<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created on: 07/05/2021 00:41 Created by: Ryan Mangan Organization: Ryan Mangans IT Blog Filename: MSIX Log Explorer WVD Host Installation Script. =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION This script downloads MSIX Log Explorer from the RMITBLOG GIT Hub Repo and installed on the required WVD Session host. The Script has been designed to be used with Azure Script Extentions to automate the process of deploying the MSIX Log Explorer on session hosts. Any issues, please feedback through GitHUB. #> #Run app on user logon. New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -Name MSIXLOGEXPLORER -Value "C:\Program Files\Ryanmangansitblog ltd\MSIX Log Explorer\MSIX log Explorer.exe" # Define where to store logs [string]$temPAth = 'C:\temp\' # Create folder if does not exist if (!(Test-Path -Path $temPAth)) { $paramNewItem = @{ Path = $temPAth ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true } New-Item @paramNewItem } #Download MSIX Log Explorer invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/RMITBLOG/MSIX_APP_ATTACH/blob/master/MSIX%20Event%20Log%20tool/MSIX%20Log%20Explorer.msi?raw=true" -OutFile "C:\temp\MSIXLOGEXPLORER.msi" Start-Sleep -s 5 #Install MSIX Log Explorer msiexec /i "C:\temp\MSIXLOGEXPLORER.msi" /q /n Start-Sleep -s 2 Write-Host "Installation complete"