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0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -1.12,0 0,-0.08 -0.97,0 0,-0.16 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.16 -0.07,0 0,-0.16 -0.08,0 0,-0.15 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.24 -0.08,0 0,-0.39 -0.07,0 0,-0.16 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.16 -0.08,0 0,-0.16 -0.07,0 0,-0.15 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.52,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 z", PR_RC:"m 192.00645,39.59435 -0.12,-0.12 h -0.16 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.38 v -0.08 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.37 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.32 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.15 v -0.16 h -0.07 v -0.4 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.38 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.37 v 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1.26,0.66 0.62,-0.01 2.37,0.25 1.25,-0.02 0.63,0 0.25,0 0.25,0.13 0.13,0.4 0,0.95 -0.36,1.76 0.26,0.41 0.13,0.54 0.63,1.34 1.51,0.93 1.13,0.53 0.63,0.54 0.51,1.35 0.25,0.26 0.37,0 1.25,-0.01 -0.54,-4.46 -0.13,-0.95 0.6,-3.12 -0.4,-2.43 0,-0.54 -0.28,-3.11 0.08,-4.87 0.1,-3.12 -0.16,-3.78 -0.02,-2.44 -0.04,-4.47 0,-0.06 -0.34,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.16 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.22,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.52,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.53,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.52,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.45,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.52,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.07 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.07 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.15 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.37,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.45,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.16 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.07,0 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0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.16 0.29,0 0,-0.08 0.3,0 0,-0.07 0.23,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.3,0 0,-0.08 0.45,0 0,0.08 0.3,0 0,0.23 0.07,0 0,0.16 0.23,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.15 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.37,0 0,-0.15 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.3,0 0,0.08 0.15,0 0,0.07 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.23,0 0,0.08 0.3,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.07 0.15,0 0,-0.16 0.23,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.39 0.23,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.15 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.23,0 0,-0.08 0.3,0 0,0.08 0.22,0 0,0.16 0.3,0 0,-0.08 0.1,0 -0.32,-0.83 -0.87,-1.22 0,-0.27 0.75,-0.41 0.37,-0.4 0.63,-1.22 0,-0.13 -0.12,-0.68 -1,-0.14 -0.5,0.14 -0.37,0.4 -0.5,0 -0.63,0.13 -0.62,-0.27 -1.12,-0.41 -1.12,-0.41 -0.12,-0.14 -1.37,-0.81 -0.74,-0.41 -0.13,-1.35 -0.74,-0.28 -0.37,-0.27 0.37,-0.54 0.5,-0.68 0.88,-1.07 0.74,-0.27 0.25,-0.68 0.01,-0.81 -0.38,-0.27 -0.24,-0.14 -1,0.67 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0.62,-0.95 0.12,-0.27 0.12,-1.89 0.12,-0.41 0.99,-3.25 0.73,-2.84 0.13,-0.41 -0.13,-0.14 -1.25,-0.94 -0.25,-0.27 0,-0.67 -1.63,-1.08 -0.49,0.41 -0.63,0.14 -1.25,-0.67 -0.25,-0.81 -0.5,-1.63 -0.01,-2.43 0,-0.27 -0.51,-0.95 -0.12,-0.13 -1.13,-1.49 -1.49,2.31 -1.12,-0.67 -2.63,-1.75 z", PR_MC:"m 243.03307,20.035961 -0.38,-1.08 -0.39,-1.48 -0.65,-2.3 -4.86,1.28 0.01,1.35 -0.61,1.23 -0.12,0.41 -1.74,0.29 -1.48,1.64 -0.38,0.28 -0.74,0.41 -0.75,0.01 -0.75,-0.26 -3.58,3.97 -2.1,2.33 -1.6,1.64 0.25,0.54 0.26,0.81 0.01,0.41 -0.86,1.77 -1.47,2.18 0.42,3.92 1.01,1.2 -0.35,2.17 0.26,1.08 -0.24,1.5 -0.85,1.63 -0.74,0.55 -0.13,0.14 0.14,0.67 0.12,0.27 0.65,1.89 -0.86,1.77 1.16,3.23 v 0.27 l 0.13,-0.14 0.87,-0.14 1.36,-1.37 2.5,1.05 2.88,0.5 4,0.76 2.37,0.79 2.25,0.1 1.62,0.26 2.64,1.32 0.25,0.13 3.07,-4.23 1.11,-1.37 0.24,-0.81 -0.14,-1.22 -0.75,-1.07 -0.89,-1.08 -1.15,-2.55 -0.13,-0.81 -0.13,-0.27 1.49,-0.7 0.12,-0.27 0.12,-0.41 0.61,-1.9 0.12,-0.54 v -0.13 l -0.01,-0.82 0.24,-0.54 v -0.14 l 0.24,-1.35 1.22,-2.32 1.48,-2.18 z", PR_MG:"m 216.1958,69.274244 -3.12,-0.5 -0.25,0.27 -0.49,0.41 -0.62,0.28 -2.12,0.57 -2.11,0.16 -1.95,0.32 v 0.15 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.15 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.15 h 0.15 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.15 v 0.23 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.15 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.07 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.24 h 0.07 v 0.31 h 0.08 v 0.32 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.07 v 0.32 h 0.08 v 0.24 h 0.07 v 0.31 h 0.08 v 0.63 h 0.07 v 0.55 h -0.07 v 0.56 h 0.07 v 1.26 h -0.07 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.78 h -0.15 v 0.4 h 0.08 v 0.15 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 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-0.75,-0.41 z", PR_CM:"m 475.29,73.93 -0.63,-0.81 -0.75,-2.57 -1.87,-1.08 0.12,-0.81 -0.25,-0.41 -0.12,-0.13 -0.25,-0.14 -0.25,0 -0.88,0.01 -3.11,0.55 -0.38,0.13 -0.12,0.41 -0.99,2.3 -1.12,2.84 -0.12,0.14 -0.13,0.14 -1.74,-0.41 -1.87,0.15 -0.74,1.49 -0.88,0.27 -1.99,0.28 -1.99,0.27 -1,0.28 -0.49,1.21 0.75,2.17 -1.36,4.06 0,0.14 -0.12,0.4 0.25,0.68 1.5,2.7 0.13,2.57 0.13,3.11 1.87,0.81 0.25,-0.41 0,-0.41 0.5,-0.67 0.87,-0.41 0.62,-0.68 1.12,-0.54 0.37,0.54 0.51,2.02 2.73,0 0.26,1.08 0.5,0.81 1.12,0.67 2.62,0.67 0.62,0 0.12,-0.27 -0.63,-2.7 0.13,-0.68 1.11,-2.17 0.62,-0.95 1.75,0 0.99,-0.27 2.87,-0.82 0.24,-0.14 0.13,-1.62 1.61,-1.63 1.75,-0.81 0.5,-0.28 0.12,-0.27 0.25,-1.89 -2,-1.49 -0.5,-1.62 -0.01,-2.84 -2.74,-2.97 z", PR_CO:"m 414.57,100.11 -1.25,-0.4 -0.75,-0.4 -0.25,-0.54 0,-0.54 -0.25,-0.4 -0.25,-0.14 -3.24,-1.06 -1.12,-0.13 -1.25,-0.13 0.38,0.27 0.87,0.67 0.25,0.13 2.75,2.29 -0.12,0.41 0,1.89 2.5,2.69 0.13,0.41 -0.49,2.71 -0.86,1.08 -1.6,4.88 2.38,4.99 -1.61,1.37 -0.37,0.4 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0.4,2.43 -0.6,3.12 0.13,0.95 0.54,4.46 1.5,-0.29 2.12,0.12 0.25,0.26 0.38,0.27 0.63,0.67 1.01,1.61 3.74,0.24 4.51,1.44 4.75,1.85 1.25,0.4 1.35,-2.86 0.85,-3.12 1.45,-6.51 -1.64,-1.47 -0.38,-0.95 -0.89,-2.83 -0.64,-1.89 -0.56,-7.3 0.1,-2.71 -0.27,-2.57 0,-0.27 -2.29,-4.58 -0.76,-1.89 -0.26,-0.94 0,-0.14 0.48,-0.94 0,-0.06 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,0.08 -0.38,0 0,-0.08 -0.37,0 0,-0.07 -0.53,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.24 -0.23,0 0,0.08 -0.07,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.37,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.16 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.38,0 0,0.08 -0.37,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.07 -0.22,0 0,0.07 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.82,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,0.07 -0.22,0 0,0.08 -0.68,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,0.07 -0.22,0 0,0.08 -0.38,0 0,-0.08 -0.45,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.24 z", PR_CG:"m 516.16,58.45 -1.25,-0.54 -0.12,-0.13 -0.25,0 -0.75,0.27 -0.5,0.67 -0.12,0.68 0.12,0.68 0.5,1.49 -0.5,0.27 -0.37,0.13 -0.12,-0.13 -1,-1.36 -3.62,0.01 -0.37,1.35 0,0.54 -0.87,3.79 -1.12,4.33 -0.5,2.44 -0.12,2.7 -1.87,3.39 -0.25,0.54 -2.86,3.25 -0.87,1.08 -0.5,0.54 -0.62,0.68 -1.37,0.54 -2.62,1.22 2.37,2.57 2,5.14 -0.87,3.25 0.63,0.54 0.62,-0.14 1.37,0.27 1.87,2.44 2.12,2.29 2.49,0.68 1.12,0.4 0.37,0.14 -0.12,0.27 0,0.27 -0.75,0.95 -0.12,0.13 0.12,0.68 0.88,2.43 0.5,0.95 0.49,0.94 0.25,0.41 0.25,1.35 0.5,0.68 0.5,0.54 0.37,0.14 0.63,0 2.73,-0.14 0.62,-0.54 0.5,-0.41 0.87,-0.54 0.63,-1.62 0.12,-0.55 -0.12,-0.67 1.74,-1.22 0.62,-0.54 0,-0.27 0.99,-2.03 0,-0.41 -0.74,-2.3 0.25,-2.84 0,-0.54 0.49,-0.95 1.87,-3.65 0.13,-0.27 2.36,-0.95 0.13,0 0.24,-0.27 0.5,-0.67 0.5,-0.55 0.25,-0.4 -0.37,-1.08 -0.13,-0.41 0.62,-2.7 -0.49,-2.98 0,-0.14 -0.25,-0.27 -0.38,0 -2.36,-0.54 -0.5,-0.54 -0.38,-0.68 0,-0.4 0.13,-0.27 0.5,-0.54 0.87,-1.09 0,-1.21 -1.12,-1.36 -0.5,-0.54 -0.13,-0.27 0.13,-0.54 0.99,-0.81 0,-0.14 -0.87,-2.97 -0.12,-0.82 0,-0.13 1.99,-0.68 -0.5,-1.49 0.25,-1.48 0,-0.14 -2.49,-0.95 -2.37,-1.48 -0.62,-0.55 -0.25,-0.27 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0.08 v -0.08 h 0.37 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.07 h 0.08 v -0.16 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.22 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.15 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.3 v 0.16 h 0.22 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.45 v 0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.14 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.15 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.07 h 0.23 v 0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.07 h 0.15 v -0.16 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.07 v -0.24 h -0.08 v -0.15 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.45 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.23 h 0.07 v 0.48 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.3 v -0.23 h 0.22 v 0.31 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.44 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.05 l -0.01,-0.68 0.49,-0.95 0.35,-1.5 v -0.27 l -0.14,-1.75 0.24,-0.95 0.12,-0.14 0.49,-0.82 0.48,-1.22 -0.38,-0.4 -1.12,-0.26 -0.25,-0.13 h -0.12 l -0.25,-0.4 0.19,-5.15 v -0.13 l -0.3,-4.19 -0.27,-2.02 -0.51,-1.22 -0.64,-2.15 v -0.14 l 1.34,-2.18 -0.76,-0.94 -0.13,-0.94 1.34,-2.86 0.6,-1.63 1.11,-1.1 0.74,-0.28 0.25,-0.14 0.12,-0.54 -0.01,-0.4 v -0.14 l -0.75,-0.8 -0.13,-0.14 -0.37,0.01 -0.75,0.01 -0.01,-1.49 0.23,-1.9 0.11,-0.95 1.2,-4.61 -6.38,-2.22 -0.62,-0.4 -0.26,-1.08 -0.26,-0.26 -0.37,-0.13 h -0.25 l -0.75,-0.26 -0.38,-0.54 -0.13,-0.27 -0.26,-1.08 -0.63,-1.34 -0.76,-0.53 -0.51,-1.48 -2.25,-0.92 -0.77,-1.88 -1.38,-0.93 -1.13,-0.53 -0.87,-0.12 -1.13,-1.07 -0.51,-0.8 -0.5,-0.540003 -0.63,-0.26 -0.96,-1.02 h -0.17 z", PR_BY:"m 483.31,26.82 -0.37,-1.08 -0.63,-0.81 -1,-0.54 -0.87,-0.27 -0.37,0.41 0,0.13 0.25,0.95 -0.13,0.41 -0.62,0.95 -0.37,0.13 -0.25,0.14 -1,0.27 -0.25,-0.27 -0.75,-0.54 -0.88,0.14 -0.5,0.27 -0.12,0.41 -0.5,0.13 -0.5,0.14 -1.74,0.95 0.37,1.76 -0.37,1.35 0.38,1.08 0.25,0.95 -0.37,2.17 -0.62,4.6 -0.12,0.95 0.13,0.27 0.37,0.94 0.13,0.95 0,0.41 -0.62,1.62 -0.25,2.3 0.26,1.9 -1.12,0.95 0.63,2.16 -1.12,3.52 -0.12,2.84 -0.12,0 -0.63,0 -1.12,-0.13 -0.12,0.14 0,0.27 0,0.13 0.5,3.66 0,0.13 0.63,2.03 0.25,0.81 0.5,1.49 0.88,-0.01 0.25,0 0.25,0.14 0.12,0.13 0.25,0.41 -0.12,0.81 1.87,1.08 0.75,2.57 1.62,-2.71 0.74,-0.54 0.88,-0.68 0.49,-1.08 1.12,-0.68 1.37,0.13 0.25,-0.41 1.37,-0.81 0.5,-0.14 4.24,0.94 1.62,-5.28 -0.88,-0.81 -0.13,-2.3 2.37,-1.09 0.13,0 0,-0.13 -2,-1.35 -0.38,-0.68 -0.12,-1.08 0,-1.35 2.11,-1.63 0.13,-0.13 -0.38,-1.63 -0.12,-0.27 -0.13,-1.35 -0.13,-0.95 -0.99,-1.62 -0.51,-0.54 0,-1.08 0.13,-0.27 1.61,-2.85 -0.62,-1.35 0,-0.54 0.25,-0.41 1,-0.27 2.87,1.48 1,-0.67 0,-0.14 -2.13,-4.73 0.37,-2.85 0.12,-0.27 0.13,-0.81 0.62,-0.95 0.13,-0.27 0.12,-0.13 -0.5,-0.54 -0.63,-0.68 -1,-0.27 -0.87,-0.27 0.12,-1.08 -1.12,0.68 -1.25,-0.27 -2.24,0 -0.88,0.14 -0.25,0.13 -1.24,0.28 -0.26,-0.14 z", PR_BQ:"m 443.27,77.94 -1.63,-2.16 -1.49,0.28 -2,0.14 -0.24,0.95 -2.49,1.36 -1.12,0.28 -2.87,-0.8 -0.12,2.7 0.26,1.09 -0.13,0.67 -0.12,0.14 0.01,1.89 0,0.27 0.26,3.38 -0.37,3.25 -0.12,0 -0.99,0.55 0,-0.14 -0.76,-1.35 -0.37,-0.4 0,-0.14 -1,-0.4 -0.99,1.09 0,0.81 0.01,2.44 -1.49,2.84 1.38,0.94 0.87,0.68 3.62,1.2 0.5,-0.14 0.74,-0.41 1.12,-0.14 0.13,0 2.98,-0.14 1.13,0.67 1.24,0.54 -0.24,2.03 1.87,1.34 0.38,0.14 0.74,-1.63 0.5,-0.54 0.24,0 0.13,0 0.37,-0.14 1.37,0.13 0.13,0.13 0.49,-0.4 0.13,-0.27 0.37,-1.09 1.49,0 3.61,-2.45 0.37,-0.14 1.25,0.14 1.86,0.4 2.62,0.39 0.13,0.14 0.12,1.22 2,0.13 -0.26,-1.22 0.37,-1.22 1.37,-1.63 -0.25,-0.13 -0.12,-0.14 -0.13,-0.54 0.25,-0.27 0.75,-0.14 -0.51,-2.02 -0.37,-0.54 -1.12,0.54 -0.62,0.68 -0.87,0.41 -0.5,0.67 0,0.41 -0.25,0.41 -1.87,-0.81 -0.13,-3.11 -0.13,-2.57 -1.5,-2.7 -0.25,-0.68 0.12,-0.4 0,-0.14 1.36,-4.06 -0.75,-2.17 0.49,-1.21 -3.61,0.55 -3.12,-0.53 -0.12,0 -1.12,-0.13 -2.87,1.36 -0.12,-0.14 z", PR_BC:"m 374.55,7.26 -0.23,0 0,0.16 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 -0.07,0 0,0.16 -0.08,0 0,0.07 -0.07,0 0,0.16 -0.08,0 0,0.16 -0.07,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.07 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.9,0 0,0.08 -0.45,0 0,0.08 -0.45,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.07,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.53,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.37,0 0,0.08 -0.52,0 0,-0.08 -0.53,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.33,0 -0.08,0 -0.48,3.24 0.64,1.35 0.5,0.54 1.25,-0.42 -0.24,2.44 -0.12,1.22 -0.48,3.79 0.01,0.68 -0.6,5.69 -0.36,1.62 -0.24,0.95 -1.61,3.26 0.51,2.03 0.37,0.52 0.56,0.04 1.52,0.13 1.76,-4.66 1.15,-1.55 1.65,-0.74 3.51,0.76 0.61,1.47 2.05,0.38 -0.22,-0.5 0,-0.4 0.12,-0.95 0.12,-1.08 -0.26,-0.95 0,-0.14 2.12,-0.82 1.62,-0.82 0.74,-0.55 0.37,-1.22 -1.5,-1.07 -1.13,0.01 -0.37,-0.14 -0.13,-0.13 -0.12,-0.14 -0.64,-2.16 0.13,-0.41 0.37,-0.54 0.25,-0.14 1.37,-0.54 0.5,-0.28 1.11,-1.09 -0.12,-0.4 -0.38,-0.27 -0.62,-0.13 -1.75,0.95 -0.25,-0.13 0,-0.27 0.12,-0.54 1.25,-1.09 0.24,-0.41 0.37,-1.22 -0.01,-1.35 -0.12,-0.54 -0.76,-1.35 -0.17,-0.27 -0.1,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.24 0.07,0 0,-0.15 -0.07,0 0,-0.16 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.6,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.07 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.07 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.82,0 0,0.08 -0.23,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.29,0 0,-0.08 z", PR_AR:"m 517.16,155.92 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.16 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.15 0.07,0 0,-0.16 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.07 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.16 0.15,0 0,-0.07 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.16 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.16 0.08,0 0,-0.07 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.3,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.07 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.14,0 0,-0.08 0.24,0 -0.02,-0.14 -0.62,-1.08 -0.13,-0.13 -0.25,-0.68 -0.12,-1.35 -0.62,-0.81 -0.38,-0.41 -2.11,-1.08 -0.99,-1.49 -1.37,-0.81 -0.75,-0.81 1.49,-2.3 -0.25,-0.81 0,-0.54 -0.12,-1.08 -0.25,-1.09 -1.12,-1.62 -2.37,-1.35 -0.24,-0.14 -4.85,0.95 -1,0.68 -0.74,0.68 -0.62,1.22 -1.37,1.08 -0.25,0 -0.99,0.27 -0.25,0.41 0,0.13 0.99,1.08 3.99,5.01 1.37,1.75 -0.13,1.9 -0.12,2.43 0.6,3.51 0.1,0 0,-0.07 0.23,0 0,0.07 0.15,0 0,0.08 0.15,0 0,0.16 0.07,0 0,0.24 0.15,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.07 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.32 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.38,0 0,0.07 0.07,0 0,0.16 -0.07,0 0,0.24 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.23,0 0,0.08 0.44,0 0,0.07 0.15,0 0,0.08 0.3,0 0,0.08 0.23,0 0,0.08 0.15,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.6,0 0,-0.08 0.38,0 0,0.08 0.15,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.15 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.22,0 0,0.08 0.3,0 0,0.08 0.15,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.07 0.22,0 0,0.24 0.08,0 0,0.39 0.07,0 0,0.16 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.47 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.45,0 0,-0.07 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.3,0 0,-0.48 0.07,0 0,-0.31 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.07 0.08,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.23,0 0,-0.07 0.22,0 0,-0.08 0.3,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.07 0.15,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.23,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,-0.23 0.08,0 0,-0.24 0.07,0 0,-0.16 0.07,0 0,-0.23 0.08,0 0,-0.24 0.07,0 0,-0.16 0.08,0 0,-0.07 z", PR_AC:"m 357.03,6.32 0.07,0 0,-0.16 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.07,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.15 0.08,0 0,0.16 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.45,0 0,0.08 -0.45,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.16 -0.07,0 0,-0.07 -0.3,0 0,0.07 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.75,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.45,0 0,0.24 0.38,0 0,0.24 -0.08,0 0,0.15 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.07,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -0.14,0 0,0.16 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,0.08 -1.12,0 0,0.08 -0.3,0 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0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.45,0 0,-0.07 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.16 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.16,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.16 -0.45,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.15 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.37,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.52,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.07 -0.08,0 0,-0.13 -0.1,0.36 -0.46,5.82 0.01,1.49 -0.23,2.85 0.01,0.68 -0.61,2.03 0,0.27 0.13,0.68 0.51,1.34 0.13,0.41 0.01,0.95 0.01,2.43 -0.6,2.17 0,0.82 0.52,2.97 0.26,0.81 -0.59,5.15 -0.27,13.8 3.59,-3.41 1.12,-0.55 1.87,-0.83 1.36,-0.69 0.38,-0.41 0.24,-0.27 0.87,-0.42 1.25,-0.28 1.13,1.62 0.76,1.07 0.75,0.54 0.25,0.4 -0.12,0.27 -0.74,1.09 0.63,1.35 0.27,1.76 0.37,0 0.01,0.81 0.25,0.54 1.12,0.26 0.38,-0.14 0.87,-0.28 0.49,0 1,-1.09 0.99,-0.15 0.38,0 0.37,-0.27 1.62,-0.02 0.38,0.41 0.25,0.13 0.74,-0.28 0.63,0 0.37,-0.41 0.63,0.27 0.37,-0.14 1.37,-0.69 0.37,0 2.38,1.33 1.49,-0.68 0.25,-0.14 0.49,-0.82 0.37,-0.68 1.25,0.4 0.88,0.26 1.49,0.26 0.38,-0.13 0.62,-0.28 0.99,-0.68 0.5,-0.01 0.38,0.14 0.62,-0.01 0.75,-0.14 0.62,-0.68 0.62,-0.28 1.87,0.13 1.5,0.93 0.75,-0.95 0.86,-2.03 0.12,-0.14 0.25,0 1.62,0.26 0.38,0.13 0.38,0 0.11,-1.9 0.12,-1.22 0.36,-1.89 1.48,-2.18 0.24,-2.98 -0.02,-0.16 -1.74,-0.24 0.16,-4.16 -0.56,-0.04 -0.37,-0.52 -0.51,-2.03 1.61,-3.26 0.24,-0.95 0.36,-1.62 0.6,-5.69 -0.01,-0.68 0.48,-3.79 0.12,-1.22 0.24,-2.44 -1.25,0.42 -0.5,-0.54 -0.64,-1.35 0.48,-3.24 -0.04,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.6,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.37,0 0,-0.08 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.07 -0.52,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.14,0 0,0.08 -0.53,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.6,0 0,-0.08 -0.45,0 0,-0.07 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.3,0 0,0.08 -0.22,0 0,0.07 -0.83,0 0,-0.07 -0.3,0 0,-0.08 -0.22,0 0,-0.08 -0.53,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.24 -0.08,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.16 -0.07,0 0,-0.07 -0.23,0 0,-0.08 -0.67,0 0,0.15 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.08,0 0,0.08 -0.45,0 0,-0.08 -0.15,0 0,-0.08 -0.07,0 0,-0.23 z", PR_AN:"m 223.82031,54.298828 c -0.004,0.0047 -0.008,0.009 -0.0117,0.01367 -7.4e-4,0.002 -9.5e-4,0.0021 -0.002,0.0039 -0.002,0.0043 -0.004,0.0092 -0.004,0.0098 -0.002,0.0057 -0.004,0.01182 -0.006,0.01758 0.0112,-0.01355 0.0229,-0.02654 0.0352,-0.03906 z m 0.0508,0.02148 c -0.0171,0.01648 -0.034,0.03234 -0.0488,0.05078 -0.0294,0.03658 -0.0541,0.0756 -0.082,0.113281 -0.0326,0.04642 -0.0663,0.09383 -0.10351,0.136719 -0.0379,0.04293 -0.0762,0.08499 -0.11719,0.125 -0.051,0.04918 -0.10465,0.094 -0.15625,0.142578 -0.0493,0.04662 -0.0979,0.09521 -0.14453,0.144531 -0.0103,0.01056 -0.0212,0.02064 -0.0312,0.03125 v 0.002 c 1.2e-4,0.0033 7.2e-4,0.0067 0,0.0098 -0.003,0.01384 -0.0203,0.03212 -0.0293,0.04297 -0.0306,0.0331 -0.0649,0.06312 -0.0996,0.0918 -0.0245,0.02027 -0.0492,0.03933 -0.0742,0.05859 -0.0172,0.016 -0.033,0.03338 -0.0508,0.04883 -0.0741,0.06574 -0.15112,0.128817 -0.23242,0.185547 -0.0532,0.03629 -0.10596,0.07331 -0.16406,0.101563 -0.006,0.003 -0.0108,0.0038 -0.0156,0.0039 l -0.0605,0.06055 -0.8711,0.138672 -0.1289,0.140625 -1.86133,0.429687 -3.13867,-1.580078 -1.11133,0.419922 -1.25,0.419922 -0.86914,0.419922 -0.11914,0.541015 -0.99024,0.150391 -2.13086,-0.919922 -0.25,0.138672 -1.35937,0.701172 -0.62109,0.410156 -0.5,0.279297 0.25976,0.400391 -0.25,0.138672 -2.97851,0.990234 -0.75,0.0098 -0.0156,-0.01758 c -0.002,-0.001 -0.003,-0.004 -0.006,-0.0059 l -0.004,-0.002 c -0.002,-0.0021 -0.004,-0.0036 -0.006,-0.0059 -0.002,-0.0023 -0.005,-0.0055 -0.008,-0.0078 -0.005,-0.0055 -0.0106,-0.01042 -0.0156,-0.01563 -0.002,-0.0028 -0.009,-0.004 -0.0117,-0.0059 -0.004,-0.0026 -0.007,-0.0071 -0.0117,-0.0098 -0.0124,-0.0072 -0.025,-0.01388 -0.0371,-0.02148 -0.0139,-0.0088 -0.0258,-0.01918 -0.0371,-0.03125 -0.014,-0.01486 -0.0276,-0.02951 -0.041,-0.04492 -0.0155,-0.01824 -0.0338,-0.03599 -0.0488,-0.05469 -0.016,-0.01968 -0.0305,-0.03965 -0.0449,-0.06055 -0.0151,-0.02233 -0.0327,-0.04243 -0.0508,-0.0625 -0.0165,-0.02005 -0.0326,-0.03998 -0.0508,-0.05859 -0.0145,-0.01563 -0.03,-0.02969 -0.0449,-0.04492 -0.0195,-0.01846 -0.04,-0.03736 -0.0605,-0.05469 -0.0272,-0.02383 -0.0548,-0.04832 -0.0801,-0.07422 -0.0212,-0.02267 -0.0426,-0.04494 -0.0606,-0.07031 -0.0131,-0.01879 -0.0256,-0.03806 -0.0391,-0.05664 -0.0105,-0.01466 -0.0219,-0.02897 -0.0332,-0.04297 -0.009,-0.0099 -0.0183,-0.01794 -0.0273,-0.02734 -0.0122,-0.01151 -0.0266,-0.02255 -0.041,-0.03125 -0.001,-8.71e-4 -0.003,-0.0012 -0.004,-0.002 l -0.60156,0.0098 -1.85938,1.109375 -3.11133,0.179688 -0.61914,0.820312 -0.84961,1.769532 -0.0898,0.101562 v 0.05859 h 0.15039 v 0.08008 h 0.44922 v -0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.30078 v -0.08008 h 0.21875 v -0.08008 h 0.59961 v 0.08008 H 197.5 v 0.08008 h 0.23047 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.15039 v 0.08008 h 0.83008 v 0.07031 h 0.0684 v -0.07031 h 0.68164 v 0.07031 h 0.28906 v 0.08008 h 0.30078 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.0684 v 0.160157 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.30078 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v -0.08008 h 0.37891 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v -0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.43945 v 0.08008 H 202 v 0.07031 h 0.37109 v 0.08008 h 0.14844 v 0.07813 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.38086 v 0.08008 h 0.21875 v 0.08008 h 0.23047 v 0.08008 h 0.15039 v 0.08008 h 0.15039 v 0.07031 h 0.15039 v 0.320312 h 0.0684 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.160157 h 0.15039 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.07031 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.158204 h 0.0703 v 0.160156 h 0.0781 v 0.07031 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.240234 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.470703 h 0.0703 v 0.31836 h 0.0801 v 0.230468 h 0.0703 v 0.160157 h 0.0781 v 0.160156 h 0.0703 v 1.179687 h 0.0801 V 69 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h -0.0703 v 0.46875 h 0.0703 v 0.470703 h -0.0703 v 0.08008 h -0.0801 v 0.480469 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 l 1.95118,-0.320312 2.10937,-0.160156 2.11914,-0.570313 0.62109,-0.279297 0.49024,-0.410156 0.25,-0.271484 3.11914,0.5 4.00977,1.970703 -0.24024,0.951171 -0.33008,4.06836 3.63086,1.169922 3.09961,-1.529297 1.48047,-1.369141 1.61914,0.109375 1.25,0.529297 1,0.390625 0.88086,-0.0098 0.5,0.128906 1.34961,-1.638672 0.98047,-1.230469 2.86914,-0.04102 0.62109,-0.539063 0.11914,-0.140625 0.72071,-2.449219 0.50976,0.400391 1,0.40039 0.86914,0.388672 h 0.38086 l 1.98047,-1.378906 1.11914,-0.28125 -0.16015,-2.839844 v -0.410156 l 0.86132,-1.769531 -0.78125,-3.099609 -3.25976,-1.720704 -0.25,-0.128906 -2.64063,-1.320312 -1.61914,-0.259766 -2.25,-0.101562 -2.36914,-0.789063 -4,-0.759766 -2.88086,-0.5 z m -0.30859,0.240235 -0.5918,0.595703 c 0.0325,-0.02608 0.065,-0.05237 0.0977,-0.07813 0.0541,-0.04214 0.1077,-0.08636 0.1582,-0.132813 0.0273,-0.0251 0.0459,-0.04454 0.0723,-0.07031 0.0399,-0.0406 0.0812,-0.08054 0.11914,-0.123047 0.006,-0.0067 0.0109,-0.01172 0.0156,-0.01758 -0.004,-0.0084 -0.003,-0.02071 0.0117,-0.03125 0.004,-0.0028 0.008,-0.0051 0.0117,-0.0078 0.008,-0.0071 0.0157,-0.01411 0.0234,-0.02148 l 0.002,-0.002 c 0.002,-0.0028 0.006,-0.005 0.008,-0.0078 -9e-5,-0.0027 0.003,-0.0057 0.006,-0.0098 l 0.002,-0.002 c 0.001,-0.0012 7.4e-4,-0.0025 0.002,-0.0039 l 0.002,-0.002 c 9e-4,-10e-4 9.6e-4,-0.0029 0.002,-0.0039 0.001,-0.0017 9e-4,-0.0022 0.002,-0.0039 0.0134,-0.01758 0.0273,-0.03533 0.041,-0.05273 8.5e-4,-0.0011 9.5e-4,-0.0028 0.002,-0.0039 0.004,-0.0072 0.009,-0.01434 0.0137,-0.02148 z", PR_AI:"m 460.63,95.34 -1.37,1.63 -0.37,1.22 0.26,1.22 -2,-0.13 -0.12,-1.22 -0.13,-0.14 -2.62,-0.39 -1.86,-0.4 -1.25,-0.14 -0.37,0.14 -3.61,2.45 -1.49,0 -0.37,1.09 -0.13,0.27 -0.49,0.4 -0.13,-0.13 -1.37,-0.13 -0.37,0.14 -0.13,0 -0.24,0 -0.5,0.54 -0.74,1.63 -0.61,3.38 1.12,0.54 0,0.13 -0.13,0.41 -1.98,2.85 2.62,2.15 4.24,3.51 4.86,2.96 0.63,0.67 1.5,2.02 1.74,0.13 0.62,0.68 0.13,0.13 0.62,1.9 2.12,-0.15 2.11,-0.14 0.5,-1.76 0.12,-0.4 0,-0.81 -0.13,-0.41 0,-1.08 1.37,-0.41 1.49,-0.28 1.37,0 -0.26,-2.84 0,-0.27 -0.38,-2.98 1.37,-0.68 0.37,-0.4 -0.13,-2.3 0,-0.81 0.38,-0.28 0.24,-0.27 0.38,-0.67 0.12,-0.55 0,-1.48 -1,-0.54 0.12,-1.36 -2.12,-0.26 1.12,-1.36 -1.37,-0.8 2.11,-1.9 -5.86,-4.32 z", PR_AB:"m 507.81,62.38 0,-0.54 0.37,-1.35 -1.37,1.08 -0.5,0.41 -1,0.4 -0.99,-0.27 -3,1.22 -0.62,0.27 -1.49,2.98 -1.62,0.82 -0.75,0.27 -1,-0.54 -2.37,-0.54 -6.23,0.55 -4.24,-0.94 -0.5,0.14 -1.37,0.81 -0.25,0.41 -1.37,-0.13 -1.12,0.68 -0.49,1.08 -0.88,0.68 -0.74,0.54 -1.62,2.71 0.63,0.81 2.74,2.97 0.01,2.84 0.5,1.62 2,1.49 1.62,0.94 0.12,0 0.13,0.14 0.37,0.13 0.37,-0.13 0.38,-0.14 0.62,-0.14 1.49,-1.08 0.25,-0.54 0.75,-0.95 0.62,0.67 0,0.14 0,0.95 0,0.4 0.26,3.65 0.38,3.52 1.12,0 2.99,-2.44 0.24,-0.14 1.75,-0.81 0.24,-0.14 2.62,-1.22 1.37,-0.54 0.62,-0.68 0.5,-0.54 0.87,-1.08 2.86,-3.25 0.25,-0.54 1.87,-3.39 0.12,-2.7 0.5,-2.44 1.12,-4.33 0.87,-3.79 z", PR_AL:"m 230.35258,0.41886409 -1.36,-0.24 h -0.07 v 0.16 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.67 v 0.15 h -1.13 v -0.07 h -0.29 v -0.16 h -0.23 v -0.08 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.38 v 0.08 h -0.82 v 0.08 h -0.53 v 0.08 h -0.37 v 0.07 h -0.6 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.15 h -0.15 v 0.16 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.22 v -0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.37 v -0.08 h -0.08 v -0.08 h -0.22 v -0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.38 v 0.24 h -0.15 v 0.15 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.07 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.32 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.16 v -0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.15 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.07 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.23 h -0.07 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.15 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.38 v 0.08 h -0.22 v -0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.24 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.07 v 0.15 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.32 h -0.07 v 0.63 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.2399999 h 0.08 v 0.47 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.07 v 0.71 h 0.07 v 0.47 h -0.07 v 0.24 h 0.07 v 1.02 h 0.08 v 0.4 h 0.07 v 0.31 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.32 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.15 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.15 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.07 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.48 h 0.08 v 0.07 h -0.08 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.55 h 0.07 v 0.23 h -0.07 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.24 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.07 h 0.08 v 0.24 h 0.07 v 0.16 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.16 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.31 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.4 h 0.08 v 0.23 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.71 h 0.08 v 0.55 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.07 h 0.08 v 0.24 h -0.08 v 0.4 h 0.08 v 0.31 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.32 h -0.08 v 0.15 h -0.07 v 0.24 h -0.08 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.15 h 0.15 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.48 h -0.08 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.24 h -0.08 v 0.47 h -0.07 v 0.4 h -0.08 v 0.31 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.07 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.05 l 0.4,0.42 -0.23,1.62 1.15,2.42 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0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.07 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.07 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.07 h -0.08 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.32 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.07 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.14 v 0.15 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.07 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.16 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.16 h -0.45 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.23 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 0.16 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.15 h -0.29 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.07 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.08 v -0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 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			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1000,
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				"priority": 1,
				"description": "Your frequent use of Russian social media outlet Telegram has been crucial to getting your message out, especially to young people wary of the politicized press. However, some advisors think your outspoken style could do more harm than good. What will you do?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1007,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 2,
				"description": "Two Dissident Mormons were murdered in a San Juan club, in what is already being called a Deseret orchestrated assassination. What will you say?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1006,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 2,
				"description": "The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation into the \"Telegram Leaks\" scandal has concluded. The bureau severely reprimanded former New Progressive candidate Ricardo Rosselló’s conduct but refused to indict anyone. Any comments?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1001,
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				"priority": 3,
				"description": "Your running mate in this election is Karen Hughes, daughter of the famous general Harold Parfitt, who was crucial to suppressing the violence in the Panama Canal Zone in 1964. She herself was a well known political operative for the PB, who went on to have a well-regarded career in the State Department. <br><br>While these are strong credentials within the Exile community, they contrast with your more populistic image and have little relevance among Boricua voters. What was your rationale for picking Hughes over other candidates?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1019,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 4,
				"description": "Will you give Alejandro García Padilla a prominent role at the Patriot Bloc congress this year, in spite of your well documented animosity?",
				"likelihood": 0.5
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1008,
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				"description": "The party congress is set to conclude with a televised speech by the nominee. What themes do you wish to focus on?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1011,
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				"priority": 5,
				"description": "White Supremacists claiming allegiance to the Northwestern Front carried out a terror attack in San Francisco’s Japantown today. More than 100 people are reported dead and many more are grievously injured. What will you say?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1009,
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				"priority": 5,
				"description": "Disaffected members of the Pan-Blue satellite parties have called on their supporters to vote for Joanne Rodríguez Veve of the Carlist Party instead of the PB. Any response?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1038,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 8,
				"description": "The press have begun to call your running mate \"the Good News Girl\" for her propensity to put a positive spin on things and emphasis on Christian values. Some of your advisors think it might be time to pivot towards social issues and attacking the New Progressives’ record. What do you say?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1022,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "One of the major issues in this campaign is trade policy. The country has been struggling to adapt to the global economy and maintain relations with trade partners. What is your stance?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1020,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "Given your background as a maverick candidate who is neither an Exile Americanist nor a conservative Boricua, many in the Pan-Blue camp feel that you are not really a PB candidate. Will you make any policy promises to assuage them?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1012,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "Videos have surfaced of Dalmau taking part in the illegal demolition of a MacArthur statue, something he has strenuously denied supporting in the past. What will you say?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1030,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "Do you stand by your statements that there will be absolutely no cuts to pensions and other programs for former members of the armed forces and civil service?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1027,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "Dalmau’s potential links to radicals and foreign governments have been a recurring issue ahead of the election. Are there any particular attacks you’d like to level against him?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1016,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "What kind of attacks would you like to level at the rest of the NPP ahead of the election?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1029,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "Do you plan to make further promises about trade as election day nears?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1021,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "Do you still favour a prohibitionist approach to narcotics? Have your views on drug policy changed since your time as vice president?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1014,
			"fields": {
				"priority": 10,
				"description": "Where and to what extent do you plan to criticize President Tristani’s administration?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1025,
			"fields": {
				"priority": -6,
				"description": "You have been invited to give a speech during a memorial to victims of the dictatorship by the Jimmy Carter Memorial Center. What would you like to say?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1026,
			"fields": {
				"priority": -5,
				"description": "By convention, your campaign has committed you to a series of televised debates with Dalmau, which will receive broad coverage across the traditional media. Is there anything you would like to do?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1033,
			"fields": {
				"priority": -4,
				"description": "As election day approaches, the Dalmau campaign have been eager to mine your various gaffes, mistakes and scandal stories for attack material. Unfortunately, the list is long enough where are limited resources only allow us to the time and money to neutralize what angle of attack. What scandal would you like to downplay the most?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1035,
			"fields": {
				"priority": -3,
				"description": "Hundreds of pages of messages from Ricardo Rosselló’s Telegram group chat have been leaked. They demonstrate a coordinated effort to control the media, attack political opponents and give classified information and lucrative contracts to people outside the government. What will you say now?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1034,
			"fields": {
				"priority": -3,
				"description": "Hundreds more pages of messages from Ricardo Rosselló’s Telegram group chat have been leaked. They reflect a \"bro\" culture characterized by racism, homophobia, misogyny as well as messages making fun of Hurricane Maria victims and espousing elitist views. What would you like to say?",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1036,
			"fields": {
				"priority": -2,
				"description": "The FBI has announced that messages from an additional, smaller group chat have been found. These messages cover the last-minute arguments between NPP politicians and fixers as they debate swapping out Rosselló for another candidate until they were forced to admit Dalmau was the only option.",
				"likelihood": 1
			"model": "campaign_trail.question",
			"pk": 1037,
			"fields": {
				"priority": -1,
				"description": "Where will you hold the final rally of your campaign?",
				"likelihood": 1

	campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = [
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5000,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1000,
				"description": "These same people said a Virgin Islander could never beat out the Exile Establishment and run for POTUS. If I have to take a hit for being outspoken, so be it."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5001,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1000,
				"description": "No modern candidacy can work without social media, but if passions are running high, I’ll tone it down. Let’s do the circuit with the establishment press and let that be the end of it."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5002,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1000,
				"description": "How about nothing? I’m the most interesting thing that’s happened since the Appalachian Wars. If I stop posting, the press will run an article asking what happened by the next morning!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5003,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1001,
				"description": "Karen is a patriot through-and-through. Her father spent a lifetime fighting for America and he raised her to do just the same. We’ll need that kind of spirit in the Grammer administration."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5004,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1001,
				"description": "Karen’s track record in the John McCain administration and at State was just fantastic. It’s a rough world out there and we need a strong foreign policy if we’re going to make it. Karen is the only woman for that job."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5013,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1006,
				"description": "You couldn’t ask for stronger evidence of the FBI colluding with the NPP. The only solution left is a substantial reform of the intelligence services."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5014,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1006,
				"description": "Rosselló’s behaviour was a matter of concern for all Americans, irrespective of their political affiliation. A slap on the wrist is simply not good enough!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5015,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1006,
				"description": "The scandal has shocked decent Americans, but we cannot forget about the rule of law. I trust the FBI have left no stone unturned and Ricky got lucky, <i>this time</i>."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5016,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1007,
				"description": "Every day, the radical maniacs grow stronger and bolder, while the NPP fan the flames of hate. I will keep all Americans safe, no matter their identity!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5017,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1007,
				"description": "Don’t tell me I was right about the do-nothing NPP! I want results! Grammer’s FBI will ensure security!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5018,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1007,
				"description": "My heart goes out to the families whose loved ones were taken away by this sick act of religious terror. Nevertheless, we all know the NP government are secretly glad to see two \"dumb gringos\" dead."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5019,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1007,
				"description": "The murders in San Juan are a terrible tragedy. I want people of all faiths to know that I stand with them against hate."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5020,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1008,
				"description": "I promise to uphold core American values. I stand for faith, the flag and free markets. We cannot allow narrow parochialism to divide us against the threat posed by Dalmau and his backers."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5021,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1008,
				"description": "Tristani’s time in office has been a catastrophe. Corruption, natural disasters, crime. Dalmau means more of the same. I am the only one who can lead the country down a better path."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5022,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1008,
				"description": "My time as vice president shows that I’ve got the mettle for leadership. Why should the voters support sleazebags like Rosselló and nobodies like Dalmau when they know I’ve got what it takes?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5023,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1008,
				"description": "I’m a patriot who has always fought for the national interest. Dalmau is the last-minute choice of a desperate party and affiliated with the extreme left. He could easily be an agent of the Mexicans or British."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5024,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1009,
				"description": "Rodríguez Veve is a medieval throwback. She belongs in Don Quixote, not La Fortaleza."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5025,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1009,
				"description": "Dalmau is a bolt from the blue, thrown by a desperate party mired in the midst of the worst scandal in the island’s history. Any vote against me is a vote for those Tricky Ricky and those crooks!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5026,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1009,
				"description": "I’m a man of principle and faith, who understands what it means to be a jíbaro. I promise to protect local rights, local farmers and local fishing grounds!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5030,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1011,
				"description": "This attack only confirms my worst fears. We need resilient security and robust intelligence work if we are to confront the radical menace. The FBI must be proactive!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5031,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1011,
				"description": "The threat of terror matters to everyone, regardless of what the parochialists claim. As president, I pledge we will have cooperation with the Mainland on issues of mutual concern."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5032,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1011,
				"description": "The people of the Pacific States once shared a nation with us. They remain near and dear to our hearts. I grieve not for foreigners, but for fellow Americans!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50321,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10271,
				"description": "Let’s take him up on his offer. Maybe some of the pizzaz of Tinseltown will rub off on me."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50322,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10271,
				"description": "It would make for a nice photo-op, but not much more. The campaign needs me here, hitting the bricks and talking to voters."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50323,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10272,
				"description": "Japanese industry working together with American ingenuity. A perfect match!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50324,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10272,
				"description": "Our businesses won’t part with their intellectual property so easily. I have to decline."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50311,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10223,
				"description": "This would be a massive boon to national security. We just need to make sure the independentists don’t find out, or they’ll crucify us."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50312,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10223,
				"description": "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Use the dirt, but let’s avoid getting enmeshed in foreign espionage."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5033,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1012,
				"description": "He went in front of the public and lied. He supports illegal, radical behaviour and now he thinks he can be president?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5034,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1012,
				"description": "The \"Pacto del Olvido\" has kept the peace in this country for almost 40 years. If we continue to reopen old wounds by legislative diktat and vandalism, the consequences will be dire!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5035,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1012,
				"description": "I condemn the illegal actions of the extreme left, but we need to move on from the dictatorship. We have much more important issues like foreign policy and the economy to focus on."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5040,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1014,
				"description": "Ricky Rosselló and his cronies are the most corrupt figures in our nation’s recent history. What was she thinking when she elevated them to important roles in government?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5041,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1014,
				"description": "Her response to Hurricane Maria was a disaster. Many communities are struggling to rebuild while the economy still hasn’t fully recovered."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5042,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1014,
				"description": "Tristani says that I won’t act in the interest of rural people, but it’s not my EPA that blocked the building of the Maunabo tunnel!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5043,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1014,
				"description": "The establishment have mismanaged ties with the mainland for decades. I’m the only who can offer a reset of cross-Caribbean relations!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5044,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10224,
				"description": "Opportunity strikes and we will answer. This is only the first step towards a more united America!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5045,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10224,
				"description": "Generations of Americans fought for the dream of re-union. I will not sell their sacrifice cheaply!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5046,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10225,
				"description": "Ideology may divide us, but we all believe in an American dream."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5048,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1016,
				"description": "Tristani is supposedly Mrs. Clean, but she surrounds herself with scum like Ricky Rosselló without issues. What gives?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5049,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1016,
				"description": "We <b>still</b> don’t know the full details on the Telegram scandal. What exactly is the government sitting on?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5050,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1016,
				"description": "No accusation is too low, no attack too harsh when you’re dealing with these crooks. I’m fighting for the nation and if I have to be a brat doing it, so be it!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5051,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1016,
				"description": "I’m not going to stop talking about how we’ve got no foreign policy, trade looks like it’s going to crater and how there are militias in Colombia better equipped than our armed forces!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5060,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1019,
				"description": "Padilla lost against Tristani. Twice. He failed to capitalize on the NP government spending like there’s no tomorrow and now criticizes me for my proposals to trade with the Mainland. Are you sure he’s not working for the other team? "
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5061,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1019,
				"description": "He’s the one who has to decide if he’s going to play ball or not. If he doesn’t feel like supporting the party, then let him sulk."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5062,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1019,
				"description": "The Reds over at Claridad want us to fight so they can bray about \"the slaves of capital fighting amongst themselves\". Alejandro is a patriot, even if we disagree on some issues. I’d be glad to hear him speak."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5063,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1020,
				"description": "I’m a patriot and that’s what matters. I’m for the United States and I’m for the PB."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5064,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1020,
				"description": "What kind of bribes are they fishing for now? Special pensions for officers? If that’s what it takes, then so be it."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5065,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1020,
				"description": "I demonstrated my loyalty under McCain and showed that I’m a party man with my choice for running mate. My goal is to keep the NPP from destroying our country."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5066,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1020,
				"description": "I’m not interested in being a stooge for the Exile Establishment or ostentatiously cozying up to the rosary prayers. My policies are those of an independent candidate who knows what the people want."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5067,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1021,
				"description": "I’m totally opposed to drug use. We need to take this poison off our streets and make sure that users know that what they’re doing is wrong, with harsh penalties for possession."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5068,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1021,
				"description": "I’m in favour of strict controls as a rule. Drugs are a danger we need to control, even if there might a few exceptions for the softest of the soft."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5069,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1021,
				"description": "Drugs are a very complicated issue. When we discuss it, we need to focus on criminal gangs and they profits they make from smuggling, not on the end user."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5070,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1021,
				"description": "We need to reach out to drug users and show compassion, their rehabilitation is key. We also can’t treat the possessors and users of soft drugs like we would a dealer."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50701,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10211,
				"description": "Better say nothing."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50702,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10211,
				"description": "Release a statement saying we firmly oppose drug use."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5071,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1022,
				"description": "This country was built on the back of enterprise and exports. We need to focus on the high-tech manufacturing that’s kept us rich for so long."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5072,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1022,
				"description": "Finance and the services sector have been crucial to the economy since the 90s. We need to stay with the times and focus on innovative businesses that will allow us to compete globally."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5073,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1022,
				"description": "Economic policy is a divisive issue. Better to focus on the New Progressives’ track record. Anti-corruption and anti-Socialism, that’ll win the day."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5074,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1022,
				"description": "You know, I’ve been misrepresented in the press. I’ve never said that I’m opposed to high tariffs or producing at home wherever possible."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5075,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10220,
				"description": "So called \"Golden Passports\" are a disgrace. Citizenship should be treasured and earned through toil and time, not sold on the market. My administration will fight against citizenship-through-investment schemes."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5076,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10220,
				"description": "The blatant sale of citizenship is obviously something to be condemned, but investment can also signal real interest in being a part of the nation. We should not tar all these programs with the same brush."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5077,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10220,
				"description": "If a country chooses to allow people to become part by investing into its future, that’s just pragmatism. Why should we oppose the exercise of sovereignty on philosophical grounds?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5078,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10221,
				"description": "Is he insane? Break off contact and report this encounter to the FBI immediately."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5079,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10221,
				"description": "Break off contact and pretend this never happened."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5080,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10221,
				"description": "O’Malley could be a very useful ally. Let’s see what we can do for him."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5083,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1025,
				"description": "Today we remember the victims of a very difficult time in our country’s history and we reflect. American citizens must never again be the victims of violence, intimidation and imprisonment for their political beliefs. The flame of democracy will continue to burn bright on Puerto Rico!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5084,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1025,
				"description": "We remember the innocent victims of the Martial Law period and we mourn. Their deaths were tragic and unjustifiable. But we must not let those deaths be confused with the lionizing of USSA saboteurs, subversives and spies in which Dalmau partakes. Traitors get what they deserve!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5085,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1025,
				"description": "When we remember the victims who died during this period, we remember those who were killed by the scourge of radicalism. Now that scourge threatens us again, under the flags waved by the radical independentists in Dalmau’s camp. Vote for him and receive death, vote for me and receive cohesion and peace!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50841,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10251,
				"description": "I will bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new America!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50842,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10251,
				"description": "My allegiance is to the Republic! To DEMOCRACY!!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5086,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1026,
				"description": "If we’re going to compete with Dalmau, we need to run a modern campaign. That means expanding beyond our use of the press and television into alternative media and the internet to speak directly to the voters."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5087,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1026,
				"description": "I rigorously prepare for the debate and get ready to skewer Dalmau."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5088,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1026,
				"description": "I rigorously prepare for the debate and get ready to skewer Dalmau."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5089,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1026,
				"description": "I rigorously prepare for the debate and get ready to skewer Dalmau."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5090,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1027,
				"description": "Here’s this guy that almost no one had heard of before the election. Now he’s running in Ricky’s place and managing to mobilize huge sums of money for rallies and campaigning. Don’t you think that’s a little odd?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5091,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1027,
				"description": "They found this low-profile guy to run in Ricky’s place at the last minute, with zero fanfare. Now we’re supposed to believe he’s got nothing to do with the current government and he’ll clean up San Juan?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5092,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1027,
				"description": "If Dalmau attacks me for being in the pocket of the \"Exile Establishment\", I can give as good as I get."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5093,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10222,
				"description": "This is exactly the kind of opportunity we should be pursuing. Let’s work on making this deal a reality."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5094,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10222,
				"description": "What he’s proposing is a little too ambitious. Let’s see if we can work on a smaller deal that allows our businesses to create manufacturing and other lower skill jobs in the South, while taking advantage of their human capital."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5095,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10222,
				"description": "Is he seriously asking that I sell out our agricultural sector so we can ship over a few pacemakers? Not a chance."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5097,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1029,
				"description": "I promise to bring us closer to the mainland and pursue the fantastic opportunities that exist there. I won’t neglect a huge market just to appease a few chauvinists!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5098,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1029,
				"description": "We need to focus on drawing closer to Germany. They’ve always been our traditional partner in Europe and Mitteleuropa is the one of the most dynamic economies in the world!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5099,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1029,
				"description": "We need to make sure the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company is capable of meeting the challenges of the modern day. SMEs, real-estate development and start-ups are just some of the ways we’ll keep the US a world-leading economy!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5100,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1029,
				"description": "I promise to keep the pension system and make sure it keeps place with inflation. We’re also going to take a hard look at rural development and build a system that works for the smallholder."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50981,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10291,
				"description": "This deal is a godsend for the countryside. We accept."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 50982,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10291,
				"description": "We won't give up our regulatory autonomy to foreigners!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51001,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10292,
				"description": "This all seems a little too medieval for my taste, but what’s the harm. Let’s do it."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51002,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10292,
				"description": "Will they be wanting us to swear oaths under an oak tree next? This is ridiculous."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51003,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10293,
				"description": "If that’s what it takes, let’s do it. Maybe the princess will make me a knight at the end of this fairy tale."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51004,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10293,
				"description": "What do you think this is, 1815?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5101,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1030,
				"description": "These men served the United States for decades, often in harsh conditions and frequently seperated from their birthplaces on the mainland. We will not abandon them in their old age!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5102,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1030,
				"description": "I won’t abandon the troops, but where claims of potential crimes by specific units or individuals arise, we’re obliged to investigate. If -and only if- those claims are conclusively vindicated, we will of course act."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5111,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1033,
				"description": "My minor cardiac incident when paddleboarding in no way reflects an inability to handle the stress of the office. My time in the political wilderness after being VP was stressful, but everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5112,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1033,
				"description": "My experiences with cocaine in the 90s are not relevant to today. It was a different time and place, and I am now a different man. Any claims about my use of drugs or participation in drug related activity are complete nonsense."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5113,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1033,
				"description": "I did not sleep with my babysitter. The young woman’s delay in pressing her claim against me and her later retraction are proof of this. I said from the outset and continue to say that there was never any basis for the allegations."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51140,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1033,
				"description": "The purported videotape of my personal activities could only have been acquired by theft and invasion of my privacy. I have fought this issue to its conclusion in court and will do my best to reform privacy laws in office to defend others."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5114,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1034,
				"description": "So much for the \"party of tolerance and respect\"! If this is the way the NPP acts behind closed doors, then forget about them upholding minority rights or democratic pluralism."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5115,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1034,
				"description": "If it were up to Rosselló, we wouldn’t be spending a dime on rebuilding after Hurricane Maria. How can the NPP be trusted to keep rural voters’ interests at heart?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5116,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1034,
				"description": "If it’s really true that foreign agents are behind these leaks, then we shouldn’t be too credulous. Who knows what their agenda might be?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5117,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1034,
				"description": "Mexicans this and Midwest that. Maybe someone was just tired of these clowns and decided to blow the whistle?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51141,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10341,
				"description": "The Isle of Enchantment will remain a beacon of liberty!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5118,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1035,
				"description": "If you’re a Dalmau supporter, you should be outraged that your candidate is associating with such a man! If this is how Ricky operates, how do you know Dalmau isn’t a mere puppet in their schemes?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5119,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1035,
				"description": "This vindicates what I’ve been saying. The NPP are a mafia organisation and Tristani is either blind or playing Godmother behind the scenes. Only Grammer can clean up San Juan!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5120,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1035,
				"description": "Isn’t it just a bit too convenient that these leaks dropped right before the election? My instinct tells me that whoever released this information has ulterior motives. How do we know this isn’t a Mexican or Midwestern bait-and-switch?"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5121,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1036,
				"description": "I’m glad to see Dalmau was able to break his way through the NPP establishment to become candidate. It looks like he’s not a mere strawman. Nevertheless, this just shows how his own party aren’t standing behind him."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5122,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1036,
				"description": "My focus is on cleaning up San Juan. If Dalmau wants to join me against these crooks, then I’ll see about finding him a cabinet job."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51221,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10361,
				"description": "This can't be happening!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5123,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1037,
				"description": "I’m not one to forget my roots. We’re going to do a rally on Saint Thomas and pay my respects to the people who first made my political career."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5124,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1037,
				"description": "We’re going south. Ponce, Juana Diaz and Yauco are areas where we need to make it clear that I support industry and our strong exports."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5125,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1037,
				"description": "West to Mayagüez. They were hit hard by Maria and they need to know I’m serious about continued reconstruction."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5126,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1037,
				"description": "As important as the countryside might be, San Juan is the only choice. Even a small rally has the potential to reach out to tens of thousands of voters and it only snowballs from there."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5127,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1038,
				"description": "There’s nothing wrong with being positive about life. I can’t believe the press are asking for more pessimism in politics!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5128,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1038,
				"description": "Attacking a family woman like Karen for her faith is an absurd attack on believers and misogynistic to boot. We won’t give these attacks any further attention."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 5129,
			"fields": {
				"question": 1038,
				"description": "I understand that many voters are concerned about their communities. We promise to combat the scourges of poverty, drugs and disease."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51281,
			"fields": {
				"question": 10381,
				"description": "Faith pays off!"
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51291,
			"fields": {
				"question": 160001,
				"description": "Jiménez is our only hope of winning back religious voters."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer",
			"pk": 51292,
			"fields": {
				"question": 160001,
				"description": "We need an Anglo. Get Bergman."

