[ { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "ABS700" }, "dmsg" : "s4F038300", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_79", "NAME" : "ABS700_79" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "low", "batteryState" : "low", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 3.3", "temperature" : "3.3" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-18 14:01:36", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-7949;P2=492;P3=-1978;P4=-3970;D=21232423232424242423232323232324242423232323232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=245;O;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 0, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "ABS700" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "GT_WT_02" }, "comment" : "Temp / Hum sensor for GT-WS-11-CH + WS08 + WS09", "dmsg" : "s5410AC5F9800", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_84", "NAME" : "GT_WT_02_84" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "47", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 17.2 H: 47", "temperature" : "17.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 09:35:18", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-4129;P2=550;P3=-2100;P4=-9055;D=2423212321232123232323232123232323212321232121232323212321212121212123232121;CP=2;SP=4;R=241;O;s=4;m1;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 0, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "GT-WT-02" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "NC_WS" }, "comment" : "https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,101425.msg1132257.html?PHPSESSID=8ghjdel8emmpcds5ku97uihamt#msg1132257", "dmsg" : "s52880C411000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_82", "NAME" : "NC_WS_82" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.28", "model" : "NC_WS", "readings" : { "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "17", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 19.6 H: 17", "temperature" : "19.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-20 00:04:50", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P3=-1929;P4=509;P5=-3888;P6=-9158;D=46434543454343454345434343454343434343434345454343434543434343434543434345;CP=4;SP=6;R=36;O;m2;", "user" : "killah78" } ], "id" : 0, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Pearl NC7159" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Prologue" }, "comment" : "Temp sensor", "dmsg" : "s916001A0A000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_145", "NAME" : "Prologue_145" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 2.6", "temperature" : "2.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-18 14:03:55", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-4152;P1=643;P2=-2068;P3=-9066;D=1310121210121212101210101212121212121212121212121010121012121212121012101212;CP=1;SP=3;R=220;O;m2;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 0, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Prologue" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "W044" }, "comment" : "Temp / Hum sensor for Ventus W155/W194/W177/W224", "dmsg" : "s8505301CC000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_133", "NAME" : "W044_133" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "38", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 20.2 H: 38", "temperature" : "20.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 09:47:26", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-1957;P1=573;P2=-3961;P3=-8913;D=13121010101012101210101010101210121010121210101010101010121212101012121010;CP=1;SP=3;e;m1;", "user" : "Harst" } ], "id" : 0, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Ventus W044" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Mebus" }, "dmsg" : "sF9700C4000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_151", "NAME" : "Mebus_151" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "low", "batteryState" : "low", "channel" : "1", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 1.2", "temperature" : "1.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-18 14:05:59", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-9690;P3=354;P4=-4662;P5=-2107;D=3034343434343535343534343435353535353535353434353535343535;CP=3;SP=0;R=209;O;m2;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 0.1, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Mebus" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "W044" }, "comment" : "Temp / Hum sensor", "dmsg" : "s35277004E000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_53", "NAME" : "W044_53" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "20", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 23.8 H: 20", "temperature" : "23.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 09:52:19", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=452;P4=-1989;P5=-4063;P6=-8942;D=16141415151415141514141514141515151415151514141414141414141415141415151514;CP=1;SP=6;R=36;O;m2;", "user" : "killah78" } ], "id" : 0.3, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "TCM 212836" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "W132" }, "comment" : "Wind sensor, this sensor sends two different msg, 1/2", "dmsg" : "sD66EE1603000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_214", "NAME" : "W132_214" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "state" : "Wg: 1.2 Wd: W ", "windDirection" : "6", "windDirectionDegree" : "270", "windDirectionText" : "W", "windGust" : "1.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-18 14:44:59", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=492;P2=-4005;P3=-8937;P4=-2023;D=13121214121412121414121214121212141212121414141412141212141414141414141212;CP=1;SP=3;s6;e;m1;", "user" : "dirigent" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "W132" }, "comment" : "Wind sensor, this sensor sends two different msg, 2/2", "dmsg" : "sD6680020C000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_214", "NAME" : "W132_214" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "state" : "Ws: 0.8 ", "windSpeed" : "0.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-18 14:49:44", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=492;P2=-4005;P3=-8937;P4=-2023;D=13121214121412121414121214121414141414141414141414141412141414141412121414;CP=1;SP=3;s6;e;m2;", "user" : "dirigent" } ], "id" : 0.3, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Ventus W132" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "W174" }, "comment" : "Rain sensor", "dmsg" : "s336C9C002000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_51", "NAME" : "W174_51" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "israining" : "yes", "rain" : "14.25", "state" : "R: 14.25" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 09:54:07", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P3=478;P4=-4052;P5=-2022;P6=-9075;D=536353534343535343435343435343435353435353434343535353535353535353535353435;CP=3;SP=6;R=248;O;m0;", "user" : "andies" } ], "id" : 0.3, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Ventus W174" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Rubicson" }, "dmsg" : "s248FE4EF0000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_36", "NAME" : "Rubicson_36" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: -2.8", "temperature" : "-2.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 10:37:52", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-3946;P1=448;P2=-1998;P3=-9309;P4=284;D=131212101212101212101212121010101010101012121012121010101210101010124;CP=1;SP=3;e;m3;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 0.4, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Auriol Z31743B" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Unknown" }, "comment" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm is under development / https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,101425.msg1068357.html#msg1068357", "dmsg" : "s6AB20000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_Unknown", "NAME" : "Unknown" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.28", "readings" : { "state" : "Code: 6AB200", "temperature" : "-2.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-20 00:17:00", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-4135;P1=424;P2=-2042;P3=-8691;D=13121010121012101210121010121210121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=238;O;", "user" : "Damian" } ], "id" : 0.5, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "Auriol HG04641A" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Channel 4 - Button 3 on, https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,58397.msg880350.html#msg880350 (ID 41 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P1#9374A400", "internals" : { "DEF" : "74A400_ALL", "NAME" : "RSL_74A400_ALL" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:05:03", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_RSL.pm 7779 2019-01-04 18:00:00Z v3.34-dev", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=1154;P2=-697;P3=559;P4=-1303;P5=-7173;D=351234341234341212341212123412343412341234341234343434343434343434;CP=3;SP=5;R=247;O;", "user" : "gandi1791" } ], "id" : 1, "module" : "SD_RSL", "name" : "Conrad RSL" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "self build arduino sensor with voltage output", "dmsg" : "P2#0880370E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "voltage_0", "NAME" : "ArduinoSensor_voltage_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "battery" : "2", "batteryState" : "ok", "batteryVoltage" : "3639", "state" : "V: 3.64", "trigger" : "auto", "voltage" : "3.64" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-26 23:11:19", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_AS.pm 350 2020-10-01 20:16:11Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-503;P1=460;P3=-1024;P6=-9946;D=16101010101310101013101010101010101010131310131313101010101313131015;CP=1;SP=6;O;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "self build arduino sensor with temp output", "dmsg" : "P2#0680E580", "internals" : { "DEF" : "temp_0", "NAME" : "ArduinoSensor_temp_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "state" : "T: 22.9", "temperature" : "22.9", "trigger" : "auto" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-26 23:00:22", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_AS.pm 350 2020-10-01 20:16:11Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=484;P2=-474;P4=-990;P6=-9960;D=16121212121214141214121212121212121414141212141214141212121212121215;CP=1;SP=6;O;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "self build arduino sensor with raw output", "dmsg" : "P2#0AC30E01", "internals" : { "DEF" : "raw_3", "NAME" : "ArduinoSensor_raw_3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "battery" : "3", "batteryState" : "ok", "raw" : "270", "state" : "S: 270", "trigger" : "auto" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-26 23:01:27", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_AS.pm 350 2020-10-01 20:16:11Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=-9999;P3=504;P4=-511;P5=-965;D=32323434343435343534353534343434353534343434353535343434343434343435;CP=3;SP=2;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "self build arduino sensor with humidity output", "dmsg" : "P2#09803A82", "internals" : { "DEF" : "humidity_0", "NAME" : "ArduinoSensor_humidity_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "57", "state" : "H: 57", "trigger" : "auto" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-26 23:03:54", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_AS.pm 350 2020-10-01 20:16:11Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-9561;P1=458;P2=-527;P4=-982;D=10121212121412121414121212121212121212141414121412141212121212141215;CP=1;SP=0;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 2, "module" : "SD_AS", "name" : "ArduinoSensor" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Wireless PIR - (D0 0/D1 1/D2 1/D3 0)", "dmsg" : "iF99726", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527xf9972 0110 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527xf9972" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:06:35", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-12556;P2=1219;P3=-406;P4=412;P5=-1205;D=41232323232345452323454523452323234545234545232345;CP=4;SP=1;R=22;O;m2;E;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 3, "module" : "IT", "name" : "JCHENG SECURITY" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote for ESMART / Motorleinwand, Button UP, Attributes userV1setCodes needed -> DOWN:0100 UP:0010 STOP:1000", "dmsg" : "i69E492", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527x69e49 0010 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527x69e49" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "UP" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:09:01", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-5756;P2=188;P3=-563;P4=552;P5=-196;D=21234545234523234545454523234523234523234523234523;CP=2;SP=1;R=29;O;m0;", "user" : "betrev" }, { "comment" : "Remote for ESMART / Motorleinwand, Button STOP, Attributes userV1setCodes needed -> DOWN:0100 UP:0010 STOP:1000", "dmsg" : "i69E498", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527x69e49 0010 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527x69e49" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "STOP" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:09:51", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-5752;P2=189;P3=-548;P4=543;P5=-194;D=21234545234523234545454523234523234523234545232323;CP=2;SP=1;R=40;O;m1;", "user" : "betrev" }, { "comment" : "Remote for ESMART / Motorleinwand, Button DOWN, Attributes userV1setCodes needed -> DOWN:0100 UP:0010 STOP:1000", "dmsg" : "i69E494", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527x69e49 0010 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527x69e49" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "DOWN" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:10:24", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-5727;P2=188;P3=-551;P4=550;P5=-201;D=21234545234523234545454523234523234523234523452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=42;O;m1;", "user" : "betrev" } ], "id" : 3, "module" : "IT", "name" : "RC-120" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote control, Button 1 from 8", "dmsg" : "i5554C0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "FFFFFFF0 0100 1000", "NAME" : "IT_FFFFFFF0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "SBC_FreeTec", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:11:41", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=1292;P3=-511;P4=389;P5=-1416;P6=-13975;D=46452345234523452345234523452345452323454545454545;CP=4;SP=6;m2;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "comment" : "Remote control, Button 2 from 8", "dmsg" : "i555430", "internals" : { "DEF" : "FFFFFFF0 0100 1000", "NAME" : "IT_FFFFFFF0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "SBC_FreeTec", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:12:42", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=387;P1=-1397;P2=1294;P3=-503;P4=-13984;D=04012301230123012301230123012301010101232301010101;CP=0;SP=4;m2;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 3, "module" : "IT", "name" : "YET100-1" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "itswitch_CHN" }, "comment" : "from amazon or ebay", "dmsg" : "iD8E80A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527xd8e80 1110 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527xd8e80" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "open" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:28:47", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-478;P2=1360;P3=468;P4=-1366;P5=-14045;D=35212134212134343421212134213434343434343421342134;CP=3;SP=5;R=30;O;m2;4;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "itswitch_CHN" }, "comment" : "from amazon or ebay", "dmsg" : "iD8E80E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527xd8e80 1110 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527xd8e80" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "closed" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:28:24", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-474;P2=1373;P3=455;P4=-1367;P5=-14044;D=35212134212134343421212134213434343434343421212134;CP=3;SP=5;R=37;O;m2;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 3, "module" : "IT", "name" : "door/window contact CHN v1" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "itswitch_CHN" }, "comment" : "from amazon or ebay, variant with tamper", "dmsg" : "i0BC607", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527x0bc60 1110 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527x0bc60" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "tamper" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:27:28", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P3=1387;P4=-464;P5=445;P6=-13990;P7=-1355;D=56575757573457343434345757573434575757575757343434;CP=5;SP=6;R=242;O;m2;", "user" : "rob" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "itswitch_CHN" }, "comment" : "from amazon or ebay, variant with tamper", "dmsg" : "i0BC60A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527x0bc60 1110 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527x0bc60" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "open" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:27:08", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=447;P2=-1357;P3=1368;P4=-474;P5=-14012;D=15121212123412343434341212123434121212121234123412;CP=1;SP=5;R=15;O;m2;", "user" : "rob" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "itswitch_CHN" }, "comment" : "from amazon or ebay, variant with tamper", "dmsg" : "i0BC60E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1527x0bc60 1110 0000", "NAME" : "IT_1527x0bc60" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "EV1527", "state" : "closed" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:26:47", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=466;P2=-470;P3=1367;P4=-1356;P5=-13955;D=15141414143214323232321414143232141414141432323214;CP=1;SP=5;R=250;O;m2;", "user" : "rob" } ], "id" : 3, "module" : "IT", "name" : "door/window contact CHN v2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote control, on off (FF F0) - Unknown code i455414, help me! (device manually defined)", "dmsg" : "i455414", "internals" : { "DEF" : "F0FFFFF00F FF F0", "NAME" : "IT_F0FFFFF00F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "unknown", "readings" : { "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "unknown", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-11440;P1=-1121;P2=-416;P5=309;P6=1017;D=150516251515162516251625162516251515151516251625151;CP=5;SP=0;R=66;", "user" : "Stefan#" }, { "comment" : "Remote control, on off (FF F0), Gruppentaste", "dmsg" : "i455515", "internals" : { "DEF" : "F0FFFFFF0F FF F0", "NAME" : "IT_F0FFFFFF0F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "unknown", "readings" : { "protocol" : "V1", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "unknown", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=309;P2=-1130;P3=1011;P4=-429;P5=-11466;D=15123412121234123412141214121412141212123412341234;CP=1;SP=5;R=38;", "user" : "Stefan#" } ], "id" : 3.1, "module" : "IT", "name" : "ITS-150" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "TCM218943" }, "comment" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm is under development", "dmsg" : "sAEFFE7F1A000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_174", "NAME" : "AURIOL_174" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "24", "mode" : "normal", "state" : "T: 22.9 H: 24", "temperature" : "22.9" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 10:41:30", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-970;P1=254;P3=-1983;P4=-8045;D=14101310131010101310101010101010101010101313101010101010101313131010131013;CP=1;SP=4;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "TCM218943" }, "comment" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm is under development", "dmsg" : "sAEEFE8F1C000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CUL_TCM97001_174", "NAME" : "AURIOL_174" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "23", "mode" : "forced", "state" : "T: 22.7 H: 23", "temperature" : "22.7" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 10:43:56", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TCM97001.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-2054;P1=236;P2=-1032;P3=-7760;D=13121012101212121012121210121212121212121012101010121212121010101212121010;CP=1;SP=3;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 6, "module" : "CUL_TCM97001", "name" : "TCM 218943" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "from https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,101682.0.html", "dmsg" : "P7#B1811AA2C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "44", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: 28.2 H: 44", "temperature" : "28.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:27:35", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=494;P1=-1949;P2=-967;P3=-3901;D=03010201010202020101020202020202010202020101020102010201020202010201010202;CP=0;SP=3;R=37;m0;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "from https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,101682.0.html", "dmsg" : "P7#B180F4A38", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "56", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: 24.4 H: 56", "temperature" : "24.4" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:28:43", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-1940;P2=495;P3=-957;P4=-3878;D=24212321212323232121232323232323232121212123212323212321232323212121232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=20;O;m1;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "from https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,101682.0.html", "dmsg" : "P7#B1C0FAA49", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "73", "sendmode" : "manual", "state" : "T: 25 H: 73", "temperature" : "25" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:30:04", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-1952;P2=495;P3=-966;P4=-3917;D=24212321212323232121212323232323232121212121232123212321232321232321232321;CP=2;SP=4;R=39;O;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 7, "module" : "SD_WS07", "name" : "Auriol AFW 2 A1" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Channel 1", "dmsg" : "P7#6300C6F0B", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "11", "state" : "T: 19.8 H: 11", "temperature" : "19.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:31:17", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-3882;P2=504;P3=-957;P4=-1949;D=21232424232323242423232323232323232424232323242423242424242323232324232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=249;m=2;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" }, { "comment" : "Channel 2", "dmsg" : "P7#8210A1F24", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "36", "state" : "T: 16.1 H: 36", "temperature" : "16.1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:32:27", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=-1945;P3=486;P4=-976;P5=-3927;D=35323434343434323434343432343434343234323434343432323232323434323434323434;CP=3;SP=5;R=13;O;m1;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 7, "module" : "SD_WS07", "name" : "EAS800z" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Channel 2 / for some Weatherstation", "dmsg" : "P7#6190D8F3D", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "61", "state" : "T: 21.6 H: 61", "temperature" : "21.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:33:19", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=-2006;P4=-4065;P5=491;P6=-1005;D=54565252565656565252565652565656565252565252565656525252525656525252525652;CP=5;SP=4;R=48;O;m2;e;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 7, "module" : "SD_WS07", "name" : "Hama TS34A" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Wetterstationen 1362 22,93,94", "dmsg" : "P7#4180E2F3B", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "59", "state" : "T: 22.6 H: 59", "temperature" : "22.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:34:31", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=498;P1=-965;P2=-1969;P3=-3900;D=03010201010101010202010101010101010202020101010201020202020101020202010202;CP=0;SP=3;R=0;O;m2;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 7, "module" : "SD_WS07", "name" : "Hama TS36E" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Mebus HQ7312-2", "dmsg" : "P7#4DA0F5F0A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS07_TH_3", "NAME" : "SD_WS07_TH_3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.40", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "3", "humidity" : "10", "state" : "T: 24.5 H: 10", "temperature" : "24.5" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-12-29 09:57:04", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS07.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-2128;P1=320;P5=-1159;P6=-4084;D=16151015151010151010151015151515151010101015101510101010101515151510151015;CP=1;SP=6;R=66;O;m2;", "user" : "rpsVerni" } ], "id" : 7.1, "module" : "SD_WS07", "name" : "Mebus HQ7312-2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "(ID 42,75 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "TXAECA560564", "internals" : { "DEF" : "101", "NAME" : "CUL_TX_101" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "humidity" : "56.0", "state" : "H: 56.0" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 14:36:14", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TX.pm 17102 2018-08-08 05:34:42Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-392;P1=1285;P2=-1024;P3=506;P4=-27790;D=0121212123212321232323212323212123212321212321232123232121212121212321232123232121232121412121212321232123232321232321212321232121232123212323212121212121232123212323212123212141212121232123212323232123232121232123212123212321232321212121212123212321232;CP=3;R=0;O;", "user" : "sidey79" } ], "id" : 8, "module" : "CUL_TX", "name" : "TX3" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "(ID 42,75 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P9#FF4A63E4AA040802F40168", "internals" : { "DEF" : "WH1080", "NAME" : "WH1080" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { ".rainOffset" : "0", "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "85", "id" : "83", "rain" : "113.4", "rain_total" : "113.4", "state" : "T: 9.8 H: 85 Ws:0.7 Wg:1.4 m/s Wd: N R: 113.4", "temperature" : "9.8", "windDirection" : "0", "windDirectionAverage" : "0", "windDirectionDegree" : "0", "windDirectionText" : "N", "windGust" : "1.4", "windGust_fts" : "4.6", "windGust_kmh" : "5.0", "windGust_kn" : "2.7", "windGust_mph" : "3.1", "windSpeed" : "0.7", "windSpeed_fts" : "2.3", "windSpeed_kmh" : "2.5", "windSpeed_kn" : "1.4", "windSpeed_mph" : "1.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 09:57:33", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS09.pm 22415 2020-07-16 20:22:23Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-31072;P1=486;P2=-986;P3=1454;D=01212121212121212321232321232123232121232323212121212123232123232123212321232123232323232321232323232323212323232323232323232123212121212321232323232323232323212321212321232301212121212121212321232321232123232121232323212121212123232123232123212321232123;CP=1;R=29;O;", "user" : "maddinthebrain" } ], "id" : 9, "module" : "SD_WS09", "name" : "WH1080" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Lux & UV RAWMSG with length 64", "dmsg" : "P9#FEE7E2AA049E81F0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "WH1080", "NAME" : "WH1080" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "Lux" : "15136", "UV" : "1", "id" : "63", "state" : "UV: 1 Lux: 15136 " }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:00:52", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS09.pm 22415 2020-07-16 20:22:23Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-10108;P1=495;P2=-1050;P3=1496;P4=-27564;P5=372;CP=1;R=245;D=012121212121212321212123232121212121212323232123212321232123212323232323232123232123232121212123212323232323232121212121232323450;e;", "user" : "rob" }, { "comment" : "Temp,Hum,Rain,Wind RAWMSG with length 88 (ID 42 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P9#FF5BA39C8C020403C60822", "internals" : { "DEF" : "WH1080", "NAME" : "WH1080" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { ".rainOffset" : "0", "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "70", "id" : "221", "rain" : "144.9", "rain_total" : "144.9", "state" : "T: 6.2 H: 70 Ws:0.3 Wg:0.7 m/s Wd: E R: 144.9", "temperature" : "6.2", "windDirection" : "4", "windDirectionAverage" : "90", "windDirectionDegree" : "90", "windDirectionText" : "E", "windGust" : "0.7", "windGust_fts" : "2.3", "windGust_kmh" : "2.5", "windGust_kn" : "1.4", "windGust_mph" : "1.6", "windSpeed" : "0.3", "windSpeed_fts" : "1.0", "windSpeed_kmh" : "1.1", "windSpeed_kn" : "0.6", "windSpeed_mph" : "0.7" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 09:59:00", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS09.pm 22415 2020-07-16 20:22:23Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-32001;P1=481;P2=-990;P3=1450;CP=1;R=244;D=012121212121212123212321212321212123212323232121212323212121232321232323212123232323232323232123232323232321232323232323232321212121232323212123232323232123232323232123232321;e;", "user" : "rob" } ], "id" : 9, "module" : "SD_WS09", "name" : "WH2315" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "reconstructed bit 1", "dmsg" : "P9#FF7C845508D87403", "internals" : { "DEF" : "WH1080", "NAME" : "WH1080" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "Lux" : "57970", "UV" : "4", "id" : "200", "state" : "UV: 4 Lux: 57970 " }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:02:20", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS09.pm 22415 2020-07-16 20:22:23Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-1424;P1=1417;P2=-1058;P3=453;P4=-24774;P6=288;P7=-788;D=01212121232343232323232323232123232323232121232121212123212121232123212321232121212123212121232321232321212121232323212321212121212121212323467323232323232323212323232323212123212121212321212123212321232123212121212321212123232123232121212123232321232121;CP=3;R=247;O;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 9, "module" : "SD_WS09", "name" : "WH3080" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "OSV2", "dmsg" : "501A2D203C801720833E9E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "THGR228N_3c_2", "NAME" : "THGR228N_3c_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "32", "state" : "T: 17.8 H: 32 BAT: ok", "temperature" : "17.