deprecated($deprecatedMessage); } else { trigger_error($deprecatedMessage, E_USER_DEPRECATED); } self::__construct(); } public function preDisplay() { global $current_user, $app_strings, $sugar_config; if (!isset($this->bean->id)) { // No reason to set everything up just to have it fail in the display() call return; } /** * taken from parent::preDisplay by change the template file. */ $metadataFile = $this->getMetaDataFile(); $this->dv = new DetailView2(); $this->dv->ss =& $this->ss; $this->dv->setup( $this->module, $this->bean, $metadataFile, get_custom_file_if_exists('modules/Users/tpls/DetailView.tpl') ); /****/ $viewHelper = new UserViewHelper($this->ss, $this->bean, 'DetailView'); $viewHelper->setupAdditionalFields(); $errors = ""; $msgGood = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['pwd_set']) && $_REQUEST['pwd_set'] != 0) { if ($_REQUEST['pwd_set'] == '4') { require_once('modules/Users/password_utils.php'); $errors .= canSendPassword(); } else { $errors .= translate('LBL_NEW_USER_PASSWORD_3' . $_REQUEST['pwd_set'], 'Users'); $msgGood = true; } } else { //IF BEAN USER IS LOCKOUT if ($this->bean->getPreference('lockout') == '1') { $errors .= translate('ERR_USER_IS_LOCKED_OUT', 'Users'); } } $this->ss->assign("ERRORS", $errors); $this->ss->assign( "ERROR_MESSAGE", $msgGood ? translate('LBL_PASSWORD_SENT', 'Users') : translate('LBL_CANNOT_SEND_PASSWORD', 'Users') ); $buttons = array(); if (( is_admin($current_user) || $_REQUEST['record'] == $current_user->id ) && !empty($sugar_config['default_user_name']) && $sugar_config['default_user_name'] == $this->bean->user_name && isset($sugar_config['lock_default_user_name']) && $sugar_config['lock_default_user_name']) { $this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = array('customCode' =>""); } elseif (is_admin($current_user)|| ($GLOBALS['current_user']->isAdminForModule('Users')&& !$this->bean->is_admin) || $_REQUEST['record'] == $current_user->id) { $this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => ""); if (( is_admin($current_user)|| $GLOBALS['current_user']->isAdminForModule('Users') )) { if (!$current_user->is_group) { $this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => ""); if ($this->bean->id != $current_user->id) { $this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => ""); } if (!$this->bean->portal_only && !$this->bean->is_group && !$this->bean->external_auth_only && isset($sugar_config['passwordsetting']['SystemGeneratedPasswordON']) && $sugar_config['passwordsetting']['SystemGeneratedPasswordON']) { $this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => '"'); } } } } $this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => '"'); $this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => '"'); $show_roles = (!($this->bean->is_group == '1' || $this->bean->portal_only == '1')); if (is_admin($this->bean)) { $show_roles = false; } $this->ss->assign('SHOW_ROLES', $show_roles); //Mark whether or not the user is a group or portal user $this->ss->assign( 'IS_GROUP_OR_PORTAL', ($this->bean->is_group == '1' || $this->bean->portal_only == '1') ? true : false ); if ($show_roles) { ob_start(); require_once('modules/ACLRoles/DetailUserAccess.php'); $role_html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->ss->assign('ROLE_HTML', $role_html); } } public function getMetaDataFile() { $userType = 'Regular'; if ($this->bean->is_group == 1) { $userType = 'Group'; } if ($userType != 'Regular') { $oldType = $this->type; $this->type = $oldType . 'group'; } $metadataFile = parent::getMetaDataFile(); if ($userType != 'Regular') { $this->type = $oldType; } return $metadataFile; } public function display() { if ($this->bean->portal_only == 1 || $this->bean->is_group == 1) { $this->options['show_subpanels'] = false; $this->dv->formName = 'DetailViewGroup'; $this->dv->view = 'DetailViewGroup'; } //handle request to reset the homepage if (isset($_REQUEST['reset_homepage'])) { $this->bean->resetPreferences('Home'); global $current_user; if ($this->bean->id == $current_user->id) { $_COOKIE[$current_user->id . '_activePage'] = '0'; setcookie($current_user->id . '_activePage', '0', 3000, null, null, isSSL(), true); } } if (empty($this->bean->id)) { sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERROR_NO_RECORD']); } $this->dv->process(); echo $this->dv->display(); } /** * getHelpText * * This is a protected function that returns the help text portion. It is called from getModuleTitle. * We override the function from SugarView.php to make sure the create link only appears if the current user * meets the valid criteria. * * @param $module String the formatted module name * @return $theTitle String the HTML for the help text */ protected function getHelpText($module) { $theTitle = ''; if ($GLOBALS['current_user']->isAdminForModule('Users') ) { $createImageURL = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('create-record.gif'); $url = ajaxLink("index.php?module=$module&action=EditView&return_module=$module&return_action=DetailView"); $theTitle = << {$GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_CREATE']} EOHTML; } return $theTitle; } }