/** * ========================== Device Activity Check ========================== * Platform: Hubitat Elevation * * Copyright 2024 Robert Morris * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * Author: Robert Morris * * Changelog: * 2.4.1 (2024-04-25) - Add line break before (optional) appended notification text * 2.4 (2024-04-24) - Add option to append text to notifications (e.g., Pushover users who want cloud report link) * 2.3 (2023-12-14) - Add search for device list * 2.2 (2023-05-27) - Add OAuth endpoints to view reports locally or via cloud (not "officially" released but can be used if don't want 3.x now) * 2.1.2 (2023-02-15) - Fix snooze time calcuations * 2.1.1 (2023-02-11) - Remove accidental extra logging * 2.1 (2023-02-05) - Add healthStatus attribute option * - Add buttons as trigger for running report; add battery notes and snooze options for devices * 2.0.1 (2022-06-19) - Fix for error on platform 2.3.2 (thanks to @jtp10181 for spotting the issue) * 2.0 (2022-01-02) - Improved reports for non-activity-based methods (shows attribute value); * Filter device-selection list based on detection method * New date format options for report vs. notifications * Improved refresh behavior (if option selected) * 1.5.1 (2021-09-21) - Filter device list from detection method * 1.5 (2021-09-19) - Added battery as notification/report type; log if device checking with unsupported attribute * 1.4.7 (2021-08-20) - Fixed for missing dates on some reports * 1.4.6 (2021-08-18) - Eliminated spurious warning message in logs when using presence-based detection and refresh * 1.4.5 (2021-08-13) - Improvements to refresh behavior (runIn instead of pauseExecution); fix for inactivity thresholds >24 days * 1.4.4 (2021-06-07) - Fix for hours/minutes display when calculating total time for threshold (cosmetic issue only) * 1.4.3 (2021-06-06) - Fix for possible NPE when checking "presence"-based devices * 1.4.2 (2021-05-28) - Fix for device refresh; minor code cleanup * 1.4.1 (2021-04-06) - Fixed error when running report notification * 1.4 (2021-04-05) - Added more refresh options; added link to device pages on "manual" report page * 1.3 (2020-12-18) - Added ability to refresh selected devices before report, ability to select multiple notification * devices, and better default date/time formatting on "View current report" page * 1.2 (2020-07-28) - Added presence checking (in addition to activity) * 1.1 (2020-06-11) - Added ability to ignore disabled devices (on by default) * 1.0.1 (2020-06-04) - Minor bugfix (eliminates errors for empty groups or if notification device is not selected) * 1.0 (2020-05-27) - First public release * */ import groovy.transform.Field import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder import com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper @Field static final String defaultDateTimeFormat = 'MMM d, yyyy, h:mm a' @Field static final List dateFormatOptions = ['MMM d, yyyy, h:mm a', 'E, MMM d, yyyy, h:mm a', 'E dd MMM yyyy, h:mm a', 'dd MMM yyyy, h:mm a', 'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm', 'E MMM dd HH:mm', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm z'] @Field static final Integer formatListIfMoreItemsThan = 4 @Field static final Integer defaultSnoozeDuration = 48 // Activity detection types @Field static final String sACTIVITY = "activity" @Field static final String sHEALTH_STATUS = "healthStatus" @Field static final String sPRESENCE = "presence" @Field static final String sBATTERY = "battery" // Other @Field static final String sSNOOZE_EMOJI = "🔲" // black square box @Field static final String sUNSNOOZE_EMOJI = "☑️" // ballot box w/ check definition( name: "Device Activity Check", namespace: "RMoRobert", author: "Robert Morris", description: "Identify devices without recent activity (or select other methods) that may have stopped working or \"fallen off\" your network", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "", documentationLink: "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-device-activity-check-get-notifications-for-inactive-devices/42176" ) preferences { page name: "pageMain" page name: "pageDeviceGroup" page name: "pageRemoveGroup" page name: "pageViewReport" } Map pageMain() { dynamicPage(name: "pageMain", title: "Device Activity Check", uninstall: true, install: true) { if (!