	campaignTrail_temp.states_json = [
			"model": "campaign_trail.state",
			"pk": 20664,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Yauco",
				"abbr": "PR_YU",
				"electoral_votes": 1,
				"popular_votes": 60484,
				"poll_closing_time": 120,
				"winner_take_all_flg": 1,
				"election": 20
			"d": "m 303.99,99 -0.88,-1.07 -2.62,0.16 -0.24,0.68 -0.25,0.27 -1.35,1.77 -1.12,-0.39 -0.63,-0.13 -1.08,4.75 -0.48,1.89 -0.25,0.28 -0.37,0.14 -0.38,-0.14 -0.5,0.01 -0.37,0 -1.99,-0.11 -1.38,-1.07 -0.88,-1.21 -2.01,-1.6 -0.37,-0.27 -0.38,0 -0.24,0.28 -0.12,0.95 -0.25,0.27 -2.73,0.43 -0.5,0.14 -0.25,-0.13 -2,-1.47 -1,-0.66 -2.74,0.7 -0.24,0.14 0,0.14 0.13,1.35 0.26,0.81 1.65,3.23 0.51,1.48 -0.11,1.49 -0.13,0.27 -0.12,0.14 -1.61,1.23 0.64,1.89 1.14,1.88 -0.47,2.57 0,0.28 0.12,0.26 0.01,0.28 1.13,1.34 0.13,0.26 0.13,1.22 0.13,0.41 0.01,1.08 0.89,2.42 1.63,1.2 0.12,0 0,0.14 0.64,2.02 0.27,2.16 0.38,0.68 0.63,0.8 0.25,0.4 0.63,0.67 0.62,0.27 1.01,1.34 0.51,2.02 0.13,0.14 1.76,2.28 0.25,0.27 0.5,0.4 1.76,2.01 1.51,2.55 0.01,0.95 0.01,0.81 -0.24,1.22 0.17,6.36 0.26,0.81 0.85,2.24 0.03,0 0,-0.08 0.15,0 0,-0.08 0.22,0 0,-0.08 0.08,0 0,-0.15 0.67,0 0,-0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.15,0 0,0.07 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.08 0.08,0 0,0.08 0.07,0 0,0.09 4.43,-3.27 -0.01,-1.35 0.11,-2.3 0.22,-2.71 0.85,-2.3 0,-0.14 0.37,-0.54 0.62,-0.01 0.62,-0.28 -0.14,-2.29 -1.13,-0.67 0.36,-2.44 2.96,-2.6 0.12,-0.4 -0.12,-0.27 -1.53,-3.91 0,-0.68 1.59,-3.12 -0.13,-0.81 0.12,-0.95 0.23,-1.49 0.37,-0.68 0.62,-0.96 3.07,-4.62 -0.75,-0.81 -0.38,-0.4 -1.03,-4.46 -0.01,-0.67 0.13,-0.14 0.5,-0.14 1.36,-0.69 1.86,-1.23 -0.01,-0.27 -0.26,-1.22 -0.14,-2.03 -1.13,-1.74 -0.38,-0.81 -0.13,-0.41 0.12,-0.4 -0.25,-0.81 -0.62,0 -1.87,-0.39 -2,-0.93 -0.88,-1.34 -0.51,-0.67 0,-0.14 0.61,-1.9 z"
			"model": "campaign_trail.state",
			"pk": 20674,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Yabucoa",
				"abbr": "PR_YB",
				"electoral_votes": 1,
				"popular_votes": 53853,
				"poll_closing_time": 120,
				"winner_take_all_flg": 1,
				"election": 20
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			"model": "campaign_trail.state",
			"pk": 20684,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Villalba",
				"abbr": "PR_VL",
				"electoral_votes": 1,
				"popular_votes": 32102,
				"poll_closing_time": 120,
				"winner_take_all_flg": 1,
				"election": 20
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			"model": "campaign_trail.state",
			"pk": 20694,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Isla de Vieques",
				"abbr": "PR_VQ",
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				"poll_closing_time": 120,
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0.15 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.23 h 0.07 v -0.08 h -0.07 v -0.63 h 0.07 v -0.16 h -0.07 v -0.47 h -0.23 v -0.16 h 0.08 v -0.31 h -0.08 v -0.08 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.22 v -0.08 h -0.08 v -0.08 h -0.15 v -0.07 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.23 v -0.16 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.08 v -0.16 h -0.07 v -0.07 h -0.08 v -0.16 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.08 v -0.16 h -0.07 v -0.63 h 0.07 v -0.55 h -0.07 v -0.24 h -0.08 v -0.07 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.08 v -0.08 h -0.15 v -0.16 h -0.07 v -0.39 h -0.08 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.39 h 0.07 v -0.16 h 0.15 v -0.16 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.31 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.07 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.16 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.15 v -0.16 h 0.07 v -0.07 h 0.15 v -0.16 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.15 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.22 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.15 v -0.16 h 0.37 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.07 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.53 v 0.08 h 0.3 v 0.15 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.15 h 0.38 v -0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.23 v 0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.07 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.22 v -0.08 h 0.37 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.22 v 0.08 h 0.38 v 0.07 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.23 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.15 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.16 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.15 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.94 h 0.45 v -0.15 h 0.83 v -0.08 h 0.44 v -0.08 h 0.38 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.29 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.16 h 0.15 v 0.07 h 0.3 v -0.07 h 0.3 v -0.08 h 0.6 v 0.08 h 0.37 v 0.07 h 0.45 v 0.08 h 0.3 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.67 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.15 h 0.07 v 0.24 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.3 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v 0.07 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.22 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.37 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.07 h 0.08 v -0.16 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.22 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.15 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.24 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.3 v 0.16 h 0.22 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.45 v 0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.14 v -0.08 h 0.08 v -0.15 h 0.15 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.07 h 0.23 v 0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.07 h 0.15 v -0.16 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.15 v -0.08 h -0.07 v -0.24 h -0.08 v -0.15 h 0.08 v -0.08 h 0.07 v -0.08 h 0.45 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.23 h 0.07 v 0.48 h 0.08 v 0.07 h 0.3 v -0.23 h 0.22 v 0.31 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.07 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.08 h 0.44 v 0.08 h 0.15 v -0.08 h 0.05 l -0.01,-0.68 0.49,-0.95 0.35,-1.5 v -0.27 l -0.14,-1.75 0.24,-0.95 0.12,-0.14 0.49,-0.82 0.48,-1.22 -0.38,-0.4 -1.12,-0.26 -0.25,-0.13 h -0.12 l -0.25,-0.4 0.19,-5.15 v -0.13 l -0.3,-4.19 -0.27,-2.02 -0.51,-1.22 -0.64,-2.15 v -0.14 l 1.34,-2.18 -0.76,-0.94 -0.13,-0.94 1.34,-2.86 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0.08008 h 0.43945 v 0.08008 H 202 v 0.07031 h 0.37109 v 0.08008 h 0.14844 v 0.07813 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.38086 v 0.08008 h 0.21875 v 0.08008 h 0.23047 v 0.08008 h 0.15039 v 0.08008 h 0.15039 v 0.07031 h 0.15039 v 0.320312 h 0.0684 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.160157 h 0.15039 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.07031 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.158204 h 0.0703 v 0.160156 h 0.0781 v 0.07031 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.240234 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h 0.0801 v 0.470703 h 0.0703 v 0.31836 h 0.0801 v 0.230468 h 0.0703 v 0.160157 h 0.0781 v 0.160156 h 0.0703 v 1.179687 h 0.0801 V 69 h 0.0703 v 0.08008 h -0.0703 v 0.46875 h 0.0703 v 0.470703 h -0.0703 v 0.08008 h -0.0801 v 0.480469 h 0.0801 v 0.08008 l 1.95118,-0.320312 2.10937,-0.160156 2.11914,-0.570313 0.62109,-0.279297 0.49024,-0.410156 0.25,-0.271484 3.11914,0.5 4.00977,1.970703 -0.24024,0.951171 -0.33008,4.06836 3.63086,1.169922 3.09961,-1.529297 1.48047,-1.369141 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			"model": "campaign_trail.state",
			"pk": 21434,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Aguada",
				"abbr": "PR_AD",
				"electoral_votes": 1,
				"popular_votes": 52246,
				"poll_closing_time": 120,
				"winner_take_all_flg": 1,
				"election": 20
			"d": "m 213.59125,30.219375 0.23,-1.62 -0.4,-0.42 h -0.03 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.24 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.37 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.07 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.07 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.29 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.53 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.38 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.24 h -0.08 v 0.15 h -0.07 v -0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.07 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.07 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.07 h -0.08 v 0.16 h 0.08 v 0.32 h -0.08 v 0.16 h -0.07 v 0.07 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.16 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.14 v 0.15 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.07 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.16 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.16 h -0.45 v 0.08 h 0.08 v 0.23 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 0.16 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.15 h -0.29 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.24 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.07 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.08 v -0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.08 h -0.22 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.3 v 0.08 h -0.68 v 0.07 h -0.45 v 0.08 h -0.67 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.23 v 0.08 h -0.67 v 0.08 h -0.15 v 0.08 h -0.08 v 0.07 h -0.07 v 0.08 h -0.07 l 0.12,0.12 3.17,4.15 0.38,0.95 -0.35,2.44 4.28,3.32 0.26,0.27 0.25,0.13 h 0.12 l 3.01,1.04 0.63,0.4 2.04,4.16 1.38,0.8 0.5,-0.28 0.62,-0.41 1.36,-0.7 0.25,-0.14 2.13,0.92 0.99,-0.15 0.12,-0.54 0.87,-0.42 1.25,-0.42 1.11,-0.42 3.14,1.58 1.86,-0.43 v -0.27 l -1.16,-3.23 0.86,-1.77 -0.65,-1.89 -0.12,-0.27 -0.14,-0.67 0.13,-0.14 0.74,-0.55 0.85,-1.63 0.24,-1.5 -0.26,-1.08 0.35,-2.17 -1.01,-1.2 -0.42,-3.92 -1.62,0.7 -0.63,-0.4 -0.25,-0.27 -1.25,-0.66 -0.25,-0.13 -2.38,-0.38 -0.13,0.01 0.49,-0.96 -0.13,-0.81 z"
			"model": "campaign_trail.state",
			"pk": 21444,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Adjuntas",
				"abbr": "PR_AJ",
				"electoral_votes": 1,
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				"poll_closing_time": 120,
				"winner_take_all_flg": 1,
				"election": 20
			"d": "m 320.79,80.86 -0.63,-1.35 -0.13,-0.41 -3.89,-3.07 -1,-0.67 -2.87,0.16 -0.37,0 -0.12,0.14 0,0.14 -1.36,1.77 -0.24,0.54 0.12,0.27 0.14,1.35 0.26,1.49 -0.25,0.41 -0.24,0.27 -0.75,0.01 -3.62,-0.78 -1.63,-0.53 -0.5,-0.13 -0.74,0.14 -0.75,0.28 -0.12,0.14 -0.49,0.54 -0.13,0.14 -0.47,2.85 -0.36,2.16 0,0.28 0.04,4.59 0.02,2.3 0.26,0.81 0.87,0.67 1.25,0.53 0.64,1.35 -0.62,0.68 0.88,1.07 -0.61,1.9 0,0.14 0.51,0.67 0.88,1.34 2,0.93 1.87,0.39 0.62,0 0.25,0.81 -0.12,0.4 0.13,0.41 0.38,0.81 1.13,1.74 1.37,-0.01 1,-0.14 0.25,-0.14 0.37,-0.54 0.37,-0.14 0.75,0.13 0.5,0.13 0.62,0.26 2.24,0.12 0.25,-0.01 0.5,0 0.25,0 1.25,1.07 0.63,0.53 0.75,1.08 0.13,0.95 0.25,0.54 0.26,0.26 1,1.35 0,0.13 1.62,-0.55 0.12,0 1.24,-0.28 1.88,1.33 1.37,-0.28 0.12,-0.41 0.24,-0.27 0.25,-0.41 -0.25,-0.81 0.24,-0.4 0.37,-0.41 0.74,-0.82 0.62,-0.55 0.37,-1.08 0.99,-0.15 0.88,1.08 1.99,-0.15 0.13,-0.14 2.23,-0.42 2.49,-0.29 0.5,0.27 0.63,0.4 0.87,-0.15 0.25,-0.13 0.97,-2.85 0.37,-1.22 0.36,-2.31 -1.74,0.56 -0.02,-2.71 1.48,-1.9 0.12,-0.27 1.61,-1.37 0.13,-0.27 -0.13,-0.54 -1.25,-0.94 -0.63,-0.4 -1,-0.67 -1.25,-0.93 -0.38,-0.54 -0.76,-1.62 0.49,-1.49 0.37,-0.55 0.13,-0.4 -0.13,-0.41 0,-0.13 -1.26,-1.35 -0.37,-0.27 -1.38,-1.74 -0.13,-0.27 -0.13,0 -3.86,0.03 -6.5,-2.65 -1.98,1.5 -0.12,0 -4.24,-0.64 -0.13,-0.13 -1.12,-0.53 -0.13,-0.14 0,-0.27 -0.26,-1.21 z"