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:03:49", "revision_modul" : "41_OREGON.pm 34476 2017-12-26 13:23:00Z dev", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-997;LH=967;SL=-506;SH=460;D=AAAAAAAA66959A6555655AA55556A9955565A5566AA56A96;C=488;L=192;", "user" : "Wetterhexe" } ], "id" : 10, "module" : "OREGON", "name" : "THGR228N" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "OSV3 (ID 52 additionally)", "dmsg" : "50FA2844DC202070835092", "internals" : { "DEF" : "THGR810_dc_4", "NAME" : "THGR810_dc_4" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "37", "state" : "T: 20.2 H: 37 BAT: ok", "temperature" : "20.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:05:52", "revision_modul" : "41_OREGON.pm 34476 2017-12-26 13:23:00Z dev", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1002;LH=952;SL=-489;SH=475;D=000000A0EBDDC4FBFBF13EF5B6;C=486;L=104;", "user" : "Wetterhexe" } ], "id" : 10, "module" : "OREGON", "name" : "THGR810" }, { "data" : [ { "dmsg" : "P12#75EFBA4A72BECC504F1801", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Hideki_30_1", "NAME" : "Hideki_30_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "comfort_level" : "Hum. OK. Temp. uncomfortable (>24.9 or <20)", "humidity" : "54", "package_number" : "3", "state" : "T: 29.6 H: 54", "temperature" : "29.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:11:26", "revision_modul" : "14_Hideki.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1010;LH=938;SL=-519;SH=457;D=A8C2345ADD8E0B99F586F9C;C=487;L=90;R=57;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 12, "module" : "Hideki", "name" : "BRESSER 70-09993" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "no decode via RAWMSG MC;LL=-1018;LH=914;SL=-539;SH=436;D=A8E4F45AEDF40AF97595766;C=484;L=91;R=7; / only DMSG", "dmsg" : "P12#7536BA8A82BFC151AB6401", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Hideki_30_2", "NAME" : "Hideki_30_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "unknown", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "state" : "T: 18.6 H: 43" }, "revision_entry" : "unknown", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 12, "module" : "Hideki", "name" : "Hama TS33C" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Thermo-Hygro sensor for base station 35.1101.02", "dmsg" : "P12#75EABA4A17BE07A91D5801", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Hideki_30_1", "NAME" : "Hideki_30_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "comfort_level" : "Dry. Less than 40% RH", "humidity" : "9", "package_number" : "3", "state" : "T: 23.9 H: 9", "temperature" : "23.9" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:09:06", "revision_modul" : "14_Hideki.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1022;LH=927;SL=-531;SH=442;D=A8EA345AD8BE0A3F6AA3F94;C=486;L=90;R=37;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 12, "module" : "Hideki", "name" : "TFA 30.3176" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "no RAWMSG / O und 90 Grad, https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,126712.msg1213152.html#msg1213152", "dmsg" : "P12#7585B2C471BF71BFFDF0029C605C03", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Hideki_12_4", "NAME" : "Hideki_12_4" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.45", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "4", "package_number" : "1", "state" : "T: 19.3 Ws: 7.00 Wg: 61.00 Wd: E", "temperature" : "19.3", "windChill" : "19.3", "windDirection" : "4", "windDirectionDegree" : "90", "windDirectionText" : "E", "windGust" : "61.00", "windSpeed" : "7.00" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-06-09 19:59:26", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "user" : "brezel" }, { "comment" : "no RAWMSG / S und 180 Grad, https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,126712.msg1213152.html#msg1213152", "dmsg" : "P12#7585B244FDBEFDBEF000FE403D6C01", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Hideki_12_4", "NAME" : "Hideki_12_4" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.45", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "4", "package_number" : "3", "state" : "T: 20.7 Ws: 10.00 Wg: 20.00 Wd: S", "temperature" : "20.7", "windChill" : "20.7", "windDirection" : "8", "windDirectionDegree" : "180", "windDirectionText" : "S", "windGust" : "20.00", "windSpeed" : "10.00" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-06-09 21:24:48", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "user" : "brezel" }, { "attributes" : { "windSpeedCorr" : "2" }, "comment" : "with wind correction, no RAWMSG / O und 90 Grad, https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,126712.msg1213152.html#msg1213152", "dmsg" : "P12#7585B2C471BF71BFFDF0029C605C03", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Hideki_12_4", "NAME" : "Hideki_12_4" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.45", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "4", "package_number" : "1", "state" : "T: 19.3 Ws: 14.00 Wg: 122.00 Wd: E", "temperature" : "19.3", "windChill" : "19.3", "windDirection" : "4", "windDirectionDegree" : "90", "windDirectionText" : "E", "windGust" : "122.00", "windSpeed" : "14.00" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-06-09 19:59:26", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "user" : "brezel" }, { "attributes" : { "windDirCorr" : "2" }, "comment" : "with wind correction, no RAWMSG / S und 180 Grad, https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,126712.msg1213152.html#msg1213152", "dmsg" : "P12#7585B244FDBEFDBEF000FE403D6C01", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Hideki_12_4", "NAME" : "Hideki_12_4" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.45", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "4", "package_number" : "3", "state" : "T: 20.7 Ws: 10.00 Wg: 20.00 Wd: SW", "temperature" : "20.7", "windChill" : "20.7", "windDirection" : "10", "windDirectionDegree" : "225", "windDirectionText" : "SW", "windGust" : "20.00", "windSpeed" : "10.00" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-06-09 21:24:48", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "user" : "brezel" } ], "id" : 12, "module" : "Hideki", "name" : "Wireless Weather Station DV928, Wind" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "KD-101LA" }, "comment" : "Smoke alarm device / decode as MS", "dmsg" : "P13#32E44F", "internals" : { "DEF" : "32E44F", "NAME" : "FLAMINGO_32E44F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "alarmcounter" : "1", "lastReceive_ID" : "13", "state" : "Alarm" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:20:53", "revision_modul" : "14_FLAMINGO.pm 22619 2020-08-17 17:29:09Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-1413;P1=757;P2=-2779;P3=-16079;P4=8093;P5=-954;D=1345121210101212101210101012121012121210121210101010;CP=1;SP=3;R=33;O;", "user" : "Wahrschauer" } ], "id" : 13, "module" : "FLAMINGO", "name" : "KD-101LA" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "FA22RF" }, "comment" : "Smoke alarm device / decode as MU", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P13.1#CBFAD2", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CBFAD2", "NAME" : "FLAMINGO_CBFAD2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "alarmcounter" : "1", "lastReceive_ID" : "13.1", "state" : "Alarm" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:22:35", "revision_modul" : "14_FLAMINGO.pm 22619 2020-08-17 17:29:09Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-5684;P1=8149;P2=-887;P3=798;P4=-1393;P5=-2746;P6=-19956;D=0123434353534353434343434343435343534343534353534353612343435353435343434343434343534353434353435353435361234343535343534343434343434353435343435343535343536123434353534353434343434343435343534343534353534353612343435353435343434343434343534353434353435;CP=3;R=0;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 13.1, "module" : "FLAMINGO", "name" : "FA22RF" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "LM-101LD" }, "comment" : "https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/233#issuecomment-382070720", "dmsg" : "P13#B0FFAF", "internals" : { "DEF" : "B0FFAF", "NAME" : "FLAMINGO_B0FFAF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "alarmcounter" : "1", "lastReceive_ID" : "13", "state" : "Alarm" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:24:16", "revision_modul" : "14_FLAMINGO.pm 22619 2020-08-17 17:29:09Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-2708;P2=796;P3=-1387;P4=-8477;P5=8136;P6=-904;D=2456212321212323232321212121212121212123212321212121;CP=2;SP=4;", "user" : "unknown" } ], "id" : 13.2, "module" : "FLAMINGO", "name" : "LM-101LD" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Chilitec_22640" }, "comment" : "Remote control X-MAS LED, Button power_on", "dmsg" : "P14#AA808", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Chilitec_22640 AA80", "NAME" : "Chilitec_22640_AA80" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1010101010000000", "state" : "power_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:28:42", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=988;P1=-384;P2=346;P3=-1026;P4=-4923;D=240123012301230123012323232323232301232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=0;O;m=1;", "user" : "privat58" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Chilitec_22640" }, "comment" : "Remote control X-MAS LED, Button brightness_plus", "dmsg" : "P14#AA80C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Chilitec_22640 AA80", "NAME" : "Chilitec_22640_AA80" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1010101010000000", "state" : "brightness_plus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:30:58", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-398;P1=974;P3=338;P4=-1034;P6=-4939;D=361034103410341034103434343434343410103434;CP=3;SP=6;R=0;", "user" : "privat58" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Chilitec_22640" }, "comment" : "Remote control X-MAS LED, Button flickering_slowly", "dmsg" : "P14#AA80A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Chilitec_22640 AA80", "NAME" : "Chilitec_22640_AA80" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1010101010000000", "state" : "flickering_slowly" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:33:19", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=976;P2=-397;P3=341;P4=-1029;P5=-4940;D=351234123412341234123434343434343412341234;CP=3;SP=5;R=0;", "user" : "privat58" } ], "id" : 14, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Chilitec_22640" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "(ID 40,72 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P16#4805B7B132", "internals" : { "DEF" : "0100100000000101101101111011_1", "NAME" : "Dooya_0100100000000101101101111011_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "exact" : "closed", "parsestate" : "on", "position" : "200", "state" : "closed" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:26:03", "revision_modul" : "98_Dooya.pm 15400 2017-11-05 18:11:51Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-1562;P1=-411;P2=297;P3=-773;P4=668;P5=4754;D=1232341234141234141234141414123414123232341232341412323414150234123234123232323232323234123414123414123414141412341412323234123234141232341415023412323412323232323232323412341412341412341414141234141232323412323414123234142;CP=2;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 16, "module" : "Dooya", "name" : "Dooya" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote control, Button on", "dmsg" : "i669A9A9A5555565600", "internals" : { "DEF" : "01011011101110110000000000 0 0001", "NAME" : "IT_V3_2ddd8001" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "group" : "0", "protocol" : "V3", "state" : "on", "unit" : "0001" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:37:37", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-287;P1=254;P2=-1315;P4=-2603;D=141012121010121210121010121210121012101012121012101210101212101210101210121012101210121012101210121012101210121210101210121012121013;CP=1;SP=4;R=46;O;m1;", "user" : "dafosy" }, { "comment" : "Remote control, Button off", "dmsg" : "i669A9A9A5555555600", "internals" : { "DEF" : "01011011101110110000000000 0 0001", "NAME" : "IT_V3_2ddd8001" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "group" : "0", "protocol" : "V3", "state" : "off", "unit" : "0001" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:40:08", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=240;P1=-298;P2=-1321;P3=-10816;P4=-2591;D=040102020101020201020101020201020102010102020102010201010202010201010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102020103;CP=0;SP=4;R=34;O;m1;", "user" : "dafosy" } ], "id" : 17, "module" : "IT", "name" : "ITS-10" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote control, Button on", "dmsg" : "i5A5966695AA9965900", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00110010010101100011111010 0 0010", "NAME" : "IT_V3_192b1f42" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "group" : "0", "protocol" : "V3", "state" : "on", "unit" : "0010" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:44:02", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=235;P1=-1316;P2=-296;P3=-10204;P4=-2674;D=040201020101020102020102010102020102010102020101020201010201020201020102010102010201020102010202010102020102010102020102010102020103;CP=0;SP=4;R=44;O;m0;", "user" : "KoelnSolar" }, { "comment" : "Remote control, Button off", "dmsg" : "i5A5966695AA9955900", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00110010010101100011111010 0 0010", "NAME" : "IT_V3_192b1f42" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "group" : "0", "protocol" : "V3", "state" : "off", "unit" : "0010" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:45:38", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-2667;P2=219;P3=-1330;P5=-315;P7=-10188;D=212523252323252325252325232325252325232325252323252523232523252523252325232325232523252325232525232325252325232523252325232325252327;CP=2;SP=1;R=34;O;m1;", "user" : "KoelnSolar" } ], "id" : 17, "module" : "IT", "name" : "ITT-1500" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "(ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "i5665A5AAA556965500", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00010100110011111100000110 0 0000", "NAME" : "IT_V3_a67e0c0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "group" : "0", "protocol" : "V3", "state" : "on", "unit" : "0000" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:47:40", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=346;P1=-1227;P2=-190;P4=-10224;P5=-2580;D=020101020201020102010201040502010201020101020201010202010201010201020201020101020102010201020102010202010201020102010201010201020201020101020201020102010201040502010201020101020201010202010201010201020201020101020102010201020102010202010201020102010201010201020201020101020201020102010201;CP=0;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" }, { "comment" : "(ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "i5665A5AAA556955500", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00010100110011111100000110 0 0000", "NAME" : "IT_V3_a67e0c0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "group" : "0", "protocol" : "V3", "state" : "off", "unit" : "0000" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:49:38", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=355;P1=-189;P2=-1222;P3=-10252;P4=-2604;D=0201020102030401020102010202010102020101020102020102010102010202010201020102010201020101020102010201020102020102010102010201020102010201020102030401020102010202010102020101020102020102010102010202010201020102010201020101020102010201020102020102010102010201020102010201020102;CP=0;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 17.1, "module" : "IT", "name" : "PIR-1000 / ITT-1500" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "OSV1", "dmsg" : "500A4D100E001000002100", "internals" : { "DEF" : "THR128_0e_1", "NAME" : "THR128_0e_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "batteryState" : "ok", "state" : "T: 10 BAT: ok", "temperature" : "10" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:51:46", "revision_modul" : "41_OREGON.pm 34476 2017-12-26 13:23:00Z dev", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-2486;LH=3348;SL=-1024;SH=1889;D=8FFF7F0F;C=1457;L=32;R=65;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 18, "module" : "OREGON", "name" : "THR128" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "von Dez 2016", "dmsg" : "u19#E2CA7C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SIGNALduino_unknown_19", "NAME" : "SIGNALduino_unknown_19" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "hexMsg" : "E2CA7C", "hexMsg_invert" : "1D3583", "state" : "E2CA7C" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:21:08", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=293;P1=-887;P2=-312;P6=-1900;P7=872;D=6727272010101720172720101720172010172727272720;CP=0;", "user" : "zag-o-mat" } ], "id" : 19, "module" : "", "name" : "minify Funksteckdose" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "DC_1961_TG" }, "comment" : "Remote control DC-1961-TG with 12 buttons for ceiling fan with lighting", "dmsg" : "P20#1846A865", "internals" : { "DEF" : "DC_1961_TG 1846", "NAME" : "DC_1961_TG_1846" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1846", "rollingCode" : "6", "state" : "light_on_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-12-10 11:35:35", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-10-27 17:06:50Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=291;P2=-753;P3=762;P4=-249;P5=-8312;D=151212123434121212123412121234341234123412341212121234341212341234;CP=1;SP=5;R=224;O;m2;", "user" : "Skusi" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "DC_1961_TG" }, "comment" : "Remote control DC-1961-TG with 12 buttons for ceiling fan with lighting", "dmsg" : "P20#1846A77B", "internals" : { "DEF" : "DC_1961_TG 1846", "NAME" : "DC_1961_TG_1846" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1846", "rollingCode" : "7", "state" : "fan_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-12-10 11:37:49", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-10-27 17:06:50Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-760;P2=747;P3=-282;P4=253;P5=-8335;D=454141412323414141412341414123234123412341412323234123232323412323;CP=4;SP=5;R=27;O;m2;", "user" : "Skusi" } ], "id" : 20, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "DC-1961-TG" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName20" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 4 buttons for diesel heating, Button on", "dmsg" : "P20#17E911B0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName20 17E9", "NAME" : "RCnoName20_17E9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "17E9", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:54:11", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-740;P2=686;P3=-283;P5=229;P6=-7889;D=5650505023502323232323235023505023505050235050502323502323505050;CP=5;SP=6;R=67;O;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName20" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 4 buttons for diesel heating, Button off", "dmsg" : "P20#17E90508", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName20 17E9", "NAME" : "RCnoName20_17E9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "17E9", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:55:29", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-754;P2=213;P4=681;P5=-283;P6=-7869;D=2621212145214545454545452145212145212121212145214521212121452121;CP=2;SP=6;R=69;O;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 20, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "RCnoName20" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName20_10" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 10 buttons for fan", "dmsg" : "P20#3E001E3B", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName20_10 3E00", "NAME" : "RCnoName20_10_3E00" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "3E00", "rollingCode" : "3", "state" : "light_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-09-26 13:45:59", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-09-06 20:56:47Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-8774;P1=282;P2=-775;P3=815;P4=-253;P5=-32001;D=10121234343434341212121212121212121212123434343412121234343412343415;CP=1;", "user" : "steffen83" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName20_10" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 10 buttons for fan", "dmsg" : "P20#3E001644", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName20_10 3E00", "NAME" : "RCnoName20_10_3E00" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "3E00", "rollingCode" : "4", "state" : "light_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-09-26 13:48:11", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-09-06 20:56:47Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-238;P1=831;P3=300;P4=-762;P5=-363;P6=192;P7=-8668;D=01010101010343434343434343434343434103415156464156464641564646734341010101010343434343434343434343434103410103434103434341034343734341010101010343434343434343434343434103410103434103434341034343734341010101010343434343434343434343434103410103434103434341;CP=3;O;", "user" : "steffen83" } ], "id" : 20.1, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "RCnoName20_10" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Visivo" }, "comment" : "Remote control for motorized screen, Button up", "dmsg" : "P24#9F7DF825029C10", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Visivo 7DF825", "NAME" : "Visivo_7DF825" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "7DF825", "state" : "up" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:57:16", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=505;P1=140;P2=-771;P3=-225;P5=4558;D=012031212030303030312030303030312030303030303121212121203121203120312121212121203120312120303031212121212031212121252031212030303030312030303030312030303030303121212121203121203120312121212121203120312120303031212121212031212121252031212030;CP=1;O;", "user" : "MikeRoxx" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Visivo" }, "comment" : "Remote control for motorized screen, Button stop", "dmsg" : "P24#9F7DF82508A210", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Visivo 7DF825", "NAME" : "Visivo_7DF825" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "7DF825", "state" : "stop" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 10:58:43", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-764;P1=517;P2=-216;P3=148;P5=4550;D=012303012121212123012121212123012121212121230303030301230301230123030303012303030123012303030123030303012303030305012303012121212123012121212123012121212121230303030301230301230123030303012303030123012303030123030303012303030305012303012120;CP=3;O;", "user" : "MikeRoxx" } ], "id" : 24, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Visivo" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "xavax" }, "comment" : "model 00111939 - Funksteckdosen Set", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P26#DAAB255487", "internals" : { "DEF" : "xavax DAAB", "NAME" : "xavax_DAAB" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "DAAB", "state" : "Ch1_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:00:44", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=412;P1=-534;P2=-1356;P3=-20601;P4=3360;P5=-3470;D=01020102010201020201010201010201020102010201020101020101010102020203010145020201020201020102010201020102020101020101020102010201020102010102010101010202020301014502020102020102010201020102010202010102010102010201020102010201010201010101020202030101450202;CP=0;R=0;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "xavax" }, "comment" : "model 00111939 - Funksteckdosen Set", "dmsg" : "P26#DAAB255478", "internals" : { "DEF" : "xavax DAAB", "NAME" : "xavax_DAAB" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "DAAB", "state" : "Ch1_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:02:21", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-3504;P1=416;P2=-1356;P3=-535;P4=-20816;P5=3324;D=01212131212131213121312131213121213131213131213121312131213121313131212121213131314131350121213121213121312131213121312121313121313121312131213121312131313121212121313131413135012121312121312131213121312131212131312131312131213121312131213131312121212131;CP=1;R=50;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 26, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "xavax" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "EuroChron weatherstation EFTH-800 / Channel 2 (ID 61 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W27#113C49B04806", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_27_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_27_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "48", "state" : "T: 15.5 H: 48", "temperature" : "15.5", "type" : "EFTH-800, EFS-3110A" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:04:05", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-224;P1=258;P2=-487;P3=505;P4=-4884;P5=743;P6=-718;D=0121212301212303030301212123012123012123030123030121212121230121230121212121212121230301214565656561212123012121230121230303030121212301212301212303012303012121212123012123012121212121212123030121;CP=1;R=53;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "EuroChron weatherstation EFTH-800 / Channel 3 (ID 61 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W27#21D442607679", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_27_TH_3", "NAME" : "SD_WS_27_TH_3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "3", "humidity" : "76", "state" : "T: 3.8 H: 76", "temperature" : "3.8", "type" : "EFTH-800, EFS-3110A" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:05:38", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-241;P1=251;P2=-470;P3=500;P4=-4868;P5=743;P6=-718;D=012121212303030123012301212123012121212301212303012121212121230303012303012123030303012123014565656561212301212121230303012301230121212301212121230121230301212121212123030301230301212303030301212301;CP=1;R=23;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "EuroChron weatherstation EFTH-800 / Channel 3 (ID 61 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W27#21D4435075DE", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_27_TH_3", "NAME" : "SD_WS_27_TH_3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "3", "humidity" : "75", "state" : "T: 5.3 H: 75", "temperature" : "5.3", "type" : "EFTH-800, EFS-3110A" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:09:24", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-240;P1=253;P2=-487;P3=489;P4=-4860;P5=746;P6=-725;D=012121212303030123012301212123012121212303012301230121212121230303012301230303012303030301214565656561212301212121230303012301230121212301212121230301230123012121212123030301230123030301230303030121;CP=1;R=19;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 27, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "EFTH-800" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Buttons_five" }, "comment" : "remote control for example Westinghouse airfan (ID 30 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P29#FBE", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Buttons_five E", "NAME" : "Buttons_five_E" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1110 (off|off|off|on)", "state" : "fan_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:21:15", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=250;P1=-492;P2=166;P3=-255;P4=491;P5=-8588;D=052121212121234121212121234521212121212341212121212345212121212123412121212123452121212121234121212121234;CP=0;", "user" : "gadget" } ], "id" : 29, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "HT12e" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Buttons_six" }, "comment" : "remote with 6 buttons, with light dimmer, for example Westinghouse airfan", "dmsg" : "P29#DFE", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Buttons_six E", "NAME" : "Buttons_six_E" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.46", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1110 (off|off|off|on)", "state" : "light_dimm" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-08-30 21:14:56", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-06-14 07:33:24Z HomeAutoUser", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=24164;P1=-495;P2=191;P3=-271;P4=415;P5=-8052;D=01212341212121212121212345212123412121212121212123452121234121212121212121234521212341212121212121212345212123412121212121212123452121234121212121212121234521212341212121212121212345212123412121212121212123452121234121212121212121234521212341212121212121;CP=2;R=52;O;", "user" : "monosurr0und" } ], "id" : 29, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "HT12e" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Unitec_47031" }, "comment" : "remote door reed switch, model is under development (ID 63,83 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P30#955", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Unitec_47031 95", "NAME" : "Unitec_47031_95" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "System-Housecode" : "10010101 (on|off|off|on|off|on|off|on)", "Usersystem" : "Unitec 47121", "Zone" : "010 (off|on|off) - Zone 3", "state" : "1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:23:54", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=309;P1=636;P2=-690;P3=-363;P4=-10027;D=012031203120402031312031203120312031204020313120312031203120312040203131203120312031203120402031312031203120312031204020313120312031203120312040203131203120312031203120402031312031203120312031204020313120312031203120312040203131203120312030;CP=0;O;", "user" : "Dr.E.Witz" } ], "id" : 30, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Unitec_47031" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Yellow, on / https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/pull/1098", "dmsg" : "P31#202272FF7FFFFF0080040028FA", "internals" : { "DEF" : "04444EFF", "NAME" : "LTECH" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "crc" : "145F", "function" : "01", "mode" : "FE", "rgbcolor" : "202000", "speed" : "00" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-04-25 16:28:56", "revision_modul" : "14_LTECH.pm 0 2022-04-25 16:28:56Z Devirex", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1194;P1=597;P2=-6269;P3=306;P4=-298;P5=-1216;P6=-559;D=123434343434343434343536361436363636363636143636361436361414143636143614141414141414143614141414141414141414141414141414141414141414143636363636363636143636363636363636363636361436363636363636363636363614361436363614141414143614360;CP=3;R=28;", "user" : "Devirex" }, { "comment" : "Off / https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/pull/1098", "dmsg" : "P31#202272FF7FFFFF00000400C4F6", "internals" : { "DEF" : "04444EFF", "NAME" : "LTECH" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "crc" : "236F", "function" : "00", "mode" : "FE", "rgbcolor" : "000000", "speed" : "00" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-04-25 16:28:56", "revision_modul" : "14_LTECH.pm 0 2022-04-25 16:28:56Z Devirex", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1192;P1=599;P2=-2676;P3=288;P4=-305;P5=-1225;P6=-574;D=123434343434343434343536361436363636363636143636361436361414143636143614141414141414143614141414141414141414141414141414141414141414143636363636363636363636363636363636363636361436363636363636363636141436363614363614141414361414360;CP=3;R=26;", "user" : "Devirex" }, { "comment" : "Blue / https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/pull/1098", "dmsg" : "P31#202272FF7F0000FF80FF002AAF", "internals" : { "DEF" : "04444EFF", "NAME" : "LTECH" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "crc" : "54F5", "function" : "01", "mode" : "FE", "rgbcolor" : "0000FF", "speed" : "00" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-04-25 16:28:56", "revision_modul" : "14_LTECH.pm 0 2022-04-25 16:28:56Z Devirex", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=580;P1=-314;P2=1181;P3=309;P6=-1228;P7=-595;D=3131313131313131313637370137373737373737013737370137370101013737013701010101010101013701010101010101373737373737373737373737373737370101010101010101013737373737373701010101010101013737373737373737373701370137013701370137010101012;CP=3;R=29;", "user" : "Devirex" } ], "id" : 31, "module" : "", "name" : "LTECH" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "FreeTec_PE-6946" }, "comment" : "wireless doorbell (ID 40,62,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P32#154FFF", "internals" : { "DEF" : "32 154FFF", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_154FFF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:26:13", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=146;P1=245;P3=571;P4=-708;P5=-284;P7=-6689;D=14351435143514143535353535353535353535350704040435043504350435040435353535353535353535353507040404350435043504350404353535353535353535353535070404043504350435043504043535353535353535353535350704040435043504350435040435353535353535353535353507040404350435;CP=3;R=0;O;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 32, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "FreeTec PE-6946" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "FreeTec_PE-6946" }, "comment" : "wireless doorbell (ID 40,62,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P32#7ED403", "internals" : { "DEF" : "32 7ED403", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_7ED403" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:28:51", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=130;P1=-666;P2=533;P3=-273;P5=-6200;CP=0;R=15;D=01232301230123010101010101010123230501232323232323012323012301230101010101010101232305012323232323230123230123012301010101010101012323050123232323232301232301230123010101010101010123230501232323232323012323012301230101010101010101232305012323232323230123;O;", "user" : "schwatter" } ], "id" : 32, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "VLOXO" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "S522" }, "comment" : "(ID 33.2,51,53 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W33#0501DD80038", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_33_T_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_33_T_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "channel" : "1", "state" : "T: 24.2", "temperature" : "24.2", "type" : "E0001PA, s014, S522, TCM, TFA 30.3200, TX-EZ6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-12-07 21:05:00", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-8035;P2=504;P3=-2027;P4=-3945;D=21232323232324232423232323232323242424232424242324242323232323232323232323232324242423;CP=2;SP=1;R=19;O;m0;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 33, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Conrad S522" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "TX-EZ6" }, "comment" : "fuer Wetterstation TZS First Austria", "dmsg" : "W33#17412998A4C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_33_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_33_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "38", "humidityTrend" : "rising", "sendmode" : "manual", "state" : "T: 26.7 H: 38", "temperature" : "26.7", "temperatureTrend" : "consistent", "type" : "E0001PA, s014, S522, TCM, TFA 30.3200, TX-EZ6" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-11-21 20:35:39", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-3788;P1=-7610;P4=621;P5=-1895;D=41454545404540404045404545454545404545404540454540404545404045454540454045454045454040;CP=4;SP=1;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 33, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TX-EZ6" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "E0001PA" }, "comment" : "Conrad (ID 33.2,51,53 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W33#26C6F570804", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_33_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_33_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "44", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: 15.5 H: 44", "temperature" : "15.5", "type" : "E0001PA, s014, S522, TCM, TFA 30.3200, TX-EZ6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 12:01:11", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-7990;P1=485;P3=-2061;P4=-4060;D=10131314131314141314141313131414131414141413141314131414141313131314131313131313131314;CP=1;SP=0;R=4;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 33, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "renkforce E0001PA" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "other" }, "comment" : "Thermo-hygro sensor for base station 35.1126 (ID 53 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W33#14C1C594C0C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_33_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_33_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "53", "state" : "T: 18.8 H: 53", "temperature" : "18.8", "type" : "E0001PA, s014, S522, TCM, TFA 30.3200, TX-EZ6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:50:47", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-7796;P2=745;P3=-1976;P4=-3929;D=21232323242324232324242323232323242424232323242324242323242324232324242323232323232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=30;O;m2;", "user" : "cxxcoder" } ], "id" : 33.1, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3200" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "other" }, "comment" : "(ID 0.3 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W33#3E23C564824", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_33_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_33_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "41", "state" : "T: 5.1 H: 41", "temperature" : "5.1", "type" : "E0001PA, s014, S522, TCM, TFA 30.3200, TX-EZ6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 11:53:07", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=393;P2=-7752;P3=-2047;P4=-3993;D=12131314141414141313131413131314141414131313141314131414131314131314131313131314131314;CP=1;SP=2;R=230;O;m1;", "user" : "Doublefant" } ], "id" : 33.2, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Tchibo Wetterstation" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "QUIGG_DMV" }, "comment" : "https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/44", "dmsg" : "P34#891EE", "internals" : { "DEF" : "QUIGG_DMV 891", "NAME" : "QUIGG_DMV_891" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "100010010001", "state" : "Ch1_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:31:15", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-9584;P1=592;P2=-665;P3=1223;P4=-1311;D=01234141412341412341414123232323412323234;CP=1;R=0;", "user" : "kaihs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "QUIGG_DMV" }, "comment" : "https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/44", "dmsg" : "P34#891FF", "internals" : { "DEF" : "QUIGG_DMV 891", "NAME" : "QUIGG_DMV_891" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "100010010001", "state" : "Ch1_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:33:44", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-12724;P1=597;P2=-667;P3=1253;P4=-1331;D=01234141412341412341414123232323232323232;CP=1;", "user" : "kaihs" } ], "id" : 34, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Pollin ISOTRONIC" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "QUIGG_DMV" }, "dmsg" : "P34#9E4FF", "internals" : { "DEF" : "QUIGG_DMV 9E4", "NAME" : "QUIGG_DMV_9E4" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "model" : "QUIGG_DMV", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "100111100100", "state" : "Ch1_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:35:48", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-9812;P1=589;P2=-671;P3=1261;P4=-1320;D=012341412323232341412341412323232323232323;CP=3;R=19;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 34, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "QUIGG_GT-7000" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "TR_502MSV" }, "comment" : "https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/716", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P34#FFFEE", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TR_502MSV FFF", "NAME" : "TR_502MSV_FFF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "111111111111", "state" : "Ch1_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:38:03", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=4192;P1=-663;P2=1325;P3=-1320;P4=668;P5=-9905;D=01212121212121212121212121212123412121234541212121212121212121212121212123412121234541212121212121212121212121212123412121234541212121212121212121212121212123412121234541212121212121212121212121212123412121234541212121212121212121212121212123412121234541;CP=2;R=71;O;", "user" : "codeartisan-de" } ], "id" : 34, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "TR_502MSV" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Homeeasy Kanal 1, Button on", "dmsg" : "ihD8ED0A1000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HE800 8848 1", "NAME" : "IT_HE800_8848_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "HE800", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:39:20", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-4906;P3=-992;P4=899;P5=-378;P7=283;D=7073734573734545457373734573734573454545457345734545454573;CP=7;SP=0;R=76;O;m1;", "user" : "Ralf9" }, { "comment" : "Homeeasy Kanal 1, Button off", "dmsg" : "ihD95E005000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HE800 8848 1", "NAME" : "IT_HE800_8848_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "HE800", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:40:31", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=896;P3=-375;P5=-1005;P6=269;P7=-4850;D=6765652365652323652365236565656523232323232323232323652365;CP=6;SP=7;R=76;e;m1;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 35, "module" : "IT", "name" : "HE800" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "(ID 61,84,89 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W37#D9165C307B", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS37_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS37_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "48", "state" : "T: 22.7 H: 48", "temperature" : "22.7", "type" : "Bresser 7009994" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:42:23", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=729;P1=-736;P2=483;P3=-251;P4=238;P5=-491;D=010101012323452323454523454545234523234545234523232345454545232345454545452323232345232340;CP=4;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 37, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Bresser 7009994" }, { "data" : [ { "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "W38#12A2C5D0C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_38_T_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_38_T_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "beep" : "off", "channel" : "2", "state" : "T: 20.9", "temperature" : "20.9", "type" : "NC-3911" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-24 13:44:02", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-235;P1=496;P2=253;P3=-479;P4=-957;P5=743;P6=-720;CP=2;D=010231023232310231010232323102310101023102323232310102323245656565623232310232310231023102323231023101023232310231010102310232323231010232324565656562323231023231023102310232323102310102323231023101010231023232323101023232456565656232323102323102310231023232310231010232323102310101023102323232310102323245656565623232310232310231023102323231023101023232310231010102310232323231010232324565656562323231023231023102310232323102310102323231023101010231023232323101023232456565656232323102323102;O;", "user" : "Harst" } ], "id" : 38, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "NC-3911-675" }, { "data" : [ { "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "29454A847BD700", "internals" : { "DEF" : "ds10a d745 Window", "NAME" : "RFXX10REC_d745" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "Window" : "Closed", "battery" : "ok", "delay" : "min", "statechange" : "Closed" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:05:02", "revision_modul" : "43_RFXX10REC.pm 5599 2014-04-22 15:26:46Z wherzig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=656;P1=10710;P2=-2730;P3=-586;P4=-1716;D=01203040303030403040304030304030403040303030304030303040404040304040404030403040404030012030403030304030403040303040304030403030303040303030404040403040404040304030404040300;CP=0;", "user" : "wherzig" } ], "id" : 39, "module" : "RFXX10REC", "name" : "X10 Protocol" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Elro_DB200_/_KANGTAI_/_unitec" }, "comment" : "doubleCode 1, autocreate need doubleCode 1&2, bell sends two codes! https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/70", "dmsg" : "P41#F813D593", "internals" : { "DEF" : "41 219D85D3_F813D593", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_219D85D3_F813D593" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:16:12", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-526;P1=1450;P2=467;P3=-6949;P4=-1519;D=231010101010242424242424102424101010102410241024101024241024241010;CP=2;SP=3;O;", "user" : "beatz0001" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Elro_DB200_/_KANGTAI_/_unitec" }, "comment" : "doubleCode 2, autocreate need doubleCode 1&2, bell sends two codes! https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/70", "dmsg" : "P41#219D85D3", "internals" : { "DEF" : "41 219D85D3_F813D593", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_219D85D3_F813D593" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:17:24", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=468;P1=-1516;P2=1450;P3=-533;P4=-7291;D=040101230101010123230101232323012323010101012301232323012301012323;CP=0;SP=4;O;", "user" : "beatz0001" } ], "id" : 41, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "Doorbell DB200" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Elro_DB200_/_KANGTAI_/_unitec" }, "comment" : "doubleCode 1, autocreate need doubleCode 1&2, bell sends two codes! https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/365", "dmsg" : "P41#BA2885D3", "internals" : { "DEF" : "41 1791D593_BA2885D3", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_1791D593_BA2885D3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:19:16", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=1390;P1=-600;P2=409;P3=-1600;P4=-7083;D=240123010101230123232301230123232301232323230123010101230123230101;CP=2;SP=4;R=248;O;m0;", "user" : "trosenda" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Elro_DB200_/_KANGTAI_/_unitec" }, "comment" : "doubleCode 2, autocreate need doubleCode 1&2, bell sends two codes! https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/365", "dmsg" : "P41#1791D593", "internals" : { "DEF" : "41 1791D593_BA2885D3", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_1791D593_BA2885D3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:20:33", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=403;P2=-7102;P3=-1608;P4=1378;P5=-620;D=121313134513454545451313451313134545451345134513454513134513134545;CP=1;SP=2;R=5;O;m0;", "user" : "trosenda" } ], "id" : 41, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "KANGTAI (Pollin 94-550405)" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Elro_DB200_/_KANGTAI_/_unitec" }, "comment" : "doubleCode 1, autocreate need doubleCode 1&2, bell sends two codes! (ID 1 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P41#08E8D593", "internals" : { "DEF" : "41 754485D3_08E8D593", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_754485D3_08E8D593" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:22:27", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=1474;P1=-521;P2=495;P3=-1508;P4=-6996;D=242323232301232323010101230123232301012301230123010123230123230101;CP=2;SP=4;R=51;m=0;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Elro_DB200_/_KANGTAI_/_unitec" }, "comment" : "doubleCode 2, autocreate need doubleCode 1&2, bell sends two codes!", "dmsg" : "P41#754485D3", "internals" : { "DEF" : "41 754485D3_08E8D593", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_754485D3_08E8D593" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:24:32", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-7005;P2=482;P3=-1511;P4=1487;P5=-510;D=212345454523452345234523232345232345232323234523454545234523234545;CP=2;SP=1;R=47;m=2;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 41, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "unitec 98156+98YK" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Pollin_551227" }, "comment" : "https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/390", "dmsg" : "P42#FE1FF87FE1FF86", "internals" : { "DEF" : "42 FE1FF87", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_FE1FF87" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:26:13", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-491;P1=471;P2=1445;D=0101010101010101010102020202010101010101010101010202020201010101010101010101020202020101010101010101010102020202010101;CP=1;R=67;", "user" : "trosenda" } ], "id" : 42, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "Pollin_551227" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "somfyshutter" }, "comment" : "parsestate on, https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,64141.msg642800.html#msg642800", "dmsg" : "Ys98DBD153D631BB", "internals" : { "DEF" : "8AE785 ", "NAME" : "SOMFY_8AE785" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "parsestate" : "on", "received" : "40" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 21:48:54", "revision_modul" : "10_SOMFY.pm 22865 2020-09-27 15:55:14Z viegener", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1405;LH=1269;SL=-723;SH=620;D=98DBD153D631BB;C=669;L=56;R=229;", "user" : "Elektrolurch" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "somfyshutter" }, "comment" : "parsestate prog", "dmsg" : "Ys62EB775D738144", "internals" : { "DEF" : "C5F22E ", "NAME" : "SOMFY_C5F22E" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "parsestate" : "prog", "received" : "80" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 21:52:08", "revision_modul" : "10_SOMFY.pm 22865 2020-09-27 15:55:14Z viegener", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1428;LH=1275;SL=-755;SH=574;D=62EB775D738144;C=671;L=56;R=236;", "user" : "Elektrolurch" } ], "id" : 43, "module" : "SOMFY", "name" : "Somfy RTS" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "somfyshutter" }, "comment" : "This remote has a different length to other Somfy remotes, https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,53319.msg926388.html#msg926388", "dmsg" : "Ys81CDCDCBB7DEDD84001D", "internals" : { "DEF" : "03697C ", "NAME" : "SOMFY_03697C" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "parsestate" : "on", "received" : "40" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 21:47:13", "revision_modul" : "10_SOMFY.pm 22865 2020-09-27 15:55:14Z viegener", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1246;LH=1293;SL=-592;SH=660;D=81CDCDCBB7DEDD84001D;C=631;L=80;", "user" : "kpl" } ], "id" : 43, "module" : "SOMFY", "name" : "Somfy RTS - TELIS COMPOSIO" }, { "data" : [ { "dmsg" : "W44#D12160652EDE9F9B10", "internals" : { "DEF" : "BresserTemeo_1", "NAME" : "BresserTemeo_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "68", "state" : "T: 3.2 H: 68", "temperature" : "3.2", "type" : "BresserTemeo" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:27:38", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=32001;P1=-1939;P2=1967;P3=3896;P4=-3895;D=01213424242124212121242121242121212124212424212121212121242421212421242121242124242421242421242424242124212124242424242421212424212424212121242121212;CP=2;R=39;", "user" : "unknown" } ], "id" : 44, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "BRESSER Temeo Trend" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,58397.msg603092.html#msg603092", "dmsg" : "r49E7E800443204F4500E04", "internals" : { "DEF" : "49e7", "NAME" : "Revolt_49e7" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "current" : "0.68", "energy" : "35.88", "frequency" : "50", "pf" : "0.8", "power" : "126.8", "state" : "active", "voltage" : "232" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:30:45", "revision_modul" : "19_Revolt.pm 17447 2018-10-01 19:13:48Z yoda_gh", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-8320;P1=9972;P2=-376;P3=117;P4=-251;P5=232;D=012345434345434345454545434345454545454543454343434343434343434343434543434345434343434545434345434343434343454343454545454345434343454345434343434343434345454543434343434345434345454543454343434543454345434545;CP=3;R=2;", "user" : "sash.sc" }, { "comment" : "valid message, device one, https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/pull/956", "dmsg" : "r2BCAE5000032000000B289", "internals" : { "DEF" : "2bca", "NAME" : "Revolt_2bca" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { ".lastenergy" : "457.05", "current" : "0", "energy" : "457.05", "frequency" : "50", "pf" : "0.0001", "power" : "0", "state" : "active", "voltage" : "229" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:57:11", "revision_modul" : "19_Revolt.pm 17447 2018-10-01 19:13:48Z yoda_gh", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-832;P1=10064;P2=-380;P3=108;P4=-257;P5=233;D=012343454345434545454543434543454345454543434543454343434343434343434343434343434343434545434345434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434543454543434543454343434543434543454343434545454343434343454;CP=3;R=0;", "user" : "gernot-h" }, { "comment" : "valid message, device two, https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/pull/956", "dmsg" : "r735AE4000032000000510D", "internals" : { "DEF" : "735a", "NAME" : "Revolt_735a" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { ".lastenergy" : "207.49", "current" : "0", "energy" : "207.49", "frequency" : "50", "pf" : "0.0001", "power" : "0", "state" : "active", "voltage" : "228" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 23:02:26", "revision_modul" : "19_Revolt.pm 17447 2018-10-01 19:13:48Z yoda_gh", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=143;P1=-218;P2=11620;P3=-332;P5=264;D=01230151515101015151015101515101510151515101015101010101010101010101010101010101010101015151010151010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010151015101010151010101015151015101510101010101510151015151010150;CP=0;R=0;", "user" : "gernot-h" } ], "id" : 45, "module" : "Revolt", "name" : "Revolt" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Tedsen_SKX1xx" }, "comment" : "Tedsen remote with one button, model SKX1MD", "dmsg" : "P46#BAFB0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Tedsen_SKX1xx F1FF11F", "NAME" : "Tedsen_SKX1xx_F1FF11F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.50", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "state" : "Button_1", "tristateCode" : "F1FF11F10" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-01-30 14:41:54", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-01-04 17:35:33Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-15829;P1=-3580;P2=1962;P3=-330;P4=245;P5=-2051;D=1234523232345234523232323234523234540023452323234523452323232323452323454023452323234523452323232323452323454023452323234523452323232323452323454023452323234523452323232323452323454023452323234523452323;CP=2;", "user" : "anphiga" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Tedsen_SKX2xx" }, "comment" : "Geiger Rolladen", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P46#ECF20", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Tedsen_SKX2xx 1F10110", "NAME" : "Tedsen_SKX2xx_1F10110" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "state" : "Button_1", "tristateCode" : "1F10110F0" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:35:12", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-2009;P1=2076;P2=-259;P3=329;P4=-15751;P5=1216;D=012121212303012303034121212301212303012121212303012303034121212301212303012121212303012303034121212305;CP=3;R=37;", "user" : "drhirn" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Tedsen_SKX6xx" }, "comment" : "reconstructed last bit 1", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P46#ECA2C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Tedsen_SKX6xx 1F10FF0", "NAME" : "Tedsen_SKX6xx_1F10FF0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "state" : "Button_6", "tristateCode" : "1F10FF0F1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:37:16", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-32001;P1=2072;P2=-260;P3=326;P4=-2015;P5=-15769;D=01212123412123434123412343434123412151212123412123434123412343434123412151212123412123434123412343434123412151212123412123434123412343434123412151212123412123434123412343434123412151212123412123434123412343434123412151212123412123434123412343434123412151;CP=3;R=37;O;", "user" : "self_build" } ], "id" : 46, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Tedsen_SKXxxx" }, { "data" : [ { "dmsg" : "P47#59959A695996A65A9566", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_Maverick", "NAME" : "SD_WS_Maverick" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "Sensor-1-food_state" : "connected", "Sensor-2-bbq_state" : "connected", "checksum" : "31032011", "messageType" : "normal", "state" : "Food: 25 BBQ: 21", "temp-bbq" : "21", "temp-food" : "25" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:32:44", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS_Maverick.