(state.groups)) state.groups = [1] List groups = state.groups ?: [1] if (state.removeSettingsForGroupNumber) { Integer groupNum = state.removeSettingsForGroupNumber state.remove("removeSettingsForGroupNumber") removeSettingsForGroupNumber(groupNum) state.groups?.removeElement(groupNum) } state.remove("cancelDelete") state.remove("currGroupNum") state.remove("currGroupDispNum") app.removeSetting("debugLogging") // from 1.1.0 and earlier; can probably remove in future section(styleSection("Devices to Monitor")) { groups.eachWithIndex { realGroupNum, groupIndex -> String timeout = getDeviceGroupInactivityThresholdString(realGroupNum) String strTitle = (state.groups.size() > 1) ? "Group ${groupIndex+1} Devices (inactivity threshold: $timeout):" : "Devices (inactivity threshold: $timeout):" href(name: "pageDeviceGroup${realGroupNum}Href", page: "pageDeviceGroup", params: [groupNumber: realGroupNum, groupDispNumber: groupIndex+1], title: strTitle, description: getDeviceGroupDescription(realGroupNum) ?: "Click/tap to choose devices and inactivity threshold...", state: getDeviceGroupDescription(realGroupNum) ? "complete" : null) } paragraph("To monitor another set of devices with a different inactiviy threshold or method, add a new group:") input name: "btnNewGroup", type: "button", title: "Add new group" } section(styleSection("Notification Options")) { input name: "notificationDevice", type: "capability.notification", title: "Send notification with list of inactive devices to this device:", multiple: true input name: "notificationTime", type: "time", title: "Daily at this time:" paragraph "Or any time this switch is turned on:" input name: "notificationSwitch", type: "capability.switch", title: "Switch turned on:", description: "Optional - Click to set" //paragraph " ", width: 6 paragraph "Or any time this button is pushed:" input name: "notificationButton", type: "capability.pushableButton", title: "Button device:", description: "Optional - Click to set", width: (settings["notificationButton"] != null) ? 6 : 12, submitOnChange: true if (settings["notificationButton"]) { input name: "notificationButtonNumber", type: "number", title: "button number", width: 3 input name: "notificationButtonEvent", type: "enum", options: ["pushed", "held", "released", "doubleTapped"], title: "event", width: 3 } // v2 always shows: //input name: "includeTime", type: "bool", title: "Include last acitivty time in notifications ", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true // Would be nice to consider for future: //if (includeTime) input name: "inclueNotPresentTime", type: "bool", title: "Use date of last \"not present\" event if device(s) configured for presence monitoring", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true List> timeFormatOptions = [] Date currDate = new Date() dateFormatOptions.each { timeFormatOptions << ["$it": "${currDate.format(it, location.timeZone)}"] } input name: "timeFormat", type: "enum", options: timeFormatOptions, title: "Date/time format for notifications:", defaultValue: defaultDateTimeFormat, submitOnChange: true, width: 6 input name: "timeFormatForReports", type: "enum", options: timeFormatOptions, title: 'Date/time format for "View current report" page', defaultValue: defaultDateTimeFormat, width: 6 } section(styleSection("View/Test Report")) { href(name: "pageViewReportHref", page: "pageViewReport", title: "View current report", description: "Evaluate all devices now according to the criteria above, and display a report of \"inactive\" devices.") paragraph "The \"Test Notification Now\" button will send a notification to your selected device(s) if there is inactivity to report. This a manual method to trigger the same report the above options would also create:" input name: "btnTestNotification", type: "button", title: "Test Notification Now", width: 11 input name: "btnSave", type: "button", title: "Update", width: 1, submitOnChange: true } if (state.accessToken) { section(styleSection("Report Pages")) { paragraph "To access reports from your LAN or the cloud (without needing to use the regular hub interface), use one of the links below:" paragraph """""" } } else { section(styleSection("Report Pages")) { paragraph 'OAuth is not enabled. Please enable OAuth for this app in "Apps Code" per the ' + 'installation instructions (new in version ' + '2.2 and 2.3) if you wish to use local or cloud report endpoints to view reports without using the app. Then, re-open the app and select "Done."' } } section("Advanced Options", hideable: true, hidden: (boolAppendNotificationText != true)) { label title: "Customize installed app name:", required: true input name: "includeHubName", type: "bool", title: "Include hub name in notifications (${location.name})" input name: "modes", type: "mode", title: "Only send notifications if mode is", multiple: true, required: false input name: "snoozeDuration", type: "number", title: 'Number of hours to remove deivce from report with "snooze"', defaultValue: defaultSnoozeDuration input name: "boolIncludeDisabled", type: "bool", title: "Include disabled devices in report" input name: "boolAppendNotificationText", type: "bool", title: "Append text to notification?", submitOnChange: true if (settings.boolAppendNotificationText) { input name: "textToAppendToNotification", type: "text", title: "Text to append to notification:", submitOnChange: true } input name: "debugLevel", type: "enum", title: "Debug logging