	campaignTrail_temp.issues_json = [
			"model": "campaign_trail.issue",
			"pk": 100,
			"fields": {
				"name": "National Identity",
				"description": "Identification with American or Boricua (IE Puerto Rican) nationhood is the central distinction between the Pan-Blue and Pan-Green camps. Contrary to what some might expect, this issue of nationhood is not purely linguistic, with many Hispanophones identifying as American and (albeit much more rarely) some Anglophones identifying as Puerto Rican.",
				"stance_1": "Very Americanist",
				"stance_desc_1": "The people of this region view themselves as exclusively American.",
				"stance_2": "Americanist",
				"stance_desc_2": "The people of this region view themselves as American.",
				"stance_3": "Leans Americanist",
				"stance_desc_3": "The people of this region primarily identify with American identity.",
				"stance_4": "Mixed",
				"stance_desc_4": "This region has a mixed sense of identity.",
				"stance_5": "Leans Boricua",
				"stance_desc_5": "The people of this region primarily identify with Boricua identity.",
				"stance_6": "Boricua",
				"stance_desc_6": "The people of this region view themselves as Boricua.",
				"stance_7": "Very Boricua",
				"stance_desc_7": "The people of this region view themselves as exclusively Boricua.",
				"election": 20
			"model": "campaign_trail.issue",
			"pk": 101,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Economic Policy",
				"description": "Puerto Rico combines high-tech industry & the service sector with jíbaro homesteaders in the interior. Industry is focused on export, while agriculture is primarily internally directed and supportive of protectionism & subsidies.",
				"stance_1": "Very Export Oriented",
				"stance_desc_1": "This region is one of the island's centers for industrial and service sector activity.",
				"stance_2": "Export Oriented",
				"stance_desc_2": "Industry and the services sector have a strong presence in this region.",
				"stance_3": "Somewhat Export Oriented",
				"stance_desc_3": "This region has some industrial activity.",
				"stance_4": "Moderate",
				"stance_desc_4": "This region has a mixed economy.",
				"stance_5": "Somewhat Agrarian",
				"stance_desc_5": "Agriculture is the major activity in this region.",
				"stance_6": "Agrarian",
				"stance_desc_6": "This region is primarily agricultural.",
				"stance_7": "Very Agrarian",
				"stance_desc_7": "Non-agricultural activity in this region is negligible.",
				"election": 20
			"model": "campaign_trail.issue",
			"pk": 102,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Constitutional Status",
				"description": "The \"constitutional question\", represents the dilemma between maintaining San Juan's legal claim to be the United States -with all our implications for the overseas territories- or declaring a Puerto Rican state.",
				"stance_1": "Staunch Legitimist",
				"stance_desc_1": "The people in this region strongly view themselves as living in the legitimate American government.",
				"stance_2": "Legitimist ",
				"stance_desc_2": "The people in this region support a continued status as United States.",
				"stance_3": "Leans Legitimist",
				"stance_desc_3": "The people in this region are opposed to constitutional change.",
				"stance_4": "Moderate",
				"stance_desc_4": "The people in this region favour the status quo.",
				"stance_5": "Leans Independentist",
				"stance_desc_5": "The people in this region support moves towards independence.",
				"stance_6": "Independentist",
				"stance_desc_6": "The people in this region favour independence.",
				"stance_7": "Very Independentist",
				"stance_desc_7": "The people in this region militantly agitate for the establishment of a Puerto Rican state.",
				"election": 20
			"model": "campaign_trail.issue",
			"pk": 103,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Social Issues",
				"description": "Attitudes to drug use, sexual relations and more vary across Puerto Rico, with liberals and conservatives existing in both parties.",
				"stance_1": "Very Conservative",
				"stance_desc_1": "Profound religiosity and traditionalism shapes the social views of this region.",
				"stance_2": "Conservative",
				"stance_desc_2": "Traditional values shape the social views of this region.",
				"stance_3": "Leans Conservative",
				"stance_desc_3": "Hesitancy towards social change is common in this region.",
				"stance_4": "Moderate",
				"stance_desc_4": "This region accepts unconventional practices as long as they stay behind closed doors.",
				"stance_5": "Leans Liberal",
				"stance_desc_5": "People in this region take a hands-off approach to personal practices.",
				"stance_6": "Liberal",
				"stance_desc_6": "The people of this region are liberal in their social outlook.",
				"stance_7": "Very Liberal",
				"stance_desc_7": "Active support for social reform is common in this region.",
				"election": 20
			"model": "campaign_trail.issue",
			"pk": 104,
			"fields": {
				"name": "Multiculturalism",
				"description": "Ethnicity, religion and language are contested traits on Puerto Rico and shape the political values of regions.",
				"stance_1": "Pluralistic",
				"stance_desc_1": "The constant mingling of religions, languages and ethnicities has led many in this region to embrace multiculturalism as a positive state of affairs.",
				"stance_2": "Open Minded",
				"stance_desc_2": "Community relations are peaceful and intercultural exchange is the normal state of affairs.",
				"stance_3": "Somewhat Open Minded",
				"stance_desc_3": "A modus vivendi exists in this region, for now.",
				"stance_4": "Neutral",
				"stance_desc_4": "Reactions to multiculturalism in this region are mixed.",
				"stance_5": "Somewhat Close Minded",
				"stance_desc_5": "The foreign is viewed with a cautious suspicion in this region.",
				"stance_6": "Close Minded",
				"stance_desc_6": "Suspicion of the foreign and \"other\" are common in this region.",
				"stance_7": "Chauvinist",
				"stance_desc_7": "The people of this region resent foreign influences and invectives against the \"other\" are a core part of political discourse.",
				"election": 20