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-482;LH=511;SL=-230;SH=264;D=AA999559959A695996A65A9566;C=247;L=104;", "user" : "Papaloewe" } ], "id" : 47, "module" : "SD_WS_Maverick", "name" : "ET-733" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Button C off, Rollingcode 1, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5,19 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P49#C9AFAC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "C9AFAC", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:18:20", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=328;P1=-428;P3=1090;P4=-1190;P5=-2310;D=010131040431310431043131313131043104313104040531310404310404313104310431313131310431043131040405313104043104043131043104313131313104310431310404053131040431040431310431043131313131043104313104042;CP=0;", "user" : "Tom71" }, { "comment" : "Button C off, Rollingcode 2, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5,19 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P49#C22B9C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "C22B9C", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:20:44", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1090;P1=-430;P2=328;P3=-1192;P4=-2319;P5=2988;D=01012323232301232323012301230101012323010101232324010123232323012323230123012301010123230101012323240101232323230123232301230123010101232301010123232401012323232301232323012301230101012323010101232353;CP=2;", "user" : "Tom71" }, { "comment" : "Button C off, Rollingcode 3, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P49#CDD41C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "CDD41C", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:22:44", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1086;P1=-433;P2=327;P3=-1194;P4=-2318;P5=2988;D=01012323010123010101230123012323232323010101232324010123230101230101012301230123232323230101012323240101232301012301010123012301232323232301010123232401012323010123010101230123012323232323010101232353;CP=2;", "user" : "Tom71" }, { "comment" : "Button C off, Rollingcode 4, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P49#C3802C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "C3802C", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:24:40", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1090;P1=-428;P2=334;P3=-1190;P4=-2317;P5=2988;D=01012323232301010123232323232323232301230101232324010123232323010101232323232323232323012301012323240101232323230101012323232323232323230123010123232401012323232301010123232323232323232301230101232353;CP=2;", "user" : "Tom71" }, { "comment" : "Button C on, Rollingcode 1, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P49#CA627C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "CA627C", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:27:05", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1092;P1=-429;P2=335;P3=-1184;P4=-2316;P5=2996;D=010123230123012323010123232301232301010101012323240101232301230123230101232323012323010101010123232401012323012301232301012323230123230101010101232355;CP=2;", "user" : "Tom71" }, { "comment" : "Button C on, Rollingcode 2, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P49#C6B54C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "C6B54C", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:28:26", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1090;P1=-429;P2=331;P3=-1189;P4=-2316;P5=2992;D=01012323230101230123010123012301230123230101232324010123232301012301230101230123012301232301012323240101232323010123012301012301230123012323010123232401012323230101230123010123012301230123230101232354;CP=2;", "user" : "Tom71" }, { "comment" : "Button D off, Rollingcode 1, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5,19 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P49#C6B542", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "C6B542", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:42:14", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-800;P1=-422;P2=346;P3=-1176;P4=1103;P5=-2302;D=0123234141234123414123412341234123232323412325414123232341412341234141234123412341232323234123254125;CP=2;", "user" : "Tom71" }, { "comment" : "Button D on, Rollingcode 1, V2, Penny 2335191R (ID 5 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P49#C22B92", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LEARN", "NAME" : "SD_GT_LEARN" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LearnCodes" : "C22B92", "state" : "learned code 1, please press another button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 14:32:21", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_GT.pm 1 2020-05-25 21:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-416;P1=1100;P2=345;P3=-1176;P4=-2298;P5=3008;D=0010232323102310231010102323102323102324101023232323102323231023102310101023231023231023241010232323231023232310231023101010232310232310232410102323232310232323102310231010102323102323102351;CP=2;", "user" : "Tom71" } ], "id" : 49.2, "module" : "SD_GT", "name" : "QUIGG_GT-9000" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "von 2016 (ID 42 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "W50#FF550541FF9A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_50_SM_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_50_SM_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "5", "state" : "T: 25 H: 5", "temperature" : "25", "type" : "XT300" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:40:05", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=248;P1=-21400;P2=545;P3=-925;P4=1368;P5=-12308;D=01232323232323232343234323432343234343434343234323432343434343432323232323232323232343432323432345232323232323232343234323432343234343434343234323432343434343432323232323232323232343432323432345232323232323232343234323432343234343434343234323432343434343;CP=2;O;", "user" : "sidey79" } ], "id" : 50, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Opus_XT300" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Lidl Weatherstation, Channel 1", "dmsg" : "W51#11225FB401", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_51_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_51_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "40", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: 17.3 H: 40", "temperature" : "17.3", "trend" : "falling", "type" : "Auriol IAN 275901, IAN 114324, IAN 60107" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:42:59", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-1848;P1=577;P2=-4066;P3=-15997;P4=1013;P5=-1001;P6=-7875;D=16101010121010101210101210101012101012101212121212121012121012101010101010101010121345454545;CP=1;SP=6;O;", "user" : "6040" } ], "id" : 51, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "IAN 114324" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Lidl Weatherstation, Channel 3 (ID 0 additionally, CUL_TCM97001 -> with DEF Auriol_IAN_8)", "dmsg" : "W51#0849536953", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_51_TH_3", "NAME" : "SD_WS_51_TH_3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "3", "humidity" : "95", "sendmode" : "manual", "state" : "T: 6.3 H: 95", "temperature" : "6.3", "trend" : "rising", "type" : "Auriol IAN 275901, IAN 114324, IAN 60107" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:50:18", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-4074;P1=608;P2=-1825;P3=-15980;P4=1040;P5=-975;P6=-7862;D=16121212121012121212101212101212101210121012121010121010121012121012101210121210101345454545;CP=1;SP=6;", "user" : "Stertzi" } ], "id" : 51, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "IAN 275901" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Lidl Weatherstation, Channel 1 (ID 0 additionally, CUL_TCM97001 -> with DEF Auriol_IAN_240)", "dmsg" : "W51#F03048F761", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_51_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_51_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "76", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: -2.9 H: 76", "temperature" : "-2.9", "trend" : "consistent", "type" : "Auriol IAN 275901, IAN 114324, IAN 60107" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 13:56:42", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=594;P3=-7386;P4=-4081;P5=-1873;D=2324242424252525252525242425252525252425252425252524242424252424242524242525252524;CP=2;SP=3;R=242;", "user" : "dennis82ni" } ], "id" : 51, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "IAN 60107" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "CH1, Lidl IAN 314695 (ID 33,51 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W53#0700DF7A4E0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_53_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_53_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "61", "state" : "T: 22.3 H: 61", "temperature" : "22.3", "type" : "Auriol IAN 314695" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 22:01:03", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=608;P2=-2074;P3=-4138;P4=-9138;D=14121212121213131312121212121212121313121313131313121313131312131212131212131313121212;CP=1;SP=4;R=0;O;m1;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "CH1, Lidl IAN 314695 (ID 33,51 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W53#0700F2764A4", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_53_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_53_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "59", "state" : "T: 24.2 H: 59", "temperature" : "24.2", "type" : "Auriol IAN 314695" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 22:02:48", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=611;P2=-2075;P3=-4160;P4=-9134;D=14121212121213131312121212121212121313131312121312121313131213131212131212131213121213;CP=1;SP=4;R=0;O;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 53, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "AURIOL AHFL 433 B2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "CH2, Lidl IAN 314695 (ID 33,51 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W53#0710B88C4CC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_53_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_53_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "70", "state" : "T: 18.4 H: 70", "temperature" : "18.4", "type" : "Auriol IAN 314695" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 22:05:07", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=606;P1=-2075;P2=-4136;P3=-9066;D=03010101010102020201010102010101010201020202010101020101010202010101020101020201010202;CP=0;SP=3;R=0;O;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 53, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "AURIOL AHFL 433 B2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Rain sensor for base station 47.3005.01 / decode as MU", "dmsg" : "W54#3D9C430618AA01340", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_54_R", "NAME" : "SD_WS_54_R" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "rain_total" : "73.66", "rawRainCounter" : "290", "sendCounter" : "3", "state" : "R: 73.66", "type" : "TFA 30.3233.01" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 22:06:29", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P1=247;P2=-750;P3=722;P4=-489;P5=491;P6=-236;P7=-2184;D=1232141456565656145656141456565614141456141414145656141414141456561414141456561414145614561456145614141414141414145614145656145614141732321414565656561456561414565656141414561414141456561414141414565614141414565614141456145614561456141414141414141456141;CP=1;R=55;O;", "user" : "sido" }, { "comment" : "Rain sensor for base station 47.3005.01 / decode as MU", "dmsg" : "W54#3D9C430A1BAA01898", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_54_R", "NAME" : "SD_WS_54_R" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "rain_total" : "74.422", "rawRainCounter" : "293", "sendCounter" : "5", "state" : "R: 74.422", "type" : "TFA 30.3233.01" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 22:07:44", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-1672;P1=740;P2=-724;P3=260;P4=-468;P5=504;P6=-230;D=012123434565656563456563434565656343434563434343456563434343456345634343434565634565656345634563456343434343434343456563434345634345656;CP=3;R=4;", "user" : "sido" } ], "id" : 54, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3233.01" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Rain sensor for base station 47.3005.01 / decode as MS", "dmsg" : "W54#3896E10467AA0068", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_54_R", "NAME" : "SD_WS_54_R" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "rain_total" : "28.702", "rawRainCounter" : "113", "sendCounter" : "2", "state" : "R: 28.702", "type" : "TFA 30.3233.01" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 22:09:22", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-241;P1=486;P2=241;P3=-488;P4=-2098;P5=738;P6=-730;D=24565623231010102323231023231023101023101010232323231023232323231023232310102323101010102310231023102323232323232323232310102310232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=30;O;b=19;s=1;m0;", "user" : "punker" }, { "comment" : "Rain sensor for base station 47.3005.01 / decode as MS", "dmsg" : "W54#3896E1066AAA0076", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_54_R", "NAME" : "SD_WS_54_R" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "rain_total" : "29.464", "rawRainCounter" : "116", "sendCounter" : "3", "state" : "R: 29.464", "type" : "TFA 30.3233.01" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 22:10:42", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-491;P1=242;P2=476;P3=-248;P4=-2096;P5=721;P6=-745;D=14565610102323231010102310102310232310232323101010102310101010102323101023231023102310231023102310231010101010101010101023232310232310;CP=1;SP=4;R=10;O;b=135;s=1;m0;", "user" : "punker" } ], "id" : 54.1, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3233.01" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "AC114_01B" }, "comment" : "Celexon Motorleinwand", "dmsg" : "P56#A300587B010043178", "internals" : { "DEF" : "AC114_01B 00587B", "NAME" : "AC114_01B_00587B" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "00587B", "state" : "down" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:10:53", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=5036;P1=-624;P2=591;P3=-227;P4=187;P5=-5048;D=0123412341414123234141414141414141412341232341414141232323234123234141414141414123414141414141414141234141414123234141412341232323250123412341414123234141414141414141412341232341414141232323234123234141414141414123414141414141414141234141414123234141412;CP=4;O;", "user" : "Horst12345" } ], "id" : 56, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "AC114_01B" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "AC114_01B" }, "comment" : "Remote control AC114-01B", "dmsg" : "P56#A347969601000B7F8", "internals" : { "DEF" : "AC114_01B 479696", "NAME" : "AC114_01B_479696" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "479696", "state" : "up" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:11:39", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-16412;P1=5195;P2=-598;P3=585;P4=-208;P5=192;D=01234523452525234345234525252343434345252345234345234525234523434525252525252525234525252525252525252525252345234345234343434343434341234523452525234345234525252343434345252345234345234525234523434525252525252525234525252525252525252525252345234345234343;CP=5;R=105;O;", "user" : "TheChatty" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "AC114_01B" }, "comment" : "remote control AC114-01B", "dmsg" : "P56#A3479696010023978", "internals" : { "DEF" : "AC114_01B 479696", "NAME" : "AC114_01B_479696" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "479696", "state" : "stop" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:12:06", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-2341;P1=5206;P2=-571;P3=591;P4=-211;P5=207;D=01234523452525234345234525252343434345252345234345234525234523434525252525252525234525252525252525252523452525234343452523452343434341234523452525234345234525252343434345252345234345234525234523434525252525252525234525252525252525252523452525234343452523;CP=5;R=107;O;", "user" : "TheChatty" } ], "id" : 56, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "AC114_01B" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "FG_/_Basic-Serie" }, "comment" : "radio gong transmitter for FG- and Basic-Serie", "dmsg" : "P57#2AA4A7", "internals" : { "DEF" : "57 2AA4A7", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_2AA4A7" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:13:41", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-653;LH=665;SL=-317;SH=348;D=D55B58;C=330;L=21;", "user" : "rippi46" } ], "id" : 57, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "m-e doorbell" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "(ID 12 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W58#468714600AED0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_58_T_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_58_T_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "state" : "T: 22.2", "temperature" : "22.2", "type" : "TFA 30.3208.02, FT007xx" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:11:59", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1047;LH=903;SL=-545;SH=449;D=800AE5E3AE7FD44BC00572F1D73FEA25E002B9788;C=494;L=161;", "user" : "Burny4600" }, { "comment" : "(ID 12 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W58#468714610AAE0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_58_T_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_58_T_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "state" : "T: 22.3", "temperature" : "22.3", "type" : "TFA 30.3208.02, FT007xx" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:14:38", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1047;LH=902;SL=-546;SH=452;D=0015CBC75CF7AA8F800AE5E3AE7BD547C00572F1D0;C=487;L=165;", "user" : "Burny4600" } ], "id" : 58, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Froggit FT007T" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Thermo-hygro sensor with 2 Repeats", "dmsg" : "W58#45C8142445DB0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_58_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_58_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "69", "state" : "T: 18.9 H: 69", "temperature" : "18.9", "type" : "TFA 30.3208.02, FT007xx" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:06:43", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-981;LH=964;SL=-480;SH=520;D=002BA37EBDBBA24F0015D1BF5EDDD127800AE8DFAF6EE893C;C=486;L=194;R=34;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 58, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3208.02" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Series WS2000/WS7000 of various sensors", "dmsg" : "K21380200", "internals" : { "DEF" : "3", "NAME" : "CUL_WS_3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "DEVFAMILY" : "WS300", "DEVTYPE" : "S300TH", "humidity" : "0", "state" : "T: 23.8 H: 0", "temperature" : "23.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 11:34:58", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_WS.pm 20918 2020-01-08 19:20:38Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=140;P1=-152;P2=817;P3=-397;P4=-279;P5=327;P6=-900;D=01232424242424232323235656232323562356232356232323565656562323562356232356232323235623232323562323232356235623565;CP=2;", "state" : "T: 23.8", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 60, "module" : "CUL_WS", "name" : "AS2000" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Series WS2000/WS7000 of various sensors", "dmsg" : "K01900146", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1", "NAME" : "CUL_WS_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "DEVFAMILY" : "WS300", "DEVTYPE" : "S300TH", "humidity" : "46", "state" : "T: 19.0 H: 46", "temperature" : "19.0" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-23 11:38:20", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_WS.pm 20918 2020-01-08 19:20:38Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-14912;P1=822;P2=-430;P3=343;P4=-898;D=01212121212121212121234341212123412121212341212121234341212343434121212341212121234123434123412123412343434123434341234123;CP=3;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 60, "module" : "CUL_WS", "name" : "ASH2000" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Series WS2000/WS7000 of various sensors (ID 40 additionally)", "dmsg" : "K747431381558", "internals" : { "DEF" : "8 0 0 16 0", "NAME" : "CUL_WS_8" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "DEVFAMILY" : "WS7000", "DEVTYPE" : "Indoor", "humidity" : "38.3", "pressure" : "931", "state" : "T: 17.4 H: 38.3 P: 931", "temperature" : "17.4" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 23:40:21", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_WS.pm 20918 2020-01-08 19:20:38Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=329;P1=-386;P2=829;P4=-884;D=0121212121042121042104040404210421210421040404042104042121210404042121042121210404040421210404210421040421212104212121040404210421042121212104042104040;CP=0;R=36;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 60, "module" : "CUL_WS", "name" : "S2000ID" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote control", "dmsg" : "P61#0011DC711A0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "2_13", "NAME" : "FS10_2_13" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:08:51", "revision_modul" : "10_FS10.pm 11 2020-06-06 21:30:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1776;P1=-410;P2=383;P3=-820;D=01212121212121212121212123212121232323212323232121212323232121212321212123232123212120;CP=2;R=74;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "Remote control", "dmsg" : "P61#00096E388EC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "2_13", "NAME" : "FS10_2_13" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:09:16", "revision_modul" : "10_FS10.pm 11 2020-06-06 21:30:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-27584;P1=446;P2=-349;P3=-755;D=01212121212121212121212121312121312131312131313121212131313121212131212121313131213131;CP=1;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 61, "module" : "FS10", "name" : "FS10" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote cheap sockets (ID 32,62,63 additionally) / Attributes userV1setCodes needed -> on:01", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "i415703", "internals" : { "DEF" : "F00FFFF100 0F F0", "NAME" : "IT_F00FFFF100" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "protocol" : "V1", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 21:31:43", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-5893;P4=-634;P5=498;P6=-257;P7=116;D=45656567474747474745656707456747474747456745674567456565674747474747456567074567474747474567456745674565656747474747474565670745674747474745674567456745656567474747474745656707456747474747456745674567456565674747474747456567074567474747474567456745674567;CP=7;O;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 62, "module" : "IT", "name" : "Clarus_Switch" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Fine Offset Electronics WH2, WH2A Temperature/Humidity sensor", "dmsg" : "W64#FE97615C94381C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_WH2_0", "NAME" : "SD_WS_WH2_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.34", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "0", "humidity" : "74", "state" : "T: 17.4 H: 74", "temperature" : "17.4", "type" : "WH2, WH2A" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-17 20:37:38", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-12 18:48:36Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-28888;P1=461;P2=-1012;P3=1440;D=01212121212121232123232123212121232121232323232123212321212123232123232123212323232321212123232323232321212121;CP=1;R=202;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "Fine Offset Electronics WH2, WH2A Temperature/Humidity sensor", "dmsg" : "W64#FE976236540E90", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_WH2_0", "NAME" : "SD_WS_WH2_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.34", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "0", "humidity" : "42", "state" : "T: 28.3 H: 42", "temperature" : "28.3", "type" : "WH2, WH2A" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-17 20:40:09", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-12 18:48:36Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-25696;P1=479;P2=-985;P3=1461;D=01212121212121232123232123212121232121232323212323232121232121232321232123212323232323232121212321232321232323;CP=1;R=215;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "Fine Offset Electronics WH2, WH2A Temperature/Humidity sensor", "dmsg" : "W64#FE9041CC812844", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_WH2_0", "NAME" : "SD_WS_WH2_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.34", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "0", "humidity" : "64", "state" : "T: 23 H: 64", "temperature" : "23", "type" : "WH2, WH2A" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-17 20:41:55", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-12 18:48:36Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=134;P1=-113;P3=412;P4=-1062;P5=1379;D=01010101013434343434343454345454345454545454345454545454343434545434345454345454545454543454543454345454545434545454345;CP=3;" } ], "id" : 64, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "WH2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/230", "dmsg" : "ihC78F366DC8F2E58000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1100011110001111001101100110110111001000111100 0 1001011", "NAME" : "IT_11000111100011110011011001101101110010001111001001011" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "mode" : "single", "protocol" : "HE_EU", "state" : "on", "unit" : "1001011" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:19:07", "revision_modul" : "10_IT.pm 20839 2019-12-28 09:41:47Z bjoernh", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=231;P2=-1336;P4=-312;P5=-8920;D=15121214141412121212141414121212121414121214121214141212141212141212121414121414141212121214141214121212141412141212;CP=1;SP=5;", "user" : "unknown" } ], "id" : 65, "module" : "IT", "name" : "HomeEasy HE_EU" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote temp transmitter model 7035 (TX2 Protocol)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "TXA08473273C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "66", "NAME" : "CUL_TX_66" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 23.2", "temperature" : "23.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:31:17", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TX.pm 17102 2018-08-08 05:34:42Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=13312;P1=-2785;P2=4985;P3=1124;P4=-6442;P5=3181;P6=-31980;D=0121345434545454545434545454543454545434343454543434545434545454545454343434545434343434545621213454345454545454345454545434545454343434545434345454345454545454543434345454343434345456212134543454545454543454545454345454543434345454343454543454545454545;CP=3;R=73;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 66, "module" : "CUL_TX", "name" : "WS7035" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "TX2 Protocol", "dmsg" : "TXA0AE734730", "internals" : { "DEF" : "87", "NAME" : "CUL_TX_87" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 23.4", "temperature" : "23.4" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:32:09", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TX.pm 17102 2018-08-08 05:34:42Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=3371;P1=-27842;P2=132;P3=1137;P4=-744;P6=-4631;D=340636063606060606063606360636363606063636360606363606360606060606012;CP=3;R=27;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 67, "module" : "CUL_TX", "name" : "Remote control Sender 7054" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Remote datalink & remote thermo model 7053 (TX2 Protocol)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "TXA091760760", "internals" : { "DEF" : "72", "NAME" : "CUL_TX_72" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 26.0", "temperature" : "26.0" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:33:15", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TX.pm 17102 2018-08-08 05:34:42Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=3381;P1=-672;P2=-4628;P3=1142;P4=-30768;D=010232023202020202023202023202020232023232320232320202020202020202040102320232020202020232020232020202320232323202323202020202020202020;CP=0;R=45;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 67, "module" : "CUL_TX", "name" : "WS7053" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "OR28V" }, "comment" : "Vista Remote Control", "dmsg" : "P68#618C0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "OR28V 1", "NAME" : "OR28V_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0", "state" : "channel_minus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:17:37", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=545;P2=-552;P4=-1652;P6=-4400;P7=2746;D=16741214141212121214141212121414121212121212;CP=1;SP=6;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "OR28V" }, "comment" : "Vista Remote Control", "dmsg" : "P68#608B0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "OR28V 1", "NAME" : "OR28V_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0", "state" : "channel_plus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:07:14", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=532;P2=-562;P3=-1666;P4=2544;P6=-4412;D=16431213131212121212131212121312131312121212;CP=1;SP=6;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "OR28V" }, "comment" : "Vista Remote Control", "dmsg" : "P68#57820", "internals" : { "DEF" : "OR28V 1", "NAME" : "OR28V_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0", "state" : "power" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:07:38", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-544;P1=556;P2=-1653;P3=-4388;P4=2758;D=13421012101210121212121010101010121010101010;CP=1;SP=3;m2;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 68, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Medion OR28V" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "HS1_868_BS" }, "comment" : "(ID 8,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P69#00F62A9C01C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HS1_868_BS F62A9C01C", "NAME" : "HS1_868_BS_F62A9C01C" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "1111011000101010100111000000", "state" : "receive" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:05:13", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-578;P1=1033;P2=506;P3=-1110;P4=13632;D=0101010232323101040101010101010101023232323102323101010231023102310231010232323101010101010101010232323101040101010101010101023232323102323101010231023102310231010232323101010101010101010232323101040101010101010101023232323102323101010231023102310231010;CP=2;R=77;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 69, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "HS1-868-BS" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "HSM4" }, "comment" : "(ID 8,42,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P69#00E6BE9107C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HSM4 E6BE910", "NAME" : "HSM4_E6BE910" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "1110011010111110100100010000", "state" : "button_1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:03:10", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-508;P1=1029;P2=503;P3=-1023;P4=12388;D=01010232323232310104010101010101010102323231010232310231023232323231023101023101010231010101010232323232310104010101010101010102323231010232310231023232323231023101023101010231010101010232323232310104010101010101010102323231010232310231023232323231023101;CP=2;R=37;O;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 69, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "HSM4" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "message for Open", "dmsg" : "T66E5DC01", "internals" : { "DEF" : "66e5dc", "NAME" : "CUL_FHTTK_66e5dc" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "Reliability" : "ok", "Window" : "Open", "batteryState" : "ok", "state" : "Open" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-18 15:14:01", "revision_modul" : "09_CUL_FHTTK.pm 18391 2019-01-23 19:05:58Z Matscher", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=426;P1=-367;P2=624;P3=-566;P4=-5404;D=0101010101010101010101012301232301012323010123232301012301232323230123232301012301010101010101232301012323012301012304;CP=0;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "comment" : "message for Closed", "dmsg" : "T66E5DC02", "internals" : { "DEF" : "66e5dc", "NAME" : "CUL_FHTTK_66e5dc" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "Reliability" : "ok", "Window" : "Closed", "batteryState" : "ok", "state" : "Closed" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-18 15:17:33", "revision_modul" : "09_CUL_FHTTK.pm 18391 2019-01-23 19:05:58Z Matscher", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=176;P1=-357;P2=428;P4=623;P5=-567;P6=-5160;D=012121212121212121212121214521454521214545212145454521214521454545452145454521214521212121212145214521214545214521452126;CP=2;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 70, "module" : "CUL_FHTTK", "name" : "FHT80TF-2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "PEARL infactory Poolthermometer (ID 64 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W71#589A829FDFF4", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS71_T_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS71_T_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "channel" : "1", "state" : "T: 24.2", "temperature" : "24.2", "type" : "PV-8644" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:00:00", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1735;P1=-1160;P2=591;P3=-876;D=0123012323010101230101232301230123010101010123012301012323232323232301232323232323232323012301012;CP=2;R=97;", "user" : "SD_Protocol" } ], "id" : 71, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "PV-8644" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "decode as MU (ID 16,40 