\u2022 Fixed DS touch screen not responding after updating to iPad version", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_1.ipa", "size": 87753061, "sha256": "f92974c49b404eb5233c8ac22cb5dc2a4a85685b24b1b1647cbe8525e347c00b", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6", "buildVersion": "102", "date": "2024-07-10T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u26a0\ufe0f This update is incompatible with existing DS save states. Please save normally in-game before updating to avoid losing progress.\n\nNEW\n\nApp Icon\n\u2022 Brand new legally-compliant app icon (thanks Caroline Moore!)\n\u2022 Includes alternative app icons designed by community members:\n\u2022 \"Halogenide\" by Sebastiaan de With\n\u2022 \"Ketchup\" by Ben McCarthy\n\u2022 \"Microchip\" by Sean Fletcher\n\niPad Support\n\u2022 Play games full screen on iPad's beautiful display\n\u2022 Brand new controller skins designed specifically for iPad (thanks Caroline Moore!)\n\u2022 Supports multiple windows in Stage Manager and Split View\n\u2022 Automatically pauses games when switching windows (optional)\n\nHandoff\n\u2022 Seamlessly switch between iPhone and iPad\n\u2022 Continues playing exactly where you left off\n\u2022 Also supports Delta on Apple Silicon Macs via Mac App Store\n\nmelonDS 0.9.5\n\u2022 Improves DS game compatibility & performance\n\u2022 BIOS files are now optional!\n\u2022 Supports \"inserting\" GBA games into DS dual-slot\n\u2022 Increased Fast Forward speed to 3x (A15 processor or later)\n\nMenu Button Gestures\n\u2022 Use gestures while holding menu button to perform quick actions\n\u2022 Menu + Horizontal Swipe: Fast Forward\n\u2022 Menu + Any Button: Hold Button\n\u2022 Menu + Double-Tap: Quick Save\n\u2022 Menu + Long-Press: Quick Load\n\nExperimental Features\n\u2022 New section in Settings for features by third-party contributors\n\u2022 Features are WIP and should be used at user\u2019s discretion\n\u2022 Available for Patrons on \"Beta Access\" tier or higher\n\nSave States\n\u2022 Sort save states by name\n\u2022 View all incompatible screenshots on a separate screen\n\u2022 Export save states to import into other emulators\n\n\u201cDisplay Full Screen\u201d AirPlay Setting\n\u2022 Control whether Delta shows games full screen on external displays\n\u2022 Disable to use multiple windows on external display with Stage Manager\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Supports Game Mode on iOS 18+\n\u2022 Increased DS screen size for default edge-to-edge iPhone landscape skin\n\nFIXED\n\n\u2022 Fixed exporting save file without file extension\n\u2022 Fixed interface rotating when playing WarioWare: Twisted!\n\u2022 Fixed Pokemon Black & White (2) freezing with C-Gear enabled", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6.ipa", "size": 87734964, "sha256": "2e41f24f617b2e73618b786efadfd9d27a9c9de119e6576caa4b51dd36c2d07e", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5.4", "buildVersion": "93", "date": "2024-05-17T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "Adobe threatened legal action unless we changed our app icon \u2014 so we did! Hope y'all like it :)\n\n\u2022 New icon to avoid legal trouble\n\u2022 Revised context menu for games\n\u2022 Fixed exporting save file without file extension\n\u2022 Fixed broken melonDS BIOS FAQ link", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_4.ipa", "size": 45858115, "sha256": "02a660bd525dc52164fdf764483858b71accfd9ad2e9e968f64fd231d126f664", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5.2", "buildVersion": "88", "date": "2024-04-25T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Pre-fills game name in Games Database search field\n\u2022 Fixed using touch screen when AirPlaying DS games\n\u2022 Hides \"Genesis\" controller mapping while Genesis support is in beta\n\nThanks so much for using Delta! Glad to see everyone enjoying their favorite retro games \ud83d\ude42", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_2.ipa", "size": 47130192, "sha256": "95a0b5ee341a518e70489ac4a6801969974e4b434b0ed10790b2e0bdf5d1f011", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5", "buildVersion": "85", "date": "2024-02-20T11:28:09-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nLocal Multiplayer (thanks Ian Clawson!)\n* Play multiplayer NES, SNES, and N64 games with friends\n* Supports up to 4 players\n\nAirPlay Support\n* Stream your games to the big screen with AirPlay\n* [DS] Layout screens horizontally or vertically on TV\n* [DS] Optionally AirPlay just top screen for true multi-screen experience\n\nError Log\n* Added detailed logging to help debug issues, especially related to syncing\n* View complete error log by pressing \"Export Error Log\" in Settings\n\nIMPROVED\n\nDelta Sync\n* Automatically resolves Cheat + ControllerSkin sync conflicts\n* Syncs `GameSave.sha1` hash between devices to prevent redundant uploads\n* Displays activity indicator when signing in\n* Delays seeding Delta Sync database until initial sync\n* Delays sync until after interactive Settings dismissal has completed\n* Uses local modification date when uploading changes\n* De-authenticates existing service when switching services\n* [Dropbox] Improved error message when remote storage is out of free space\n\nNon-MFi Controller Support\n* New default mappings for single Joy-Cons and Switch NES/SNES controllers\n* Uses Logo/Home button as Delta pause button if controller has one\n\nSettings\n* Revised UI to use modern \"inset grouped\" style\n* Uses large titles where appropriate\n\nMisc.