	campaignTrail_temp.state_issue_score_json = [
			"model": "campaign_trail.state_issue_score",
			"pk": 20669,
			"fields": {
				"state": 20664,
				"issue": 100,
				"state_issue_score": 0.7,
				"weight": 3
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			"fields": {
				"state": 20664,
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				"weight": 3
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			"pk": 20671,
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				"state": 20664,
				"issue": 102,
				"state_issue_score": 0.5,
				"weight": 2
			"model": "campaign_trail.state_issue_score",
			"pk": 20672,
			"fields": {
				"state": 20664,
				"issue": 103,
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				"weight": 2
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			"pk": 20673,
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				"state": 20674,
				"issue": 101,
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				"weight": 3
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			"pk": 20683,
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				"issue": 104,
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				"weight": 2
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			"pk": 20689,
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				"weight": 2
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				"weight": 2
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			"pk": 20693,
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				"state_issue_score": 0.6,
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			"pk": 20699,
			"fields": {
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				"weight": 3.5
			"model": "campaign_trail.state_issue_score",
			"pk": 20700,
			"fields": {
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				"issue": 101,
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				"weight": 2
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			"pk": 20701,
			"fields": {
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				"issue": 102,
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			"pk": 20702,
			"fields": {
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			"fields": {
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	campaignTrail_temp.answer_score_state_json = [
		"model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", 
		"pk": 25300, 
		"fields": {
			"answer": 5042, 
			"state": 20964, 
			"candidate": 200, 
			"affected_candidate": 200, 
			"state_multiplier": 0.4
		"model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", 
		"pk": 25301, 
		"fields": {
			"answer": 5123, 
			"state": 20954, 
			"candidate": 200, 
			"affected_candidate": 200, 
			"state_multiplier": 0.1
		"model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", 
		"pk": 25302, 
		"fields": {
			"answer": 5124, 
			"state": 20864, 
			"candidate": 200, 
			"affected_candidate": 200, 
			"state_multiplier": 0.08
		"model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", 
		"pk": 25303, 
		"fields": {
			"answer": 5125, 
			"state": 20944, 
			"candidate": 200, 
			"affected_candidate": 200, 
			"state_multiplier": 0.06
		"model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", 
		"pk": 25304, 
		"fields": {
			"answer": 5126, 
			"state": 20794, 
			"candidate": 200, 
			"affected_candidate": 200, 
			"state_multiplier": 0.02
		"model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", 
		"pk": 304620, 
		"fields": {
			"answer": 5080, 
			"state": 20794, 
			"candidate": 200, 
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		"model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", 
		"pk": 512921, 
		"fields": {
			"answer": 51292, 
			"state": 20954, 
			"candidate": 200, 
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	campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = [
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2500,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5000,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Presenting yourself as independent of \"the Exile Establishment\" is important, but being POTUS requires gravitas. Your social media antics worry some traditional PB voters."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2501,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5001,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You do a round of bilingual interviews with the El Nuevo Día and the San Juan Star. More engagement with Spanish speaking voters is almost always a positive."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2502,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5002,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Your team are happy, but Claridad runs an attack piece claiming the \"the Exile Establishment\" has \"successfully muzzled their puppet\"."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2503,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5003,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Exiles like to hear that one of their own is on the ticket."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2504,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5004,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Big business and the press like your emphasis on strong foreign policy. Ditch references to McCain next time."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2513,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5013,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "No one likes the FBI, but the security services are powerful and dangerous. Be careful."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2514,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5014,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Rosselló is the millstone around Dalmau’s neck. You can’t go wrong by bringing him up."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2515,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5015,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Rosselló is the most hated Puerto Rican alive today. You don’t have to go easy on him."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2516,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5016,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This lets you position yourself as a law and order candidate <b>and</b> attack your opponent."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2517,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5017,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Law and order is good, but your response comes off too strong."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2518,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5018,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "There *are* chauvinists in Dalmau’s camp, but framing this as an ethnic issue will drive away rural Puerto Ricans who see themselves tarred as bigots."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2519,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5019,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Empathy is good, faith is better. Mormons aren’t the only religious minority who think you can protect them better than Dalmau."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2520,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5020,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Threatening voters with a socialist government is a good way to consolidate the conservative voteshare, even if some voters might not agree with your economic policies."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2521,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5021,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Attacking the New Progressives’ record under Tristani is a safe bet. They’ve made too many mistakes for voters to not see your point."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2522,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5022,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "It’s a little coarse, but you still come off better suited for the office of POTUS than your opponent."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2523,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5023,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Fearmongering about infiltration might smack of the 70s, but with Dalmau a fringe figure till a few weeks ago, it’s easy to imagine he has skeletons in his closet."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2524,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5024,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Rodríguez Veve's focus on local rights and rural communities is appealing to people in the interior. Underestimate her ability to act as a spoiler at your peril."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2525,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5025,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Rosselló is still the New Progressives’ Achilles heel, you can't go wrong by mentioning him."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2526,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5026,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You're no farmer's son, but the countryside is crying out for someone who will take their problems seriously."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2530,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5030,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "As the candidate of security, turmoil abroad can be a boon, not a hindrance. Just don’t say as much."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2531,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5031,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "If you're serious about better relations with the Mainland, then you've got a lot of work ahead of you. Still, this might be an opportunity to patch things up with the Separatist Republics."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2532,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5032,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Radical independentists gnash their teeth at the idea that Puerto Rico and the PSA share a cultural bond, but most of them aren’t foolish enough to say anything."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25321,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50321,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "On the first day of your trip, you sit through an agonizingly long memorial event in Sacramento before taking a few photos with some C-list celebrities they probably picked up off the street. <br><br>The highlight of the trip is meeting a nice young man from the PEA secretariat, who addresses you in perfect Spanish before learning you are an Anglo."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25322,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50322,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You tell Harrell that the campaign needs you at home. He records a short clip vaguely endorsing you which you share on the campaign’s social media, before getting back to real work."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25323,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50323,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You get in touch with the Zaibatsu’s representatives and sketch out a plan that you lay out to the public at your next press conference. Reactions are positive, if surprised."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25324,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50324,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You fob him off with a proposal to buy older generation electronics for distribution to deprived rural communities. He is obviously disappointed, but at least he didn’t come here for nothing."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25311,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50311,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "After a follow-up meeting, one of your staffers is picked up by the FBI, but quickly released. You end up spinning things in your favour."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25312,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50312,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You use the dirt to great effect and Dalmau has to sideline one of his best staffers for the foreseeable future."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2533,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5033,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "MacArthur is not a popular figure, but Dalmau has still been very publicly caught lying."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2534,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5034,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "The average voter isn't interested in whitewashing the dictatorship, but the thought of renewed social upheaval worries them deeply."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2535,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5035,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Acting Dalmau for lying is one thing, but it might be better not to touch the MacArthur issue."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2536,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5040,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This is an attack that resonates even with the NPP's traditional base."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2537,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5041,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Rural poverty and despair has been a major factor in the rise of the Carlists. Tapping into this sentiment is crucial to win the countryside."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2538,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5042,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Rural activists and environmentalists have been at cross purposes for a long time, exploiting this is a great way to weaken the NPP."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2539,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5043,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This is strong Americanist stuff, but means little to Boricua voters."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25401,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5044,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You are spotted leaving the CS diplomatic office. Media speculation immediately takes on a fervour pitch."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25402,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5045,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Your team releases a non-specific statement about never surrendering American sovereignity."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25402,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5046,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "The next morning, you shock the Americas with a joint press conference revealing your plans. It's safe to say that generations of Americans will remember this moment."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2541,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5048,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Tristani is the Iron Lady of the NPP, but this is the one attack that might stick."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2542,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5049,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Hard to go wrong with the biggest scandal this century."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2543,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5050,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "If they want to fight your attacks, they'll have to jump in the mud pit with you."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2544,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5051,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Good governance is boring as hell, but that doesn't mean the voters don't want it."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2550,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5060,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Comments about \"the other team\" smack of chauvinism. You need to win over Boricuas to have a shot at victory."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2551,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5061,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Padilla being exiled to the sideshows raises a few eyebrows, but he's not popular enough for most to care."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2552,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5063,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Conflating party and country is one way to handle the issue."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2553,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5064,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Bribes may be necessary, but they're certainly not popular. Especially when it probably means more money for retired generals."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2554,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5066,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Being your own man will be important in government, but you need to get there first. Don't needlessly antagonize the establishment."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2555,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5069,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Your reluctance to talk about drug users is noted."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2556,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5070,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism is popular in cities and with the educated middle classes, but will go down badly with the Bible bashers."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2557,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5071,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Alongside the backwoods farmers, the country also has a lot of high tech industry creating a lot of jobs. That's where your votes are."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2558,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5072,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "\"Financial services\" amount to little more than tax shelters and trust funds for Mid-Atlantic Oligarchs, but that's not our problem."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2559,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5073,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Your voters are split on economic issues with many farmers tempted to vote Carlist. Focusing on attacking your opponent safely unites them all."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2560,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5074,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Light industry might benefit from state aid, but this promises a return to the bad old days of autarky."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25580,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5075,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Don't burn all your bridges with the sector, they have deep pockets and deeper influence."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25581,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5076,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Anyone can see that this is an arbitrary distinction, but this is the safe answer."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25582,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5077,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Have you been reading New England Radical literature lately? This is quite a bold stance."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25583,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5078,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Reporting the encounter just raises the question of why he would come to you in the first place. Someone in the FBI leaks your report and the press jump on it like vultures."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25584,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5079,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Bury it. Deep."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25585,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5080,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "It takes a lot of string pulling and favour trading, but you make it happen. Soon after, \"an anonymous donor\" makes an eyewatering donation to your campaign warchest."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2568,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5083,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Your panegyric to Democratization and Multicultural, Multiparty society is well received. Sectarianism has clearly been a running theme in this campaign and this positions you as a open-minded moderate."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2569,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5084,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This is a shocking thing to say at a memorial to victims of the dictatorship. Commentators are shocked and many are speculating if these aggressive comments are tied to some forthcoming revelation about the Dalmau campaign."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2570,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5085,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This lets you position yourself as Carter's heir while framing Dalmau as a dangerous radical threatening Multiparty Democracy. Academics might beg to differ, but you were never going to win many of them over."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25691,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50841,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "All it cost was your soul."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25692,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50842,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "The threats they made are not worth repeating. Suffice to say that you've made some very powerful enemies."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2571,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5086,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "With confidence in traditional media at an all time low, venturing into new forms allows many young voters to engage with your campaign in a meaningful way, blunting Dalmau's grassroots canvassing."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2572,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5087,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "<b>GRAMMER:<b> \"If someone has to die as a result of rape, then we should kill the rapist, not the unborn child\".<br><br>This is <i>bad</i>."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2573,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5088,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Dalmau is articulate and well spoken, while you produce one too many controversial statements. Nevertheless, polarization is high enough where your weak performance might not matter."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2574,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5089,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You opt to take Dalmau to task on his historical differences with the NPP and the seeming contradiction of a committed reformer making his peace with a party mired in scandal."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2575,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5090,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Pointing out that Dalmau might have skeletons in his closet is a win, even if there's nothing there."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2576,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5091,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "The PB might be just as crooked as the NPP, but Dalmau's campaign trying to position him as an outsider who will clean up the corruption of his own party looks absurd."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2577,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5092,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "There's no reason to go on the defensive when you've got such an easy line of attack."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2577,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5093,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "With the plan sketched out, your campaign releases a triumphant press release promising a new future for Puerto Rico. Farmers are not pleased about you planning a trade policy to the countryside's clear detriment. <br><br>Independentist rage at a candidate seemingly conducting an independent foreign policy is volcanic."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2577,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5094,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You forward your reduced plan and Crist's team reluctantly accepts. Announcing the plan to the chamber of commerce meets with approval, even if it's somewhat muted."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2577,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5095,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Crist is dissapointed, but you take the opportunity to declare you will never sell the jíbaros out."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2581,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5097,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This more of an appeal to Americanists than a trade policy, but if you achieve a real trade deal the potential is enormous."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2582,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5098,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Sticking with traditional trade partners reassures the financial and business elites."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2583,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5099,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Embracing new industry will keep the economy strong and calls to mind the boom of the 80s and 90s."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2584,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5100,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This is very popular with rural voters, but out of step with the PB's capitalist traditions."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25821,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50981,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Enviromentalists complain that you're selling out the countryside to agribusiness, but many farmers are pleased."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25822,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 50982,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "You make a point of presenting yourself as the smallholders' advocate at your next speech, alluding to \"foreigners trying to buy the country\"."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2585,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5101,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Many rural & minority voters have relatives who served in the Armed Force, for whom Army pensions represent the only protection against poverty. This will be very popular with them."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2586,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5102,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This concession to the independentist camp is likely to agravate rural and minority voters, whose regions are over-represented for army service."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2595,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5111,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "If voters could be convinced to vote for the infinitely less healthy McCain, then it may be possible to obscure any questions about your health. Hopefully."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2596,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5112,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Your jetset lifestyle in the heady 90s doesn't exactly resonate with rural communities destroyed by drugs or the highly religious."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2597,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5113,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Whatever may have happened, the best thing to do about this story has always been to deny, deny, deny."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 25980,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 51140,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Normal people don't generally make homemade sextapes of themselves, but perhaps this will win you the pervert vote."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2598,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5114,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Suddenly, your promises to protect multicultural Puerto Rico don't seem so absurd."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2599,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5115,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Some dissatisfied rural voters might gravitate to the Carlists, but many others will be convinced to take their chances with you."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2600,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5116,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Restraint isn't a bad thing, but when an opportunity like this arises it's better to grasp it with both hands."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2601,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5117,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "If you're going to pivot to a whistleblower angle, don't mention foreigners at all."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2602,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5118,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Dalmau's grassroot base are deeply upset about having to make their bed with people like this."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2603,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5119,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Finding a way to paint the NPP as an institution rotten to the core is your path to victory."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2604,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5120,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Restraint isn't a bad thing, but when an opportunity like this arises it's better to grasp it with both hands."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2605,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5121,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Ironically, this might give Dalmau a last minute boost, as voters come to see him as the survivor of a stitch-up job."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2606,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5122,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Let's hope you don't come to regret your triumphalism."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2607,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5123,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "The Virgin Islands are a lock for you as-is, but this guarantees high turnout."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2608,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5124,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Some of these places still have questions about you. Maybe this will win them over."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2609,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5125,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "This might help you make inroads into the Carlist heartland."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2610,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5126,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "The natural choice. Nothing can compete with the capital."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2611,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5127,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Standing by your running mate might be the right thing to do, but does nothing to respond to these attacks."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2612,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5128,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Flipping the script and characterizing Hughes' detractors as woman-haters mitigates some of the damage."
			"model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
			"pk": 2613,
			"fields": {
				"answer": 5129,
				"candidate": 200,
				"answer_feedback": "Just make sure you're not throwing her under the bus."

	campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = "https://i.imgur.com/IvqwWRw.png";
	campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = "https://i.imgur.com/bVSjTmS.png";
	campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = "Grammer";
	campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = "Hughes";

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var AmericanTrilogyPrecondition = false;
var AmericanTrilogy = false;
var ZaibatsuDeal = false;
var MitteleuropaAgriDeal = false;
var RainbowCoalition = false;
var RainbowDemocracy = false;
var ProtsEndorsed = false;
var RastasEndorsed = false;
var DixieNormal = false;
var InfinitaTristeza = false;
var ElPresidentePrecondition = false;
var ElPresidente = false;  
var KarenLeft = false; 
var CarlistCooperationPrecondition = false;
var CarlistCooperation = false; 

e.cyoa = true;

var american_trilogy_answers = 0;
var zaibatsu_deal_answers = 0;
var mitteleuropa_agrideal_answers = 0;
var rainbow_democracy_answers = 0;
var prot_endorse_answers = 0;
var interfaith_answers = 0;
var infinita_tristeza_answers = 0;
var dixie_normalisation_answers = 0;
var caesarism_answers = 0; 
var karen_mad_answers = 0; 
var carlist_cooperation_answers = 0; 

image_dict = {
	"Jiménez": "https://i.imgur.com/kv5XQt4.jpeg",
	"Bergman": "https://i.imgur.com/XimKfyS.jpeg",
	"Veve": "https://i.imgur.com/Yxn34A6.png",

questionSheath = [
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10220, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'One of the most controversial parts of the services sector is the so-called \"passport trade\", where San Juan based law firms facilitate the acquisition of 2nd nationalities by questionable figures using citizenship by investment schemes in Puerto Rico and other states. The practice is routinely condemned by both the PB and NPP, but has persisted due to intense lobbying. Will you make a statement on the issue?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10221, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'The campaign has been approached by Russian fixer Dimitry Kochenov, who is trying to arrange the acquisition of American citizenship by his client. At first, this seemed like a standard request to tip the scales, until he revealed the client. No less than former Mid-Atlantic president Martin O’Malley, who is currently residing in exile, avoiding extradition on corruption charges by the new Mid-Atlantic government. Are we really willing to get involved in a foreign dispute like this?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10222, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Your statements in support of further trade with the former USSA have been well received in the CS, where president Charlie Crist is attempting to increase FDI and promises to improve quality of life by modernizing the healthcare system. Through proxies in Richmond and San Juan, he has begun to sketch out a free trade deal that would open the CS to our pharma and tech sector. Unfortunately, the quid pro quo would be opening up to Southern produce in direct competition with our own farmers. Shall we indicate interest in the proposal?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10223, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'We’ve been approached by CS Intelligence’s point-man in Puerto Rico. Citing the dangers of terrorism and radicalism, his government proposes that San Juan and Richmond develop a provisional framework for intelligence sharing, to be implemented in our administration. As a show of good faith, he also comes with some dirt on a prominent Dalmau staffer, so we know what they can do for us.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10224, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'In light of your previous statements about normalising cross-Caribbean relations, the unofficial ambassador of the CS in Puerto Rico has requested a meeting. He comes with a mandate from his country’s executive to establish a road map to full diplomatic recognition ahead of your likely victory. While this presents obvious problems to our legitimate vision of representing the entire US, it would allow for full recognition of US citizenship by a mainland government and open the road to restoration of property to the exiles. Can we really make such a bargain?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10225, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Under the cover of night, you leave your home in St. Thomas and head to Bourne Airport, where you board a private jet headed to the mainland. After your touchdown in Arlington, you are quickly bundled into a limo with tinted windows and driven out to the designated meeting point.<br><br>By the time you reach the cemetery, Crist and O’Malley are already standing to greet you in front of the Hemicycle. With no need for introductions, you begin discussions in earnest.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10271, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Pacifican President Harrell has responded warmly to your statement, calling you \"a true friend\" and extending an invitation to visit Sacramento.<br><br>While accepting would burnish your stateman’s credentials, it is unlikely that you will gain anything more from the experience. What do you say?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10272, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'It turns out that the nice young man from Sacramento is the head of the PEA’s Caribbean department. Having flown over to San Juan to make this fact known to you, he also comes with a proposal. <br><br>One of the lesser Zaibatsus is looking to expand its operations and is currently in search of a partner country. With our developed human capital, high tech industry and state support for business, we seem to be a perfect match. The deal would allow our domestic industry to tap into their vast production capacity and allow our best firms to sell their products in the Pacific Rim (under licence, of course). What do we say?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10291, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'We’ve received a visit from the Mitteleuropeans. It turns out that the Commission has been interested in negotiating a one-size-fits-all treaty relating to Puerto Rico agricultural products for a while, but have run into a wall with the NPP activists in charge at USDA.<br><br>They propose that we adhere to Mitteleuropean standards on agriculture and in return, we will receive \"most favoured nation\" on our products as well as a developmental aid package targeted at rural areas. The only catch is that this will upset some treehuggers. What do we say?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10381, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Making the most of your recent statements, Karen has managed to convince the most important Protestant churches to band together in offering an endorsement of your candicacy. This will be especially useful in the various overseas islands and with San Juan evangelicals.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10211, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Various smaller sects like the Rastafarians have praised your tolerant policy on drug use and hope your promise to protect religious minorities will extend to their use of marijuana. Should we respond?', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10341, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Ahead of the elections, various faith and community leaders have banded together to publish an open letter calling on their communities to vote for you in the upcoming election. While not outright critical of Dalmau himself, they contrast the NPP’s policies with your own and conclude that only you can maintain the \"multicultural\" character of Puerto Rico.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10361, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Shots ring out in the street and the lights begin to flicker. From your terrace, you see APCs rolling down streets and hear sirens going off. Then the power cuts out.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10251, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Taking note of your recent statements, a group of dissatisfied intelligence and army officers have approached you with a deal. In exchange for positions in your new administration, they will leverage their connections and funding to assist you in securing the votes you need to not just win, but reshape the country in your vision. <br><br>It goes without saying that this is a deal with the devil.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 160001, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Citing irreconcilable differences of vision and perceived mistreatment, Karen has quit the campaign. We are now scrambling to find a replacement and do as much damage control as possible.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10292, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'In response to our commitment to rural development, the Carlists have once again floated their policy to restore the Laws of the Indies with all the self governance they entail. While a real restoration is an unworkable romanticist notion, the party has long made the promulgation of \"organic\" legal theory on Spanish & French lines a priority. <br><br>If we promise to organize an investigation into the role of the pre-civil code law on the island, we may succeed in winning over some traditional rural communities.', 'likelihood': 1}},
{'model': 'campaign_trail.question', 'pk': 10293, 'fields': {'priority': 1, 'description': 'Our fixer in Guantamno Bay has received an interesting offer forwarded via the office of Viceroy Castro. In return for accepting Rodríguez Veve as our running mate and committing to elements of the Carlist Program, the party will withdraw from the campaign and endorse Grammer for president. <br><br>Accepting the offer would be a radical departure from our old platform and be seen as a betrayal by some in the American community, but will likely win us the election and lock down the iron voters for good.', 'likelihood': 1}}

getQuestionFromPk = function (pk) {
  let index = questionSheath.map((f) => f.pk).indexOf(pk);
  if (index < 0) {
    return false;
  return questionSheath[index];

cyoAdventure = function (a) {
    ans = e.player_answers[e.player_answers.length - 1]
	console.log("ans is:")
	 if (ans === 5072 ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(16, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10220))
        console.log("golden passport 1")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5077 ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(20, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10221))
        console.log("golden passport 2")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5077 ) {
        console.log("O’Malley asylum")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5097 ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(21, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10222))
        console.log("CS trade")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5093 ) {
        console.log("CS freetrade")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
		console.log("dixie_normalisation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5031 ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(10, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10223))
        console.log("Cross-Caribbean intel")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 50311 ) {
        console.log("CS shared intel")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if ( ans === 5043) {
        e.questions_json.splice(24, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10224))
        console.log("Diplo recognition")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5044 ) {
        console.log("CS diplomatic recognition")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
		console.log("dixie_normalisation_answers count:")
	if ( ( american_trilogy_answers === 4 ) && !AmericanTrilogyPrecondition ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(25, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10225))
		AmericanTrilogyPrecondition = true;
        console.log("Arlington meeting")   
        console.log("american_trilogy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5046) {
		AmericanTrilogy = true;
		console.log("American Trilogy ending") 
	if (ans === 5032) {
        console.log("Pacific States sympathy") 
        e.questions_json.splice(7, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10271))
	if (ans === 50321) {
		console.log("zaibatsu_deal_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5071) {
		console.log("zaibatsu_deal_answers count:")	
	if (ans === 5099) {
		console.log("zaibatsu_deal_answers count:")	
	if ( ( zaibatsu_deal_answers === 3 ) && !ZaibatsuDeal ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(22, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10272))
		ZaibatsuDeal = true;
		console.log("zaibatsu_deal_answers count")   
		unlockAchievement("The Business of America");
	if (ans === 5073) {
		console.log("Uncontroversial Economics")
		console.log("mitteleuropa_agrideal_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5098) {
		console.log("Mitteleuropa Trade")
		console.log("mitteleuropa_agrideal_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5042) {
		console.log("mitteleuropa_agrideal_answers count:")
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if ( ( mitteleuropa_agrideal_answers === 3 ) && !MitteleuropaAgriDeal ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(22, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10291))
		MitteleuropaAgriDeal = true;
		console.log("mitteleuropa_agrideal_answers count")   
		unlockAchievement("The Business of America is Business");
	if (ans === 5001) {
		console.log("Hispanophone Press")
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5062) {
		console.log("Padilla Spoke")
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5020) {
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5034) {
		console.log("Pact of Silence")
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5102) {
		console.log("Investigated Crimes")
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
		console.log("infinita_tristeza_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5083) {
		console.log("True Democrat")
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5114) {
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5019) {
		console.log("interfaith_answers count:")
		console.log("prot_endorse_answers count:")
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5128) {
		console.log("Family Guy")
		console.log("prot_endorse_answers count:")
	if ( ( prot_endorse_answers === 2 ) && !ProtsEndorsed ) {
		e.questions_json.splice(13, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10381))
		ProtsEndorsed = true;
		console.log("Hughes Interfaith")
		console.log("prot_endorse_answers count:")
	if (ans === 51281) {
		console.log("Church Endorsement")
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5070) {
		console.log("Compassionate Conservative")
		console.log("interfaith_answers count:")
	if ( ( interfaith_answers === 2 ) && !RastasEndorsed ) {
		e.questions_json.splice(22, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10211))
		RastasEndorsed = true;
		console.log("Rastas Happy")
		console.log("interfaith_answers count:")
	if (ans === 50701) {
		console.log("Rasta Endorsement")
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count:")
	if ( ( dixie_normalisation_answers === 2 ) && !DixieNormal ) {
		DixieNormal = true;
		console.log("Dixie Normal")
		unlockAchievement("The Business of America is Business");
	if ( ( rainbow_democracy_answers === 8 ) && !RainbowDemocracy ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(29, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10341))
		RainbowDemocracy = true;
		console.log("rainbow_democracy_answers count")   
	if (ans === 5000) {
		console.log("Virgin Islander")
		console.log("infinita_tristeza_answers count:")
		console.log("karen_mad_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5013) {
		console.log("Alphabet Anger")
		console.log("infinita_tristeza_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5060) {
		console.log("Padilla Snub")
		console.log("infinita_tristeza_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5066) {
		console.log("No Stooge")
		console.log("infinita_tristeza_answers count:")
		console.log("karen_mad_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5035) {
		console.log("Move On")
		console.log("infinita_tristeza_answers count:")
	if ( ( infinita_tristeza_answers === 6 ) && !InfinitaTristeza ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(13, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10361))
		InfinitaTristeza = true;
		console.log("infinita_tristeza_answers count")   
	 if( ans == 51221) {
        campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[0]["fields"].first_name = "Rogue Officers -";
        campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[0]["fields"].last_name = "Military Junta";
		campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[2]["fields"].first_name = "Juan Dalmau -";
        campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[2]["fields"].last_name = "Democratic Opposition";
		campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[4]["fields"].first_name = "Comité de Acción -";
        campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[4]["fields"].last_name = "Carlist Requeté";
		campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[5]["fields"].first_name = "Mexican Intelligence -";
        campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[5]["fields"].last_name = "Leftist Insurgents";
        campaignTrail_temp.question_number = 25;
	if (ans === 5017) {
		console.log("Peace & Security")
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5023) {
		console.log("Enemies on All Sides")
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5030) {
		console.log("Proactive FBI")
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5033) {
		console.log("Defended MacArthur")
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5064) {
		console.log("Bribed Officers")
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5074) {
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5084) {
		console.log("Excused White Terror")
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5101) {
		console.log("Defended Veterans")
		console.log("caesarism_answers count:")
	if ( ( caesarism_answers === 8 ) && !ElPresidentePrecondition ) {
		e.questions_json.splice(23, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10251))
		ElPresidentePrecondition = true;
		console.log("caesarism_answers count")   
	if (ans === 5129) {
		console.log("Didn’t back")
		console.log("karen_mad_answers count:")
	if ( ( karen_mad_answers === 3 ) && !KarenLeft ) {
		e.questions_json.splice(15, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(160001))
		KarenLeft = true;
		console.log("karen_mad_answers count")   
	if (ans === 51291) {
		if ( KarenLeft )
		PB_running_mate = "Jiménez";
		PB_running_mate_url = image_dict["Jiménez"];
	if (ans === 51292) {
		if ( KarenLeft )
		PB_running_mate = "Bergman";
		PB_running_mate_url = image_dict["Bergman"];
	if (ans === 5026) {
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5100) {
		console.log("Agrarian assistance")
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5067) {
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5115) {
		console.log("Rural Rebuilding")
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 5100 ) {
        e.questions_json.splice(22, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10292))
        console.log("Indies Law")   
        console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if (ans === 51001) {
		console.log("Legal Scholar")
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count:")
	if ( ( carlist_cooperation_answers === 8 ) && !CarlistCooperationPrecondition ) {
		e.questions_json.splice(26, 0 , getQuestionFromPk(10293))
		CarlistCooperationPrecondition = true;
		console.log("carlist_cooperation_answers count")   
	if (ans === 51003) {
		CarlistCooperation = true;
		console.log("Carlist Cooperation ending") 
	if (ans === 51003 ) {
		if ( CarlistCooperation )
		PB_running_mate = "Rodríguez";
		PB_running_mate_url = image_dict["Veve"]
		campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[4]["fields"].first_name = "Write In -";
        campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[4]["fields"].last_name = "Carlist Irreconcilables";
	if (ans == 51291 || ans == 51292 || ans == 51003) {
		campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = PB_running_mate;
		campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = PB_running_mate_url;
	if (ans === 5112 && campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.includes(5067)) {
		updateFeedback(2596, "The contradiction between your hardline stance on drugs and your own personal history opens you up to scathing attacks by Dalmau’s camp.") 
		changeGlobalEffect(200, 3072, -0.15)
		console.log("Cocaine Cowboy") 
	if (ans === 5114 && (RainbowDemocracy) ) {
		updateFeedback(2598, "Your recent conduct has cemented your image as the defender of Multiculturalism on Puerto Rico.") 
		changeGlobalEffect(201, 3123, -0.05)
		console.log("True Multiculturalist") 

function tunnel(new_q){
	return e.questions_json[e.questions_json.map(f=>f.pk).indexOf(new_q)];

function getQuestionNumberFromPk(pk) {
    return campaignTrail_temp.questions_json.map(q=>q.pk).indexOf(pk);

function updateFeedback(pkValue, newFeedback) {
    let entry = campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json.find(entry => entry.pk === pkValue);
    if (entry) {
        entry.fields.answer_feedback = newFeedback;

function changeGlobalEffect(affectedCandidate, answer, changeAmount) {
  let found = false;
  campaignTrail_temp.answer_score_global_json.forEach((item) => {
    if (item.fields.affected_candidate === affectedCandidate && item.fields.answer === answer) {
      item.fields.global_multiplier += changeAmount;
      found = true;
  if (!found) {
    const lastEntry = campaignTrail_temp.answer_score_global_json[campaignTrail_temp.answer_score_global_json.length - 1];
    const newEntry = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lastEntry)); // Clone the last entry

    newEntry.fields.affected_candidate = affectedCandidate;
    newEntry.fields.answer = answer;
    newEntry.fields.global_multiplier = changeAmount;  // Overwrite global_multiplier with changeAmount


function answerSwapper(pk1, pk2, takeEffects = true, considerTooltips = true) {
    const answerData = campaignTrail_temp.answers_json;

    const index1 = answerData.findIndex(item => item.pk === pk1);
    const index2 = answerData.findIndex(item => item.pk === pk2);

    if (index1 === -1 || index2 === -1) {

    let description1 = answerData[index1].fields.originalDescription || answerData[index1].fields.description;
    let description2 = answerData[index2].fields.originalDescription || answerData[index2].fields.description;

    if (answerData[index1].fields.originalDescription || answerData[index2].fields.originalDescription) {
        answerData[index1].fields.originalDescription = description2;
        answerData[index2].fields.originalDescription = description1;

    answerData[index1].fields.description = description2;
    answerData[index2].fields.description = description1;

    if (considerTooltips) {

    campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json.forEach(item => {
        if (item.fields.answer === pk1) {
            item.fields.answer = pk2;
        } else if (item.fields.answer === pk2) {
            item.fields.answer = pk1;

    if (takeEffects) {
        const otherJsons = [

        otherJsons.forEach(jsonData => {
            jsonData.forEach(item => {
                if (item.fields.answer === pk1) {
                    item.fields.answer = pk2;
                } else if (item.fields.answer === pk2) {
                    item.fields.answer = pk1;

function switcheroo_coup() {
    e.candidate_json[0].fields.color_hex = "#51534E" ;

