Server: Arguru ============== Arguru is the machine that hosts the RITcraft server. This page documents how it is used and configured and other information. Contact information ------------------- Owner: Justin W. Flory Contact: jflory7 [at] gmail [dot] com Item(s): Intel i7-4790S Rosewill computer system ( Purpose: Host and run the RITcraft Minecraft server and various MySQL databases Description ----------- Arguru is a `Red Hat Enterprise Linux`_ (RHEL) 7 Server running on a self-built machine [#]_. Arguru is inside of the `Electronic Gaming Society at RIT`_'s "club space", a locked room in the basement of the Student Alumni Union (SAU). The server is primarily managed by `Justin W. Flory`_ and other system administrators (see :doc:`../roles/sysadmin` for more information about their role). .. [#] While used officially for RITcraft, the machine is the personal property of the RITcraft founder, `Justin W. Flory`_ .. _`Electronic Gaming Society at RIT`: .. _`Justin W. Flory`: .. _`Red Hat Enterprise Linux`: Server specs ------------ A build part list and specs can be found on `PCPartPicker`_. - `Part list`_ - `Price breakdown by merchant`_ +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | Type | Item | Price | +======================+==============================================+=============+ | **CPU** | `Intel Core i7-4790S 3.2GHz Quad-Core`_ | $305.48 | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Motherboard** | `ASRock H97M Anniversary Micro ATX LGA1150`_ | $71.98 | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Memory** | `Team Elite Plus 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600`_ | $36.99 | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Memory** | `Team Elite Plus 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600`_ | $72.99 | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Storage** | `Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM HD`_ | $74.99 | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Case** | `Rosewill FBM-02 MicroATX Mini Tower Case`_ | $21.99 | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Power Supply** | `Rosewill 550W 80+ Platinum Modular ATX`_ | $74.99 | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Operating System** | `Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7`_ | Free | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ | **Total** | | **$659.41** | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ *Note*: Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts .. _`PCPartPicker`: .. _`Part list`: .. _`Price breakdown by merchant`: .. _`Intel Core i7-4790S 3.2GHz Quad-Core`: .. _`ASRock H97M Anniversary Micro ATX LGA1150`: .. _`Team Elite Plus 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600`: .. _`Team Elite Plus 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600`: .. _`Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM HD`: .. _`Rosewill FBM-02 MicroATX Mini Tower Case`: .. _`Rosewill 550W 80+ Platinum Modular ATX`: .. _`Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7`: PaperSpigot server ------------------ RITcraft uses `PaperSpigot`_ to run the Minecraft server. This is a fork of the `SpigotMC`_ project with a few added features and configurations that are good for a classic, multiplayer server. The server runs at ```` and is run on port 30000. Since port forwarding is enabled, players connect with the default ``:25565`` port and they will reach the server. A simple Bash script is run inside of a new `tmux`_ session to run the server: .. code:: bash java -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M -jar rit-survival-spigot.jar Copies of the configurations and world are backed up weekly into the Google Cloud Platform. .. _`PaperSpigot`: .. _`SpigotMC`: .. _`tmux`: MySQL databases --------------- Arguru also hosts various MySQL databases used for RITcraft and also other servers running on the machine. A record of the databases is kept here. +-----------------------+--------------------+------------------+-----------------------+ | Databases | +=======================+====================+==================+=======================+ | information_schema | mysql | rit_logblock | space_voteroulette | +-----------------------+--------------------+------------------+-----------------------+ | creative_logblock | performance_schema | rit_tradingpost | space_zPermissions | +-----------------------+--------------------+------------------+-----------------------+ | creative_plotme | reportrts | rit_zPermissions | survival_logblock | +-----------------------+--------------------+------------------+-----------------------+ | creative_zPermissions | rit_dynmap | space_logblock | survival_zPermissions | +-----------------------+--------------------+------------------+-----------------------+