#!/bin/bash # # [Quick Box :: EcoSystem Update Script] # # QuickLab: https://github.com/QuickBox/quickbox_packages # Local : /etc/QuickBox/packages # Author : QuickBox.io # URL : https://quickbox.io # # QuickBox Copyright (C) 2017 QuickBox.io # Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 GPL-3 (in short) # # You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track # changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to our software # including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available # under the GPL along with build & install instructions. # ################################################################################# function _string() { perl -le 'print map {(a..z,A..Z,0..9)[rand 62] } 0..pop' 15 ; } ################################################################################# function _oscheck() { if [[ ! -f /bin/systemd ]]; then echo "Oh drats! Your system does not support systemd" | tee -a ${OUTTO} echo "As of QuickBox 2.4.0, systemd is now required" | tee -a ${OUTTO} echo 'Exiting...' | tee -a ${OUTTO} exit 1 fi } function _logcheck() { OUTTO=/srv/rutorrent/home/db/output.log } function _directorycheck() { if [[ ! -f /install/.developer.lock ]]; then if [[ -d /etc/QuickBox ]]; then #rm -rf /etc/QuickBox #git clone https://github.com/QuickBox/QB /etc/QuickBox cd /etc/QuickBox git checkout master >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; git reset --hard origin/master git pull >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; else git clone https://github.com/QuickBox/QB /etc/QuickBox fi else if [[ -d /etc/QuickBox ]]; then #rm -rf /etc/QuickBox #git clone --branch "development" https://github.com/QuickBox/QB /etc/QuickBox cd /etc/QuickBox git checkout development >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; git reset --hard origin/development git pull >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; else git clone --branch "development" https://github.com/QuickBox/QB /etc/QuickBox fi fi } function _downloadrepos() { if [[ ! -f /install/.developer.lock ]]; then echo >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; cd /etc/QuickBox git checkout master >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; git pull >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; echo else echo >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; cd /etc/QuickBox git checkout development >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; git pull >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; echo fi } function _bashrc() { cp -a ${local_setup}templates/bashrc.template /root/.bashrc cp -a ${local_setup}templates/profile.template /root/.profile } function _updatequota(){ sed -i 's/usrquota,errors=remount-ro/usrjquota=aquota.user,jqfmt=vfsv1,errors=remount-ro/g' /etc/fstab service quota restart } function _checklocks() { if [[ -f /usr/sbin/repquota ]] && [[ ! -f /install/.quota.lock ]]; then touch /install/.quota.lock fi if [[ ! -f /etc/systemd/system/rtorrent@.service ]]; then touch /install/.cron.lock fi } function _updated() { if [[ -f /install/.cron.lock ]]; then bash ${local_packages}package/remove/removepackage-cron fi } function _updatesyscommands() { cd ${usrbin} yes | cp -rf ${local_packages}. ${usrbin}quickbox if [[ -f ${usrbin}quickbox/system/changeUserpass ]]; then rm -rf ${usrbin}quickbox/system/changeUserpass fi } function _updateskel() { if [[ ! -d /etc/skel ]]; then mkdir /etc/skel fi rsync -aP ${local_setup}templates/skel/. /etc/skel/ } function _updatemktorrent() { if [[ ! -f /usr/local/bin/mktorrent ]]; then if [[ -d /root/tmp ]]; then rm -r tmp;fi mkdir /root/tmp && cd /root/tmp mktorrent_version=1.1 wget --quiet https://github.com/Rudde/mktorrent/archive/v$mktorrent_version.zip -O mktorrent.zip >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1 unzip -o mktorrent.zip >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1 cd mktorrent-1.1 make >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1 make install >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf mktorrent-1.1 && rm -f mktorrent.zip fi } function _updateapachealias() { users=($(cat /etc/htpasswd | cut -d ":" -f 1)) cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled if [[ -f aliases-seedbox.conf.orig ]]; then rm -r aliases-seedbox.conf.orig fi mv aliases-seedbox.conf aliases-seedbox.conf.orig cp -r ${local_setup}templates/aliases-seedbox.conf.template /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/aliases-seedbox.conf sed -i "s/USERNAME/${A1}/g" /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/aliases-seedbox.conf for i in "${users[@]}"; do if [[ ! $i == $A1 ]]; then cat >/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/alias.