RIPE NCC RPKI Validator ======================= Validator-3 ----------- We are working hard to make a new version of this validator. It is available for beta testing here: We expect to make our first official release by the end of February. Effort on this project is expected to be limited to bug fixes only, once the new version is found to be stable Description ----------- This application allows operators to download and validate the global Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) data set for use in their BGP decision making process and router configuration. To learn more about RPKI and BGP Origin Validation, please visit: Source Code ----------- The RIPE NCC RPKI Validator is an open source project on Github. Please contribute! Support ------- Please contact <> with any questions relating to the RIPE NCC RPKI Validator or the RIPE NCC Resource Certification (RPKI) service. Requirements ------------- = A Unix-like operating system. = Rsync(1), which must be available by just typing the 'rsync' command. The validator uses the following rsync(1) options: --update, --times, --copy-links, --recursive, and --delete. = Oracle JDK 8 This software was developed and tested using Oracle JDK 8. This Java version should be available without restrictions for all major platforms, though it may not be included in your distribution by default. You can check which version of Java you have by running: $ java -version The start script will try to find java on the path, using 'which java'. If this is not what you want, e.g. because you have multiple java versions on your system, or you just don't want to have it on the normal path, then you can specify a java installation explicitly by setting the JAVA_HOME directory. Beware that JAVA_HOME should not point to the java executable itself, but the installation directory of your java distribution. The executable is expected here: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java = At least 1.5 GB of free memory For performance reasons this tool keeps a lot of data in memory and runs many tasks in parallel. The actual amount of memory used by the validator depends on the number of enabled trust anchors, number of CPU cores, and on configured validation interval. In general, more CPU cores require more memory for validator, and vice versa. If the validator keeps crashing with "Out of memory" error, try to increase the amount of memory allocated to it ("jvm.memory.maximum" parameter in the config file). If the validator gets killed by the OOM killer, try to lower the amount of memory allocated to it, or decrease the number of trust anchors (see below), or increase the validation interval ("validation.interval" option in the config file). Manual Installation ------------------- = Decompress the downloaded package = Run the RPKI Validator script from the root folder to start, run (in foreground), stop and check the status of the application ./ start [-c /path/to/my-configuration.conf] or ./ run [-c /path/to/my-configuration.conf] or ./ stop [-c /path/to/my-configuration.conf] or ./ status [-c /path/to/my-configuration.conf] Note: you only have to use the -c flag if you change the name and/or location of the configuration file, as explained below. = Once the application has started, it will write the current PID to and start logging to the log directory. You can access the web user interface here: http://yourhost:http-port/ (e.g. http://localhost:8080/) Using Puppet ------------ ARIN created a puppet module for this application that may be useful to you. It can be found here: Configuration file ------------------ You can override the default settings of the RPKI Validator by editing the configuration file at the following location: <root-folder>/conf/rpki-validator.conf If you want to be sure that future upgrades do not overwrite your local changes, you may want to make a local copy of the configuration file and refer to it explicitly using the -c option. For usage, please refer to the configuration file comments. Notes on kiosk mode ------------------- In kiosk mode the application will be accessible read-only to anyone, but any action or update will require authentication with a username and password. This a basic, experimental feature. Kiosk mode is merely intended to prevent unauthorised people from making (accidental) changes. The password you configure is stored in plain text. When a user enters the credentials, they are sent unencrypted. Lastly, the credentials remain valid for the entire browser session, so you need to quit your browser to log out. Configuring additional Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options --------------------------------------------------------- The configuration file allows you to change the most import memory options and/or specify a SOCKS or HTTP proxy to be used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that will run this application. Additionally, you can use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to pass in more JVM options, not supported by the configuration file and start script. Use this very carefully though, we can give no guarantees about the result. Configuring Trust Anchors ------------------------- This validator will automatically pick up any file matching this pattern: <root-folder>/conf/tal/*.tal The Trust Anchor Locator (TAL) files for four Regional Internet Registries are included with this distribution: AFRINIC, APNIC, LACNIC and RIPE NCC. To access ARIN's TAL, you will have to agree to ARIN's Relying Party Agreement. Please visit this ARIN web page for more information: Please make sure you download the TAL formatted for this RPKI Validator: After downloading ARIN's TAL, please copy it to the following location to use it: <root-folder>/conf/tal/ API --- This validator has a RESTful API that allows you to get the full validated ROA set. Usage: = CSV format: http://yourhost:http-port/export.csv = JSON format: http://yourhost:http-port/export.json