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P72#5B41708154", "internals" : { "DEF" : "5B417081", "NAME" : "Siro_5B417081" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "ActionTrigger" : "remote", "BetweentActionTime" : "0", "batteryState" : "unknown", "motor-term" : "Function is not available without set runtime attribute, please define", "state" : "notAvaible" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:38:43", "revision_modul" : "98_Siro.pm 20772 2019-12-17 16:52:51Z Byte09", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-760;P1=334;P2=693;P3=-399;P4=-8942;P5=4796;P6=-1540;D=01010102310232310101010102310232323101010102310101010101023102323102323102323102310101010102310232323101010102310101010101023102310231023102456102310232310232310231010101010231023232310101010231010101010102310231023102310245610231023231023231023101010101;CP=1;R=45;O;", "user" : "Dr.Smag, Byte09" } ], "id" : 72, "module" : "Siro", "name" : "Siro shutter" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "decode as MS", "dmsg" : "P72#5B4170811E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "5B417081", "NAME" : "Siro_5B417081" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "ActionTrigger" : "remote", "BetweentActionTime" : "0", "aktActionFinish" : "0", "aktEndAction" : "0", "aktRunningAction" : "noAction", "aktTimeAction" : "0", "batteryState" : "unknown", "motor-term" : "0", "pct" : "0", "position" : "0", "state" : "0" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:35:39", "revision_modul" : "98_Siro.pm 20772 2019-12-17 16:52:51Z Byte09", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=4803;P1=-1522;P2=333;P3=-769;P4=699;P5=-393;P6=-9190;D=2601234523454523454523452323232323452345454523232323452323232323234523232345454545;CP=2;SP=6;R=61;", "user" : "Dr.Smag" } ], "id" : 72.1, "module" : "Siro", "name" : "Siro shutter" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "roomthermostat (actuator message), only receive (ID 63 additionally)", "dmsg" : "810c04xx0909a00117400000B600", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1740", "NAME" : "FHT_1740" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "actuator" : "0%" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 13:45:08", "revision_modul" : "11_FHT.pm 23183 2020-11-18 21:01:30Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=28736;P1=-402;P2=395;P3=593;P4=-619;P5=-8980;D=01212121212121212121212134212121342134343421213421212121212134212121212121212121342134342134342134212121212121212121212121343421213434252121212121212121212121213421212134213434342121342121212121213421212121212121212134213434213434213421212121212121212121;CP=2;R=21;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "comment" : "roomthermostat (FHZ_ack2 message -> various individual states), only receive (ID 63 additionally)", "dmsg" : "810c04xx0909a001174069007712", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1740", "NAME" : "FHT_1740" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "FHZ_ack2" : "18" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-12-13 22:50:11", "revision_modul" : "11_FHT.pm 23183 2020-11-18 21:01:30Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=604;P1=-1284;P2=-414;P3=405;P5=-580;D=01023232323232323232323232053232320532050505323205323232323232053205053205323205323205050532050505323232320532320532323205320532053205323;CP=3;R=85;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "comment" : "roomthermostat (end-xmit message -> various individual states), only receive (ID 63 additionally)", "dmsg" : "810c04xx0909a00117407E006712", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1740", "NAME" : "FHT_1740" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "end-xmit" : "18" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-12-13 22:45:08", "revision_modul" : "11_FHT.pm 23183 2020-11-18 21:01:30Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=160;P1=-112;P2=2928;P3=-331;P4=458;P5=666;P6=-548;P7=-3888;D=012343434343434343434343435643434356435656564343564343434343435643565656565656434343565643435656565643434356434356434343564356564356434347;CP=4;R=9;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 73, "module" : "FHT", "name" : "FHT80b" }, { "data" : [ { "dmsg" : "810b04f70101a001BF25010011", "internals" : { "DEF" : "bf25 01", "NAME" : "FS20_bf2501" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:27:49", "revision_modul" : "10_FS20.pm 14888 2017-08-13 12:07:12Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=381;P1=-413;P2=574;P3=-615;P4=-6428;D=0101010101010101010101012323012323232323232301012301012301232301010101010101232301010123010101230123232323232301010104;CP=0;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "dmsg" : "810b04f70101a001BF25010000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "bf25 01", "NAME" : "FS20_bf2501" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:27:07", "revision_modul" : "10_FS20.pm 14888 2017-08-13 12:07:12Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=100;P1=-216;P2=-152;P3=577;P4=-412;P5=380;P6=-614;P7=-7296;D=01023454545454545454545454543636543636363636363654543654543654363654545454545454363654545454545454545436363654365436365457;CP=5;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 74, "module" : "FS20", "name" : "FS20 S4A-2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "decode as MU", "dmsg" : "810b04f70101a0011848070000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1848 07", "NAME" : "FS20_184807" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 21:57:10", "revision_modul" : "10_FS20.pm 14888 2017-08-13 12:07:12Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=390;P1=-413;P3=587;P4=-617;P5=-10512;D=01010101343401343401343405010101010101010101010101340101013434010101010134010134010101010101010101343434340101010101010101010134340134340134340;CP=0;R=71;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 74, "module" : "FS20", "name" : "FS20 S6A" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "(ID 29 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "810b04f70101a001CF4B010011", "internals" : { "DEF" : "cf4b 01", "NAME" : "FS20_cf4b01" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:26:02", "revision_modul" : "10_FS20.pm 14888 2017-08-13 12:07:12Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-13468;P1=366;P2=-430;P3=570;P4=-618;P5=-9342;CP=1;R=37;D=012121212121212121212121234343412123434343412123412123412343412121212121212123434121212341212123412121234341212341234151212121212121212121212123434341212343434341212341212341234341212121212121212343412121234121212341212123434121234123415121212121212121212121212343434121234343434121234121234123434121212121212121234341212123412121234121212343412123412341;", "user" : "pejonp" } ], "id" : 74, "module" : "FS20", "name" : "FS20 S8-2" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "decode as MS", "dmsg" : "810b04f70101a0011848110011", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1848 11", "NAME" : "FS20_184811" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:24:08", "revision_modul" : "10_FS20.pm 14888 2017-08-13 12:07:12Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-406;P2=406;P5=583;P6=-616;P7=-10484;D=2721212121212121212121212156212121565621212121215621215621212121212121562121215621212121562121215621562121215621212121;CP=2;SP=7;R=86;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 74.1, "module" : "FS20", "name" : "FS20 S6A" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "LED_XM21_0" }, "dmsg" : "P76#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LED_XM21_0 FFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "NAME" : "LED_XM21_0_FFFFFFFFFFFFFF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:22:13", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-205;P1=113;P3=406;D=010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101030303030101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010103030303010101010101010101010100;CP=1;R=69;", "user" : "sidey79" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "LED_XM21_0" }, "dmsg" : "P76#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "LED_XM21_0 FFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "NAME" : "LED_XM21_0_FFFFFFFFFFFFFF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:21:42", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-203;P1=412;P2=114;D=01010101020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020101010102020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020200;CP=2;R=74;", "user" : "sidey79" } ], "id" : 76, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "LED XM21" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "self build sensor, protocol is under development, https://github.com/juergs/NANO_DS1820_4Fach", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "TXA0D2728722", "internals" : { "DEF" : "105", "NAME" : "CUL_TX_105" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 22.8", "temperature" : "22.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 19:19:28", "revision_modul" : "14_CUL_TX.pm 17102 2018-08-08 05:34:42Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-1483;P1=239;P2=970;P3=-21544;D=01020202010132020202010201020202020201010201020201020201010102020102010202020201010102020102020201013202020201020102020202020101020102020102020101010202010201020202020101010202010202020101;CP=1;", "user" : "unknown" } ], "id" : 77, "module" : "CUL_TX", "name" : "DS1820_4Fach" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "BeSmart_S4" }, "comment" : "Remote control SEAV BeSmart S4 for BEST Cirrus Draw", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P78#53490", "internals" : { "DEF" : "BeSmart_S4 534", "NAME" : "BeSmart_S4_534" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "010100110100", "state" : "light_toggle" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:57:21", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-19987;P1=205;P2=-530;P3=501;P4=-253;P6=-4094;D=01234123412123434123412123412123412121216123412341212343412341212341212341212121612341234121234341234121234121234121212161234123412123434123412123412123412121216123412341212343412341212341212341212121;CP=1;R=70;", "user" : "TheChatty" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "BeSmart_S4" }, "comment" : "Remote control SEAV BeSmart S4 for BEST Cirrus Draw", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P78#53488", "internals" : { "DEF" : "BeSmart_S4 534", "NAME" : "BeSmart_S4_534" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "010100110100", "state" : "level_up" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:55:12", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-8617;P1=204;P2=-544;P3=490;P4=-246;P6=-4106;D=01234123412123434123412123412121234121216123412341212343412341212341212123412121612341234121234341234121234121212341212161234123412123434123412123412121234121216123412341212343412341212341212123412121;CP=1;R=70;", "user" : "TheChatty" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "BeSmart_S4" }, "comment" : "Remote control SEAV BeSmart S4 for BEST Cirrus Draw", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P78#53484", "internals" : { "DEF" : "BeSmart_S4 534", "NAME" : "BeSmart_S4_534" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "010100110100", "state" : "level_down" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:52:50", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-14542;P1=221;P2=-522;P3=492;P4=-240;P5=-4114;D=01234123412123434123412123412121212341215123412341212343412341212341212121234121512341234121234341234121234121212123412151234123412123434123412123412121212341215123412341212343412341212341212121234121;CP=1;R=62;", "user" : "TheChatty" } ], "id" : 78, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "BeSmart_S4" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Heidemann_|_Heidemann_HX_|_VTX-BELL" }, "comment" : "https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,58397.msg828464.html#msg828464", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P79#A0E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "79 A0E", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_A0E" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:50:03", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-7152;P1=872;P2=-593;P3=323;P4=-296;P5=622;P6=-4650;D=0123452323232323454545236345234523232323234545452363452345232323232345454523634523452323232323454545236345234523232323234545452363452345232323232345454523634523452323232323454545236345234523232323234545452363452345232323232345454523634523452323232323454;CP=3;R=26;O;", "user" : "a13xde" } ], "id" : 79, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "BELL-201-TX" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Heidemann_|_Heidemann_HX_|_VTX-BELL" }, "comment" : "Heidemann Funkklingel Sender, letztes Bit ungerade 611 619 61D", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P79#611", "internals" : { "DEF" : "79 611", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_611" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:48:30", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-668;P1=365;P2=-325;P3=692;P4=-5209;CP=1;D=01230101012341012323010101012301010123410123230101010123010101234101232301010101230101012341012323010101012301010123410123230101010123010101234101232301010101230101012341012323010101012301010123410123230101010123010101234101232301010101230101012341012323;O;", "user" : "Holger-Arnold" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Heidemann_|_Heidemann_HX_|_VTX-BELL" }, "comment" : "Heidemann Funkklingel Sender, letztes Bit gerade 612 616 61A 61C 61E (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P79#612", "internals" : { "DEF" : "79 612", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_612" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:47:11", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-29724;P1=357;P2=-666;P4=-324;P5=698;P6=-5242;CP=1;D=01214545212121214521214521612145452121212145212145216121454521212121452121452161214545212121214521214521612145452121212145212145216121454521212121452121452161214545212121214521214521612145452121212145212145216121454521212121452121452161214545212121214521;O;", "user" : "Holger-Arnold" } ], "id" : 79, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "HX 70372" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Heidemann_|_Heidemann_HX_|_VTX-BELL" }, "comment" : "Heidemann Doorbell (ID 63 additionally) https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,58397.msg879878.html#msg879878", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P79#3FC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "79 3FC", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_3FC" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:45:40", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-421;P1=344;P2=-699;P4=659;P6=-5203;P7=259;D=1612121040404040404040421216121210404040404040404212161212104040404040404042121612121040404040404040421216121210404040404040404272761212104040404040404042121612121040404040404040421216121210404040404040404212167272104040404040404042721612127040404040404;CP=4;R=0;O;", "user" : "rcmcronny" } ], "id" : 79, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "HX 70372" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Energy-Monitor", "dmsg" : "E01015B880803008305", "internals" : { "DEF" : "1", "NAME" : "CUL_EM_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "RAW" : "CNT: 91 CUM: 2184 5MIN: 3 TOP: 1411", "cum_day" : "CUM_DAY: 0.000 CUM: 14.560 COST: 0.00", "current" : "0.24", "current_cnt" : "3", "peak" : "0.170092133238838", "peak_cnt" : "1411", "seqno" : "91", "state" : "CNT: 91 CUM: 14.560 5MIN: 0.240 TOP: 0.170", "total" : "14.56", "total_cnt" : "2184" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-22 13:53:25", "revision_modul" : "15_CUL_EM.pm 16293 2018-02-28 21:33:57Z rudolfkoenig", "rmsg" : "MU;P1=-417;P2=385;P3=-815;P4=-12058;D=42121212121212121212121212121212121232321212121212121232321212121212121232323212323212321232121212321212123232121212321212121232323212121212121232121212121212121232323212121212123232321232121212121232123232323212321;CP=2;R=87;", "user" : "Derwelcherichbin" } ], "id" : 80, "module" : "CUL_EM", "name" : "EM1000WZ" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "SA_434_1_mini" }, "comment" : "(ID 63,86 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P81#604", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SA_434_1_mini 604", "NAME" : "SA_434_1_mini_604" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "receive" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:44:00", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=436;P1=-1033;P3=-537;P4=966;P5=-17209;P6=-7015;D=010103434343434341034345034101034343434343410343450341010343434343434103434506;CP=4;R=58;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 81, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "SA-434-1 mini" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "STOP, remote Easy Standard, (ID 63 additionally), 10_Fernotron.pm is under development", "dmsg" : "P82#F0000100001F0000100010F0111101001F0111101010F0111111101F0111111110F0100010000F0100010011F1100000000F1100000011F1000100101F1000100110", "internals" : { "DEF" : "scan", "NAME" : "Fernotron_Scan" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "plain:105efe:stop" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:32:18", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-32001;P1=441;P2=-355;P3=-3153;P4=842;P5=-757;CP=1;D=0121212121212121342424242154242424215134242424215424242154213421515151542154242151342151515154215421542134215151515151515421513421515151515151515421342154242421542424242134215424242154242151513151542424242424242421315154242424242421515131542424215424215421513154242421542421515421;e;", "user" : "zwiebert" }, { "comment" : "DOWN, remote Easy Standard, (ID 63 additionally), 10_Fernotron.pm is under development", "dmsg" : "P82#F0000100001F0000100010F0111101001F0111101010F0111111101F0111111110F0100100000F0100100011F1010000000F1010000011F1100000101F1100000110", "internals" : { "DEF" : "scan", "NAME" : "Fernotron_Scan" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "plain:105efe:down" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-22 22:31:30", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-200;P1=21748;P2=-25008;P3=410;P4=-388;P5=-3189;P6=811;P7=-785;CP=3;D=012343434343434343564646464376464646437356464646437646464376435643737373764376464373564373737376437643764356437373737373737643735643737373737373737643564376464376464646464356437646437646464373735376437646464646464643537643764646464643737353737646464646437643735373764646464643737643;e;", "user" : "zwiebert" } ], "id" : 82, "module" : "Fernotron", "name" : "Fernotron" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RH787T" }, "comment" : "example Westinghouse Deckenventilator Delancey (ID 30 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "7", "dmsg" : "P83#077", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RH787T 0", "NAME" : "RH787T_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0000 (on|on|on|on)", "state" : "1_fan_minimum_speed" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:30:35", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=388;P1=-112;P2=267;P3=-378;P5=585;P6=-693;P7=-11234;D=0123035353535356262623562626272353535353562626235626262723535353535626262356262627235353535356262623562626272353535353562626235626262723535353535626262356262627235353535356262623562626272353535353562626235626262723535353535626262356262627235353535356262;CP=2;R=43;O;", "user" : "zwiebelxxl" } ], "id" : 83, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "RH787T" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Version 06/2017", "dmsg" : "W84#033B1FC328", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_84_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_84_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "59", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: -6.1 H: 59", "temperature" : "-6.1", "type" : "Auriol IAN 283582, TV-4848" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:36:51", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=595;P1=344;P2=-862;P3=846;P4=244;P5=-602;P7=-251;D=1232323245454545454507074545070707450707454545070707070707074545454507074545074507454540;CP=4;R=4;", "state" : "T: -6.1 H: 59", "user" : "roobbb" } ], "id" : 84, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Auriol IAN 283582" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Aldi (ID 40 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W84#A64D20D570", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_84_TH_3", "NAME" : "SD_WS_84_TH_3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "3", "humidity" : "77", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: 21.3 H: 77", "temperature" : "21.3", "type" : "Auriol IAN 283582, TV-4848" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:38:48", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-30004;P1=815;P2=-910;P3=599;P4=-263;P5=234;P6=-621;D=0121212345634565634345656345656343456345656345656565656343456345634563456343434565656;CP=5;R=5;", "user" : "w6s8" } ], "id" : 84, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Sempre 92596/65395" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Amazon (ID 37,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "W84#5E36012D24", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_84_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_84_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "54", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: 30.1 H: 54", "temperature" : "30.1", "type" : "Auriol IAN 283582, TV-4848" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 21:41:06", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=859;P1=-845;P2=-253;P3=240;P4=-598;P5=617;D=45252525234343452523452523434343434343434523434523452523452343452343452345234010101013452345252525234343452523452523434343434343434523434523452523452343452343452345234010101013452345252525234343452523452523434343434343434523434523452523452343452343452345;CP=3;R=63;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 84, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Tecvance TV-4848" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Thermo-hygro sensor for base station 35.1140.01 (ID 54,61 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W85#0C45C60124B0554F8", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "humidity" : "85", "state" : "T: 8.7 H: 85", "temperature" : "8.7", "type" : "TFA 30.3222.02, TFA 30.3251.10, LaCrosse TX141W" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 20:20:40", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-509;P1=474;P2=-260;P3=228;P4=718;P5=-745;D=01212303030303012301230123012301230301212121230454545453030303012123030301230303012301212123030301212303030303030303012303012303012303012301212303030303012301230123012301230301212121212454545453030303012123030301230303012301212123030301212303030303030303;CP=3;R=46;O;", "user" : "Iron-R1" } ], "id" : 85, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3222.02, Temp" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Thermo-hygro sensor for base station 35.1140.01 (ID 54,61 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W85#0C35A602015000C98", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "state" : "W: 2.1", "type" : "TFA 30.3222.02, TFA 30.3251.10, LaCrosse TX141W", "windSpeed" : "2.1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-21 20:24:18", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=242;P1=-506;P2=467;P3=-248;P4=723;P5=-736;D=01012323010123010123014545454501010101232301010101232301230123230123010123230101010101010123010101010101010123012301230101010101010101010101012323010123010123234545454501010101232301010101232301230123230123010123230101010101010123010101010101010123012301;CP=0;R=52;O;", "user" : "Iron-R1" } ], "id" : 85, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3222.02, Wind" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "TFA_30.3251.10" }, "comment" : "additionally windDirectionDegree and windDirectionText", "dmsg" : "W85#0BFF0F0203B03A980", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "state" : "W: 5.9", "type" : "TFA 30.3222.02, TFA 30.3251.10, LaCrosse TX141W", "windDirectionDegree" : "58", "windDirectionText" : "ENE", "windSpeed" : "5.9" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-04-17 13:36:34", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-04-15 15:55:23Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-28464;P1=493;P2=-238;P3=244;P4=-492;P5=728;P6=-732;D=01212123434343412121212343434343434123434343434343412121234121234343434343412121234123412343412123434343456565656343434341234121212121212121212123434343412121212343434343434123434343434343412121234121234343434343412121234123412343412123434343456565656343;CP=3;R=20;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "TFA_30.3251.10" }, "comment" : "windDirectionText N, windDirectionDegree 355", "dmsg" : "W85#0BFF0F02000163C10", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_85_THW_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "1", "state" : "W: 0", "type" : "TFA 30.3222.02, TFA 30.3251.10, LaCrosse TX141W", "windDirectionDegree" : "355", "windDirectionText" : "N", "windSpeed" : "0" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-09-04 12:01:02", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-07-05 18:47:28Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-11716;P1=485;P2=-239;P3=251;P4=-490;P5=732;P6=-726;D=01212121234343434121212123434343434341234343434343434343434343434343434123412123434341212121234343434341234565656563434343412341212121212121212121234343434121212123434343434341234343434343434343434343434343434123412123434341212121234343434341234565656563;CP=3;R=23;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 85, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3251.10 Windsensor" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "CAME_TOP_432EV" }, "comment" : "Remote control (ID 81 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "7", "dmsg" : "P86#EEE", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CAME_TOP_432EV EE", "NAME" : "CAME_TOP_432EV_EE" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "11101110", "state" : "left_button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:45:34", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-322;P1=136;P2=-15241;P3=288;P4=-735;P6=723;D=0123434343064343430643434306234343430643434306434343062343434306434343064343430623434343064343430643434306234343430643434306434343062343434306434343064343430623434343064343430643434306234343430643434306434343062343434306434343064343430;CP=3;R=27;", "user" : "andies, andreasloe" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "CAME_TOP_432EV" }, "comment" : "Remote control", "dispatch_repeats" : "5", "dmsg" : "P86#EED", "internals" : { "DEF" : "CAME_TOP_432EV EE", "NAME" : "CAME_TOP_432EV_EE" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "11101110", "state" : "right_button" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:47:05", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-15281;P1=293;P2=-745;P3=-319;P4=703;P5=212;P6=152;P7=-428;D=01212121342121213421213421012121213421212134212134210121212134212121342121342101212121342121213421213421012121213421212134212134210121243134212121342121342101252526742121213425213421012121213421212134212134210121212134212;CP=1;R=23;", "user" : "andies, andreasloe" } ], "id" : 86, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "CAME TOP 432EV" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Novy_840029" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Novy kitchen hood / hex_lengh 3 (ID 63,81 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "4", "dmsg" : "P86#555", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Novy_840029 55", "NAME" : "Novy_840029_55" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "01010101", "state" : "speed_plus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 12:01:53", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=22808;P1=-24232;P2=701;P3=-765;P4=357;P5=-15970;P7=-406;D=012345472347234723472347234723454723472347234723472347234547234723472347234723472345472347234723472347234723454723472347234723472347234;CP=4;R=39;", "user" : "Garfonso" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Novy_840029" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Novy kitchen hood / hex_lengh 3 (ID 63,81 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P86#556", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Novy_840029 55", "NAME" : "Novy_840029_55" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "01010101", "state" : "speed_minus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 12:03:25", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-8032;P1=364;P2=-398;P3=700;P4=-760;P5=-15980;D=0123412341234123412341412351234123412341234123414123512341234123412341234141235123412341234123412341412351234123412341234123414123;CP=1;R=40;", "user" : "Garfonso" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Novy_840029" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Novy kitchen hood / hex_lengh 5 (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P86#5574C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Novy_840029 55", "NAME" : "Novy_840029_55" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "01010101", "state" : "power_on_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 12:04:59", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-756;P1=718;P2=354;P3=-395;P4=-16056;D=01020202310231310202423102310231023102310202023102313102024231023102310231023102020231023131020242310231023102310231020202310231310202;CP=2;R=41;", "user" : "Garfonso" } ], "id" : 86, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Novy 840029" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Novy_840039" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Novy kitchen hood / hex_lengh 5", "dmsg" : "P86#556F8", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Novy_840039 55", "NAME" : "Novy_840039_55" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "01010101", "state" : "ambient_light_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:54:26", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-9524;P1=364;P2=-414;P3=669;P4=-755;P5=-16076;CP=1;R=83;D=0123412341234123412341412341414141412351234123412341234123414123414141414123;e;w=0;", "user" : "Devirex" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Novy_840039" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Novy kitchen hood / hex_lengh 3 (ID 81 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P86#555", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Novy_840039 