level:", options: [[0: "Logs off"], [1: "Debug logging"], [2: "Verbose logging"]], defaultValue: 0 } } } Map pageDeviceGroup(params) { Integer groupNum Integer groupDispNum String strTitle if (params?.groupNumber) { state.currGroupNum = params.groupNumber groupNum = params.groupNumber } else { groupNum = state.currGroupNum } if (params?.groupDispNumber) { state.currGroupDispNum = params.groupDispNumber groupDispNum = params.groupDispNumber } else { groupNum = state.currGroupDispNum } strTitle = (state.groups?.size() > 1) ? "Device Group ${groupDispNum}:" : "Devices" state.remove("cancelDelete") dynamicPage(name: "pageDeviceGroup", title: strTitle, uninstall: false, install: false, nextPage: "pageMain") { section(styleSection("Choose Devices")) { String capabilityFilter switch (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"]) { case sHEALTH_STATUS: capabilityFilter = "capability.*" break case sPRESENCE: capabilityFilter = "capability.presenceSensor" break case sBATTERY: capabilityFilter = "capability.battery" break default: // will catch default/inactivity method: capabilityFilter = "capability.*" } input name: "group${groupNum}.devices", type: capabilityFilter, multiple: true, title: "Select devices to monitor", showFilter: true, submitOnChange: true } section(styleSection("Inactivity Threshold")) { input name: "group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod", title: "Inactivity detection method:", type: "enum", options: [[(sACTIVITY): "\"Last Activity At\" timestamp"], [(sBATTERY): "Battery level"], [(sHEALTH_STATUS): "\"healthStatus\" attribute"], [(sPRESENCE): "\"presence\" attribute (deprecated)"]], defaultValue: sACTIVITY, required: true, submitOnChange: true if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sACTIVITY || settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == null) { paragraph "Consider above devices inactive if they have not had activity within..." input name: "group${groupNum}.intervalD", type: "number", title: "days", description: "", submitOnChange: true, width: 2 input name: "group${groupNum}.intervalH", type: "number", title: "hours", description: "", submitOnChange: true, width: 2 input name: "group${groupNum}.intervalM", type: "number", title: "minutes*", description: "", submitOnChange: true, width: 2 paragraph """${(settings["group${groupNum}.intervalD"] || settings["group${groupNum}.intervalH"] || settings["group${groupNum}.intervalM"]) ? 'Total time:\n' + daysHoursMinutesToString(settings["group${groupNum}.intervalD"], settings["group${groupNum}.intervalH"], settings["group${groupNum}.intervalM"]) : ''}""", width: 6 if (!(settings["group${groupNum}.intervalD"] || settings["group${groupNum}.intervalH"] || settings["group${groupNum}.intervalM"])) { paragraph "*At least one of: days, hours, or minutes is required" } } else if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sBATTERY) { input name: "group${groupNum}.batteryLevel", type: "number", title: "Include in report if battery level is less than:", range: "1..100" } else if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sHEALTH_STATUS) { paragraph "Devices will be considered inactive if the value of the \"healthStatus\" attribute is \"offline\" at the time " + "of evaluation. Note that if your report is configured to display the \"Last Activity\" date, this date/time may not " + "necessarily correspond to actual device communication, depending on how the device driver works." if (settings["group${groupNum}.devices"]?.any { !(it.hasAttribute("healthStatus")) }) { paragraph "Warning: the following devices do not report a \"healthStatus\" attribute. De-select them or verify the correct driver or inactivity " + """detection method: ${settings["group${groupNum}.devices"]?.findAll { !(it.hasAttribute("healthStatus")) }.join(", ")}""" } } else if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sPRESENCE) { paragraph "Devices will be considered inactive if the value of the \"presence\" attribute is \"not present\" at the time " + "of evaluation. Note that if your report is configured to display the \"Last Activity\" date, this date/time may not " + "necessarily correspond to actual device communication, depending on how the device driver works." if (settings["group${groupNum}.devices"]?.any { !(it.hasAttribute("presence")) }) { paragraph "Warning: the following devices do not report a \"presence\" attribute. De-select them or verify the correct driver or inactivity " + """detection method: ${settings["group${groupNum}.devices"]?.findAll { !