You can also query this RPKI Validator for validity information about a BGP announcement. You will get a response in JSON format containing the following data: = The RPKI validity state, as described in RFC 6811 = The validated ROA prefixes that caused the state = In case of an 'Invalid' state, the reason: = The prefix is originated from an unauthorised AS = The prefix is more specific than allowed in the Maximum Length of the ROA Usage: = http://yourhost:http-port/api/v1/validity/:ASN/:prefix e.g. = IPv4: http://yourhost:http-port/api/v1/validity/AS12654/ = IPv6: http://yourhost:http-port/api/v1/validity/AS12654/2001:7fb:ff03::/48 Full documentation can be found here: RPSL route object output (beta) ------------------------------- With version 2.18 we have added support for exporting the full validated ROA set in RPSL route object format: http://yourhost:http-port/export.rpsl This feature is intended to make it easier to integrate using ROA data in an existing RPSL based tool chain. When using this feature please keep the following in mind: 1) Mandatory attributes missing from ROAs ROAs do not have data for all mandatory attributes in (RIPE) route objects. Generated 'pseudo' route objects currently look like this: route: origin: AS65001 descr: exported from ripe ncc validator mnt-by: NA created: 2015-04-28T09:57:21Z last-modified: 2015-04-28T09:57:21Z source: ROA-TRUST-ANCHOR-NAME The 'route:' and 'origin:' values are taken from the ROA, and the 'source:' reflects the Trust Anchor where the ROA was found. The 'mnt-by:' value is meant to indicate 'not applicable'. And the values for 'created:' and 'last-modified:' use the time of the export. 2) ROAs can have a 'maximum length' attribute The maximum length parameter in ROAs can be used as a shorthand in case a prefix has de-aggregated announcements from a single ASN. Rather than having to create ROAs for each prefix the ROA can specify a maximum length. For example: prefix: max length: 24 ASN: 65001 Implies that can be announced from AS65001, but also and, as well as,, and When converting ROAs to route objects we currently generate objects for each more specific announcement. However, since this could result in an enormous amount of more specifics, we have to put limits on this. Especially in IPv6 space this could result in millions of objects. Therefore we currently only create objects for the prefix itself and more specifics up to 8 bits. 3) Difference in authorisation model In contrast to ROUTE objects ROAs are only authorised by the holder of the prefix, not the holder of the ASN. The reasoning behind this is that it's the holder of the prefix who gets to authorise an ASN to announce the space, but the authorisation by the ASN is implicit by them actually announcing this space, or not. If this distinction is important to your decision process then you may not want to use this feature. Deep Links ---------- You can specify an AS Number or prefix in the URL of the ROA and BGP Preview pages to get direct, bookmark-able access to information. For example: = http://yourhost:http-port/roas?q= = http://yourhost:http-port/bgp-preview?q=AS12654 Monitoring ---------- You can monitor the health of the application itself using this url: http://yourhost:http-port/health This url will return data in JSON format with information on each test. Monitoring tools should check the http status of the response. 200 -> Everything is OK 500 -> One or more checks failed For the moment we only check that the rsync binary can be found and executed, but we may add more checks in the future. In addition, each Trust Anchor has a dedicated monitoring page showing statistics, validation warnings and errors. Clicking one of the "Processed Items" links on the Trust Anchors page will take you to an overview with all checks and warnings for that trust anchor. You can set up your monitoring tool to check for the contents of this page. Using regular expressions, check for the label in the span tag with the id "healthcheck-result": <span id="healthcheck-result">.*OK.*</span> <span id="healthcheck-result">.*ALERT.*</span> RRDP Support ------------ This version of the validator supports the RPKI Repository Delta Protocol (RRDP), but by default validator will prefer rsync protocol. You could change that by turning the "prefer.rrdp" option in the configuration file to "true". Note that currently RRDP is in the draft state, and only the RIPE NCC repository publishes data using RRDP. RRDP is described in Known Issues ------------ = The validator does not check for revocations or expiration times in between validation runs = In its RTR implementation, the validator does not support incremental updates as defined here, yet: When the validator has any updates, it will respond with a cache-reset, as described here: Version History --------------- 2.25 - 22 August 2018 = Fixed is_running status checker 2.24 - 9 January 2018 = Fixed an issue where duplicate Validated ROA Prefixes were sent to a router using RPKI-RTR = Updated the set of Trust Anchors to reflect that APNIC now uses a single Trust Anchor instead of five 2.23 - 28 September 2016 = Performance and stability improvements, bugfixes = Add Trust Anchor name as additional column in export files = Fallback to plain HTTP if HTTPS connection fails = Improve error reporting = Parse and validate Ghostbusters Records = Support multiple TA certificate URLs in TAL = Support HTTP URLs in TAL 2.22 - 25 May 2016 = Multiple improvements in RRDP support = Multiple improvements in database and memory handling = Replaced log4j by logback; log configuration is now in logback.xml. = Added support multiple TALs for the same TA. This changed monitoring URLs for TALs. If you were using TA monitoring feature, you have to update URLs for monitored trust anchors. 