\n* Adds \"Learn More\" links to FAQ thoughout the app\n* Replaces `UIDocumentBrowserViewController` with `UIDocumentPickerViewController` on iOS 17+\n* Skips checksum verification when importing zipped games\n* Displays \"Touch Screen\" instead of \"iPhone\" or \"iPad\" when using touch controls\n\nFIXED\n\nDelta Sync\n* Fixed \"Harmony.sqlite couldn't be opened\" sync error when there are more than 1000 games\n* Fixed \"file does not exist\" sync error after restoring previous version\n* Fixed Delta Sync switch remaining OFF if users cancels \"Disable Syncing?\" warning alert\n* Fixed incorrect mass conflicts when signing out then back in\n* Fixed missing references to remote files when signing out then back in\n* Fixed queued syncs sometimes fetching outdated changes\n* Fixed accidentally using wrong account when signed-in to multiple services\n* Fixed issue causing Delta to skip seeding syncing database, potentially overwriting local data with old remote data\n* Fixed incorrectly marking some game saves as conflicted during initial sync\n* Fixed accidentally signing-out after signing-in to previous Google Drive account\n* Fixed accidentally deleting Games directory during sync in rare circumstances", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5.ipa", "size": 47114236, "sha256": "5768b4e1991de9ad102d417111af4a3484f6572c5e0a6bce44ce94537dd7fe63", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.4.2", "date": "2023-09-19T12:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed crash when loading save states on iOS 17\n\u2022 Fixed displaying system name in dark text when remapping inputs on iOS 17", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4_2.ipa", "size": 46319655, "sha256": "60b8761b9275bd2490ee4fef524865edbabd4b6fbc0d52057c42f4f758ddfc01" }, { "version": "1.4.1", "date": "2023-05-10T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed translucent controller skins resetting opacity after rotating device\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect thumbstick size after rotating device", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4_1.ipa", "size": 46315257, "sha256": "a2e92064a9457b65fe1ca473f483633cef3ee4e9839918003ab942a314aae029" }, { "version": "1.4", "date": "2023-02-28T09:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nCheatBase (thanks Noah Keck @horn978)\n\u2022 Browse and add all known cheats for supported games\n\u2022 Limited to DS games for now, but will be expanded in the future\n\n\u201cRespect Silent Mode\u201d setting\n\u2022 When enabled, game audio will only play when your device isn\u2019t muted\n\u2022 Automatically mutes game audio if another app is playing audio\n\n\u201cContributors\u201d screen\n\u2022 See everyone who has contributed to Delta\n\u2022 View associated Pull Requests for contributed features\n\nIMPROVED\n\u2022 Automatically pauses + resumes emulation when switching between foreground apps with Stage Manager\n\u2022 Uses modern menu UI when importing games\n\u2022 Updated \"Copy Deep Link\" icon when sharing a game\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed error sharing games via certain share methods\n\u2022 Fixed exporting save files for games with names containing special characters\n\u2022 Fixed using Xbox controller analog sticks as D-pad inputs\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect font size for Credits section in Settings", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4.ipa", "size": 46299474, "sha256": "029873a3e82896346fae9a883d93eb232f9556131c2e87e42448a376248a039a" }, { "version": "1.3.2", "date": "2022-10-18T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixes external keyboard support\n\u2022 Fixes invisible system name when remapping game controllers on iOS 16\n\u2022 Fixes previous game controller remaining selected after changing controller", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_3_2.ipa", "size": 19742740 }, { "version": "1.3.1", "date": "2021-12-02T13:30:00-08:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixes game artwork not loading\n\u2022 Fixes using deprecated DeSmuME core over melonDS core for some users", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_3_1.ipa", "size": 19739373 } ], "appPermissions": { "entitlements": [], "privacy": [ { "name": "LocalNetwork", "usageDescription": "Delta uses the local network to communicate with AltServer and enable JIT." }, { "name": "Microphone", "usageDescription": "Delta uses your microphone to emulate the Nintendo DS microphone." }, { "name": "PhotoLibrary", "usageDescription": "Press \"OK\" to allow Delta to use images from your Photo Library as game artwork." } ] }, "appID": "com.rileytestut.Delta" }, { "name": "Delta (Beta)", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.Delta.Beta", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "subtitle": "Classic games in your pocket.", "localizedDescription": "The next consoles for Delta are coming: this beta version of Delta brings support for playing Nintendo DS and Sega Genesis games!\n\nPlease report any issues you find to support@altstore.io. Thanks!", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/63391976-4d311700-c37a-11e9-91a8-4fb0c454413d.png", "tintColor": "8A28F7", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65600448-f7d9be00-df54-11e9-9e3e-d4c31296da94.