55", "NAME" : "Novy_840039_55" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "01010101", "state" : "fan_plus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:52:35", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=388;P1=-756;P2=264;P3=-399;P4=683;P5=-16082;CP=0;R=67;D=0123410341034103410341050341034103410341034103410;e;w=0;", "user" : "Devirex" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Novy_840039" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Novy kitchen hood / hex_lengh 5", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P86#5574C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Novy_840039 55", "NAME" : "Novy_840039_55" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "01010101", "state" : "power_on_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:51:12", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-749;P1=378;P2=-456;P3=684;P4=-16081;D=01230101012301232301014123012301230123012301010123012323010141230123012301230123010101230123230101412;CP=1;R=66;", "user" : "Devirex" } ], "id" : 86, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Novy 840039" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "SF01_01319004" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Neff Transmitter SF01 01319004 (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "5", "dmsg" : "P86#A1530", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SF01_01319004 A150", "NAME" : "SF01_01319004_A150" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "A150", "state" : "plus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:41:58", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-220;P1=348;P2=-702;P3=-381;P4=662;P5=-15257;D=01213421342134342121343451213421343434342134213421343421213434512134213434343421342134213434212134345121342134343434213421342134342121343451213421343434342134213421343421213434512134213434343421342134213434212134345121342134343434213421342134342121343451;CP=1;R=6;O;", "user" : "fhemjcm" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "SF01_01319004" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Neff Transmitter SF01 01319004 (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "4", "dmsg" : "P86#A1528", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SF01_01319004 A150", "NAME" : "SF01_01319004_A150" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "A150", "state" : "minus" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:43:24", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-2112;P1=340;P2=-708;P3=-381;P4=660;P5=-15243;D=012134213434343421342134213434213421345121342134343434213421342134342134213451213421343434342134213421343421342134512134213434343421342134213434213421345121342134343434213421342134342134213451213421343434342134213421343421342134512134213434343421342134;CP=1;R=7;", "user" : "fhemjcm" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "SF01_01319004" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Neff Transmitter SF01 01319004 (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "4", "dmsg" : "P86#A1538", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SF01_01319004 A150", "NAME" : "SF01_01319004_A150" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "A150", "state" : "light_on_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:38:50", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-707;P1=332;P2=-376;P3=670;P5=-15243;D=010123012323232301230123012323010101235101230123232323012301230123230101012351012301232323230123012301232301010123510123012323232301230123012323010101235101230123232323012301230123230101012351012301232323230123012301232301010123510123012323232301230123;CP=1;R=3;", "user" : "fhemjcm" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "SF01_01319004" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Neff Transmitter SF01 01319004 (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "4", "dmsg" : "P86#A1524", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SF01_01319004 A150", "NAME" : "SF01_01319004_A150" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "A150", "state" : "delay" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:30:55", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-944;P1=341;P2=-695;P3=-375;P4=672;P5=-15261;D=012134213434343421342134213434213434215121342134343434213421342134342134342151213421343434342134213421343421343421512134213434343421342134213434213434215121342134343434213421342134342134342151213421343434342134213421343421343421512134213434343421342134;CP=1;R=2;", "user" : "fhemjcm" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "SF01_01319004" }, "comment" : "Remote control for Neff Transmitter SF01 01319004 (ID 63 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P86#A1534", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SF01_01319004 A150", "NAME" : "SF01_01319004_A150" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "A150", "state" : "interval" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:26:00", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-372;P1=330;P2=684;P3=-699;P4=-14178;D=010231020202023102310231020231310231413102310202020231023102310202313102314;CP=1;R=253;", "user" : "user" } ], "id" : 86, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "SF01_01319004" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "SF01_01319004_Typ2" }, "comment" : "Remote control for BOSCH Transmitter SF01 01319004 / Typ2 (ID 63,81 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "4", "dmsg" : "P86#26398", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SF01_01319004_Typ2 2638", "NAME" : "SF01_01319004_Typ2_2638" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "2638", "state" : "light_on_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:07:33", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=706;P1=-160;P2=140;P3=-335;P4=-664;P5=385;P6=-15226;P7=248;D=01210103045303045453030304545453030454530653030453030454530303045454530304747306530304530304545303030454545303045453065303045303045453030304545453030454530653030453030454530303045454530304545306530304530304545303030454545303045453065303045303045453030304;CP=5;O;", "user" : "Stuetti" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "SF01_01319004_Typ2" }, "comment" : "Remote control for BOSCH Transmitter SF01 01319004 / Typ2 (ID 63,81 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P86#26384", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SF01_01319004_Typ2 2638", "NAME" : "SF01_01319004_Typ2_2638" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "2638", "state" : "delay" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:23:58", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=379;P1=-330;P2=713;P3=-660;P4=-15209;D=01212121230401212301212303012121230303012121212304012123012123030121212303030121212123040121230121230301212123030301212121230;CP=0;", "user" : "Stuetti" } ], "id" : 86, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "SF01_01319004_Typ2" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "JaroLift" }, "comment" : "encoded - 4Ch remote with serialEnd 00 (ID 88 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P87#ABBC9819000065F200", "internals" : { "DEF" : "FA6000", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_FA6000" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "button" : "stop", "channel" : "1", "channel_control" : "< 9", "last_digits" : "encrypted", "serial_receive" : "FA6000", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:04:50", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=1518;P2=-416;P3=370;P4=-3988;P5=-822;P6=793;P7=-16228;D=34356235623562353535623535353562623562623535626262626262353562623562626262626262626262626262626262623535626235623535353535626235626262626262626267123232323232323232323232;CP=3;SP=4;R=243;O;m2;", "user" : "bismosa" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "JaroLift" }, "comment" : "encoded - 4Ch remote without serialEnd 00 (ID 88 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P87#F096BB6B804C654200", "internals" : { "DEF" : "2A6320", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_2A6320" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "button" : "stop", "channel" : "2", "channel_control" : "< 9", "last_digits" : "encrypted", "serial_receive" : "2A6320", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:05:58", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-408;P1=-16408;P2=407;P3=1588;P4=-826;P6=-4290;P7=793;D=26242424247070707024707024702424702470242424702424702424702470242424707070707070707024707024247070702424707024702470247070707024707070707070707071342424242424242424;CP=2;SP=6;R=34;O;s=24;m0;", "user" : "thorschtn" } ], "id" : 87, "module" : "SD_Keeloq", "name" : "JaroLift TDRCT 04W" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RP_S1_HS_RF11" }, "comment" : "encoded, button one", "dmsg" : "P88#C2C85435F9C284E18", "internals" : { "DEF" : "721439F", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_721439F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "button" : "one", "repeat_message" : "no", "serial_receive" : "721439F", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:02:16", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=385;P2=-375;P3=-3756;P4=-745;P5=766;P6=-15000;D=131414525252521452141452521452525252145214521452525252141452145214141414141452521414145252525214521452525252145252141414525252521414561212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=54;O;s=36;m0;", "user" : "D3ltorohd" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RP_S1_HS_RF11" }, "comment" : "encoded, button two", "dmsg" : "P88#7EFDFFDDF9C284E4C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "721439F", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_721439F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "button" : "two", "repeat_message" : "yes", "serial_receive" : "721439F", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:03:15", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=735;P2=-375;P3=377;P4=-752;P6=-3748;D=3612343434343434123434343434341234343434343434343434341234343412343434343434121234343412121212341234121212123412123434341212341212343;CP=3;SP=6;R=42;e;m1;", "user" : "D3ltorohd" } ], "id" : 88, "module" : "SD_Keeloq", "name" : "RADEMACHER RP-S1-HS-RF11" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Roto" }, "comment" : "encoded, button up", "dmsg" : "P88#9451E57890EAFEF24", "internals" : { "DEF" : "F7F5709", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_F7F5709" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "button" : "up", "repeat_message" : "yes", "serial_receive" : "F7F5709", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 11:01:06", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-16052;P1=363;P2=-437;P3=-4001;P4=-829;P5=755;D=131452521452145252521452145252521414141452521452145214141414525252145252145252525214141452145214521414141414141452141414145252145252101212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=51;O;m1;", "user" : "bruen985" } ], "id" : 88, "module" : "SD_Keeloq", "name" : "Roto TX-nM-HCS" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "PR3_4207_002" }, "comment" : "encoded, button one", "dmsg" : "P88#0A8423F39D6020044", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00406B9", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_00406B9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "button" : "one", "repeat_message" : "yes", "serial_receive" : "00406B9", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:54:44", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=844;P1=-4230;P2=420;P4=-860;P6=-17704;P7=-439;D=210707070724072407240707070724070707072407070724242424242407072424240707242424072407242407070707070707240707070707070707070724070707262727272727272727272727;CP=2;SP=1;R=18;O;s=36;m0;", "user" : "D3ltorohd" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "PR3_4207_002" }, "comment" : "encoded, button two", "dmsg" : "P88#00C7922B9D6020024", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00406B9", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_00406B9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "button" : "two", "repeat_message" : "yes", "serial_receive" : "00406B9", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:57:43", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=417;P3=847;P4=-442;P5=-858;P7=-4258;D=1734343434343434341515343434151515153434153434153434341534153415151534341515153415341515343434343434341534343434343434343434341534341;CP=1;SP=7;R=25;e;m1;", "user" : "D3ltorohd" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "PR3_4207_002" }, "comment" : "encoded, button three", "dmsg" : "P88#F82542039D6020014", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00406B9", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_00406B9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "button" : "three", "repeat_message" : "yes", "serial_receive" : "00406B9", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:58:56", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-855;P1=852;P2=-433;P3=432;P5=-17236;P6=-4250;D=363030303030121212121230121230123012301212121230121212121212123030301212303030123012303012121212121212301212121212121212121212123012353232323232323232323232;CP=3;SP=6;R=29;O;s=36;m0;", "user" : "D3ltorohd" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "PR3_4207_002" }, "comment" : "encoded, button four", "dmsg" : "P88#DB06531F9D6020084", "internals" : { "DEF" : "00406B9", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_00406B9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "button" : "four", "repeat_message" : "yes", "serial_receive" : "00406B9", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:59:53", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-17496;P1=435;P2=-438;P4=-4269;P5=-845;P6=850;D=141515621515621515626262626215156262156215626215156262621515151515156262151515621562151562626262626262156262626262626262621562626262101212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=4;R=34;O;m1;", "user" : "D3ltorohd" } ], "id" : 88, "module" : "SD_Keeloq", "name" : "SCS Sentinel PR3-4207-002" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Waeco_MA650_TX" }, "comment" : "encoded, button blue", "dmsg" : "P88#55D6D6EFCD9422044", "internals" : { "DEF" : "04429B3", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_04429B3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "button" : "blue", "repeat_message" : "yes", "serial_receive" : "04429B3", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:53:16", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-425;P2=348;P3=-3925;P4=748;P5=-816;P6=-15724;D=234125412541254125252541254125254125254125412525412525254125252525252541412525412525414125412541414141254141412541414141414125414141262121212121212121212121;CP=2;SP=3;R=12;O;m1;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 88, "module" : "SD_Keeloq", "name" : "Waeco MA650-TX" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "enjoy_motors_HS" }, "comment" : "encoded, button up, (Mod. GFSK)", "dmsg" : "P88#31EB8B8A008B48058", "internals" : { "DEF" : "012D100", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_012D100" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "button" : "up", "repeat_message" : "no", "serial_receive" : "012D100", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:48:59", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=399;P2=-421;P3=-4034;P4=800;P5=-815;P6=-15516;D=1342421515424242151515154215421515154242421542151515424242154215424242424242424242154242421542151542154242154242424242424242154215161212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=86;O;m2;", "user" : "plin" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "enjoy_motors_HS" }, "comment" : "encoded, button down, (Mod. GFSK)", "dmsg" : "P88#54F58AA3008B48038", "internals" : { "DEF" : "012D100", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_012D100" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "button" : "down", "repeat_message" : "no", "serial_receive" : "012D100", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:47:49", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=415;P2=-400;P3=-4034;P4=810;P5=-803;P6=-15468;D=1342154215421542421515151542154215154242421542154215421542424215154242424242424242154242421542151542154242154242424242424242421515161212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=84;O;m2;", "user" : "plin" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "enjoy_motors_HS" }, "comment" : "encoded, button stop, (Mod. GFSK)", "dmsg" : "P88#CBDA84D2008B48018", "internals" : { "DEF" : "012D100", "NAME" : "SD_Keeloq_012D100" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "button" : "stop", "repeat_message" : "no", "serial_receive" : "012D100", "state" : "receive", "user_info" : "Please input KeeLoq_NLF, MasterMSB and MasterLSB Key!", "user_modus" : "only_limited" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:46:10", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_Keeloq.pm 32 2020-01-12 09:56:00Z v3.4", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=417;P2=-400;P3=-4032;P4=-789;P5=811;P6=-15540;D=1314145252145214141414521414521452145252525214525214145214525214525252525252525252145252521452141452145252145252525252525252525214161212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=86;O;m2;", "user" : "plin" } ], "id" : 88, "module" : "SD_Keeloq", "name" : "enjoy motors HS-8" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Thermo-hygro sensor for base station 35.1140.01 (ID 37,61 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "W89#F012333E01", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_89_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_89_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "2", "humidity" : "62", "sendmode" : "auto", "state" : "T: 6.3 H: 62", "temperature" : "6.3", "type" : "TFA 30.3221.02" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:43:44", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=22960;P1=-893;P2=775;P3=409;P4=-296;P5=182;P6=-513;D=01212121343434345656565656565634565634565656343456563434565634343434345656565656565656342121212134343434565656565656563456563456565634345656343456563434343434565656565656565634212121213434343456565656565656345656345656563434565634345656343434343456565656;CP=5;R=22;O;", "user" : "Iron-R1" } ], "id" : 89, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 30.3221.02" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RC_10" }, "comment" : "button A", "dmsg" : "P90#43CB0FA10", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RC_10 43CB_A", "NAME" : "RC_10_43CB_A" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0100001111001011", "state" : "on", "x_n4" : "0000", "x_n5-8_on" : "1111101000010" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:42:10", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=-9964;P1=273;P4=-866;P5=792;P6=-343;D=10145614141414565656561414561456561414141456565656561456141414145614;CP=1;SP=0;R=35;O;m2;", "user" : "my-engel" } ], "id" : 90, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "MANAX RC-10 (MX-RCS250)" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RC_10" }, "comment" : "button A", "dmsg" : "P90#78690F250", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RC_10 7869_A", "NAME" : "RC_10_7869_A" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0111100001101001", "state" : "on", "x_n4" : "0000", "x_n5-8_on" : "1111001001010" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:21:27", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=781;P3=-372;P4=251;P5=-903;P6=-10342;D=46451313131345454545131345134545134545454513131313454513454513451345;CP=4;SP=6;O;m1;E;", "user" : "peterboeckmann" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RC_10" }, "comment" : "button A", "dmsg" : "P90#78690E240", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RC_10 7869_A", "NAME" : "RC_10_7869_A" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0111100001101001", "state" : "off", "x_n4" : "0000", "x_n5-8_off" : "1110001001000" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:22:40", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=790;P2=-363;P3=257;P4=-896;P5=-10283;D=35341212121234343434121234123434123434343412121234343412343412343434;CP=3;SP=5;O;m2;C;C;", "user" : "peterboeckmann" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RC_10" }, "comment" : "button all", "dmsg" : "P90#7869042B0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RC_10 7869_all", "NAME" : "RC_10_7869_all" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0111100001101001", "state" : "on", "x_n4" : "0000", "x_n5-8_on" : "0100001010110" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:24:30", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-361;P2=267;P3=-884;P4=792;P5=-10342;D=25234141414123232323414123412323412323232323412323232341234123414123;CP=2;SP=5;O;m2;A;", "user" : "peterboeckmann" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RC_10" }, "comment" : "button all", "dmsg" : "P90#786908230", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RC_10 7869_all", "NAME" : "RC_10_7869_all" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0111100001101001", "state" : "off", "x_n4" : "0000", "x_n5-8_off" : "1000001000110" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:25:58", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-363;P2=789;P3=267;P4=-887;P5=-10332;D=35342121212134343434212134213434213434343421343434343421343434212134;CP=3;SP=5;O;m2;4;", "user" : "peterboeckmann" } ], "id" : 90, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "mumbi RC-10 (AFS300-s)" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "MD_2018R" }, "comment" : "Atlantic's - Vibration Sensor (ID 63 additionally) / decode as MU", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P91#80306644B", "internals" : { "DEF" : "MD_2018R 803066", "NAME" : "MD_2018R_803066" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "contact" : "Alarm", "deviceTyp" : "vibration", "keepalive" : "event", "state" : "warning" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:19:45", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : 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"MU;P1=392;P2=-416;P3=804;P4=-822;P5=-4029;P6=-32001;D=151412323412323234141412341414141412341232341414141234123234141412341234141660;CP=1;R=0;", "user" : "Harst" } ], "id" : 91, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "MD-210R" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "MD_2003R" }, "comment" : "Focus/Atlantic's - Gas detektor (ID 63 additionally) / decode as MU", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P91#FCC17E1CA", "internals" : { "DEF" : "MD_2003R FCC17E", "NAME" : "MD_2003R_FCC17E" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "contact" : "no Alarm", "deviceTyp" : "gas", "keepalive" : "periodically", "state" : "normal" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:17:39", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-164;P1=378;P2=-813;P3=-429;P4=764;P5=-3929;D=0121212134342121343434343421342121212121213434343421212134342134213451212121212121343421213434343434213421212121212134343434212121343421342134512121212121213434212134343434342134212121212121343434342121213434213421345121212121212134342121343434343421342;CP=1;R=0;O;", "user" : "Harst" } ], "id" : 91, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "MD_2003R" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "MD_2018R" }, "comment" : "Atlantic's - Vibration Sensor / decode as MS", "dmsg" : "P91#80306644B", "internals" : { "DEF" : "MD_2018R 803066", "NAME" : "MD_2018R_803066" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "contact" : "Alarm", "deviceTyp" : "vibration", "keepalive" : "event", "state" : "warning" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:15:56", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : 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"Krinner_LUMIX" }, "comment" : "(ID 19,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P92#A06C3601", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Krinner_LUMIX A06C360", "NAME" : "Krinner_LUMIX_A06C360" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "1010000001101100001101100000", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:11:12", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=24188;P1=-16308;P2=993;P3=-402;P4=416;P5=-967;P6=-10162;D=0123234545454523234523234545454545454545232623452345454545454523234523234545454523234523234545454545454545232623452345454545454523234523234545454523234523234545454545454545232623452345454545454523234523234545454523234523234545454545454545232;CP=4;R=25;", "user" : "gestein" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Krinner_LUMIX" }, "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P92#A06C3600", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Krinner_LUMIX A06C360", "NAME" : "Krinner_LUMIX_A06C360" }, "minProtocolVersion" 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0C (ID 63 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W94#0D830018CCC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_94_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_94_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: -0.4", "temperature" : "-0.4", "type" : "Atech" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:05:29", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-32001;P1=1533;P2=-297;P3=-7612;P4=-2005;D=0121212121212121314141414121214121214141414141212141414141414141414141412121414141212141412121414121;CP=1;", "user" : "Kreidler1221" }, { "comment" : "Temp sensor Id: 0C (ID 63 additionally)", "dmsg" : "W94#0D8000336CC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_94_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_94_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 0.2", "temperature" : "0.2", "type" : "Atech" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:06:30", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-32001;P1=1532;P2=-299;P3=-7608;P4=-2005;D=0121212121212121314141414121214121214141414141414141414141414141414141212141412121412121412121414121;CP=1;", "user" : "Kreidler1221" }, { "comment" : "Temp sensor Id: 0C (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "W94#0D80180CDB6C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_94_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_94_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 10.2", "temperature" : "10.2", "type" : "Atech" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:07:18", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-31292;P1=1529;P2=-300;P3=-7610;P4=-2009;D=012121212121212131414141412121412121414141414141414141412121414141414141412121414121214121214121214121214121012121212121212131414141412121412121414141414141414141412121414141414141412121414121214121214121214121214121;CP=1;", "user" : "Kreidler1221" }, { "comment" : "Temp sensor Id: 0C (ID 63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "W94#0D8031B60C6C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_94_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_94_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 27", "temperature" : "27", "type" : "Atech" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:03:12", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-31290;P1=1533;P2=-297;P3=-7608;P4=-2006;D=012121212121212131414141412121412121414141414141414141212141414121214121214121214141414141212141414121214121012121212121212131414141412121412121414141414141414141212141414121214121214121214141414141212141414121214121;CP=1;", "user" : "Kreidler1221" } ], "id" : 94, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Atech" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Techmar" }, "comment" : "Garden Lights remote control (ID 31,63 additionally)", "dmsg" : "P95#7709F5DE09F60", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Techmar 7709F5DE", "NAME" : "Techmar_7709F5DE" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "7709F5DE", "state" : "Group_1_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:00:41", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-972;P1=526;P2=-335;P3=-666;D=01213131312131313121212121312121313131313121312131313121313131312121212121312121313131313121313121212101213131312131313121212121312121313131313121312131313121313131312121212121312121313131313121313121212101213131312131313121212121312121313131313121312131;CP=1;R=44;O;", "user" : "BlackcatSandy" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Techmar" }, "comment" : "Garden Lights remote control (ID 31,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P95#7709F5DE11EE0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Techmar 7709F5DE", "NAME" : "Techmar_7709F5DE" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "7709F5DE", "state" : "Group_5_on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 10:01:49", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-651;P1=530;P2=-345;P3=-969;D=01212121312101010121010101212121210121210101010101210121010101210101010121212121012121210101010121010101212101312101010121010101212121210121210101010101210121010101210101010121212121012121210101010121010101212121312101010121010101212121210121210101010101;CP=1;R=24;O;", "user" : "BlackcatSandy" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Techmar" }, "comment" : "Garden Lights remote control (ID 31,63 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P95#7709F5DE02FD0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Techmar 7709F5DE", "NAME" : "Techmar_7709F5DE" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "7709F5DE", "state" : "Group_8_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 09:59:28", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : 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"Momento_0000064" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0000064", "state" : "play/pause" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 09:57:02", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-294;P1=237;P2=5829;P3=-3887;P4=1001;P5=-523;P6=504;P7=-995;D=01010101010101010101010234545454545454545454545454545454545454545456767454567454545456745456745456745454523454545454545454545454545454545454545454545676745456745454545674545674545674545452345454545454545454545454545454545454545454567674545674545454567454;CP=4;R=45;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Momento" }, "comment" : "remote control for wireless digital picture frame", "dmsg" : "P97#0000064147", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Momento 0000064", "NAME" : "Momento_0000064" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0000064", "state" : "power" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 09:55:38", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-998;P1=-273;P2=256;P3=5830;P4=-3906;P5=991;P6=-527;P7=508;D=12121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121345656565656565656565656565656565656565656567070565670565656565670567056565670707034565656565656565656565656565656565656565656707056567;CP=2;R=40;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Momento" }, "comment" : "remote control for wireless digital picture frame", "dmsg" : "P97#000006444A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Momento 0000064", "NAME" : "Momento_0000064" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0000064", "state" : "up" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-26 09:54:27", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-1005;P1=-272;P2=258;P3=5856;P4=-3902;P5=1001;P6=-520;P7=508;D=0121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121213456565656565656565656565656565656565656565670705656705656567056565670565670567056345656565656565656565656565656565656565656567070565;CP=2;R=63;O;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 97, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Momento" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "GEA-028DB" }, "comment" : "Radio door chime", "dispatch_repeats" : "5", "dmsg" : "P98#6A2C", "internals" : { "DEF" : "98 6A2C", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_6A2C" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:59:13", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-03-22 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=1488;P1=-585;P2=520;P3=-1509;P4=1949;P5=-5468;CP=2;R=38;D=01232301230123010101230123230101454501232301230123010101230123230101454501232301230123010101230123230101454501232301230123010101230123230101454501232301230123010101230123230101454501232301230123010101230123230101454501232301230123010101230123230101454501;O;", "user" : "nagelreo" } ], "id" : 98, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "GEA-028DB" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Navaris" }, "comment" : "NAVARIS touch light switch Model No.: 44344.04", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P99#211073", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Navaris 211073", "NAME" : "Navaris_211073" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "state" : "receive" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:57:21", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-302;P1=180;P2=294;P3=-208;P4=419;P5=-423;D=01023101010101023232310102323451010231010101023101010231010101010232323101023234510102310101010231010102310101010102323231010232345101023101010102310101023101010101023232310102323451010231010101023101010231010101010232323101023234510102310101010231010102;CP=1;R=36;O;", "user" : "DavidKing123456" } ], "id" : 99, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "NAVARIS 44344.04" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Temp / Hum sensor (Mod. 2-FSK, Lacrosse mode 1)", "dmsg" : "OK 9 42 129 4 212 44", "internals" : { "DEF" : "2A", "NAME" : "LaCrosse_2A" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "humidity" : "44", "state" : "T: 23.6 H: 44", "temperature" : "23.