(it.hasAttribute("presence")) }.join(", ")}""" } } else { paragraph "Please select a valid \"inactivity detection method\" option above." } } if (settings["group${groupNum}.devices"] && (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sACTIVITY)) { section(styleSection("Refresh Options")) { List> rdevList = [] settings["group${groupNum}.devices"].each { if (it.hasCommand("refresh")) rdevList << [(it.getIdAsLong()): it.getDisplayName()] } // Sort by device display name: rdevList.sort { a, b -> a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } paragraph "Use the option below only if you have devices that do not regularly \"check in\" and respond to a refresh. (You must know your specific device behavior, but generally all powered devices and most battery-powered Zigbee devices will respond, while non-FLiRS Z-Wave battery devices will not.) Device Activity Check will send a \"Refresh\" command to the device before running a report, which may give a better indication of whether the device is still responsive. Be careful not to choose too many devices or devices that do not respond on-demand to refresh commands." input name: "group${groupNum}.refreshDevs", title: "Refresh before running report:", type: "enum", options: rdevList, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true if (settings["group${groupNum}.refreshDevs"]) { paragraph "Note: If any devices need to be refreshed (only devices deemed inactive will be), reports will be delayed for one-half second per device plus an additional five seconds in order to give devices time to respond (so the \"Test\" on the previous page may not be instant)." } } } section(styleSection("Remove Group")) { href(name: "pageRemoveGroupHref", page: "pageRemoveGroup", title: "Remove this group", params: [deleteGroupNumber: groupNum], description: "Warning: this will delete all selected devices and settings for this group.") } } } Map pageRemoveGroup(params) { logDebug("pageRemoveGroup with parameters $params...") Integer groupNum = params?.deleteGroupNumber if (groupNum && !(state.cancelDelete)) { state.remove("lastGroupNum") state.removeSettingsForGroupNumber = groupNum } dynamicPage(name: "pageRemoveGroup", title: "Remove Group", uninstall: false, install: false, nextPage: "pageMain") { section() { if (!(state.cancelDelete)) { paragraph("Press \"Next\" to complete the deletion of this group.") input name: "btnCancelGroupDelete", type: "button", title: "Cancel" } else { paragraph("Deletion cancelled. Press \"Next\" to continue.") } } } } Map pageViewReport() { logDebug "Loading \"View current report\" page..." // Format is [DeviceWrapper: ["device status (last activity, battery, etc.)", "optional other device status,..."]] Map> inactiveDeviceMap = getInactiveDeviceMap(true) if (inactiveDeviceMap) inactiveDeviceMap = inactiveDeviceMap.sort { it.key.displayName } dynamicPage(name: "pageViewReport", title: "Device Activity Check", uninstall: false, install: false, nextPage: "pageMain") { if (inactiveDeviceMap) { section(styleSection("Inactive Device Report")) { paragraph "Device", width: 5 paragraph "Status/Last Activity", width: 6 paragraph "Snooze?", width: 1 Boolean doFormatting = inactiveDeviceMap.size() > formatListIfMoreItemsThan inactiveDeviceMap.eachWithIndex { DeviceWrapper dev, List states, index -> paragraph(doFormatting ? """${styleListItem(dev.displayName, index)}""" : """${dev.displayName}""", width: 5) paragraph(doFormatting ? "${styleListItem(states.join(', '), index)}" : states.join(', '), width: 6) if (checkIfSnoozed(dev.id)) { //input name: "btnUnsnooze_${dev.id}", type: "button", title: "Y", width: 1, submitOnChange: true paragraph emojiButtonLink("btnUnsnooze_${dev.id}", sUNSNOOZE_EMOJI, "click/tap to un-snooze"), width: 1 } else { //input name: "btnSnooze_${dev.id}", type: "button", title: "N", width: 1, submitOnChange: true paragraph emojiButtonLink("btnSnooze_${dev.id}", sSNOOZE_EMOJI, "snooze for ${snoozeDuration ?: defaultSnoozeDuration} hr"), width: 1 } } } List toRefreshDevices = [] state.groups.each { toRefreshDevices.addAll(getInactiveDevices(it,true)) // catches devices that are inactive AND configured to be refreshed } if (toRefreshDevices) { section(styleSection("Refresh")) { Integer waitSeconds = performRefreshes(true) // gets estimated refresh time only; does NOT refresh String waitTime if (waitSeconds < 60) waitTime = "about ${waitSeconds} seconds" else if (waitSeconds < 75) waitTime = "about 1 minute" else if (waitSeconds < 145) waitTime = "about 2 minutes" else waitTime = "several minutes" paragraph "You have configured some inactive devices to be refreshed if inactive when a report is run (this happens automatically only for notifications, not when viewing this page). To perform this refresh now, press the \"Perform Refreshes\" button below, then reload this page in ${waitTime}." input type: "button", name: "btnPerformRefreshes", title: "Perform Refreshes", submitOnChange: false StringBuilder refreshSummarySB = new StringBuilder() refreshSummarySB << "
Devices to be refreshed" toRefreshDevices.each { DeviceWrapper dev -> refreshSummarySB << "


" } refreshSummarySB << "
" paragraph refreshSummarySB.toString() } } section("Help", hideable: true, hidden: true) { paragraph "
What is \"snooze\"?