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65601942-e5ad4f00-df57-11e9-9255-1463e0296e46.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65813009-f2ae8600-e183-11e9-9eb7-704effc11173.png", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65601117-58b5c600-df56-11e9-9c19-9a5ba5da54cf.PNG" ], "versions": [ { "version": "1.7b3", "buildVersion": "129", "date": "2024-12-20T13:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 \u201cResume\u201d button to easily resume games\n\u2022 Additional \"Button Pack\" icons designed by Louie Mantia\n\nIMPROVED\n\u2022 Added button to view Online Multiplayer instructions\n\u2022 Enable/disable Online Multiplayer via Experimental Features\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect default mapping for iPad GBC landscape skin", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_7_b3.ipa", "size": 195545849, "sha256": "1f9973eef80042ac226cfd34e22cd16932e3c25f693cb644bfd9f35409c47c7c", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.7b2", "buildVersion": "123", "date": "2024-11-05T13:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "This beta fixes N64 games crashing on launch.\n\nPREVIOUS BETA\n\nOnline Multiplayer\n\u2022 Play Nintendo DS games online with friends!\n\u2022 Connect via 3rd-party Nintendo WFC servers (e.g. Kaeru)\n\nNintendo 64\n\u2022 New OpenGL ES 3 renderer fixes many common graphical issues\n\u2022 Optionally switch back to OpenGL ES 2 via Experimental Features\n\u2022 Custom resolutions\n\u2022 Custom texture packs\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Adds dark + tinted variants of primary app icon\n\u2022 Fixed misleading \u201cfile does not exist\u201d Delta Sync error\n\u2022 [iPad] Fixed qutting all games when using multiple scenes", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_7_b2.ipa", "size": 87951204, "sha256": "5d12b4d7c12c58bde478dd5a115609c1a5625a5e9d6aa95349fc946cb1e1f698", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.7b1", "buildVersion": "120", "date": "2024-10-23T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nOnline Multiplayer\n\u2022 Play Nintendo DS games online with friends!\n\u2022 Connect via 3rd-party Nintendo WFC servers (e.g. Kaeru)\n\nNintendo 64\n\u2022 New OpenGL ES 3 renderer fixes many common graphical issues\n\u2022 Optionally switch back to OpenGL ES 2 via Experimental Features\n\u2022 Custom resolutions\n\u2022 Custom texture packs\n\nIMPROVED\n\u2022 Adds dark + tinted variants of primary app icon\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed misleading \u201cfile does not exist\u201d Delta Sync error\n\u2022 [iPad] Fixed qutting all games when using multiple scenes", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_7_b1.ipa", "size": 88543419, "sha256": "18cdde3d372945f736e6e7c41539136cb6a61a27f5a7791d2ee827ce781297e0", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6.3b", "buildVersion": "117", "date": "2024-09-04T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed not unlocking Experimental Features\n\u2022 Fixed misc. visual bugs on iOS 18", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_3_b.ipa", "size": 87747304, "sha256": "95999a0acb1045f258b20ba368a5b87b19ce18dfd4158d44e161873a7199a0e9", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6.2b", "buildVersion": "112", "date": "2024-07-30T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed occasionally dropping DS touch screen inputs\n\u2022 Fixed crash loading certain skins with fallback traits\n\u2022 Fixed crash loading certain iPhone skins on iPad\n\u2022 Fixed app freezing when AirPlaying\n\u2022 Fixed app freezing when rotating device with certain skins", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_2_b.ipa", "size": 87750164, "sha256": "aecca7266cf7295d46825377b95dc582d8fdcfc0e70ee255867b6508733843e4", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6.1b", "buildVersion": "106", "date": "2024-07-19T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 Supports using iPhone skins on iPad\n\u2022 Updated app icon to new logo\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed rare crash when loading DS save states\n\u2022 Fixed game controllers not working on visionOS and macOS\n\u2022 Fixed hardware keyboard support on macOS\n\u2022 Fixed menu button not working on external controllers with remapped menu button\n\u2022 Fixed delayed inputs on external controllers with remapped menu button\n\u2022 Fixed DS touch screen not responding after updating to iPad version", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_1_b.ipa", "size": 87750073, "sha256": "d163a9ee00c4ec4d0c7f6feb15bc944a941c14799e0dcc6f05c5236ced7e1d2a", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6rc", "buildVersion": "96", "date": "2024-06-27T14:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nHandoff Support\n\u2022 Seamlessly switch between iPhone and iPad\n\u2022 Continues playing exactly where you left off\n\u2022 Supports Delta on Apple Silicon Macs via Mac App Store\n\nSave States\n\u2022 View all incompatible screenshots on a separate screen\n\u2022 Export save states to import into other emulators\n\u2022 Supports sorting by name\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Supports Game Mode on iOS 18+\n\u2022 \"Open New Window\" option by long-pressing \"Main Menu\"/\"Close\" on pause screen\n\nIMPROVED\n\nQuick Gestures\n\u2022 Added new gestures for Quick Save/Load\n\u2022 Quick Save = Double-tap\n\u2022 Quick Load = Long-press\n\nController Skins\n\u2022 Finalizes iPad controller skin designs\n\u2022 UI to choose different Split View/Stage Manager skins\n\u2022 Increased DS screen size for default edge-to-edge iPhone landscape skin\n\nExperimental Features\n\u2022 UI to choose AirPlay skins\n\u2022 \"Skin Debugging\" to toggle \"debug mode\" for skins\n\nFIXED\n\niPad\n\u2022 Fixed not recognizing quick gestures on Split View controller\n\u2022 Fixed crash when pressing \"Reset Controller Skin\" button\n\u2022 Fixed crash opening N64 games in new window with context previews enabled\n\u2022 Fixed sometimes showing incorrect skin orientation in split view\n\u2022 Fixed loading wrong game after quitting game in another window\n\u2022 Fixed potential freeze when opening games in new window", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_rc.ipa", "size": 52596261, "sha256": "7313b58dc3c9977193e19e9569fb3c629b798095f7dd8515e059041afa3b8b15", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6b2", "buildVersion": "94", "date": "2024-05-30T11:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u26a0\ufe0f This update is incompatible with existing DS save states. Please save normally in-game before updating.\n\nNEW\n\nMultiple Windows\n\u2022 Supports multiple windows on iPad\n\u2022 Emulate games from multiple systems simultaneously \n\u2022 Open new windows via drag & drop, or by long-pressing game then choosing \"Open in New Window\"\n\u2022 Automatically pause games when switching windows (optional)\n\nUpdated melonDS core to 0.9.5\n\u2022 Improves game compatibility & performance\n\u2022 BIOS files are now optional!\n\u2022 Supports \"inserting\" GBA games into DS dual-slot\n\u2022 Increased fast forward speed to 3x (A15 processor or later)\n\n\u201cSupport External Displays\u201d Setting\n\u2022 Control whether Delta shows games full screen on external displays\n\u2022 Disable to use multiple windows on external display with Stage Manager\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed clipped context menu preview for games\n\u2022 Fixed exporting save file without file extension\n\u2022 Fixed interface rotating when playing WarioWare: Twisted!\n\u2022 [iPad] Fixed not adjusting DS screens for split view keyboard\n\u2022 [iPad] Fixed hidden save state thumbnails when in compact size class", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_b2.ipa", "size": 48566277, "sha256": "de325034fe709c0ed3c65d70d7c06c0038bfb31174d5de132b7be5c057840a4c", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.6b", "buildVersion": "91", "date": "2024-05-01T08:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "Quick Gestures\n\u2022 Hold menu button to perform actions via gestures\n\u2022 Fast Forward: Swipe left or right\n\u2022 Hold Button: Tap buttons to hold/release", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_6_b.ipa", "size": 46968202, "sha256": "a001b87a482df073b8cc00d79760fca40436082f32ca83bb16e399a8cd089e1d", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5rc2", "buildVersion": "85", "date": "2024-01-22T12:05:17-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed issue where Delta could accidentally overwrite local data with old remote data\n\u2022 Fixed incorrectly marking some game saves as conflicted during initial sync\n\u2022 Fixed accidentally signing-out after signing-in to previous Google Drive account", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_rc2.ipa", "size": 48460652, "sha256": "e20ff1939c33cbc6ac71e1c307f45094dc1877a32e0dd5df28094aa4f6911e60", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5rc", "buildVersion": "78", "date": "2023-11-21T12:30:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "IMPROVED\n\nDelta Sync\n\u2022 Added detailed logging to help debug issues\n\u2022 View complete error log via \"Export Error Log\" option in Settings\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Shows AirPlay icon when AirPlaying\n\u2022 Added \"Learn More\" links to FAQ thoughout app\n\nFIXED\n\niPad\n\u2022 Fixed crash when changing DS emulator core\n\u2022 Fixed incorrectly indented rows on MelonDS core settings screen\n\u2022 Fixed not rounding last visible row in MelonDS core settings", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_rc.ipa", "size": 48457781, "sha256": "bab95dd1801bcca1b8eab18b15abe7992550630b3e965e824c7fd34f793f63e1", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5b4", "date": "2023-08-12T15:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u26a0\ufe0f This beta fixes a critical bug that could cause corrupted save files and save states to be uploaded to Google Drive/Dropbox.\n\nPlease update ASAP to ensure you don't lose any data. You can read more about this bug fix in today's Patreon post.", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_b4.ipa", "size": 48565606, "sha256": "ca271c488da8399f977d6d5b5051a92d01431374ca545fb952e9b62256629d58", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5b3", "date": "2023-07-18T12:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "IMPROVED\n\nDelta Sync\n\u2022 Automatically resolves cheat + controller skin sync conflicts\n\u2022 Syncs game save hash between devices to prevent redundant uploads\n\u2022 Displays activity indicator when signing in\n\u2022 Delays seeding sync database until initial sync\n\u2022 Uses local modification date when uploading changes\n\u2022 Signs out from previous service when switching services\n\u2022 Improved error message when remote storage is out of free space (Dropbox only)\n\nSettings\n\u2022 Revised UI to use modern \"inset grouped\" style\n\u2022 Uses large titles where appropriate\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Replaces `UIDocumentBrowserViewController` with `UIDocumentPickerViewController` on iOS 17+\n\u2022 Skips checksum verification when importing zipped games\n\nFIXED\n\nDelta Sync\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect mass conflicts when signing out then back in\n\u2022 Fixed \u201cHarmony.sqlite couldn\u2019t be opened\u201d sync error when there are more than 1000 games\n\u2022 Fixed \u201cfile does not exist\u201d sync error after restoring previous version\n\u2022 Fixed Delta Sync switch remaining OFF if users cancels \"Disable Syncing?