# AutoFoldCode A Sublime Text package that: * saves/restores folded code regions in files automatically * saves/restores selections in files automatically This plugin makes folded code regions and selections persist - whether you're just opening/closing a file, starting/quitting Sublime Text or rebooting your computer, AutoFoldCode will restore your code folds and selections with no hassle. ## Installation #### Automatic (preferred) 1. Open the Command Palette, and find `Package Control: Install Package`. 2. Search for `AutoFoldCode` and install. #### Manual ```bash # To install, clone this repository into you Sublime Packages directory: cd /path/to/packages/directory git clone https://github.com/Vasily-X/AutoFoldCode.git # To update to the latest: git pull origin master ``` ## Usage Once installed, AutoFoldCode will automatically begin persisting code folds. This package includes some useful commands: * `AutoFoldCode: Clear All` - This command will clear AutoFoldCode's cache, and unfold any folded regions in open views. * `AutoFoldCode: Clear Current File` - This command will remove the current file's folded regions from the cache, and unfold all folded regions in the file. * `AutoFoldCode: Unfold All Open Files` - This unfolds all open files in all open windows. - If you want to just unfold just the current file, Sublime Text already includes the `"unfold_all"` command for this. ## Configuration * `max_buffer_size` * By default, AutoFoldCode will not save folds in any view whose length exceeds `MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT` characters. You can override this value by supplying a `"max_buffer_size": ` value in your `AutoFoldCode.sublime-settings` file. * `save_selections` * You can also disable the feature which saves/restores selections by setting `"save_selections": false` in your `AutoFoldCode.sublime-settings` file. ## FAQ * "When I start Sublime Text, my code folds/selections aren't restored immediately" - This is because AutoFoldCode hasn't loaded yet. Once Sublime Text initialises AutoFoldCode, then your folds/selections will be restored. * "Sometimes AutoFoldCode folds my code in the wrong places" - ~~This will occur if you have closed Sublime Text, edit the file with another editor, then re-open Sublime Text.~~ This used to occur in older versions of this plugin, but shouldn't anymore since it now uses a hash to verify the contents of the file. ## Credits Many thanks to the [contributors](https://github.com/Vasily-X/AutoFoldCode/graphs/contributors)! And of course, thanks to the great developers at [Sublime Text](http://sublimetext.com/). ## License [MIT](./LICENSE)