Snoozing will remove the device from notifications for the specified time period (configurable on the main app page)
" } } else { section(styleSection("Inactive Device Report")) { paragraph "No inactive devices to report" } } } } // Gets list of "inactive" devices (iterates through each group, determines detection method, adds devices to list) // groupNum: group number (underlying, not display number) of devices to check // onlyDevicesToBeRefreshed: returns only the list of inactive devices where user has selected that they should be refreshed // (ignores devices where this option is not seleceted or that are not "inactive") List getInactiveDevices(Integer groupNum, Boolean onlyDevicesToBeRefreshed=false) { logDebug "getInactiveDevices($groupNum, $onlyDevicesToBeRefreshed)", "trace" List inactiveDevices = [] List groupDevs = settings["group${groupNum}.devices"] ?: [] String detectionMethod = settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] if (onlyDevicesToBeRefreshed && detectionMethod != sACTIVITY) { // Refresh only works for "last activity at" detection return [] } if (settings["boolIncludeDisabled"] != true) { groupDevs = groupDevs.findAll { it.isDisabled() != true } } switch (detectionMethod) { case sACTIVITY: // TODO if (onlyDevicesToBeRefreshed && !(settings["group${groupNum}.refreshDevs"])) { break } Long inactiveMinutes = daysHoursMinutesToMinutes(settings["group${groupNum}.intervalD"], settings["group${groupNum}.intervalH"], settings["group${groupNum}.intervalM"]) Long cutoffEpochTime = now() - (inactiveMinutes * 60000) groupDevs.each { DeviceWrapper dev -> if (onlyDevicesToBeRefreshed && !(dev.getId() in settings["group${groupNum}.refreshDevs"])) { // ignore } else if (dev.getLastActivity()?.getTime() <= cutoffEpochTime) { inactiveDevices << dev } } break case sHEALTH_STATUS: groupDevs.each { DeviceWrapper dev -> if (dev.currentValue("healthStatus") == "offline") { inactiveDevices << dev } } break case sPRESENCE: groupDevs.each { DeviceWrapper dev -> if (dev.currentValue("presence") == "not present") { inactiveDevices << dev } } break case sBATTERY: Integer level = settings["group${groupNum}.batteryLevel"] ?: 0 groupDevs.each { DeviceWrapper dev -> if (dev.currentValue("battery") <= level) { inactiveDevices << dev } } break default: log.debug "Ignoring device $device: unsupported detcetion method $detectionMethod" } return inactiveDevices } /** * Returns inactive devies (only) in Map in format like: * [DeviceWrapper: ["device status (last activity, battery, etc.)", "optional other device status,..."]] * for all groups; intended to be used when viewing report or sending notification * @param isReportPage: false if is notification (default), true if "View current report" page; affects Last Activity string format */ Map> getInactiveDeviceMap(Boolean isReportPage=false) { // Format is [DeviceWrapper: ["device status (last activity, battery, etc.)", "optional other device status,..."]] Map> inactiveDeviceMap = [:] state.groups?.each { groupNum -> String detectionMethod = settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] List inactiveDevicesInGroup = getInactiveDevices(groupNum, false) inactiveDevicesInGroup.each { DeviceWrapper inactiveDev -> // Get status (last activity, battery, presence) if (!checkIfSnoozed(inactiveDev.id) || isReportPage) { String strStatus switch (detectionMethod) { case sACTIVITY: String timeFormat = isReportPage ? settings.timeFormatForReports : settings.timeFormat if (!timeFormat) timeFormat = defaultDateTimeFormat strStatus = inactiveDev.getLastActivity()?.format(timeFormat, location.timeZone) if (!strStatus) strStatus = "No activity reported" break case sHEALTH_STATUS: strStatus = "offline" break case sPRESENCE: strStatus = "not present" break case sBATTERY: strStatus = "${inactiveDev.currentValue('battery')}% battery" break default: strStatus = "unknown" } // Now, either put in Map or add to list of already-existing status(es) for that device: if (inactiveDeviceMap[inactiveDev]) { inactiveDeviceMap[inactiveDev] << strStatus } else { inactiveDeviceMap[inactiveDev] = [strStatus] } } else { // nothing -- not report page and device snoozed } } } return inactiveDeviceMap } Boolean isAnyRefreshConfigured() { state.groups.each { groupNum -> if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sACTIVITY && settings["group${groupNum}.devices"] && settings["group${groupNum}.refreshDevs"]) { return true } } return false } // Calls refresh() on each device if needed (only if inactive and configured); // Returns expected wait time (in seconds) after which report is likely to be reliable Integer performRefreshes(Boolean returnCountOnlyAndDoNotRefresh=false) { logDebug "performRefreshes()...", "trace" Integer waitTime = 0 List toRefreshDevices = [] state.groups.each { toRefreshDevices.addAll(getInactiveDevices(it, true)) // only includes devices needing refresh } if (toRefreshDevices) { logDebug "Devices to refresh: $toRefreshDevices" if (!returnCountOnlyAndDoNotRefresh) { toRefreshDevices.each { try { it.refresh() pauseExecution(200) } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn "Could not refresh $it:\n$ex" } } } waitTime = (toRefreshDevices.size() * 200 + 5000) / 1000 } return waitTime } // Lists all devices in group, one per line String getDeviceGroupDescription(groupNum) { logDebug "getDeviceGroupDescription($groupNum)...", "trace" String desc = "" if (settings["group${groupNum}.devices"]) { List groupDevs = settings["group${groupNum}.devices"].sort { DeviceWrapper it -> it.displayName } groupDevs.each { DeviceWrapper dev -> desc += "${dev.displayName}\n" } } return desc } // Human-friendly string for inactivity period (e.g., "1 hour, 15 minutes") String getDeviceGroupInactivityThresholdString(groupNum) { logDebug "getDeviceGroupInactivityThresholdString($groupNum)...", "trace" String thresholdString = "" if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sACTIVITY || !settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"]) { thresholdString = daysHoursMinutesToString(settings["group${groupNum}.intervalD"], settings["group${groupNum}.intervalH"], settings["group${groupNum}.intervalM"]) } else if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sBATTERY) { Integer level = settings["group${groupNum}.batteryLevel"] ?: 0 thresholdString = "if battery < $level" } else if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sHEALTH_STATUS) { thresholdString = "if offline" } else if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == sPRESENCE) { thresholdString = "if not present" } else { thresholdString = "(invalid configuration; please verify)" } return thresholdString } void removeSettingsForGroupNumber(Integer groupNumber) { logDebug "Removing settings for group $groupNumber..." def settingNamesToRemove = settings?.keySet()?.findAll{ it.startsWith("group${groupNumber}.") } logDebug " Settings to remove: $settingNamesToRemove" settingNamesToRemove.each { String settingName -> app.removeSetting(settingName) } } Long daysHoursMinutesToMinutes(Long days, Long hours, Long minutes) { Long totalMin = (minutes ?: 0) + (hours ? hours * 60 : 0) + (days ? days * 1440 : 0) return totalMin } String daysHoursMinutesToString(Long days, Long hours, Long minutes) { Long totalMin = daysHoursMinutesToMinutes(days, hours, minutes) Long d = totalMin / 1440 Long h = (totalMin - d * 1440) / 60 Long m = totalMin % 60 String strD = "$d day${d != 1 ? 's' : ''}" String strH = "$h hour${h != 1 ? 's' : ''}" String strM = "$m minute${m != 1 ? 's' : ''}" return "${d ? strD : ''}${d && (h || m) ? ', ' : ''}${h ? strH : ''}${(h && m) ? ', ' : ''}${m || !(h || d) ? strM : ''}" } void switchHandler(evt) { logDebug("Switch turned on; running report") sendInactiveNotification() } void buttonHandler(evt) { logDebug("Button ${evt.value}; running report") sendInactiveNotification() } // Sends notification with list of inactive devices to selected notification device(s) void sendInactiveNotification(Boolean doRefreshIfConfigured=true) { logDebug "sendInactiveNotification($doRefreshIfConfigured)", "trace" if (doRefreshIfConfigured == true) { logDebug "doRefreshIfConfigured == true" Integer waitTime = performRefreshes(true) // only gets time, does not refresh runIn(waitTime, "postRefreshNotificationHandler") performRefreshes() return } logDebug "Preparing list of inactive devices..." Map> inactiveDeviceMap = getInactiveDeviceMap() StringBuilder sbNotificationText = new StringBuilder() if (inactiveDeviceMap && isModeOK()) { inactiveDeviceMap = inactiveDeviceMap.sort { it.key.displayName } sbNotificationText << (settings["includeHubName"] ? "${app.label} - ${location.name}:" : "${app.label}:") inactiveDeviceMap.each { DeviceWrapper dev, List status -> sbNotificationText << "\n${dev.displayName}" sbNotificationText << " - ${status.join(', ')}" } if (settings.boolAppendNotificationText == true && settings.textToAppendToNotification) { sbNotificationText << "\n${settings.textToAppendToNotification}" } String notificationText = sbNotificationText.toString() logDebug "Sending notification for inactive devices: \"$notificationText\"" notificationDevice?.each { it.deviceNotification(notificationText) } } else { String reason = "Notification skipped:" if (!inactiveDeviceMap) reason += " No inactive devices." if (!isModeOK()) reason += " Outside of specified mode(s)." logDebug reason } } void postRefreshNotificationHandler() { pauseExecution(100) // probably not necessary, but just in case (give a bit more time) sendInactiveNotification(false) // skips refresh } // For list items in report page String styleListItem(String text, Long index=0) { return """