\" warning alert\n\u2022 Fixed missing references to remote files when signing out then back in\n\u2022 Fixed queued syncs sometimes fetching outdated changes\n\u2022 Fixed accidentally using wrong account when signed-in to multiple services\n\niPad\n\u2022 Fixed crash when resolving Delta Sync merge conflicts\n\u2022 Fixed crash when disabling Delta Sync or switching services\n\nExperimental Features\n\u2022 Fixed saving screenshots to Photos with .limited authorization\n\u2022 Fixed saving screenshots to Photos as JPEGs\n\nMisc.\n\u2022 Fixed accidentally deleting Games directory during sync in rare circumstances\n\u2022 Fixed crash loading save states on iOS 17\n\u2022 Fixed displaying system name in dark text when remapping inputs on iOS 17", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_b3.ipa", "size": 46221055, "sha256": "7e809c5d3193f7e85232dcc649d72c24496d78e42111b070fe413d3437578e12", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5b2", "date": "2023-05-03T14:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\nAirPlay Support \n\u2022 Stream your games to the big screen with AirPlay\n\u2022 [DS] Optionally AirPlay just top screen for true multi-screen experience\n\nExperimental Features\n\u2022 New section in Settings for features by third-party contributors\n\u2022 Features are WIP and should be used at user\u2019s discretion\n\nInitial Experimental Features\n\u2022 Show Status Bar: View time/WiFi/battery while playing a game (@LitRitt)\n\u2022 Game Screenshots: Take screenshots from pause menu (@LitRitt)\n\u2022 In-Game Notifications: Show pop-up alerts when performing certain actions (@LitRitt)\n\u2022 AirPlay Skins: Customize appearance of games on TV when AirPlaying\n\u2022 Variable Fast Forward: Change the Fast Forward speed per-system\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed translucent controller skins resetting opacity after rotating device\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect thumbstick size after rotating device", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_b2.ipa", "size": 46120077, "sha256": "95570ea367c08d8d97b1f154c5cd9f6798e2efb40df1ccd6032730b2a272f2e2", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.5b1", "date": "2023-03-02T10:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "Local Multiplayer (thanks Ian Clawson @ThatClawsonBoy!)\n\u2022 Play NES, SNES, N64, and Genesis games with friends\n\u2022 Supports up to 4 players\n\nImproved Non-MFi Controller Support\n\u2022 New default mappings for single Joy-Cons and Switch NES/SNES controllers\n\u2022 Uses Logo/Home button as Delta pause button if possible", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_5_b1.ipa", "size": 46055442, "sha256": "0927debc7b9b005b50f3222862109f1d367e3d0ba3cfb5a712c73483f980ec2b", "minOSVersion": "14.0" }, { "version": "1.4rc", "date": "2023-02-13T09:41:00-08:00", "localizedDescription": "\"Contributors\" screen\n\u2022 See everyone who has contributed to Delta\n\u2022 View associated Pull Requests for contributed features\n\nPREVIOUS BETA\n\u2022 \u201cRespect Silent Mode\u201d setting\n\u2022 Automatically mutes game audio if another app is playing audio\n\u2022 Browse CheatBase for all known cheats for games (thanks Noah Keck @horn978)", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4_rc.ipa", "size": 46299284 }, { "version": "1.4b5", "date": "2023-02-02T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "\u201cRespect Silent Mode\u201d setting\n\u2022 When enabled, game audio will only play when your device isn\u2019t muted\n\u2022 Automatically mutes game audio if another app is playing audio\n\nCheatBase (thanks Noah Keck @horn978)\n\u2022 Browse and add all known cheats for games\n\u2022 Limited to DS games for now, but will be expanded in the future", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4_b5.ipa", "size": 46505452 }, { "version": "1.4b4", "date": "2022-11-07T12:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 Fixed app freezing when using Hold Button feature\n\u2022 Fixed re-activating held inputs\n\nPREVIOUS BETAS\n\u2022 Supports Split View and Stage Manager multitasking on iPad\n\u2022 Optimized full screen-width controller skins when using Split View, Slide Over, or Stage Manager\n\u2022 Fixed using Xbox controller analog sticks as D-pad inputs\n\u2022 Fixed remapping analog sticks", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4_b4.ipa", "size": 42958876 }, { "version": "1.4b3", "date": "2022-10-25T11:30:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Fixed Split View controller skin covering game screen on iPadOS 16.1\n\u2022 Fixed Split View controller skin appearing