Release History =============== 3.1.0 (release 2023-02-07) -------------------------- - Improved probe-search and measurement-search, including "csv" and "tab" output - --stream-timeout and --stream-limit added to measure command - Use the latest stream API (cousteau update) and add --timeout to stream command 3.0.3 (release 2022-11-18) -------------------------- - Fix issue where the measure command would continue to stream results after all probes have responded 3.0.2 (release 2022-05-23) -------------------------- - Fix "measure spec" command which was broken due to cousteau issue 3.0.1 (release 2022-02-24) -------------------------- - Updated cousteau dependency to the non-alpha release 3.0.0 (release 2022-02-23) -------------------------- - API keys can now be passed in environment variables - probe-search by --location now works, as long as the user specifies their own Google Geocoding API key - Modernized tests and switched to GitHub actions - The default renderer for ping measurements is now more consistent and more similar to other ping tools, including having a statistical summary at the end - measure, report and stream commands now all use the same set of renderers - "measure spec" command which takes a JSON blob to create measurements - Allow measure --target to be specified as a positional arg (or --query-argument for DNS) - Move to latest cousteau version (python-socketio) - Various other fixes to code and documentation - Official supported Python versions changed to 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 2.3.0 (released 2018-11-23) --------------------------- Features and changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add result date and time to traceroute, NTP and SSL renderers - Add support for specifying measurement tags on measurement creation - Add option (--go-web) to open measurement URL in browser - Nicer presentation of 403 errors from the API - Official supported Python versions changed to 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix cousteau/sagan dependencies 2.2.3 (released 2017-01-17) --------------------------- Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix for distribution issues that prevented the command-line scripts from working 2.2.2 (released 2017-10-12) --------------------------- Features and changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Align various option defaults, minimums and maximums with API reality, including... - ... allow the set of options necessary for "TCP ping" measurements - Add compact DNS results renderer - Fix some unicode output issues 2.1 (released 2016-04-21) --------------------------- New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add a simple NTP renderer Changes ~~~~~~~ - Use new cousteau (1.4) & sagan(1.2) versions. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix for some unicode problems when using colors - Fix issue #177, with `gdbm` problem. 2.0.2 (released 2016-10-21) --------------------------- New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add aliases to measurements IDs - Add --traceroute-show-asns to traceroute renderer Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Stream command was not passing the correct API key. After API became stricter this command started failing. - Handle missing geometry for probes. - Fix issues for AS-paths with only 1 probe - Various fixes for tests 2.0.1 (released 2016-04-20) --------------------------- Changes ~~~~~~~ - Corrected references in the docs to obsolete command names. - Fixed broken 2.0.0 egg. 2.0.0 (released 2016-04-20) --------------------------- Changes ~~~~~~~ - Renamed and merged some commands for clarity, preserving the old names as deprecated aliases. - Improved help text and usage output. - Support for bash auto-completion. 1.2.3 (released 2016-03-08) --------------------------- Changes ~~~~~~~ - Usage of newest Cousteau/Sagan library. - Support of API keys for fetching results on report command. - Default radius for probes filtering is changed to 15. - Several changes for supporting Windows. 1.2.2 (released 2016-01-13) --------------------------- New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Cleaner and more consistent implementation of the renderer plugable architecture. - Usage of newest Cousteau library. 1.2.1 (released 2015-12-15) --------------------------- Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Restored some required template files. 1.2.0 (released 2015-12-15) --------------------------- Output Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `#119`_: Support HTTP results. - `#122`_: Allow packagers to set the user agent. 1.1.1 (released 2015-11-25) --------------------------- Output Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `#103`_: Removed header from the ``report`` command. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - `#105`_: Measurement report and stream broken on Python3.4. 1.1.0 (released 2015-11-12) --------------------------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Support for the creation of NTP, SSLCert, and HTTP measurements. - Additional argument in report command to filter results by probe ASN. - Additional renderer that shows the different destination ASNs and some additional stats about them. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Various fixes. Changes ~~~~~~~ - Better testing. - Additional documentation. 1.0.0 (released 2015-11-02) --------------------------- - Initial release. .. _#103: .. _#105: .. _#119: .. _#122: