sublime-nekoml ------ Note: This is the first time I tried to write syntax definition, so it probably has some Bug ### Install 1. installation requirements: Sublime text 3 build 3103 + Package Control 2. `Menu -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...` 3. 'git clone nml --depth=1' ![screen shot](_darcs/screenshot.png) ### features * Syntax highlighting for `*.nml` file * Auto Completion(only core lib) - setting: `"auto_complete_triggers": [ {"characters": ".", "selector": "source.nml"} ]` * Goto Definition: `F12`,Jump Back: `Alt + -` - Need add `/neko-master/src/core` Folder to current project. > `Menu -> Project -> Add Folder to Project...` * **NEW** `.neko` syntax hightlighting(Partial) and auto Completion(only for builtins) - setting: `"auto_complete_triggers": [ ...,{"characters": "$", "selector": "source.neko"} ]`