when another controller is active\n\u2022 Fixed using Xbox controller analog sticks as D-pad inputs\n\u2022 Fixed remapping analog sticks\n\nPREVIOUS BETA\n\u2022 Supports Split View and Stage Manager multitasking on iPad\n\u2022 Automatically pauses + resumes emulation when switching between foreground apps with Stage Manager\n\u2022 Optimized full screen-width controller skins when using Split View, Slide Over, or Stage Manager\n\u2022 Supports controller skins with new `placement` parameter\n\u2022 Supports controller skins with custom screens that don\u2019t have explicit `outputFrame`", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4_b3.ipa", "size": 42957704 }, { "version": "1.4b2", "date": "2022-08-16T08:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "NEW\n\u2022 Supports Split View and Stage Manager multitasking on iPad\n\u2022 Automatically pauses + resumes emulation when switching between foreground apps with Stage Manager\n\u2022 Optimized full screen-width controller skins when using Split View, Slide Over, or Stage Manager\n\u2022 Supports controller skins with new `placement` parameter\n\u2022 Supports controller skins with custom screens that don\u2019t have explicit `outputFrame`\n\nFIXED\n\u2022 Fixed not detecting keyboard presses when remapping inputs\n\u2022 Fixed potential crash rendering game screen after changing EAGLContext\n\u2022 Fixed incorrect game screen frame when software keyboard appears on iOS 16\n\u2022 Fixed software keyboard sometimes appearing when not emulating anything", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/delta/1_4_b2.ipa", "size": 42968657 } ], "appPermissions": { "entitlements": [], "privacy": [ { "name": "LocalNetwork", "usageDescription": "Delta uses the local network to communicate with AltServer and enable JIT." }, { "name": "Microphone", "usageDescription": "Delta uses your microphone to emulate the Nintendo DS microphone." }, { "name": "PhotoLibrary", "usageDescription": "Press \"OK\" to allow Delta to use images from your Photo Library as game artwork." } ] }, "beta": false, "appID": "com.rileytestut.Delta.Beta" }, { "name": "Clip", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.Clip", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "subtitle": "Manage your clipboard history with ease.", "localizedDescription": "Clip is a simple clipboard manager for iOS. \n\nUnlike other clipboard managers, Clip can continue monitoring your clipboard while in the background. No longer do you need to remember to manually open or share to an app to save your clipboard; just copy and paste as you would normally do, and Clip will have your back.\n\nIn addition to background monitoring, Clip also has these features:\n\n\u2022 Save text, URLs, and images copied to the clipboard.\n\u2022 Copy, delete, or share any clippings saved to Clip.\n\u2022 Customizable history limit.\n\nDownload Clip today, and never worry about losing your clipboard again!", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/63391981-5326f800-c37a-11e9-99d8-760fd06bb601.png", "tintColor": "EC008C", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/63391950-34286600-c37a-11e9-965f-832efe3da507.png", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/70830209-8e738980-1da4-11ea-8b3b-6e5fbc78adff.png" ], "versions": [ { "version": "1.1", "buildVersion": "14", "date": "2024-06-05T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Switches to using location services to run in background\n\u2022 Improves reading clipboard on iOS 17", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/clip/1_1.ipa", "size": 601183, "sha256": "69bb0ef2c4419f043df58625733232a8cc899bfaba5e5325202919a1a582916a", "minOSVersion": "15.0" }, { "version": "1.0", "date": "2020-06-17T12:30:00-07:00", "localizedDescription": "Initial version \ud83c\udf89", "downloadURL": "https://f000.backblazeb2.com/file/altstore/apps/clip/1_0.ipa", "size": 445056, "sha256": "3ac73fe85b6bf7e5433582db73f27edd4d6ff8d4859569460ad4f5159297f63f" } ], "appPermissions": { "entitlements": [], "privacy": [ { "name": "LocationAlwaysAndWhenInUse", "usageDescription": "Clip requires \u201cAlways\u201d location permission to automatically tag clippings with your location. Your location data never leaves this device." }, { "name": "LocationWhenInUse", "usageDescription": "Clip requires location permissions to automatically tag clippings with your location. Your location data never leaves this device." } ] }, "appID": "com.rileytestut.Clip" }, { "name": "Clip (Beta)", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.Clip.Beta", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "subtitle": "Manage your clipboard history with ease.", "localizedDescription": "Clip is a simple clipboard manager for iOS. \n\nUnlike other clipboard managers, Clip can continue monitoring your clipboard while in the background. No longer do you need to remember to manually open or share to an app to save your clipboard; just copy and paste as you would normally do, and Clip will have your back.\n\nIn addition to background monitoring, Clip also has these features:\n\n\u2022 Save text, URLs, and images copied to the clipboard.\n\u2022 Copy, delete, or share any clippings saved to Clip.\n\u2022 Customizable history limit.