""" } // Check and log if any detection methods using unspported attributes: void verifyAndLogMissingCapabilities() { List groups = state.groups ?: [1] groups.each { groupNum -> List allDevices = settings["group${groupNum}.devices"] ?: [] // ignoring "Last Activity" at devices since works with any // For battery level devices: if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == "battery") { allDevices.each { if (!(it.hasAttribute("battery"))) log.warn "Device $it detection method is battery but does not support battery attribute" } } // For presence-based devices: else if (settings["group${groupNum}.inactivityMethod"] == "presence") { allDevices.each { if (!(it.hasAttribute("presence"))) log.warn "Device $it detection method is presence but does not support presence attribute" } } } } // Returns true if snoozed, false if not Boolean checkIfSnoozed(String deviceId) { logDebug "checkIfSnoozed($deviceId)" Long snoozedUntil = state.snoozedDevices?.get(deviceId) if (snoozedUntil) { logDebug "Found snooze date..." Boolean stillSnoozed = snoozedUntil >= now() if (stillSnoozed) { logDebug "Still snoozed." return true } else { logDebug "No longer snoozed." state.snoozedDevices?.remove(deviceId) return false } } else { logDebug "Not snoozed", "trace" return false } } void snoozeDevice(String deviceId) { logDebug "snoozeDevice($deviceId)" Long snoozeUntil = now() + (snoozeDuration ?: defaultSnoozeDuration)*3_600_000 if (!(state.snoozedDevices)) { Map snoozedDevs = [(deviceId) : snoozeUntil] state.snoozedDevices = snoozedDevs } else { state.snoozedDevices[deviceId] = snoozeUntil } } void unsnoozeDevice(String deviceId) { logDebug "unsnoozeDevice($deviceId)" state.snoozedDevices?.remove(deviceId) } void scheduleHandler() { logDebug("At scheduled; running report") sendInactiveNotification() } //========================================================================= // Styling Methods //========================================================================= String styleSection(String sectionHeadingText) { return """
""" } String buttonLink(String btnName, String linkText, color = "#1A77C9", font = 15) { "
" } String emojiButtonLink(String btnName, String linkText, String titleText, color = "#1A77C9", font = 17) { "
" } //========================================================================= // App Methods //========================================================================= void installed() { log.debug "installed()" initialize() } void updated() { log.debug "updated()" unschedule() initialize() verifyAndLogMissingCapabilities() } void initialize() { log.debug "initialize()" if (settings["debugLevel"] && settings["debugLevel"].toInteger() != 0) { log.debug "Debug logging is enabled for ${app.label}. It will remain enabled until manually disabled." } initializeAppEndpoint() unsubscribe() if (settings["notificationTime"]) schedule(settings["notificationTime"], scheduleHandler) if (settings["notificationSwitch"]) subscribe(settings["notificationSwitch"], "switch.on", "switchHandler") if (settings["notificationButton"]) subscribe(settings["notificationButton"], "${settings.notificationButtonEvent}.${settings.notificationButtonNumber}", "buttonHandler") } Boolean isModeOK() { Boolean isOK = !settings["modes"] || settings["modes"].contains(location.mode) logDebug "Checking if mode is OK; reutrning: ${isOK}", "trace" return isOK } void appButtonHandler(String btn) { switch (btn) { case "btnNewGroup": Integer newMaxGroup = (state.groups[-1]) ? ((state.groups[-1] as Integer) + 1) : 2 state.groups << newMaxGroup break case "btnCancelGroupDelete": state.cancelDelete = true state.remove("removeSettingsForGroupNumber") break case "btnTestNotification": sendInactiveNotification() break case "btnPerformRefreshes": performRefreshes() break case { it.startsWith("btnSnooze_") }: snoozeDevice(btn - "btnSnooze_") break case { it.startsWith("btnUnsnooze_") }: unsnoozeDevice(btn - "btnUnsnooze_") break case "btnSave": pauseExecution(100) initialize() break default: log.warn "Unhandled button press: $btn" } } //========================================================================= // Other Methods //========================================================================= /** * Intended to be called the first time app is run or if user requests reset of tokens */ private void initializeAppEndpoint(Boolean forceNewAccessToken=false) { logDebug "initializeAppEndpoint()" if (!state.accessToken || forceNewAccessToken) { try { log.debug "Creating access token..." createAccessToken() } catch(Exception ex) { log.warn "Failed to generate access token: $ex" state.remove("accessToken") } } } /** Writes to log.debug by default if debug logging setting enabled; can specify * other log level (e.g., "info") if desired */ void logDebug(String str, String level="debug") { switch(level) { case "trace": if (settings["debugLevel"] != null && (settings["debugLevel"].toInteger()) == 2) log.trace(str) break default: if (settings["debugLevel"] != null && (settings["debugLevel"].toInteger()) >= 1) log."$level"(str) } } //========================================================================= // HTTP Endpoint Methods/Handlers and Fields //========================================================================= mappings { path("/dac/report") {action: [GET: "handleHttpReport"]} path("/dac/toggleSnooze") {action: [POST: "handleHttpToggleSnooze"]} } Map handleHttpReport() { logDebug "handleHttpReport", "trace" Boolean isLocal = params.isLocal == "true" || params.isLocal == true render contentType: "text/html", status: 200, data: createReportHTML(isLocal) } Map handleHttpToggleSnooze() { logDebug "handleHttpToggleSnooze(); params = $params", "trace" String deviceId = request?.JSON?.deviceId Map returnJSON if (deviceId != null) { if (checkIfSnoozed(deviceId)) { unsnoozeDevice(deviceId) returnJSON = [status: "unsnoozed"] } else { snoozeDevice(deviceId) returnJSON = [status: "snoozed"] } } else { logDebug "received snooze request with no device ID" returnJSON = [status: "error"] } returnJSON } String getLocalPathWithToken(String forPath) { return getFullLocalApiServerUrl() + forPath + "?access_token=${state.accessToken}" } String getCloudPathWithToken(String forPath) { return getFullApiServerUrl() + forPath + "?access_token=${state.accessToken}" } String createReportHTML(Boolean isLocal=true) { StringWriter swriter = new StringWriter() MarkupBuilder markup = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(swriter) Map> inactiveDeviceMap = getInactiveDeviceMap(true) if (inactiveDeviceMap) inactiveDeviceMap = inactiveDeviceMap.sort { it.key.displayName } swriter.write "\n\n" new MarkupBuilder(swriter).title("Device Activity Check - ${location.name}") swriter.write "\n\n\n\n" new MarkupBuilder(swriter).body { header { h1("Inactive Device Report") div(role: "doc-subtitle", app.name) p(location.name) } table(id: "reportTable") { tr(class: "header") { th(onclick: "sortTable(0);", "Device") th(onclick: "sortTable(1);", "Status/Last Activity") th(onclick: "sortTable(2);", "Snooze") } inactiveDeviceMap.each { DeviceWrapper dev, List states -> tr { if (isLocal) { td { a(href: "/device/edit/${dev.id}", dev.displayName) } } else { td(dev.displayName) } td(states.join(', ')) td { if (checkIfSnoozed(dev.id)) { // using uppercase to avoid collision with Hubitat method... INPUT(type: "checkbox", id: "snoozebox_dev_${dev.id}", value: "snoozebox_dev_${dev.id}", onclick: "toggleSnooze(${dev.id})", checked: true) LABEL(for: "snoozebox_dev_${dev.id}", hidden: true, "Is snoozed?") } else { INPUT(type: "checkbox", id: "snoozebox_dev_${dev.id}", value: "snoozebox_dev_${dev.id}", onclick: "toggleSnooze(${dev.id})") LABEL(for: "snoozebox_dev_${dev.id}", hidden: true, "Is snoozed?") } } } } } } swriter.write("") return swriter.toString() } @Field static final String reportCSS = """ h1,header>p{padding-top:.25em}[role=doc-subtitle],h1,header>p{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0}body{font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}h1{padding-bottom:.1em}[role=doc-subtitle]{padding-top:.1em;padding-bottom:.5em}header>p{padding-bottom:1.5em;font-size:85%}#reportTable{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}#reportTable td,#reportTable th{border:1px solid #ddd;padding:.5em}#reportTable th{cursor:pointer;padding-top:.66em;padding-bottom:.66em;text-align:left;background-color:#8cba00;color:#fff}#reportTable tr:nth-child(2n){background-color:#f2f2f2}#reportTable tr:hover{background-color:#ddd} """ String getToggleSnoozeJS() { """ async function toggleSnooze(deviceId) { event.preventDefault(); const req = new Request(`../dac/toggleSnooze?access_token=${state.accessToken}`, { method: 'POST', mode: 'cors', redirect: 'follow', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ deviceId: +`\${deviceId}` }) }); const response = await fetch(req); const jsonData = await response.json(); const devChkbox = document.getElementById(`snoozebox_dev_\${deviceId}`); if (jsonData?.status == "snoozed") { devChkbox.checked = true; } else if (jsonData?.status == "unsnoozed") { devChkbox.checked = false; } else { console.log("error setting snooze status"); } } """ } @Field static final String tableSortJS = """ function sortTable(e){var r,a,n,o,t,s,T,i,L=0;for(r=document.getElementById("reportTable"),n=!0,i="asc";n;){for(o=1,n=!1,a=r.rows;os.innerHTML.toLowerCase()){T=!0;break}}else if("desc"==i&&t.innerHTML.toLowerCase()