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  $("#final_results_description")[0].innerHTML = construct(a);


endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) => {
	e.final_overall_results.sort((a, b) => b.popular_votes - a.popular_votes);

    //Ending Codes go here. You can remove this line, but everything else must be kept. Just paste this at the end of your code 2.
    orderID = [aa[0].candidate, aa[1].candidate];
    playerID = campaignTrail_temp.candidate_id;
    playerEV = quickstats[0]
        //out = "win", "loss", or "tie" for your candidate
        //totv = total votes in entire election
        //aa = all final overall results data
	if ( InfinitaTristeza )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
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	return "<h3>Falling Down.</h3><p>\"<i>\Talk of imminent threat to our national security through the application of external force is pure nonsense.\"</i> - <b>Douglas MacArthur</b></p><p><i>\"Civil liberty and this kind of martial law cannot endure together; the antagonism is irreconcilable; and, in the conflict, one or the other must perish.\"</i> - <b>Ex parte Milligan</b></p><p></p><p><i>\"Army takeover on Puerto Rico-Martial Law declared.\"</i> - <b>Boston Herald</b></p><p>You sit huddled in your villa, considering your options, when the radio crackles: <i>\"We interrupt our programming; this is a national emergency. Stand by for further information.\"</i><p>You don't need to keep listening to understand what has happened. More and more aggrieved by political developments in the country, reactionary forces have finally taken matters into their own hands. In the long-run, they've doomed themselves. For now? It looks like they have mastery of the land. The only option is to flee. <p>You exit your home through the back door, hoping to slip away unnoticed, when a shot rings out. You stare down at your shirt as it begins to turn red."
	else if ( CarlistCooperation )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/J97qaY3.png";
                }, 100);
	return "<h3>Dios, Patria, Rey?</h3><p>\"<i>\We shall fight together, all together, all together in union, defending the banner of Sacred Tradition\"</i> - <b>March of Oriamendi</b></p><p><i>\"Providence will not permit that in these countries which were discovered by the Spanish nation the echo of our language should ever cease to be heard, nor that our flag should disappear before the eyes.\"</i> - <b>Manuel Macías y Casado</b></p><p></p><p><i>\"Congress pass non-binding resolution to recognize Grammer's right to take up Grandee title.\"</i> - <b>International Herald Tribune</b></p><p>Your cooperation with the Carlists is a political earthquake. You succeed in locking down the countryside and galvanizing the majority of the island, much to the chagrin of both Independentists and a horrified Exile Establishment. While a few PB legislators defect to a new <i>\"Constitution Party\"</i>, many ultraconservatives are satisfied with your new particularist vision. The remaining secularists have consolidated under an infernal alliance between the NPP and the PB's liberal wing, but their future prospects are negligible.<p>In the mean time, the upswing in relations with Spain holds a promise of a fresh start with the Entente. Legislative changes are likely to be slow, even if few admit that the Organic vision of Carlism already mirrors the post-Civil War constitutional patchwork. While the formal seperation of church and state is unlikely to disappear and you will never become a prime minister, appeals to Hispanophone values, including the presence of cabinet members at Catholic services are now very much in vogue. <p>La Fortaleza is well worth a mass."
	else if ( ElPresidente )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://imgur.com/9CfV7N9";
                }, 100);
				unlockAchievement("False Prophet");
	return "<h3>Hail to the Chief!</h3><p>\"<i>\For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?\"</i> - <b>Mark 8:36</b></p><p><i>\"If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.\"</i> - <b>Julius Caesar</b></p><p><i>\"Grammer dissolves legislature, declares State of Emergency.\"</i> - <b>Boston Herald</b></p><p>The first days after dissolution are tumultuous. Rioting and protests rock the island as crowds try to storm their way into the capitol. Day after day, night after night, the protesters break up on the riot police as their leaders are rounded up.  After a week, Dalmau realizes he is beaten and flees to Mexico, a fact you eagerly broadcast on the radio and plaster on every newspaper.<p>Without a credible leader, the opposition collapses with a whimper. Now you can commence with the real work. The first step is to put those NPP leaders currently under arrest on trial.<p>Whether the reorganisation takes a year or a decade is irrelevant. You <b>will</b> make America what it was always <b>destined</b> to be."
	else if ( (RainbowDemocracy) && AmericanTrilogy )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/NYxj98k.png";
                }, 100);
	return "<h3>A New Founding Father!</h3><p>\"<i>\Observe good faith and justice towards all Nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all.\"</i> - <b>George Washington</b></p><p><i>\"Tristani to attend MacArthur internment in ex-President role.\"</i> - <b>San Juan Star</b></p><p><i>\"Delegates arrive at Philadelphia Convention, Texans send observer.\"</i> - <b>International Herald Tribune</b></p><p><i>\"Discussions commence on repatriating Declaration of Independence to Washington.\"</i> - <b>Christian Science Monitor</b></p><p>Reconciling divisions at home and abroad, you have managed to chart a course to re-union, while establishing a lasting peace on Puerto Rico.<p>Proving your capacity to reach out to all Americans, you have succeeded in healing political rifts on the island and galvanizing even the NPP towards a closer relationship with the Mainland. While the party is sure to remain a political force, it now faces a crisis of identity not seen since the days of Carter. All the while, international recognition of your status as a statesman grows. You are already being spoken of as the <i>\"Leader of a United America\"</i>.  <p><b>Mr President</b>, your name deservedly ranks alongside those of the Founders! "
	else if ( (RainbowDemocracy) && ZaibatsuDeal )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/mtXsuQE.png";
                }, 100);
	return "<h3>A Rainbow Democracy?</h3><p>\"<i>\The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.\"</i> - <b>Jimmy Carter</b></p><p><i>\"Local community leaders greet Holywood director interested in Carter biopic.\"</i> - <b>San Juan Star</b></p><p><i>\"Mitsubishi to further expand production on Puerto Rico.\"</i> - <b>International Herald Tribune</b></p><p><i>\"Ethiopian Crown Prince visits St. Thomas, greets Rastafarian devotees.\"</i> - <b>Virgin Islands Daily News</b></p><p>When Jimmy Carter died, some wondered if the dream of a multicultural Puerto Rico died with him. You have more than proven the doubters wrong.<p>Nothing shocked you more than to hear both Dalmau ring you after the election and congratulate you on your victory. While he’s returned to his old academic career, you've been able to consult on some legal questions and have settled into a role as sparring partners of sorts. Rosselló has returned to a prominent role in the NPP, but this is more a sign of the party’s doldrums than a serious political future.<p>The new model is not perfect and tensions are bound to arise, you have secured the country’s economic future and found a way to reconcile much of the country. "
	else if ( (RainbowDemocracy) && MitteleuropaAgriDeal )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/mtXsuQE.png";
                }, 100);
	return "<h3>A Rainbow Democracy?</h3><p>\"<i>\The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.\"</i> - <b>Jimmy Carter</b></p><p><i>\"Local community leaders greet Babelsberg director interested in Carter biopic.\"</i> - <b>San Juan Star</b></p><p><i>\"Douwe Egberts to further expand sourcing from Puerto Rico.\"</i> - <b>International Herald Tribune</b></p><p><i>\"Delegation of Fons visits St. Thomas, meet Caribbean cousins.\"</i> - <b>Virgin Islands Daily News</b></p><p>When Jimmy Carter died, some wondered if the dream of a multicultural Puerto Rico died with him. You have more than proven the doubters wrong.<p>Nothing shocked you more than to hear both Dalmau ring you after the election and congratulate you on your victory. While he’s returned to his old academic career, you've been able to consult on some legal questions and have settled into a role as sparring partners of sorts. Rosselló has returned to a prominent role in the NPP, but this is more a sign of the party’s doldrums than a serious political future.<p>The new model is not perfect and tensions are bound to arise, you have secured the country’s economic future and found a way to reconcile much of the country. "
	else if ( (RainbowDemocracy) && DixieNormal )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/mtXsuQE.png";
                }, 100);
	return "<h3>A Rainbow Democracy?</h3><p>\"<i>\The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.\"</i> - <b>Jimmy Carter</b></p><p><i>\"President greets visitors from Carter's hometown.\"</i> - <b>San Juan Star</b></p><p><i>\"Richmond and San Juan reach deal on non-brand pharmaceuticals.\"</i> - <b>International Herald Tribune</b></p><p><i>\"Delegation of Southerners visit St. Thomas, families reunited.\"</i> - <b>Virgin Islands Daily News</b></p><p>When Jimmy Carter died, some wondered if the dream of a multicultural Puerto Rico died with him. You have more than proven the doubters wrong.<p>Nothing shocked you more than to hear both Dalmau ring you after the election and congratulate you on your victory. While he’s returned to his old academic career, you've been able to consult on some legal questions and have settled into a role as sparring partners of sorts. Rosselló has returned to a prominent role in the NPP, but this is more a sign of the party’s doldrums than a serious political future.<p>The new model is not perfect and tensions are bound to arise, you have secured the country’s economic future and found a way to reconcile much of the country. "
	else if ( RainbowDemocracy )  { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/mtXsuQE.png";
                }, 100);
	return "<h3>A Rainbow Democracy?</h3><p>\"<i>\The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.\"</i> - <b>Jimmy Carter</b></p><p><i>\"Miranda premiers play about Carter.\"</i> - <b>San Juan Star</b></p><p><i>\"Tourism industry buoyed by decreased tensions.\"</i> - <b>International Herald Tribune</b></p><p><i>\"Liberian president visits St. Thomas, speaks about shared heritage.\"</i> - <b>Virgin Islands Daily News</b></p><p>When Jimmy Carter died, some wondered if the dream of a multicultural Puerto Rico died with him. You have more than proven the doubters wrong.<p>Nothing shocked you more than to hear both Dalmau ring you after the election and congratulate you on your victory. While he’s returned to his old academic career, you've been able to consult on some legal questions and have settled into a role as sparring partners of sorts. Rosselló has returned to a prominent role in the NPP, but this is more a sign of the party’s doldrums than a serious political future.<p>The new model is not perfect and tensions are bound to arise, you have secured the country’s economic future and found a way to reconcile much of the country. "
	else if ( AmericanTrilogy ) { 
        if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/lxKCN2y.jpeg";
                }, 100);
				unlockAchievement("Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!");
	return "<h3>Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!</h3><p>\"<i>\Even when opportunity knocks, a man still has to get up off his seat and open the door.\"</i> - <b>Douglas MacArthur</b></p><p><i>\"O’Malley election confirmed by Supreme Court after stand-off, tensions begin to dissipate.\"</i> - <b>San Juan Star</b></p><p><i>\"Texans express interest in free movement, common market.\"</i> - <b>International Herald Tribune</b></p><p><i>\"CS opens Restitution Tribunal, émigrés begin filing claims.\"</i> - <b>Christian Science Monitor</b></p><p>At 12:00, 4 July, 2025, the pall bearers lift the casket from its funerary carriage and carry it to its final destination.<p>After more than 80 years in exile, Douglas MacArthur has at last arrived in Arlington. With more than half the heads of state in America in attendance and an aged Arthur MacArthur watching from a wheelchair, Presidents Grammer and Crist raise their respective flags to flutter in the summer breeze.<p>The old United States may be buried, but for the first time since the Civil War, its people seem to be on the road to another union."
	else if (quickstats[1] >= 56) {
            if (used != true) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    used = true;
                    imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                    if (imgg != null) {
                        imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/2qXIPwT.png";
                }, 100);
				unlockAchievement("Cheers to That");
    return "<h3>ISLANDER WAVE DROWNS DALMAU</h3><p><li>\"</i>I was brought up to never lie. Sure, I have. But in the final mix, the lies I’ve told are far outweighed by the truths I’ve lived.\"</i> - Kelsey Grammer</p><p>This is an astonishing victory! As the final votes are tallied, it quickly becomes apparent that you’ve won a landslide victory. If there were any doubts about your candidacy before, they’ve been wiped out by a performance not equalled since the 1988 election. </p>Whether it was your own appeal, the NPP’s disaster year or Dalmau’s inability to control his campaign, the result is clear. You now stand nigh unopposed in your dreams of  facilitating \"government of the people, for the people, by the people\". </p>The time has come for you to stamp your vision on the country. Let the chips fall where they may!"
	} else if (aa[0].candidate == 200) {
        if (used != true) {
            setInterval(function () {
                used = true;
                imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
                if (imgg != null) {
                    imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/XNr0C6a.png";
            }, 100);
    return "<h3>Back to You</h3><p><i>\"Every boy who grew up when I grew up was told that they could be president if they wanted to be…\"</i></p><p>After Padilla’s failed runs, some said that the PB was a spent force, doomed to a slow death alongside its Anglo hard-core. Now you’ve proven the doubters wrong and shown that a Virgin Islander can win where the hand-picked <i>\"Future of the Party\"</i> failed.</p><p>Your presidency is sure to see you lock horns with the Pan-Greens in the legislature and disgruntled factions in your own party, but you’re dictating from a position of strength. Cross-Caribbean relations, the <i>\"Constitutional Question\"</i> and the dream of a renewed <i>\"Jaguar Economy\"</i> all await your consideration."
	else if (aa[0].candidate == 201) {
    if (used != true) {
        setInterval(function () {
            used = true;
            imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
            if (imgg != null) {
                imgg.src = "https://i.imgur.com/v8JJhAF.png";
        }, 100);
    return "<h3>The Same Bunch of Clowns?</h3><p>Apologizes are pointless, regrets come too late. Despite the NPP’s shambolic performance, Dalmau has managed to crawl to a victory. Your situation in the party is unclear, but without many other options, they might be forced to run you again. If not, you can always retire to the Virgin Islands and slip into a guaranteed place as St. Thomas’ local bigman until you are next needed.</p><p>You can’t keep the Patriot Bloc out San Juan forever, and when they get in, you’ll be back in La Fortaleza with all your buddies."
	else {
		return "<h3>Hey!</h3>Something broke, probably."


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