2.21 - 2 November 2015 = Fixed a bug where a broken CRL made the validation process crash for the given TA = Added support for the RPKI Retrieval Delta Protocol, which uses HTTP instead of rsync as the transport if the RPKI server supports it. There is a boolean option "prefer.rrdp" in the configuration file to enable it. = The startup script now warns if the Java version running on the host is too old = Added log rotation for all log files = A brand new RIPE NCC logo 2.20 - 5 June 2015 = Improvements to the caching system; previous versions could use a lot of disk space = Multithreading improvements; application is up to 50% faster 2.19 - 12 May 2015 = General improvements 2.18 - 30 April 2015 = Updated validation algorithm in preparation of alternative RPKI data retrieval protocol = Added initial support for new RPKI data retrieval protocol. Documented here: = Added beta support for exporting ROAs in RPSL route object format. Feedback welcome! = Improved some error handling and reporting - rejecting expired TA certificate - report on retrieval errors separate from validation errors 2.17 - 3 July 2014 = Added a configuration file option to manually set the update interval of the Trust Anchors = If no Trust Anchors are enabled, the application will report "all have been validated" to connected routers, instead of "no data available" = Added an option to enable the "loose" validation algorithm in the config file (draft-huston-rpki-validation-01) = New RIPE NCC logo awesomeness 2.16 - 21 March 2014 = Fixed memory leak 2.15 - 3 January 2014 = More refinements to the trust anchor monitoring functionality to ensure alerts are triggered accurately and lower the chance of a false positive = Added an alert if more than 10% of objects have a validation error = Carrying over the alert for an unexplained drop in object count over subsequent validation runs until the object count is restored and/or no more errors are observed = No longer warns when manifest EE certificate validity times do not match the manifest "this update" and "next update" times = Warn about stale manifests and CRLs for up to X days, as configured by the user (default = 0), reject after = Reject manifests with expired EE certificates = A more detailed error message is displayed when a ROA is rejected because it refers to resources the holder no longer has on their certificate 2.14 - 9 December 2013 = Fixed an issue where the wrong CRL could be used when a remote repository is being updated during validation = Improved monitoring code to allow for easier tracking of alerts = Several clarifications in the text 2.13 - 22 November 2013 = The application now uses a single configuration file to override all default settings. = The application will now try to find your Java installation if you have not specified your JAVA_HOME. = Added basic application and Trust Anchor monitoring = Bug and conformance fixes, as well as other magical improvements 2.12 - 25 October 2013 = Changed default memory settings from 512MB to 1024MB after out of memory problems with the current size of RPKI repositories = Added experimental support to run validator in "Kiosk" mode 2.11.1 - 12 July 2013 = Bug fix release, validator was rejecting *all* subsequent manifests as soon as one object was rejected for a Trust Anchor. = All users are recommended to upgrade to this release. 2.11 - 26 June 2013 = Application packaging is now in tar format = Included a script to start, stop and check the status of the application = It is now possible specify a proxy server for outgoing HTTP connections, which the application uses to retrieve the RIS Route Collector dump files. = Added a RESTful API that allows users to request the RPKI validity state of a BGP announcement. = In the BGP Preview tab, Invalid announcements now display the reason for the state. 2.10 - 5 June 2013 = Validated ROA cache can now be exported in JSON format = Router sessions logging format has changed according to RFC 6810 2.9 - 7 May 2013 = Fix an issue that breaks the RTR interface 2.8.1 - 12 April 2013 = Fix performance issue introduced in 2.8 2.8 - 5 April 2013 = Added a warning if objects with unknown extensions (such as *.gbr) are found. 2.7 - 28 November 2012 = Made validator and projects this depends on available on GitHub and Maven Central = Updated pre-configured Trust Anchor Files for APNIC and LACNIC = Made Trust Anchor handling more robust = Disabled warnings about failure to send performance metrics 2.6 - Internal release 2.5 - 4 September 2012 = Fixed a thread leak bug = Cleaned up experimental and pilot TAL files. Release now only includes TALs of these four RIRs: AFRINIC, LACNIC, APNIC and RIPE NCC = Added information to the README.txt how to obtain and use ARIN's TAL 2.4 - 2 July 2012 = Cache repository objects for re-use in case of problems retrieving objects (expired objects are still rejected / warned about as per configuration) 2.3 - 9 May 2012 = Added performance metrics to the RPKI Validator = Small UI changes on White List page 2.1 - 24 April 2012 = Fixed a bug where in some cases fetching RIS Route Collector data would be slow or failed = Trust Anchors can now be easily enabled or disabled with a check mark = Added a dedicated User Preferences page 2.0.4 - 10 April 2012 = Added a "Process Items" section to Trust Anchor page, displaying number of accepted items, warnings and errors = Added a dedicated Validation results page for inspecting errors and warnings = Fetching route collector data for the BGP Preview is more robust and indicates the time of the last retrieval 2.0.3 - 16 February 2012 = Fixed a bug that caused certain types of IPv6 notation to break the BGP Preview = The validator can optionally check for updates of the application 2.0.1 - 3 January 2012 = Performance and stability improvements 2.0 - 13 December 2011 = Initial release of the next generation RPKI Validator toolset: = It runs as a service and has an intuitive web-based interface = It allows manual controls and overrides through filters and white lists = It allows integration in existing (RPSL based) workflows = It is capable of communicating with RPKI-capable routers