${i}.download.conf< Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None AuthType Digest AuthName "rutorrent" AuthUserFile '/etc/htpasswd' Require user ${i} Order allow,deny Allow from all php_admin_value engine Off Alias /${i}.deluge.downloads "/home/${i}/torrents/deluge" Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None AuthType Digest AuthName "rutorrent" AuthUserFile '/etc/htpasswd' Require user ${i} Order allow,deny Allow from all php_admin_value engine Off AuthType Digest AuthName "rutorrent" AuthUserFile "/etc/htpasswd" Require user ${i} AS fi done #if [[ -f /install/.plex.lock ]] && [[ -s /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/plex.conf ]]; then # PUBLICIP=$(ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}') # cp ${local_setup}templates/plex.conf.template /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/plex.conf # chown www-data: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/plex.conf # a2enmod proxy >/dev/null 2>&1 # sed -i "s/PUBLICIP/${PUBLICIP}/g" /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/plex.conf #fi service apache2 reload >> /dev/null 2>&1 } function _updaterutorrent() { cd /srv rsync -aP ${local_rutorrent}* rutorrent } function _updaterutorrent-plugins() { plugins=($(find ${local_rplugins} -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%f\n")) for i in "${plugins[@]}"; do if [[ -d /srv/rutorrent/plugins/$i ]]; then if [[ -d /srv/rutorrent/plugins/$i ]]; then rm -rf /srv/rutorrent/plugins/${i}/${i}; fi rsync -aP --exclude=autotools/conf.php ${local_rplugins}${i} /srv/rutorrent/plugins/ fi done cp /srv/rutorrent/home/fileshare/.htaccess /srv/rutorrent/plugins/fileshare/ cd /srv/rutorrent/home/fileshare/ rm -rf share.php ln -s ../../plugins/fileshare/share.php } function _updatedeluge() { if [[ -f /install/.deluge.lock ]]; then users=($(cat /etc/htpasswd | cut -d ":" -f 1)) if [[ ! -f /etc/skel/.config/deluge/plugins/ltConfig- ]]; then mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/deluge/plugins/ cd /etc/skel/.config/deluge/plugins/ wget -q https://github.com/ratanakvlun/deluge-ltconfig/releases/download/v0.2.5.0/ltConfig- fi for u in "${users[@]}"; do if [[ ! -f /home/$u/.config/deluge/plugins/ltConfig- ]]; then cd /home/$u/.config/deluge/plugins/ wget -q https://github.com/ratanakvlun/deluge-ltconfig/releases/download/v0.2.5.0/ltConfig- chown $u: ltConfig- chmod +x ltConfig- fi ltstatus=$(cat /home/$u/.config/deluge/core.conf | grep -i ltconfig) if [[ -z $ltstatus ]]; then systemctl stop deluged@$u enabledplugins=$(cat /home/$u/.config/deluge/core.conf | grep '"enabled_plugins": \[\],') if [[ -z $enabledplugins ]]; then sed -i '/enabled_plugins/a \ \ \ \ "ltConfig",' /home/$u/.config/deluge/core.conf else sed -i '/enabled_plugins/a \ \ \ \ "ltConfig"\n],' /home/$u/.config/deluge/core.conf sed -i 's/"enabled_plugins": \[\],/"enabled_plugins": \[/g' /home/$u/.config/deluge/core.conf fi systemctl start deluged@$u fi done fi } function _updateznc() { if [[ -f /install/.znc.lock ]]; then bin=$(crontab -u znc -l | grep /usr/local/bin) if [[ -n $bin ]]; then sudo -u znc crontab -l | echo -e "*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&1\n@reboot /usr/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&1" | crontab -u znc - > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi } # function to update dashboard function _updatedashboard() { #\cp -fR ${local_dashboard}* ${rutorrent}home cd ${rutorrent} if [[ -f /srv/rutorrent/home/db/.smoked.lock ]]; then if [[ -n $(find /srv/rutorrent/home/db -name "branding-*.php") ]]; then rsync -aP --exclude=disk_*.php --exclude=branding-l.php --exclude=share.php --exclude=custom.menu.php --exclude=url.override.php --exclude=custom.css ${local_dashboard}* ${rutorrent}home rsync -aP ${local_themes}smoked/* ${rutorrent}home #rm -f /srv/rutorrent/home/lang/*.php else rsync -aP --exclude=disk_*.php --exclude=share.php --exclude=custom.menu.php --exclude=url.override.php --exclude=custom.css ${local_dashboard}. ${rutorrent}home #rm -f /srv/rutorrent/home/lang/*.php fi elif [[ -f /srv/rutorrent/home/db/.defaulted.lock ]]; then if [[ -n $(find /srv/rutorrent/home/db -name "branding-*.php") ]]; then rm -rf /srv/rutorrent/home/db/.smoked.lock rsync -aP --exclude=disk_*.php --exclude=branding-l.php --exclude=share.php --exclude=custom.menu.php --exclude=url.override.php --exclude=custom.css ${local_dashboard}* ${rutorrent}home rsync -aP ${local_themes}defaulted/* ${rutorrent}home #rm -f /srv/rutorrent/home/lang/*.php else rsync -aP --exclude=disk_*.php --exclude=share.php --exclude=custom.menu.php --exclude=url.override.php --exclude=custom.css ${local_dashboard}* ${rutorrent}home #rm -f /srv/rutorrent/home/lang/*.php fi else if [[ -n $(find /srv/rutorrent/home/db -name "branding-*.php") ]]; then rsync -aP --exclude=disk_*.php --exclude=branding-l.php --exclude=share.php --exclude=custom.menu.php --exclude=url.override.php --exclude=custom.css ${local_dashboard}* ${rutorrent}home #rm -f /srv/rutorrent/home/lang/*.php touch /srv/rutorrent/home/db/.smoked.lock else rsync -aP --exclude=disk_*.php --exclude=share.php --exclude=custom.menu.php --exclude=url.override.php --exclude=custom.css ${local_dashboard}* ${rutorrent}home #rm -f /srv/rutorrent/home/lang/*.php touch /srv/rutorrent/home/db/.smoked.lock fi fi } # function to update club-QuickBox ruTorrent Theme function _updaterttheme() { THEME=club-QuickBox cd ${rutorrent}plugins/theme/themes if [ ! -d "$THEME" ]; then git clone https://github.com/QuickBox/club-QuickBox.git club-QuickBox >/dev/null 2>&1 chown -R www-data: club-QuickBox else cd $THEME git checkout master git pull fi cd } function _updatesudo() { mv /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.BAK cp ${local_setup}templates/sudoers.template /etc/sudoers awk -v username="${A1}" '/^root/ && !x {print username " ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"; x=1} 1' /etc/sudoers > /tmp/sudoers;mv /tmp/sudoers /etc } function _updateappsproxy() { bash /usr/local/bin/quickbox/system/revproxy.sh } function _quickconsole() { if [[ ! -f /install/.webconsole.lock ]]; then PUBLICIP=$(ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}') cat >/etc/profile</dev/null 2>&1 cp ${local_setup}templates/sysd/shellinabox.template /etc/systemd/system/shellinabox.service cp ${local_setup}templates/quickconsole/00_QuickConsole.css.template /etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/00_QuickConsole.css cp ${local_setup}templates/web-console.conf.template /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${A1}.console.conf sed -i "s/PUBLICIP/${PUBLICIP}/g" /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${A1}.console.conf sed -i "s/USER/${A1}/g" /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${A1}.console.conf chmod +x /etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/00_QuickConsole.css chmod 777 /etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/00_QuickConsole.css mv /etc/init.d/shellinabox /etc/init.d/shellinabox.BAK touch /install/.webconsole.lock systemctl enable shellinabox.service >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl stop shellinabox.service >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start shellinabox.service >/dev/null 2>&1 service apache2 reload >> /dev/null 2>&1 service memcached restart >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi } # adjust permissions function (9) function _perms() { chown -R www-data ${rutorrent}* chgrp -R www-data ${rutorrent}* chmod -R g+rw ${rutorrent}* sh -c 'find /srv/rutorrent/* -type d -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod g+s' chmod +x /etc/cron.d/set_interface find /home/*/.config/deluge -name "auth" -exec chmod 600 {} \; find /usr/local/bin/quickbox -type f -exec chmod 755 {} \; chmod +x $(find /usr/local/bin/quickbox -type f) >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod -R 755 ${rutorrent}plugins/filemanager/scripts } function _fin() { service apache2 reload >/dev/null 2>&1 source ~/.profile source ~/.bashrc echo echo "[QuickBox] Seedbox & GUI Update Completed ! " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; sleep 5 echo >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; echo >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; echo "Close this dialog box to refresh your browser" >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1; exit } ################################################################################ # BEGIN RETIRED FUNCTION ################################################################################ function _updateuserhome() { cd /home/"${A1}"/torrents if [[ -d rtorrent ]]; then cd else mv deluge /home/"${A1}"/deluge cd .. mv torrents rtorrent rm -rf torrents mkdir -p torrents mv deluge torrents/deluge mv rtorrent torrents/rtorrent sed -i "s/directory = \/home\/${A1}\/torrents\//directory = \/home\/${A1}\/torrents\/rtorrent/g" /home/"${A1}"/.rtorrent.rc chown -R ${A1}:${A1} /home/${A1} fi systemctl restart rtorrent@"${A1}".service } function _updateplex() { OUTTO="/srv/rutorrent/home/db/output.log" HOSTNAME1=$(hostname -s) PUBLICIP=$(ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}') local_setup=/etc/QuickBox/setup/ if [[ -f /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver ]]; then mv /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver.BAK cp ${local_setup}templates/sysd/plexmediaserver.template /lib/systemd/system/plexmediaserver.service wget -O - http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/shell.ninthgate.se.gpg.key | apt-key add - echo "deb http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/debian jessie main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/plexmediaserver.list apt-get -y update >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 update-rc.d plexmediaserver remove service plexmediaserver stop systemctl enable plexmediaserver.service >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl stop plexmediaserver.service >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start plexmediaserver.service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } function _updatecronfile() { # We'll disable this function unless a new packages # is included or startup requires a fix. cp ${local_setup}templates/startup.template /home/"${A1}"/.startup } ################################################################################ # END RETIRED FUNCTION ################################################################################ local_setup=/etc/QuickBox/setup/ local_packages=/etc/QuickBox/packages/ local_rutorrent=/etc/QuickBox/rutorrent/ local_rplugins=/etc/QuickBox/rtplugins/ local_dashboard=/etc/QuickBox/dashboard/ local_themes=/etc/QuickBox/themes/ local_rtheme=/etc/QuickBox/rttheme/ IFACE=$(ip link show|grep -i broadcast|grep -m1 UP|cut -d: -f 2|cut -d@ -f 1|sed -e 's/ //g'); A1=$(cat /etc/apache2/master.txt) >> /dev/null 2>&1 rutorrent=/srv/rutorrent/ usrbin=/usr/local/bin/ # QuickBox Update STRUCTURE _logcheck _oscheck _directorycheck #echo -n "Pulling QuickBox Ecosystem ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_downloadrepos;echo _bashrc echo "Checking locks and adding if necessary ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_checklocks;echo echo "Checking if cron services should be uninstalled and taking appropriate action ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updated;echo echo "Updating QuickBox System Commands & Packages ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updatesyscommands;echo echo "Updating the useradd skeleton directories ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updateskel;echo echo "Updating mktorrent if necessary ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updatemktorrent;echo echo "Checking apache aliases ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updateapachealias;echo #echo "Reorganizing home directory of ${A1} ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updateuserhome;echo echo "Updating the rutorrent directory ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updaterutorrent;echo echo "Updating all rutorrent plugins ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updaterutorrent-plugins;echo echo "Updating the QuickBox Dashboard ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updatedashboard;echo echo "Updating club-QuickBox ruTorrent Theme ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updaterttheme;echo echo "Updating the QuickBox Sudoers template ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updatesudo;echo _updateznc #_updateplex _updateappsproxy _quickconsole #echo "Updating ${A1}'s .startup cronfile... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_updatecronfile;echo echo "Adjusting permissions ... " >>"${OUTTO}" 2>&1;_perms;echo _fin