\n\nDownload Clip today, and never worry about losing your clipboard again!", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/63391981-5326f800-c37a-11e9-99d8-760fd06bb601.png", "tintColor": "EC008C", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/63391950-34286600-c37a-11e9-965f-832efe3da507.png", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/70830209-8e738980-1da4-11ea-8b3b-6e5fbc78adff.png", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/84842227-70a80b00-aff9-11ea-8b04-bedb1f49c4a7.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/84842231-7271ce80-aff9-11ea-9272-e128aeceb95b.PNG" ], "versions": [ { "version": "1.2b", "buildVersion": "13", "date": "2024-06-05T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "\u2022 Switches to using location services to run in background\n\u2022 Improves reading clipboard on iOS 17", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/apps/clip/1_2_b.ipa", "size": 601183, "sha256": "e6f7add78dda8a4ba8c51e0e61c4a572faf526da8c7d6280d2531fd444d31746", "minOSVersion": "15.0" }, { "version": "1.1b1", "date": "2020-06-17T12:30:00-07:00", "localizedDescription": "This update adds a Custom Keyboard app extension for quick access to clippings when editing text.\n\nTo enable the keyboard, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard... and add \"ClipBoard\". Once added, make sure to then enable \"Allow Full Access\" for ClipBoard so it can access your clippings.", "downloadURL": "https://f000.backblazeb2.com/file/altstore/apps/clip/1_1_b1.ipa", "size": 462771, "sha256": "d7314df158dd5918d63d07ae0c60ee4565c6e47645b3027db7b715fa1b1cf17e" } ], "appPermissions": { "entitlements": [], "privacy": [ { "name": "LocationAlwaysAndWhenInUse", "usageDescription": "Clip requires \u201cAlways\u201d location permission to automatically tag clippings with your location. Your location data never leaves this device." }, { "name": "LocationWhenInUse", "usageDescription": "Clip requires location permissions to automatically tag clippings with your location. Your location data never leaves this device." } ] }, "beta": false, "appID": "com.rileytestut.Clip.Beta" }, { "name": "AltStore (Alpha)", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.AltStore.Alpha", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "subtitle": "An alternative App Store for iOS.", "localizedDescription": "AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken devices. \n\nThis beta release of AltStore allows you to install Delta as well as any app (.ipa) directly from the Files app.", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65270980-1eb96f80-dad1-11e9-9367-78ccd25ceb02.png", "tintColor": "018084", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65605563-2f009d00-df5e-11e9-9b40-1f36135d5c80.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65605569-30ca6080-df5e-11e9-8dfb-15ebb00e10cb.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65605577-332cba80-df5e-11e9-9f00-b369ce974f71.PNG" ], "versions": [ { "version": "2.0a1", "date": "2023-03-27T12:00:00-05:00", "localizedDescription": "This alpha includes the initial version of About pages for sources.", "downloadURL": "https://f000.backblazeb2.com/file/altstore/sources/alpha/altstore/2_0_a1.ipa", "size": 5626076, "sha256": "a87ef7b2a413f234985afa048f77baf7911825ddda1a8b3610fecdd2c3093272", "minOSVersion": "12.2" }, { "version": "1.4.2a1", "date": "2020-11-04T15:30:00-07:00", "localizedDescription": "Allows sideloaded apps to use just-in-time (JIT) compilation on iOS 14.2 and later.", "downloadURL": "https://f000.backblazeb2.com/file/altstore/sources/alpha/altstore/1_4_2_a1.ipa", "size": 5374382 } ], "appID": "com.rileytestut.AltStore.Alpha" }, { "name": "Delta (Alpha)", "bundleIdentifier": "com.rileytestut.Delta.Alpha", "developerName": "Riley Testut", "subtitle": "Classic games in your pocket.", "localizedDescription": "The next console for Delta is coming: this beta version of Delta brings support for playing DS games!\n\nDS support currently includes:\n\u2022\u00a0Playing DS games\n\u2022 Save States\n\u2022 Hold Button\n\nFeatures I'm still working on:\n\u2022 Fast Forward\n\u2022 Cheats\n\u2022 Controller skin (using placeholder controller skin for now)\n\nPlease report any issues you find to support@altstore.io. Thanks!", "iconURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/63391976-4d311700-c37a-11e9-91a8-4fb0c454413d.png", "tintColor": "8A28F7", "screenshotURLs": [ "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65600448-f7d9be00-df54-11e9-9e3e-d4c31296da94.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65601942-e5ad4f00-df57-11e9-9255-1463e0296e46.PNG", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65813009-f2ae8600-e183-11e9-9eb7-704effc11173.png", "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65601117-58b5c600-df56-11e9-9c19-9a5ba5da54cf.PNG" ], "versions": [ { "version": "1.3a9", "date": "2021-03-11T15:00:00-06:00", "localizedDescription": "v1.3 ALPHA RELEASE CANDIDATE\n\nIMPROVEMENTS\n\u2022 Updates portrait controller skin with bigger buttons\n\u2022 Updates Licenses screen to include melonDS and Genesis Plus GX\n\u2022 Supports custom game artwork with transparent backgrounds\n\nBUG FIXES\n\u2022 Fixes custom artwork appearing incorrectly rotated\n\u2022 Fixes game artwork not updating when choosing from Files\n\u2022 Fixes crash when playing DS games and another app is using the microphone\n\u2022 Fixes some erroneous sync errors", "downloadURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/sources/alpha/delta/1_3_a9.ipa", "size": 19728572, "sha256": "5afc98cf0ebe21b09a0692473a6a5d5e7efc444d6e0578db6de38324e0130a2a" } ], "appID": "com.rileytestut.Delta.Alpha" } ], "news": [ { "title": "Delta Gaining DS Support", "identifier": "delta-ds-support", "caption": "Available this Saturday for patrons, coming soon for everyone else.", "date": "2019-09-25", "tintColor": "8A28F7", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65603159-0676a400-df5a-11e9-882e-dc5566f4d50a.png", "notify": false }, { "title": "Delta Now Available", "identifier": "delta-now-available", "caption": "Finally, relive your favorite NES, SNES, GB(C), GBA, and N64 games.", "date": "2019-09-28", "tintColor": "8A28F7", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65604130-c1ec0800-df5b-11e9-8150-7657c474e3c3.png", "notify": true, "appID": "com.rileytestut.Delta" }, { "title": "Welcome to AltStore", "identifier": "welcome-to-altstore", "caption": "Please read the FAQ for help with installing apps.", "date": "2019-09-28", "tintColor": "018084", "notify": false, "url": "https://altstore.io/faq/" }, { "title": "Sideloading is Here!", "identifier": "sideloading-is-here", "caption": "Update to AltStore 1.3 to install any app directly from Files.", "date": "2020-04-10T13:00:00-07:00", "tintColor": "018084", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/79022069-02932380-7b32-11ea-8bad-49907cb97ece.png", "notify": true }, { "title": "iOS 13.4 Fixes App Crashes", "identifier": "ios-13-4-now-available", "caption": "Update to iOS 13.4 to fix some sideloaded apps crashing on launch.", "date": "2020-04-10T13:30:00-07:00", "tintColor": "34C759", "notify": false }, { "title": "Clip Now Available!", "identifier": "clip-now-available", "caption": "Finally, a clipboard manager that can run in the background \u2014 no jailbreak required.", "date": "2020-06-17", "tintColor": "EC008C", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/65606598-04afdf00-df60-11e9-8f93-af6345d39557.png", "notify": true, "appID": "com.rileytestut.Clip" }, { "title": "Welcome to AltStore (Alpha)", "identifier": "welcome-to-altstore-alpha", "caption": "Please read the FAQ for help with installing apps.", "date": "2023-03-27", "tintColor": "018084", "notify": false, "url": "https://altstore.io/faq/" }, { "title": "Delta, Meet Nintendo DS", "identifier": "delta-meet-ds", "caption": "Update to Delta 1.3 to relive all your favorite Nintendo DS games.", "date": "2021-04-21", "tintColor": "8A28F7", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/115617602-6ce2b600-a2a6-11eb-984e-2197a30c71e2.png", "notify": true, "appID": "com.rileytestut.Delta" }, { "title": "unc0ver + Fugu14 Untethered Jailbreak Available", "identifier": "unc0ver-fugu14", "caption": "Update to AltStore 1.4.8 to install the first untethered jailbreak since iOS 9.", "date": "2021-10-28T14:30:00-07:00", "tintColor": "000000", "notify": false }, { "title": "#StandWithUkraine", "identifier": "support-ukraine", "caption": "Find out how you can help support those impacted by the Russian invasion.", "date": "2022-03-01", "tintColor": "003e80", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/156053447-a158cac7-df5f-4497-8025-15c3c2e10b48.png", "notify": false, "url": "https://linktr.ee/razomforukraine" }, { "title": "The Biggest AltServer Update Yet!", "identifier": "altserver-1-5", "caption": "Update to AltServer 1.5 to use AltJIT and other exciting new features.", "date": "2022-05-03", "tintColor": "018084", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/166509576-744be578-6868-4b7d-b4fd-b9418c084327.png", "notify": true, "url": "https://faq.altstore.io/release-notes/altserver" }, { "title": "More Apps in AltStore!", "identifier": "trusted-sources", "caption": "Update to AltStore 1.5 to easily download some of our favorite apps.", "date": "2022-05-05", "tintColor": "00CAB3", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/167026375-ddcb004f-7160-405c-b3e3-87a6795d2f43.png", "notify": true, "url": "https://faq.altstore.io/release-notes/altstore" }, { "title": "New to AltStore?", "identifier": "updated-faq", "caption": "Check out our updated guide to learn how to sideload apps!", "date": "2022-07-28", "tintColor": "018084", "notify": false, "url": "https://faq.altstore.io" }, { "title": "More Trusted Sources!", "identifier": "welcome-provenance-pojavlauncher", "caption": "Please welcome Provenance and PojavLauncher to AltStore \ud83c\udf89", "date": "2022-12-12", "tintColor": "00A2FF", "imageURL": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/705880/207133455-1e851fd0-89ae-48f0-906f-8f86f4e394db.png", "notify": true }, { "title": "Fix for \u201cCore Data\u201d Refresh Error", "identifier": "pojav-source-fix", "caption": "Tap here for full instructions on how to fix this issue.", "date": "2023-03-01", "tintColor": "FF6700", "notify": false, "url": "https://twitter.com/altstoreio/status/1627807467584253952" }, { "title": "\u201cNo provisioning profile\u201d?", "identifier": "no-provisioning-profile-error", "caption": "Tap here for full instructions on how to fix this error.", "date": "2023-03-23", "tintColor": "DA627D", "notify": true, "url": "https://twitter.com/altstoreio/status/1638599316762664974" }, { "title": "Happy 5th Birthday AltStore!", "identifier": "altstore-2.0", "caption": "Update now to install apps from any 3rd-party source + other great improvements \ud83e\udd73", "date": "2024-09-28", "tintColor": "00CAB3", "imageURL": "https://cdn.altstore.io/file/altstore/images/altstore/5yrAnniversaryMedium.png", "notify": true, "appID": "com.rileytestut.AltStore" } ] }