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-20 18:33:20", "revision_modul" : "36_LaCrosse.pm 20217 2019-09-21 09:53:25Z HCS", "rmsg" : "MN;D=9AA6362CC8AAAA000012F8F4;R=4;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 100, "module" : "LaCrosse", "name" : "TX29DTH-IT" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Wireless switch socket with energy consumption measurement (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "OK 24 4 5 1 158 135 1 170 170 170 170 8F68", "internals" : { "DEF" : "019E87 04", "NAME" : "PCA301_019E87" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-20 18:42:03", "revision_modul" : "36_PCA301.pm 12056 2016-08-22 19:30:31Z justme1968", "rmsg" : "MN;D=0405019E8701AAAAAAAA8F68AAF21E3E22B4643AE51BE4A044365B2B87CDA50A;R=7;", "user" : "Ralf9" }, { "comment" : "Wireless switch socket with energy consumption measurement (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "OK 24 4 5 1 158 135 0 170 170 170 170 0F13", "internals" : { "DEF" : "019E87 04", "NAME" : "PCA301_019E87" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-20 18:43:58", "revision_modul" : "36_PCA301.pm 12056 2016-08-22 19:30:31Z justme1968", "rmsg" : "MN;D=0405019E8700AAAAAAAA0F13AA16ACC0540AAA49C814473A2774D208AC0B0167;R=6;", "user" : "Ralf9" } ], "id" : 101, "module" : "PCA301", "name" : "PCA301" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "state is toggled! (Mod. GFSK)", "dmsg" : "kr07FA5E1721CC0F02", "internals" : { "DEF" : "21 FA5E 02", "NAME" : "Kopp" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-25 10:35:42", "revision_modul" : "10_KOPP_FC.pm 12860 2016-12-21 21:09:41Z RaspII", "rmsg" : "MN;D=07FA5E1721CC0F02FE000000000000;", "user" : "unknown" } ], "id" : 102, "module" : "KOPP_FC", "name" : "KOPP_FC" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Temp sensor for a WDxxxx Weather Station (Mod. 2-FSK, Lacrosse mode 2)", "dmsg" : "OK 9 41 1 3 251 106", "internals" : { "DEF" : "29", "NAME" : "LaCrosse_29" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "battery" : "ok", "state" : "T: 1.9", "temperature" : "1.9" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-04-20 18:39:34", "revision_modul" : "36_LaCrosse.pm 20217 2019-09-21 09:53:25Z HCS", "rmsg" : "MN;D=9A44196AC448640A;R=246;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 103, "module" : "LaCrosse", "name" : "TX35-IT" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "TR60C1" }, "comment" : "Remote control 77841 for example Westinghouse Bendan (deviceCode 0)", "dispatch_repeats" : "3", "dmsg" : "P104#0F80", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TR60C1 0", "NAME" : "TR60C1_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0", "state" : "light_off_fan_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:46:28", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=18280;P1=-737;P2=419;P3=-331;P4=799;P5=-9574;P6=-7080;D=012121234343434341212121212121252121212123434343434121212121212125212121212343434343412121212121212521212121234343434341212121212121252121212123434343434121212121212126;CP=2;R=2;", "user" : "phoenix-anasazi" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "TR60C1" }, "comment" : "Remote control 77841 for example Westinghouse Bendan (deviceCode 9)", "dispatch_repeats" : "4", "dmsg" : "P104#9780", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TR60C1 9", "NAME" : "TR60C1_9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "9", "state" : "light_off_fan_4" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:48:27", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=14896;P1=-751;P2=394;P3=-370;P4=768;P5=-9572;P6=-21472;D=0121234123434343412121212121212523412123412343434341212121212121252341212341234343434121212121212125234121234123434343412121212121212523412123412343434341212121212121252341212341234343434121212121212126;CP=2;R=4;", "user" : "phoenix-anasazi" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "TR60C1" }, "comment" : "Remote control 77841 for example Westinghouse Bendan (deviceCode B)", "dispatch_repeats" : "4", "dmsg" : "P104#B38F", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TR60C1 B", "NAME" : "TR60C1_B" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "B", "state" : "light_on_fan_2" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:50:18", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-96;P1=152;P2=-753;P3=389;P4=-374;P5=769;P6=-9566;P7=-19920;D=012345454523232345454545634523454523234545452323234545454563452345452323454545232323454545456345234545232345454523232345454545634523454523234545452323234545454563452345452323454545232323454545457;CP=3;R=1;", "user" : "phoenix-anasazi" } ], "id" : 104, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "TR60C-1" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "BF_301" }, "comment" : "Remote control from Shenzhen BOFU Mechanic & Electronic Co., Ltd. (ID 40 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P105#FAD08883A3", "internals" : { "DEF" : "BF_301 FAD0", "NAME" : "BF_301_FAD0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "FAD0", "state" : "down" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:43:57", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-697;P1=5629;P2=291;P3=3952;P4=-2459;P5=1644;P6=-298;P7=689;D=34567676767676207620767620762020202076202020762020207620202020207676762076202020767614567676767676207620767620762020202076202020762020207620202020207676762076202020767614567676767676207620767620762020202076202020762020207620202020207676762076202020767614;CP=2;R=41;O;", "user" : "stsirakidis" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "BF_301" }, "comment" : "Remote control from Shenzhen BOFU Mechanic & Electronic Co., Ltd. (ID 40 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "P105#FAD08A83A1", "internals" : { "DEF" : "BF_301 FAD0", "NAME" : "BF_301_FAD0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "FAD0", "state" : "stop" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:42:03", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=5630;P1=3968;P2=-2458;P3=1642;P4=-285;P5=690;P6=282;P7=-704;D=12345454545454675467545467546767676754676767546754675467676767675454546754676767675402345454545454675467545467546767676754676767546754675467676767675454546754676767675402345454545454675467545467546767676754676767546754675467676767675454546754676767675402;CP=6;R=47;O;", "user" : "stsirakidis" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "BF_301" }, "comment" : "Remote control from Shenzhen BOFU Mechanic & Electronic Co., Ltd. (ID 40 additionally)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P105#FAD08383A8", "internals" : { "DEF" : "BF_301 FAD0", "NAME" : "BF_301_FAD0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "FAD0", "state" : "up" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:40:32", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2020-12-03 22:15:57Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-500;P1=5553;P2=-2462;P3=1644;P4=-299;P5=679;P6=298;P7=-687;D=01234545454545467546754546754676767675467676767675454546767676767545454675467546767671234545454545467546754546754676767675467676767675454546767676767545454675467546767671234545454545467546754546754676767675467676767675454546767676767545454675467546767671;CP=6;R=48;O;", "user" : "stsirakidis" } ], "id" : 105, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "BF-301" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "BBQ temperature sensor", "dmsg" : "W106#2632DC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_106_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_106_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 22.6", "temperature" : "22.6", "type" : "GT-TMBBQ-01" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:38:02", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P0=525;P1=-2051;P3=-8905;P4=-4062;D=0301010401010404010101040401010401040401040404;CP=0;SP=3;R=35;e;b=2;m0;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BBQ temperature sensor", "dmsg" : "W106#9A57A8", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_106_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_106_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 88.1", "temperature" : "88.1", "type" : "GT-TMBBQ-01" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:36:08", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-8514;P2=488;P3=-4075;P4=-2068;D=2123242423232423242423242324232323232423242324;CP=2;SP=1;R=31;e;b=70;s=4;m0;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BBQ temperature sensor", "dmsg" : "W106#9A5D20", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_106_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_106_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.27", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 97.8", "temperature" : "97.8", "type" : "GT-TMBBQ-01" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-03-25 14:34:53", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-04-13 21:14:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-9144;P2=469;P3=-4101;P4=-2099;D=2123242423232423242423242323232423242423242424;CP=2;SP=1;R=58;O;b=70;s=4;m0;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 106, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "GT-TMBBQ-01s" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Fine Offset WH51, ECOWITT WH51, MISOL/1, Froggit DP100 Soil Moisture Sensor (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W107#5100C6BF107F1FF8BBFFFFFFEE22", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_107_H", "NAME" : "SD_WS_107_H" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.41", "readings" : { "adc" : "187", "batteryVoltage" : "1.6", "humidity" : "31", "state" : " H: 31", "type" : "WH51, DP100, MISOL/1" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-01-08 20:37:30", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-05 20:44:16Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=5100C6BF107F1FF8BBFFFFFFEE22;R=14;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "Fine Offset WH51, ECOWITT WH51, MISOL/1, Froggit DP100 Soil Moisture Sensor (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W107#51006B586E7F24F8D2FFFFFF3C288", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_107_H", "NAME" : "SD_WS_107_H" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.41", "readings" : { "adc" : "210", "batteryVoltage" : "1.4", "humidity" : "36", "state" : " H: 36", "type" : "WH51, DP100, MISOL/1" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-01-08 20:46:22", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-05 20:44:16Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=51006B586E7F24F8D2FFFFFF3C288;R=14;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 107, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "WH51" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "BRESSER 5-in-1 Weather Center, Bresser Professional Rain Gauge (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W108#AD8008700810070228443500", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_108", "NAME" : "SD_WS_108" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.30", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "28", "rain" : "354.4", "state" : "T: 20.7 H: 28 W: 0.8 R: 354.4", "temperature" : "20.7", "type" : "Bresser_5in1, Bresser_rain_gauge, Fody_E42, Fody_E43", "windDirectionDegree" : "157.5", "windDirectionText" : "SSE", "windGust" : "0.8", "windSpeed" : "0.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-07-28 20:23:07", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-06-03 16:00:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MN;D=E7527FF78FF7EFF8FDD7BBCAFF18AD80087008100702284435000002;R=213;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BRESSER 5-in-1 Weather Center, Bresser Professional Rain Gauge (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W108#AD8000D00010280078443508", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_108", "NAME" : "SD_WS_108" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.30", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "78", "rain" : "354.4", "state" : "T: -2.8 H: 78 W: 0 R: 354.4", "temperature" : "-2.8", "type" : "Bresser_5in1, Bresser_rain_gauge, Fody_E42, Fody_E43", "windDirectionDegree" : "292.5", "windDirectionText" : "WNW", "windGust" : "0", "windSpeed" : "0" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-07-28 20:25:17", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-06-03 16:00:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MN;D=E8527FFF2FFFEFD7FF87BBCAF717AD8000D000102800784435080000;R=214;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BRESSER 5-in-1 Weather Center, Bresser Professional Rain Gauge (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W108#AD8014F01310800088483600", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_108", "NAME" : "SD_WS_108" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.30", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "88", "rain" : "364.8", "state" : "T: 8 H: 88 W: 1.3 R: 364.8", "temperature" : "8", "type" : "Bresser_5in1, Bresser_rain_gauge, Fody_E42, Fody_E43", "windDirectionDegree" : "337.5", "windDirectionText" : "NNW", "windGust" : "2", "windSpeed" : "1.3" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-07-28 20:24:58", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-06-03 16:00:53Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MN;D=E6527FEB0FECEF7FFF77B7C9FF19AD8014F013108000884836000003;R=211;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 108, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "BRESSER 5in1" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Button down, https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/955 (Mod. GFSK)", "dmsg" : "P109#083122FD298A018A8E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "3122FD2_9", "NAME" : "SD_Rojaflex_3122FD2_9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.39", "readings" : { "state" : "down" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-10-23 17:07:42", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_Rojaflex.pm 100 2021-10-19 18:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=083122FD298A018A8E;R=0;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "Button stop, https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/955 (Mod. GFSK)", "dmsg" : "P109#083122FD290A010A8E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "3122FD2_9", "NAME" : "SD_Rojaflex_3122FD2_9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.39", "readings" : { "state" : "stop" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-10-23 17:09:33", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_Rojaflex.pm 100 2021-10-19 18:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=083122FD290A010A8E;R=244;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "Button up, https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/955 (Mod. GFSK)", "dmsg" : "P109#083122FD291A011AAE", "internals" : { "DEF" : "3122FD2_9", "NAME" : "SD_Rojaflex_3122FD2_9" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.39", "readings" : { "state" : "up" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-10-23 17:10:36", "revision_modul" : "10_SD_Rojaflex.pm 100 2021-10-19 18:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=083122FD291A011AAE;R=249;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 109, "module" : "SD_Rojaflex", "name" : "Rojaflex HSR-15, HSTR-15" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Weather station with rain gauge", "dmsg" : "W110#9C1B060001EA05AD4", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_110_TR", "NAME" : "SD_WS_110_TR" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "rain" : "26.6", "rawRainCounter" : "266", "sendCounter" : "3", "state" : "T: 16.3 R: 26.6", "temperature" : "16.3", "type" : "ADE WS1907" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-25 10:37:36", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-05-22 21:30:00Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=970;P1=-112;P2=516;P3=-984;P4=2577;P5=-2692;P6=7350;D=01234343450503450503434343434505034343434343434343434343434343434505050503450345034343434343450345050345034505034503456503434505050343434343450503450503434343434505034343434343434343434343434343434505050503450345034343434343450345050345034505034503456503;CP=0;R=12;O;", "user" : "docolli" }, { "comment" : "Weather station with rain gauge", "dmsg" : "W110#9C1B041E03A705884", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_110_TR", "NAME" : "SD_WS_110_TR" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "rain" : "80.8", "rawRainCounter" : "808", "sendCounter" : "2", "state" : "T: 12.6 R: 80.8", "temperature" : "12.6", "type" : "ADE WS1907" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-25 10:39:21", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-05-22 21:30:00Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=7344;P1=384;P2=-31380;P3=272;P4=-972;P5=2581;P6=-2689;P7=990;D=12345454545676745676745454545456745454545456767676745454545454545676767456745456767674545454545674567674545456745454545606745456767674545454545676745676745454545456745454545456767676745454545454545676767456745456767674545454545674567674545456745454545606;CP=7;R=19;O;", "user" : "docolli" }, { "comment" : "Weather station with rain gauge", "dmsg" : "W110#9C1B042B039805864", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_110_TR", "NAME" : "SD_WS_110_TR" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.29", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "rain" : "82.1", "rawRainCounter" : "821", "sendCounter" : "2", "state" : "T: 11.8 R: 82.1", "temperature" : "11.8", "type" : "ADE WS1907" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-05-25 10:41:01", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2020-05-22 21:30:00Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-5332;P1=6864;P2=-2678;P3=994;P4=-977;P5=2693;D=01234545232323454545454523234523234545454545234545454523452345232345454545454523232345452323454545454545454523452323454545452323454521234545232323454545454523234523234545454545234545454523452345232345454545454523232345452323454545454545454523452323454545;CP=3;R=248;O;", "user" : "docolli" } ], "id" : 110, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "ADE WS 1907" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Water tank level monitor with temperature", "dmsg" : "W111#5F5B8860F110C400C9", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_111_TL", "NAME" : "SD_WS_111_TL" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.32", "readings" : { "distance" : "111", "state" : "T: 16.8 D: 111", "temperature" : "16.8", "type" : "TS-FT002" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-05 20:33:15", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-05 19:43:29Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-21110;P1=484;P2=-971;P3=-488;D=01213121212121213121312121312121213131312131313131212131313131312121212131313121313131213131313121213131312131313131313131313131212131312131312101213121212121213121312121312121213131312131313131212131313131312121212131313121313131213131313121213131312131;CP=1;R=26;O;", "user" : "docolli" }, { "comment" : "Water tank level monitor with temperature", "dmsg" : "W111#5F5B8840F170240069", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_111_TL", "NAME" : "SD_WS_111_TL" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.32", "readings" : { "distance" : "47", "state" : "T: 19 D: 47", "temperature" : "19", "type" : "TS-FT002" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-05 20:33:45", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-05 19:43:29Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-31628;P1=469;P2=-980;P3=-499;P4=-22684;D=01213121212121213121312121312121213131312131313131213131313131312121212131313121312121213131313131312131312131313131313131313131312121312131312141213121212121213121312121312121213131312131313131213131313131312121212131313121312121213131313131312131312131;CP=1;R=38;O;", "user" : "docolli" }, { "comment" : "Water tank level monitor with temperature", "dmsg" : "W111#5F5B8840F110A40089", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_111_TL", "NAME" : "SD_WS_111_TL" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.32", "readings" : { "distance" : "47", "state" : "T: 20 D: 47", "temperature" : "20", "type" : "TS-FT002" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-05 20:34:21", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-05 19:43:29Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-5980;P1=464;P2=-988;P3=-511;P4=-22660;D=01213121212121213121312121312121213131312131313131213131313131312121212131313121313131213131313121312131312131313131313131313131213131312131312141213121212121213121312121312121213131312131313131213131313131312121212131313121313131213131313121312131312131;CP=1;R=38;O;", "user" : "docolli" } ], "id" : 111, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TS-FT002" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "AVANTEK" }, "comment" : "wireless doorbell (bell button without battery) | (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "P112#08C114844FDA5CA2", "internals" : { "DEF" : "112 08C114844", "NAME" : "SD_BELL_08C114844" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.31", "readings" : { "state" : "ring" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-09 21:27:21", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_BELL.pm 0 2021-07-12 22:30:35Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MN;D=08C114844FDA5CA2;R=48;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 112, "module" : "SD_BELL", "name" : "AVANTEK DB-LE" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Wireless Grill Thermometer", "dmsg" : "W113#2F06E896D14E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_113_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_113_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.33", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 203 T2: 300", "temperature" : "203", "temperature2" : "300", "type" : "GFGT_433_B1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-09 21:25:05", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-08 12:01:00Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-262;P2=237;P3=-760;P6=-2972;P7=721;D=26232371237171717123232323237171237171712371232323712323712371712371712371232323712371232371717123;CP=2;SP=6;R=1;O;m2;", "user" : "muede-de" }, { "comment" : "Wireless Grill Thermometer", "dmsg" : "W113#2F06E348D102", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_113_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_113_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.33", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 201 T2: 257", "temperature" : "201", "temperature2" : "257", "type" : "GFGT_433_B1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-08 13:28:16", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-08 12:01:00Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=-754;P3=247;P5=-2996;P6=718;P7=-272;D=35323267326767676732323232326767326767673232326767326732326732323267673267323232673232323232326732;CP=3;SP=5;R=3;O;m2;", "user" : "muede-de" }, { "comment" : "Wireless Grill Thermometer", "dmsg" : "W113#2F00A5AED106", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_113_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_113_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.33", "readings" : { "state" : "T: 24 T2: 29", "temperature" : "24", "temperature2" : "29", "type" : "GFGT_433_B1" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-08 13:30:11", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-08 12:01:00Z Sidey", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-761;P2=249;P4=-3005;P5=718;P6=-270;D=24212156215656565621212121212121215621562121562156562156215656562156562156212121562121212121565621;CP=2;SP=4;R=34;O;m2;", "user" : "muede-de" } ], "id" : 113, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "GFGT_433_B1" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "TR401" }, "comment" : "Remote control, Button off (example Well-Light sales)", "dispatch_repeats" : "5", "dmsg" : "P114#B1F", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TR401 0_2", "NAME" : "TR401_0_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.32", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-09 21:20:26", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2021-08-08 16:56:40Z HomeAutoUser", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=311;P1=585;P2=-779;P3=1255;P4=-1445;P5=-23617;P7=-5646;CP=1;R=230;D=12323234141414141514123414123232341414141415141234141232323414141414151412341412323234141414141514123414123232341414141415141234141232323414141414151412341412323234141414141517141232323414141414150;p;", "user" : "Jake" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "TR401" }, "comment" : "Remote control, Button on (example Well-Light sales)", "dispatch_repeats" : "2", "dmsg" : "P114#31F", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TR401 0_2", "NAME" : "TR401_0_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.32", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "0", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-09 21:22:56", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2021-08-08 16:56:40Z HomeAutoUser", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-1426;P1=599;P2=-23225;P3=-748;P4=1281;P5=372;P6=111;P7=268;CP=1;R=235;D=0121343401013434340101010101252621343401013434340101010101252705012134340101343434010101010125;p;", "user" : "Jake" } ], "id" : 114, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "TR401" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "BRESSER 3-in-1 (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W115#C898BE40041218FF88FF0008017E88FFF04F0000000000000000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_115_0", "NAME" : "SD_WS_115_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "batteryChanged" : "1", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "0", "humidity" : "88", "state" : "T: -1.7 H: 88 W: 0.7", "temperature" : "-1.7", "type" : "Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1", "uv" : "0", "windDirectionDegree" : "0", "windDirectionText" : "N", "windGust" : "0.7", "windSpeed" : "0.7" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-11-20 19:58:03", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-11-14 20:37:55Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=C898BE40041218FF88FF0008017E88FFF04F0000000000000000;R=190;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 115, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "BRESSER 3-in-1" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "BRESSER 6-in-1 Weather Center, Bresser new 5-in-1 sensors 7002550 (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W115#3BF120B00C1618FF77FF0458152293FFF06B0000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_115_0", "NAME" : "SD_WS_115_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.35", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "0", "humidity" : "93", "state" : "T: 15.2 H: 93 W: 0.8", "temperature" : "15.2", "type" : "Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1", "windDirectionDegree" : "45", "windDirectionText" : "NE", "windGust" : "0.8", "windSpeed" : "0.8" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-22 16:51:50", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-17 19:14:52Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=3BF120B00C1618FF77FF0458152293FFF06B0000;R=242;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BRESSER 6-in-1 Weather Center, Bresser new 5-in-1 sensors 7002550 (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W115#1E6C20B00C1618FF99FF0458FFFFA9FF015B0000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_115_0", "NAME" : "SD_WS_115_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.35", "readings" : { "channel" : "0", "rain" : "5.6", "state" : "W: 0.6 R: 5.6", "type" : "Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1", "windDirectionDegree" : "45", "windDirectionText" : "NE", "windGust" : "0.6", "windSpeed" : "0.6" }, "revision_entry" : "2021-08-22 16:57:57", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2021-08-17 19:14:52Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=1E6C20B00C1618FF99FF0458FFFFA9FF015B0000;R=241;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BRESSER 6-in-1 (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W115#9104143025BE18FFFFFF2928925A97FFF0000000000000000003", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_115_0", "NAME" : "SD_WS_115_0" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "batteryChanged" : "1", "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "0", "humidity" : "97", "state" : "T: -7.5 H: 97 W: 0", "temperature" : "-7.5", "type" : "Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1", "uv" : "0", "windDirectionDegree" : "292", "windDirectionText" : "WNW", "windGust" : "0", "windSpeed" : "0" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-11-20 20:27:05", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-11-14 20:37:55Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=9104143025BE18FFFFFF2928925A97FFF0000000000000000003;R=189;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 115, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "BRESSER 6-in-1" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Bresser_6in1 Thermo-/hygro sensor (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W115#6CD6197005FD2900000000002126630000A1FFFF07000000000000000000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_115_21", "NAME" : "SD_WS_115_21" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "21", "humidity" : "63", "state" : "T: 21.2 H: 63", "temperature" : "21.2", "type" : "Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-03-16 21:09:39", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-30 10:19:30Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=6CD6197005FD2900000000002126630000A1FFFF07000000000000000000;R=28;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 115, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "BRESSER 6-in-1" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Bresser Explore Scientific SM60020 Soil moisture Sensor (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W115#F16E187000E347FFFFFF0000252216FFF004000", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_115_47", "NAME" : "SD_WS_115_47" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : "47", "humidity" : "99", "state" : "T: 25.2 H: 99", "temperature" : "25.2", "type" : "Bresser_6in1, new Bresser_5in1" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-03-16 21:05:07", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-30 10:19:30Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=F16E187000E347FFFFFF0000252216FFF004000;R=242;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 115, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Bresser Explore Scientific" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Thunder and lightning sensor Fine Offset WH57, aka Froggit DP60, aka Ambient Weather WH31L (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W116#5780C655051401C4D0", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_116", "NAME" : "SD_WS_116" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.42", "readings" : { "batteryPercent" : "100", "count" : "1", "distance" : "20", "identified" : "lightning", "state" : "I: lightning D: 20", "type" : "WH57, DP60, WH31L" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-01-14 16:47:22", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-08 20:06:52Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=5780C655051401C4D0;R=37;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "Thunder and lightning sensor Fine Offset WH57, aka Froggit DP60, aka Ambient Weather WH31L (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W116#5740C655053F0A7272", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_116", "NAME" : "SD_WS_116" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.42", "readings" : { "batteryPercent" : "100", "count" : "10", "distance" : "63", "identified" : "disturbance", "state" : "I: disturbance D: 63", "type" : "WH57, DP60, WH31L" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-01-14 16:49:34", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-08 20:06:52Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=5740C655053F0A7272;R=39;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 116, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "WH57" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "BRESSER 7-in-1 Weather Center (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W117#56820C5F2760B2000000000084001270870066760000000000AAAAAA", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_117", "NAME" : "SD_WS_117" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.43", "readings" : { "batteryChanged" : "1", "batteryState" : "ok", "brightness" : "6.676", "humidity" : "87", "rain" : "8.4", "state" : "T: 12.7 H: 87 W: 0 R: 8.4 B: 6.676", "temperature" : "12.7", "type" : "Bresser_7in1", "uv" : "0", "windDirectionDegree" : "276", "windDirectionText" : "W", "windGust" : "0", "windSpeed" : "0" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-01-29 21:00:42", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-15 12:25:06Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=FC28A6F58DCA18AAAAAAAAAA2EAAB8DA2DAACCDCAAAAAAAAAA000000;R=29;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BRESSER 7-in-1 Weather Center (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W117#E76E0C5F1920BA000000000000001310880003600000000000AAAAAA", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_117", "NAME" : "SD_WS_117" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.43", "readings" : { "batteryChanged" : "0", "batteryState" : "ok", "brightness" : "0.36", "humidity" : "88", "rain" : "0", "state" : "T: 13.1 H: 88 W: 0 R: 0 B: 0.36", "temperature" : "13.1", "type" : "Bresser_7in1", "uv" : "0", "windDirectionDegree" : "192", "windDirectionText" : "SSW", "windGust" : "0", "windSpeed" : "0" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-01-29 21:02:52", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-15 12:25:06Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=4DC4A6F5B38A10AAAAAAAAAAAAAAB9BA22AAA9CAAAAAAAAAAA000000;R=15;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "comment" : "BRESSER 7-in-1 Weather Center (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W117#A65A0C5F1320BA000000000000001016940011560000000000AAAAAA", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_117", "NAME" : "SD_WS_117" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.43", "readings" : { "batteryChanged" : "0", "batteryState" : "low", "brightness" : "1.156", "humidity" : "94", "rain" : "0", "state" : "T: 10.1 H: 94 W: 0 R: 0 B: 1.156", "temperature" : "10.1", "type" : "Bresser_7in1", "uv" : "0", "windDirectionDegree" : "132", "windDirectionText" : "SE", "windGust" : "0", "windSpeed" : "0" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-01-29 21:04:17", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 21666 2022-01-15 12:25:06Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MN;D=0CF0A6F5B98A10AAAAAAAAAAAAAABABC3EAABBFCAAAAAAAAAA000000;R=28;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 117, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "BRESSER 7-in-1" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "Meikee_24" }, "comment" : "Remote controls for Meikee LED lights e.g. RGB LED Wallwasher Light and Solar Flood Light", "dmsg" : "P118#20D302", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Meikee_24 20D3", "NAME" : "Meikee_24_20D3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "20D3", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-03-06 13:10:07", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-01-23 16:28:56Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=506;P1=-1015;P2=1008;P3=-523;P4=-12696;D=01012301040101230101010101232301230101232301010101010123010;CP=0;R=49;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Meikee_24" }, "comment" : "Remote controls for Meikee LED lights e.g. RGB LED Wallwasher Light and Solar Flood Light", "dmsg" : "P118#20D301", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Meikee_24 20D3", "NAME" : "Meikee_24_20D3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "20D3", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-03-06 13:11:19", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-01-23 16:28:56Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-516;P1=518;P2=-1015;P3=1000;P4=-12712;D=01230121230301212121212121230141212301212121212303012301212303012121212121212301;CP=1;R=35;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "Meikee_24" }, "comment" : "Remote controls for Meikee LED lights e.g. RGB LED Wallwasher Light and Solar Flood Light", "dmsg" : "P118#20D300", "internals" : { "DEF" : "Meikee_24 20D3", "NAME" : "Meikee_24_20D3" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.44", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "20D3", "state" : "learn" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-03-06 13:12:25", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2022-01-23 16:28:56Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-509;P1=513;P2=-999;P3=1027;P4=-12704;D=01230121230301212121212121212141212301212121212303012301212303012121212121212121;CP=1;R=77;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 118, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Meikee" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "button on short off", "dispatch_repeats" : "0", "dmsg" : "J2C175F300152", "internals" : { "DEF" : "IFB43_FAE8_A_1", "NAME" : "IFB43_FAE8_A_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.4.5", "readings" : { "action" : "u", "batteryState" : "ok", "long" : "0", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "unknown", "revision_modul" : "3.5.4", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1012;LH=1016;SL=-515;SH=508;D=9D4F3F7554C98;C=508;L=49;R=22;", "user" : "gestein" }, { "comment" : "button on short off", "dispatch_repeats" : "0", "dmsg" : "J2C175F30008F", "internals" : { "DEF" : "IFB43_FAE8_A_1", "NAME" : "IFB43_FAE8_A_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.4.5", "readings" : { "action" : "D", "batteryState" : "ok", "long" : "0", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "unknown", "revision_modul" : "3.5.4", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-991;LH=1037;SL=-502;SH=519;D=9D4F3F7555A00;C=508;L=49;R=38;", "user" : "gestein" } ], "id" : 119, "module" : "IFB", "name" : "funkbus" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Weather station with 30.3151 (T/H-transmitter), 30.3152 (rain gauge), 30.3153 (anemometer)", "dmsg" : "W120#FEAB049EA804080C53AC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_120", "NAME" : "SD_WS_120" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.47", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "84", "rain" : "473.1", "rawRainCounter" : "1577", "state" : "T: 19.1 H: 84 W: 0.7 R: 473.1", "temperature" : "19.1", "type" : "TFA_35.1077", "windGust" : "1.3", "windSpeed" : "0.7" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-09-10 13:26:34", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-08-21 12:09:21Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-6544;P1=486;P2=-987;P3=1451;D=01212121212121232123212321232121232323232321232321232321212121232123212321232323232323232321232323232323212323232323232321212323232123212323212121232123212123;CP=1;R=51;", "user" : "Ronny2510" }, { "comment" : "Weather station with 30.3151 (T/H-transmitter), 30.3152 (rain gauge), 30.3153 (anemometer)", "dmsg" : "W120#FEAB04D85602040DD0F6", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_120", "NAME" : "SD_WS_120" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.47", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : "43", "rain" : "530.4", "rawRainCounter" : "1768", "state" : "T: 22 H: 43 W: 0.3 R: 530.4", "temperature" : "22", "type" : "TFA_35.1077", "windGust" : "0.7", "windSpeed" : "0.3" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-09-10 13:36:21", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-08-21 12:09:21Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-15856;P1=480;P2=-981;P3=1460;D=01212121212121232123212321232121232323232321232321212321212323232321232123212123232323232323212323232323232123232323232321212321212123212323232321212121232121;CP=1;R=47;", "user" : "Ronny2510" }, { "comment" : "Weather station with 30.3151 (T/H-transmitter), 30.3152 (rain gauge), 30.3153 (anemometer) | DCF time message", "dmsg" : "W120#FEDFD52C040444920614", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_120", "NAME" : "SD_WS_120" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.47", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "dcf" : "2022-09-03 16:02:02", "state" : "", "type" : "TFA_35.1077" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-09-11 11:43:55", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-08-21 12:09:21Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-13168;P1=469;P2=-1000;P3=1450;D=01212121212121232121232121212121212123212321232123232123212123232323232323212323232323232321232323212323232123232123232123232123232323232321212323232321232123;CP=1;R=79;", "user" : "Ronny2510" } ], "id" : 120, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "TFA 35.1077.54.S2" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "TC6861" }, "comment" : "remote control 6861", "dmsg" : "P121#03DC7E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TC6861 3DC_1", "NAME" : "TC6861_3DC_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.46", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "3DC", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-06-14 09:14:05", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=28479;P1=-692;P2=260;P3=574;P4=-371;D=0121212121212134343434213434342121213434343434342;CP=2;R=41;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "TC6861" }, "comment" : "remote control 6861", "dmsg" : "P121#33DC7E", "internals" : { "DEF" : "TC6861 3DC_1", "NAME" : "TC6861_3DC_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.46", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "3DC", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-06-14 09:24:03", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=4372;P1=-689;P2=254;P3=575;P4=-368;D=0121213434212134343434213434342121213434343434342;CP=2;R=59;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 121, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "Busch-Transcontrol HF" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Wireless Grill-, Meat-, Roasting-Thermometer with 4 Temperature Sensors", "dmsg" : "W122#926301360136014001680000B88", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_122_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_122_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "state" : "T: 36 T2: 32 T3: 31 T4: 31", "temperature" : "36", "temperature2" : "32", "temperature3" : "31", "temperature4" : "31", "transmitter" : "on", "type" : "TM40" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-10-31 15:07:09", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-09-11 12:03:38Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=3412;P1=-1029;P2=1043;P3=4706;P4=-2986;P5=549;P6=-1510;P7=-562;D=01212121212121213456575756575756575756565757575656575757575757575657575656575656575757575757575756575756565756565757575757575757565756575757575757575757575757575657565657565757575757575757575757575757575757575756575656565757575621212121212121213456575756;CP=5;R=2;O;", "user" : "Prof. Dr. Peter Henning" }, { "comment" : "Wireless Grill-, Meat-, Roasting-Thermometer with 4 Temperature Sensors", "dmsg" : "W122#926300DC00DC00DC033E0000DE8", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_122_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_122_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.48", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "state" : "T: 83 T2: 22 T3: 22 T4: 22", "temperature" : "83", "temperature2" : "22", "temperature3" : "22", "temperature4" : "22", "transmitter" : "on", "type" : "TM40" }, "revision_entry" : "2022-10-31 15:09:00", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-09-11 12:03:38Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=11276;P1=-1039;P2=1034;P3=4704;P4=-2990;P5=543;P6=-1537;P7=-559;D=01212121212121213456575756575756575756565757575656575757575757575756565756565657575757575757575757565657565656575757575757575757575656575656565757575757575757565657575656565656575757575757575757575757575757575756565756565656575621212121212121213456575756;CP=5;R=12;O;", "user" : "Prof. Dr. Peter Henning" } ], "id" : 122, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Temola TM40" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Inkbird IBS-P01R Pool Thermometer (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W123#D3910F800301005A0655FA001405140535F6", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_123_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_123_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.49", "readings" : { "batteryChanged" : "0", "batteryPercent" : 90, "model" : "SD_WS_123_T", "state" : "T: 25", "temperature" : 25, "type" : "IBS-P01R, ITH-20R" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-01-06 21:36:34", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-11-14 20:37:55Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=D3910F800301005A0655FA001405140535F6;R=10;", "user" : "xeenon" } ], "id" : 123, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Inkbird IBS-P01R" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "Inkbird ITH-20R Thermo-/hygro sensor (Mod. 2-FSK)", "dmsg" : "W123#D3910F00010301207E43FE0014055802772A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_123_T", "NAME" : "SD_WS_123_T" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.49", "readings" : { "batteryChanged" : "1", "batteryPercent" : 32, "humidity" : 60, "model" : "SD_WS_123_T", "state" : "T: 25.4 H: 60", "temperature" : 25.4, "type" : "IBS-P01R, ITH-20R" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-01-06 21:58:00", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm v3.5.4 2022-11-14 20:37:55Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=D3910F00010301207E43FE0014055802772A;R=232;", "user" : "elektron-bbs" } ], "id" : 123, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "Inkbird ITH-20R" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : {}, "comment" : "Humidity and Temperaturesensor Ecowitt WH31, froggit DP50 / WH31A", "dmsg" : "W125#300282623704516C000200", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_125_TH_1", "NAME" : "SD_WS_125_TH_1" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : 1, "humidity" : 55, "state" : "T: 21.0 H: 55", "temperature" : "21.0", "type" : "WH31e, WH31b, DP50" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 10:49:59", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 26982 2023-05-16 16:34:07Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=300282623704516C000200;R=56;", "user" : "sidey79" } ], "id" : 125, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "WH31" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : {}, "comment" : "Humidity and Temperaturesensor Ecowitt WH31, froggit DP50 / WH31A", "dmsg" : "W125#300292373CDA116C000200", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_125_TH_2", "NAME" : "SD_WS_125_TH_2" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "channel" : 2, "humidity" : 60, "state" : "T: 16.7 H: 60", "temperature" : 16.7, "type" : "WH31e, WH31b, DP50" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 10:54:18", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 26982 2023-05-16 16:34:07Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=300292373CDA116C000200;R=229;", "user" : "sidey79" } ], "id" : 125, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "WH31" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : {}, "comment" : "Rainfall Sensor Ecowitt WH40", "dmsg" : "W126#40013E3C900000105BA02A", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_126_R", "NAME" : "SD_WS_126_R" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "batteryVoltage" : 1.6, "rain_total" : 0, "rawRainCounter" : 0, "state" : "R: 0", "type" : "WH40" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 11:00:20", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 26982 2023-05-16 16:34:07Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=40013E3C900000105BA02A;R=61;", "user" : "sidey79" }, { "attributes" : {}, "comment" : "Rainfall Sensor Ecowitt WH40", "dmsg" : "W126#40013E3C90005AB55AA0A0800408", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_126_R", "NAME" : "SD_WS_126_R" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "batteryVoltage" : 1.6, "rain_total" : 9, "rawRainCounter" : 90, "state" : "R: 9", "type" : "WH40" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 11:03:48", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 26982 2023-05-16 16:34:07Z sidey79", "rmsg" : "MN;D=40013E3C90005AB55AA0A0800408;R=61;", "user" : "sidey79" } ], "id" : 126, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "WH40" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName127" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 14 buttons for ceiling fan", "dmsg" : "P127#3603A370", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName127 3603A", "NAME" : "RCnoName127_3603A" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "3603A", "state" : "fan_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 11:39:38", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-07-08 17:35:33Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=5271;P1=-379;P2=1096;P3=368;P4=-1108;P5=-5997;D=01213434213434212121212121213434342134212121343421343434212521213434213434212121212121213434342134212121343421343434212521213434213434212121212121213434342134212121343421343434212521213434213434212121212121213434342134212121343421343434212;CP=3;R=63;", "user" : "Kai-Alfonso" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName127" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 14 buttons for ceiling fan", "dmsg" : "P127#3603AA50", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName127 3603A", "NAME" : "RCnoName127_3603A" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "3603A", "state" : "light_on_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 11:42:07", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-07-08 17:35:33Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P1=-372;P2=1098;P3=376;P4=-1096;P5=-6712;D=352121343421343421212121212121343434213421342134212134213421;CP=3;SP=5;R=73;m2;", "user" : "Kai-Alfonso" } ], "id" : 127, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "RCnoName127" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName128" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 12 buttons for ceiling fan", "dmsg" : "P128#8A7FF4", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName128 8A7F", "NAME" : "RCnoName128_8A7F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "8A7F", "state" : "fan_slower" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 11:48:04", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-07-08 17:35:33Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-420;P1=1207;P2=-1199;P3=424;P4=-10154;D=010101230123010123232323232323232323230123010143230101012301230101232323232323232323232301230101432301010123012301012323232323232323232323012301014323010101230123010123232323232323232323230123010143230101012301230101232323232323232323232301230101;CP=3;R=18;", "user" : "romakrau" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "RCnoName128" }, "comment" : "Remote control with 12 buttons for ceiling fan", "dmsg" : "P128#8A7FF7", "internals" : { "DEF" : "RCnoName128 8A7F", "NAME" : "RCnoName128_8A7F" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "LastAction" : "receive", "deviceCode" : "8A7F", "state" : "fan_on_off" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-10 11:53:28", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-07-08 17:35:33Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MS;P2=-424;P3=432;P4=1201;P5=-1197;P6=-10133;D=36353242424532453242453535353535353535353532453535;CP=3;SP=6;R=36;m1;", "user" : "romakrau" } ], "id" : 128, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "RCnoName128" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : {}, "comment" : "Sainlogic weather stations", "dmsg" : "W129#FFD4C0E002031B000084C024FFFBFB06", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_129", "NAME" : "SD_WS_129" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "ok", "humidity" : 36, "rain" : 0, "state" : "T: 27.6 H: 36 W: 0.2 R: 0", "temperature" : 27.6, "type" : "FT-0835, FT0300, FT-0310, FT020T, WS019T", "windDirectionDegree" : 27, "windDirectionText" : "NNE", "windGust" : "0.3", "windSpeed" : "0.2" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-11 08:34:07", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 26982 2023-08-07 18:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-987;LH=970;SL=-506;SH=473;D=002B3F1FFDFCE4FFFF7B3FDB000404F9;C=489;L=128;R=60;", "user" : "Tueftler1983" }, { "attributes" : {}, "comment" : "Sainlogic weather stations", "dmsg" : "W129#FFD4CBD80D11A73C06841B5AC1A14864", "internals" : { "DEF" : "SD_WS_129", "NAME" : "SD_WS_129" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.52", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "low", "brightness" : 115105, "humidity" : 90, "rain" : 1536.6, "state" : "T: 18.4 H: 90 W: 1.3 R: 1536.6 B: 115105", "temperature" : 18.4, "type" : "FT-0835, FT0300, FT-0310, FT020T, WS019T", "uv" : 7.2, "windDirectionDegree" : 167, "windDirectionText" : "SSE", "windGust" : "1.7", "windSpeed" : "1.3" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-08-11 08:50:33", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_WS.pm 26982 2023-08-07 18:00:00Z elektron-bbs", "rmsg" : "MC;LL=-1036;LH=918;SL=-533;SH=435;D=002B3427F2EE58C3F97BE4A53E5EB79B;C=486;L=128;R=212;", "user" : "Nighthawk" } ], "id" : 129, "module" : "SD_WS", "name" : "FT-0835" }, { "data" : [ { "attributes" : { "model" : "HA_HX2" }, "comment" : "Remote control with two buttons for Halemeier LED controllers (typ HA-HX2 for actor HA-RX-M2-1)", "dispatch_repeats" : 3, "dmsg" : "P132#85EFAA", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HA_HX2 85EF", "NAME" : "HA_HX2_85EF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.55", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "85EF", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-12-19 19:26:16", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-12-19 18:00:00Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-696;P1=312;P2=-371;P3=637;P4=-12847;D=01012301230123012341012323232301230101010123010101010123012301230123410123232323012301010101230101010101230123012301234101232323230123010101012301010101012301230123012341012323232301230101010123010101010123012301230123410123232323012301010101230101010101;CP=1;R=236;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "HA_HX2" }, "comment" : "Remote control with two buttons for Halemeier LED controllers (typ HA-HX2 for actor HA-RX-M2-1)", "dispatch_repeats" : 3, "dmsg" : "P132#85EFAC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HA_HX2 85EF", "NAME" : "HA_HX2_85EF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.55", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "85EF", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-12-19 19:25:56", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-12-19 18:00:00Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-12609;P1=305;P2=-696;P3=-344;P4=653;D=01213434343421342121212134212121212134213421213434012134343434213421212121342121212121342134212134340121343434342134212121213421212121213421342121343401213434343421342121212134212121212134213421213434012134343434213421212121342121212121342134212134340121;CP=1;R=239;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "HA_HX2" }, "comment" : "Remote control with two buttons for Halemeier LED controllers (typ HA-HX2 for actor HA-RX-M2-1)", "dispatch_repeats" : 3, "dmsg" : "P132#01EFAA", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HA_HX2 01EF", "NAME" : "HA_HX2_01EF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.55", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "01EF", "state" : "on" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-12-19 19:27:27", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-12-19 18:00:00Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=-340;P1=639;P2=-686;P3=304;P4=-12480;D=01230123014301010101010101232323232301230123012301430101010101010123232323012323232323012301230123014301010101010101232323230123232323230123012301230143010101010101012323232301232323232301230123012301430101010101010123232323012323232323012301230123014301;CP=3;R=226;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" }, { "attributes" : { "model" : "HA_HX2" }, "comment" : "Remote control with two buttons for Halemeier LED controllers (typ HA-HX2 for actor HA-RX-M2-1)", "dispatch_repeats" : 1, "dmsg" : "P132#01EFAC", "internals" : { "DEF" : "HA_HX2 01EF", "NAME" : "HA_HX2_01EF" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "1.55", "readings" : { "deviceCode" : "01EF", "state" : "off" }, "revision_entry" : "2023-12-19 19:27:43", "revision_modul" : "14_SD_UT.pm 0 2023-12-19 18:00:00Z HomeAuto_User", "rmsg" : "MU;P0=307;P1=-685;P2=-350;P3=658;P4=-12510;D=01010102310101010102310231010232340232323232323231010101023101010101023102323232323232323101010102310101010102310231010232340232323232323231010101023101010101023102310102323402323232323232310101010231010101010231023101023234023232323232323101010102310101;CP=0;R=232;O;", "user" : "HomeAuto_User" } ], "id" : 132, "module" : "SD_UT", "name" : "HA_HX2_01EF" }, { "data" : [ { "comment" : "", "dispatch_repeats" : "1", "dmsg" : "", "internals" : { "DEF" : "", "NAME" : "" }, "minProtocolVersion" : "unknown", "readings" : { "batteryState" : "", "channel" : "", "state" : "" }, "revision_entry" : "unknown", "revision_modul" : "unknown", "user" : "" } ], "id" : "", "module" : "", "name" : "" } ]